Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 540 The Power of Humanity

Dark Zaki looked at Ax, who had transformed into life-size, and shook his head with a smile.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

"I don't even need to take action."

As he spoke, he looked at Amy Lalu who was aside.

"Aimee LaRue."

Amy Lalu walked out, the light blooming from her body.

He broke through the factory and turned into a dark giant that was somewhat similar to Dark Zaki.

Seeing that the enemy had grown to a huge size, it was obvious that he was not prepared to fight with him. Ax did not continue to fight in this posture. He spread his hands, the light on his body became brighter and brighter, and his whole body began to grow in size.

. . .

"Alarm, alarm!"

The appearance of the two giants directly set off the alarm for the entire base

At the same time, the two contacted the entire team and explained the current situation.

Everyone quickly gathered in the command center.

It's just that Duanmu Ci and Da Kong Dadi didn't come.

Shotaro Kamiki is quite confused

"Why haven't Commander Duanmu and Dadi arrived yet?"

"One of them is commanding operations and the other is a frontline analyst. Why are they absent at this time?"

Sayuri smiled and said: "Duanmu is still doing special research, Dadi should be trying to start with him."

"When they really finish their research, these things will probably not be a problem."

Shotaro Kamiki shook his head helplessly: "In fact, our current equipment should be enough. Dealing with these enemies is just a matter of preventing them from causing great damage to the city."

"Besides, Noah is here."

Such words made Yabuki Yue frown, but he didn't say much.

Humans cannot rely too much on Ultraman, just like Ultraman cannot rely too much on the King of Ultraman. Ultraman, King of Ultraman, Noah, no matter how powerful individuals are, are just individuals, and they cannot always take care of everything. .

In the end, it still depends on humans themselves.

But it's a bit inappropriate for him, an Ultraman, to do this kind of thing.

"This won't work."

At this moment, Asuna on the side spoke.

"If we rely too much on Noah's power like we do now, eventually we will just lose our ability to fight on our own."

Shotaro Kamiki was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and laughed: "That's right, even I have been a little carried away recently, it's my fault."

"However, I have always believed in everyone's power!"

"Even without Noah, we still have Guidao team members and Kazama team members, right?"

Takashima Hayato and Kazama Watari nodded: "We will fly the fighter jet to the scene immediately!"

The two of them were about to run to the hangar when Sayuri suddenly stopped them: "Wait!"

"Dr. Hermann, I remember that Commander Duanmu prepared a new main gun for the fighter jet. Could you please help install it? This time the main gun is an enhanced version of the Magnum beam cannon, called the Lightning Eagle beam cannon. "

Lightning Eagle! ! !

This name is not simple at first sight.

Then Sayuri looked at the two of them: "The Lightning Eagle is more powerful and has greater recoil. It is naturally more difficult to control the fighter stably, but other than this, we have no other possibility."

Kazama Watari nodded: "I will definitely control the main gun!"

Takashima Hayato: "I can also control the fighter jet well!"

After saying this, the few people quickly rushed to the hangar.

After watching them leave, everyone turned their attention to the scene.

As expected of X, who has evolved for a long time.

Although the opponent is very strong, not even weaker than the Gu Asan brothers, Aix is ​​not at all inferior now.

He hadn't even opened his transcendent form yet and was already on par with his opponent, the dark giant.

Correspondent Ken Yamagishi suddenly said: "This black giant is essentially an alien beast! The alien beast detector commanded by Duanmu has an effect on it!"

Everyone present seemed to have guessed this result.

At the same time, Asuna guessed something different.

Others don't know much about the current battle site, but she knows it very well as someone who has been there directly.

This is the factory she went to with Dadi.

Combined with the various performances of the earth during this period, an idea appeared in her mind uncontrollably.

The earth is Aix!

Her thoughts went back to the time when she first fought against the molten iron monster Dimaga. At that time, the sky and the earth were affected by the explosion. She went to look for the earth at that time. Later, she was discovered by Dimaga. She was very sure that if it weren't for Aix's When he appeared, he should have died at the hands of Dimaga.

Combined with Aix's various battle scenes later, she is now 120% certain.

The earth must be Aix.

At this time, she looked at Duanmuci's exclusive cabinet.

If she remembered correctly, it seemed like there was something really awesome hidden in this cabinet!

She sneaked over while everyone's eyes were on the battle, opened the small cabinet, and took out two cards from inside.

Sure enough, both of these things are here.

These two cards are Cyber ​​Gomora and Cyber ​​Baltan.

Because this kind of thing is relatively dangerous, Duanmu Ci usually controls it personally during battles.

Of course, in recent battles, these two electronic monsters have not been used much, because X's battles are indeed getting smoother and smoother, and the opponent has no chance of winning at all. Of course, this kind of thing is hidden as a hidden weapon.

Now that the opponent and X are evenly matched, it is naturally time for this thing to appear.

She took out the two cards and put them on the computer next to her. Many parameters have been set long ago. She just needs to set a "birthplace". She chose the place and pressed the generate button.

Then a ray of light was emitted from Base X, and appeared next to X after refraction.

X is still fighting with the opponent's small light, consuming it remotely.

At this time, two rays of light appeared, and the electronic Gomora and the electronic Baltan star appeared beside him at the same time.

Everyone in the command center immediately turned around and looked at Duanmu Ci's exclusive position, and naturally saw Asuna who was controlling it.

It must be said that such an operation is illegal.

But the rules were originally set by Shenmu Shotaro and Duanmu Sayuri. The two of them pretended not to see it, and naturally no one else would say anything more.

Sure enough, since Cyber ​​Gomora and Cyber ​​Baltan joined the battle, the situation quickly turned into a complete crushing of X.

The three surrounded Emerallu, and various attacks came from all directions. Emerallu was not a fighting expert, so he naturally couldn't deal with this situation. He was hit more than ten times in just a few seconds, and the situation took a sharp turn.

But even so, Dark Zagi, who was watching the battle below, had no intention of taking action, and still had a playful smile on his face.

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