Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 534 Jinchūriki Creation Plan

"Teacher, I really can't drink anymore."

Auditorium Light looked at the whole box of coffee beans in front of him with fear on his face.

Duanmu Ci sighed: "I wanted to use this thing to remember my old comrades."

"Later I found out that I really don't like drinking coffee, but I bought so much in one go. I originally planned to turn the coffee into milk, but that would be a waste. After thinking about it, since you don't refuse to drink it, "Coffee, why don't you get it for you?"

"You say so, Xiang."

Xiang, who was looking at the coffee in a daze, nodded blankly.

He also drank a lot.

I have a premonition that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Yabuki Yue was drinking coffee and eating mousse cake on the side, looking like she was enjoying herself very much.

"You are still too young. You only drink a little coffee and that's it. How can you fish well in the future?"

Auditorium Guang smiled helplessly: "But it's not right to fish."

Yabuki Yue nodded: "Young people do need some motivation, but you also have to learn. You should be able to use it when you are old."

This is the case in many jobs. Young people are enthusiastic and old people are extremely enthusiastic about fishing.

Duanmu Ci said: "Don't always think about teaching young people bad things."

After speaking, he patted the auditorium light on the shoulder: "Actually, I have an idea for keeping you two here."

Duanmu explained a huge plan to them.

Duanmu Ci had this idea when he saw Chaos Tregear before.

It's just that this idea is just an idea at the moment.

"First of all, there are actually many super-powerful pure energy bodies in the universe. For example, the sun is one of them. Of course, we are not talking about the sun."

Auditorium Guang nodded: "I have encountered this kind of thing many times."

Yabuki Yue and Duanmu Ci are also old friends. The two have studied together for more than 10,000 years. Duanmu Ci just said the beginning, and he could guess Duanmu Ci's thoughts after that.

"You want to create a Jinchuuriki, right?"

Sho: "Jinchūriki?"

He had never heard of this term, but it always felt like it was not a good thing.

Duanmuci nodded: "Except for my special situation, other Ultramans, such as you and others, should have the possibility of being jinchūriki."

"Just like Chaos Tregear, sealing Grimd within himself."

Yabuki Yue: "But this kind of thing will affect my mind, right?"

"Huge power often has its own will, and sealing it within the body is quite dangerous!"

It feels like humans want to develop their own Ultraman.

This level of research is taboo even for Ultraman.

Duanmu Ci: "Of course I know that huge energy often has its own will, but don't you want to be like Chaos Tregear, who can release light at will without worrying about insufficient energy?"


Tregchia on the side raised his hand silently: "Dr. Duanmu, allow me to interrupt."

"You have been talking about Chaos Tregear since just now. Are you talking about me?"

Yabuki sighed helplessly and patted Tregear on the shoulder.

"It's a long story."

Afterwards, he briefly told this poor insignificant Tregear the story of his darkening in the future.

"In general, Chaos Tregear, who is you in the future, is still essentially a scientist, but has just become a real mad scientist."

After listening to the story, Tregear's eyes were filled with confusion.

He really couldn't imagine that he would become like this in the future.

Although it sounds much more stylish and elegant than it is now, is it too crazy?

Duanmu Ci said: "Actually, you don't have anything to worry about."

Tregear was stunned and looked at Duanmuci: "Why do you say that?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "Because you are yourself, not someone in the future!"

"Besides, there is a big difference between his future me and my present self. He doesn't even know about many of my inventions, but I invented these things together with you."

"So he is definitely not your future. Just treat it as one of your countless futures that has taken a slightly different path."

Tregchia smiled bitterly: "Doctor, you are really optimistic."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Don't your name originally mean crazy curiosity? Whether you agree with it or not, you are essentially a scientist."

"However, under my teachings, you must understand some issues better. As long as you follow the right path and keep working hard, there is no so-called upper limit to your strength."

"And those methods will only limit your own potential."

"Everyone just happens to be here. Let me briefly tell you why I knew about Grimmd's existence but never thought of grabbing his power of chaos."

