Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 543: Big debut!!!

Seeing the alien beast's painful and twisted look, Asuna couldn't help but marvel.

It is indeed the invention of conductor Duanmu, and the effect is really good!

The only problem is.

Alex was twitching. . .

Because Aix was twitching, the light emission stopped.

This also gave Dark Zaki a chance to check on the situation of Emiraru behind him.

Amy LaRue is very bad right now.

The power of the alien beast in his body is weakening rapidly, and if this continues, all the power of the alien beast in his body will be annihilated in less than half a minute.

Seeing the darkness, Zaki quickly used a luminous ray in the sky to disperse all the "rain" in the area.

But it's too late.

What really matters most is not the rain, but the special radiation.

Can enhance the radiation of R7 factor.

This kind of thing is fatal poison to alien beasts.

Seeing the rain being blasted away, Amy Lalu's power still declined at the same speed. Although Dark Zaki felt a lot of unwillingness in his heart, he finally released his dark power in pain and wrapped Amy Lalu.

Amy Lalu, who was wrapped in the power of darkness, had already known her end. Faced with the darkness Zaki who kept devouring her power, she said thank you.

Dark Zaki did not respond, but only strengthened the dark power that devoured his power a little more.

On the other side, Aix finally returned to normal after a period of twitching, and the gorgeous colorful light on his body became a little brighter.

The R7 factor is a subdivision of Noah's power.

Ax already had part of Noah's light when he used the modified Palagi Shield, but the main light in his body at that time was his own light.

Now being forcefully invaded by Noah's energy, the two forces in the body collide and merge with each other, and the initial pain is inevitable.

But also because of this, now his power has also been qualitatively improved, and the colorful brilliance on his body is closer to bright white.

On the opposite side, after Dark Zaki swallowed the ancestor-level alien beast, his life level also changed.

His dark power and the power of the alien beast are complementary, so he will take the alien beast into account every time he chooses the "fusion" target.

However, Dark Zaki has not changed much on the surface, except that a pair of Zaki's wings have grown from his back.

Dark Zaki regretted not absorbing Emerald earlier, so that a lot of his power was consumed.

"The way he looks now still hasn't reached the level of Dark Lucifer."

If the level of life has not been sublimated, it does not count as evolution. It is just the realization of one's potential.

In other words, he is still called Dark Zaki now and does not need to change his name.

Then he looked at the opponent's transcendent form Aix, whose strength had been strengthened by a wave of strength.

Maybe after devouring his power, he can advance to another level?

Just do it!

Dark Zaki flashed and appeared in front of Aix with a "buzz" sound.

Ax, an opponent who can teleport like this, has not been trained very well.

He didn't react for a while, and was punched on the jaw by Dark Zaki. His whole head was buzzing, and he flew back uncontrollably.

Seeing that Aix was hit, the Xio Musketeer fired several powerful laser cannons in succession.

But Dark Zaki didn't even look at them. He let the laser cannons bombard him with explosions. At this moment, he only had Ax in his eyes.

A heavy punch to the jaw would have basically resulted in a KO in a normal fighting match.

But Ultraman's physical ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people after all. Ax shook his head and actually stood up, but he was only halfway up when Dark Zaki suddenly teleported behind him and strangled his neck. , played a naked choke.

Ultraman will not fall into a coma quickly after being nakedly strangled like humans, but it is not that easy to break free.

At the same time, the dark power of Dark Zaki also began to flow out, constantly drawing power from Ax's color timer.

"what to do!"

Takashima Hayato: "Can I still use the Lightning Eagle beam cannon?"

Kazama Watari denied: "The Lightning Eagle is too powerful. We fired two more rounds. Now the main gun muzzle is still overheated. Let alone the Lightning Eagle, we use even ordinary Magnum beam cannons." Sorry!"

Takashima Hayato: "But our ordinary laser cannons are completely useless against him. How to stop him now?"

Kazama Watari: "I have an idea!"

Takashima Hayato: "???"

. . .

Under everyone's gaze, the Xio Musketeer turned around and flew into the distance.

At that moment, countless people who were paying attention to the live battle almost couldn't help but curse.

He actually ran away at this time!

But before anyone could curse, the Xio Musketeer turned the fuselage sharply, and then crashed straight into Dark Zaki, his speed increasing continuously.


"They want a suicide attack!"