Upon hearing this, everyone present immediately became energetic.

They really wanted to know why Duanmuci clearly knew about Grimd's existence but didn't think of operating it.

"First of all, Grimd's combat power is very strong. I'm not sure I can hold it firmly."

Hearing this, Yabuki Yue and Tregear were shocked. Auditorium Hikaru and Xiang didn't know Duanmuci's current strength, but they knew how outrageous Yunivos was now.

He couldn't even win it stably. This Grimd was indeed an incredible being.

"The second point is that its chaotic power is actually not the real chaotic power."

As soon as these words came out, Yabuki Yue recalled what Univos said when he was fighting Chaos Tregear that his Chaos Power was not the real Chaos Power.

"Have you known about the existence of the real power of chaos?"

Duanmu gave a smile: "In fact, if you are strong enough to a certain extent, you will gradually be able to understand some of the laws of the universe, and that's it."

"The light and darkness of the universe tend to be balanced."

"The balance of yin and yang is the essence of the world. Whether it is light or darkness, too much prominence will lead to instability in the universe."

"But the general instability only stays on the surface. After all, even if the 18 billion Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light become warriors of the level of the Ultra Brothers, it will only be 18 billion more Ultramen. They are just brothers, their influence is not even as great as a few more stars, and they have little impact on the universe.”

"But when you reach my level, it will have some impact on the universe. If it reaches the level of Noah, it will have a huge impact on the entire universe, because even he alone can bring about a huge imbalance of light and darkness. ”

"The main reason why Grimmund is so powerful but does not cause the balance of light and darkness to become imbalanced is that its power itself is a state of balance between light and darkness. This is also what it calls chaos."

"But the real power of chaos I'm talking about is not like this. The real chaos is definitely not a simple balance of light and darkness, but a perpetual motion machine!"

Yabuki coughed lightly: "Duanmu, perpetual motion machines do not exist."

The more powerful scientists are, the more they understand the impossibility of perpetual motion. Even the core of the plasma spark tower in the Kingdom of Light, which is almost equivalent to a perpetual motion machine, is not a true perpetual motion machine, but has a very large energy level.

Duanmu smiled: "Of course there is no perpetual motion machine in conventional science, but the power of chaos has the possibility of perpetual motion motion!"

"A real scientist will never say it's impossible. From my guess, when the power of chaos appears, a perpetual motion machine really appears."

"Actually, I encountered a very powerful monster fifteen years ago. You must have heard about this, right?"

Auditorium Light nodded: "I heard Teacher Taylor say it."

"That very special monster is essentially a special life form in the void. If it is placed in the universe, it should not meet the definition of a life form. But if it is placed in the void, it is a life form and it is also a gap in the void."

"Its energy is unlimited."

Yabuki frowned slightly: "You mean, it directly uses the power of the void?"

Duanmu Ci nodded and shook his head: "Not completely, the void and the universe are opposite."

"Let me ask you a basic question. From the nature of energy, if we use energy, does the energy disappear?"

Yabuki Yue: "How is it possible? The energy will not disappear, it will just be converted."

Duanmu gave a smile: "This is the power of void. It is opposite to the universe. Use of light will produce darkness, and use of darkness will produce light. Infinite use of light equals infinite generation of darkness. This is a perpetual motion machine. "

Yabuki Yue: "..."

He had a feeling that everything he had learned had been subverted, but he also felt that Duanmu Ci was right.

Although it was just a scientific hypothesis, he believed that with the technological power bestowed by Duanmu, such a hypothesis would become a reality sooner or later.

"If one day, this power of chaos is really researched..."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "I don't know how to use it myself. The light on my body has too many meanings."

"But I can release this power and choose a person as my master who will never give up moving forward even at the lowest point in his life."

"Those who have experienced the lowest point in life and still do not change their aspirations, who have experienced all kinds of brilliance and still do not forget their original aspirations, such a person has the strongest belief. I believe he can make good use of this power."

Tregchia's eyes widened at the side: "Doctor, aren't you talking about me?"

Yabuki Tsuki: →_→

"Tregear, grace."

"That's not important. What's important is that I now have some new ideas about Jinchuuriki technology."

"Powerful energy, but no will, I can create such a thing!"

Everyone looked at Duanmu Ci in shock.

Duanmu smiled: "Actually, this is all thanks to Yabuki Yue's research on light."

Yabuki Yue was a little confused: "What do you want to do?"

Duanmu Ci: "What if we use Ultraman's own power to cultivate and strengthen him, and finally return it to our own bodies?"

Yabuki Yue: "..."

Duanmuci then began to explain the possibility of this kind of thing, and how to achieve this effect.

After listening to Duanmu's "small class", Tregear's whole body became numb.

He has been working on Duanmu Ci and Yabuki Yue for a long time recently, and he even feels like he is almost catching up with them.

After hearing Duanmu Ci's words, he realized how conceited his thoughts were.

It’s not just a question of inspiration or not.

What is more important is the basic strength of science.

Having inspiration is important, but the basic strength to realize the inspiration is even more important.

Duanmu Ci said a lot of things as soon as he opened his mouth, just like a math teacher explaining to you how to solve a problem. After listening to it, you realized how naive you were because you couldn't solve the problem.

Only Yabuki Yue was present who could keep up with Duanmu Shi's rhythm and give some suggestions. The others would just nod blankly.

The most obvious of these is Xiang.

Litang Guang had studied science with Duanmu Ci for a long time, but Xiang had not studied it at all. He had been exposed to "theological" education since he was a child, so he didn't understand science at all.

So when Duanmuci said those things, his expression was always like this:


There is a feeling of wanting to leave.

Why, why are there so many scientists in the world?

"This idea is feasible."

Yabuki Yue said: "In that case, let me, a senior scientist, conduct experiments first and use my energy to cultivate it."

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"Be sensible, you are a scientist, it is not your job to fight and kill."

Yabuki Yue: "I'm still the swordsman of the universe!"

The swordsman of the universe! ?

After hearing this, Xiang immediately became energetic. He finally heard something interesting that had nothing to do with science.

Duanmu Ci: "You haven't used a sword for a long time. Besides, haven't you changed your nickname?"

Yabuki Yue: "But now those space people in the universe only know my nickname is Space Swordsman."

"In the final analysis, I am actually a knight who has mastered core technology."

Duanmuci: "Really? Come and see how you perform a knight kick?"

Yabuki Yue was dissatisfied: "Do knights have to know how to kick?"

"That!" Xiang suddenly raised his hand and asked, "Can you let me say a word?"

Duanmu Ci and Yabuki Yue looked at him at the same time.

Xiang: "Actually, I am also a swordsman."

Duanmuci raised his eyebrows: "No, aren't you a kicking expert?"

Xiang smiled shyly: "Kicking is my talent, and swordsmanship is also my hobby."

Duanmu Ci pinched his chin: "I see."

"I was thinking about what gift to give you as a young man when I first met you, but now is the time."

While talking, Duanmu Ci took out a book from his pocket.

Or a thread-bound book.

There are four big characters on the cover of the book.

"Dugu Nine Swords?"

Duanmuci: "Don't underestimate my swordsmanship. My swordsmanship is not weaker than the swordsmanship of the universe swordsman Yabuki Yue!"

Yabuki Tsuki: →_→

"Don't be fooled by him. He has been learning swordsmanship from the Kingdom of Light since elementary school. Where did he get the Dugu Nine Swords? This is the kung fu in martial arts novels."

After saying that, he also took out a thread-bound book

"This is my real swordsmanship. It is the actual swordsmanship I learned from competing with masters everywhere in the universe. It is much more handsome than his."

Xiang took a look at the thread-bound book, and there were four big characters on it.

"Cosmic swordsmanship?"

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that the name Dugu Jiujian was better and more powerful.

Duanmuci laughed loudly: "Is this name based on the cosmic boxing technique? I didn't expect that you, a thick-browed and big-eyed person, are also a bad namer!"

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