At this moment, everyone's dissatisfaction with them disappeared, leaving only worry and tension.

Worried about whether they could survive, and nervous, afraid that Dark Zaki would hide away and make their attempt in vain.

Of course, no matter how many ideas you have, it only takes a blink of an eye.

In a short period of time, the speed of the fighter jet has reached its maximum.

Just as the fighter was about to hit Dark Zagi, the AI-controlled forced escape device ejected Xio Atos, and the two drove the car slowly to the ground.

The fuselage of the fighter continued to move forward and hit Dark Zagi's shoulder.

This was equivalent to a full-strength Leo Kick.

However, Dark Zagi just shook his shoulders, and the speed of absorbing X's power did not slow down at all.

Takashima Hayato and Kazama Wataru looked at the still intact Dark Zagi and were immediately desperate.

The other spectators were even more desperate.

This Dark Zagi looked like an ordinary Ultraman, and there was no strange domineering sense of oppression, but he was so invincible.

Ordinary invincibility.

Just like a bald cape man.

"The earth is over."

Asuna on the ground was also anxious. She took Xio Bolts and transformed it into a ground musketeer. The huge muzzle was aimed at Dark Zagi. One person barely controlled it and fired a Magnum beam cannon at Dark Zagi.

But before it even reached Dark Zagi, it was blocked by an invisible shield.

Shotaro Kamiki in the command center was also a little panicked.

"Captain Sayuri, are we going to send energy to X?"

They also have a trick, using the energy of Base X to charge X and create a modified Paraji Shield.

Sayuri gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"No matter how much energy he gives in his current state, it will be absorbed."

"He must break free before he can be equipped with the Paraji Shield."

Yabuki Tsuki gave Torrekia a look, and the two left the command center silently.

Then two blue lights surged out from Base X and rushed to the scene quickly.

Just when Dark Zagi was enjoying the absorption, two rays of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit Dark Zagi's head.

Dark Zagi did see these two rays of light, but he felt that the special effects of these two rays of light were mediocre, so he didn't prepare to hide.

But who knew that the two rays of light were so lethal that after hitting his head, Dark Zagi felt dizzy and the restraints on his hands loosened uncontrollably.

Ax knew that the opportunity was not to be missed. Although he was still a little confused, he didn't care about so much at this time. He forced himself to break free from Dark Zagi's restraints and rolled on the ground for several rounds, rolling away a safe distance.

At the beginning, Duanmu Ci had judged that after Hikari used the "Star Generator" three times, he would have enough strength to deal with Tungsten Steel King Guqiao.

The solution here, of course, does not mean that they can fight and the energy is equal, but that the light is enough to smash Tungsten Steel King Guqiao.

Tungsten Steel King Guqiao's special alloy at that time was almost undamaged by the Magnum beam cannon.

It is not difficult to injure, but the difficulty coefficient of directly destroying is extremely high.

It can be seen that Duanmu Ci affirmed the energy level of Hikari after three evolutions.

Torrekia's physical talent is not good, but his hidden talent is not bad. He also used the star generator three times and his combat power is also quite terrifying.

The combined light of the two would evaporate even if Gu Asan and his sister were hit.

But when it hit Dark Zagi, it only made his head dazed and he fell backward uncontrollably.

He was not even injured.

Hikari and Torrekia stepped forward to help X up.

Then a beam of light fell from the sky on X, forming a Paraji Shield.

At the same time, the entire Base X entered low power mode.

It was also because of the timely arrival of the Paraji Shield that X stabilized his body and did not weaken his legs because he had just been sucked for so long.

"Senior Hikari!"

"And this one!"

Torrekia had no emotion on his face: "Iron Palm Breaks Mountains."

X: "Ah?"

Torrekia: "Iron Palm Breaks Mountains, this is my name, how many times do you want me to say it?"

He suddenly realized the consequences of using his original name to hang out with humans.

If he didn't take action normally, no one would know that there was such an Ultraman, and naturally they would not know that the name Torrekia represented Ultraman.

Now that he has taken action, others ask for his name.

The name Torrekia has been blocked directly. If he says it out, wouldn’t it be equivalent to revealing his identity?

But if he doesn’t say this name, he will be a little uncomfortable if others say other names.

In the end, after much hesitation, Torrekia gritted his teeth and chose the name "Iron Palm Breaking Mountains", which he was barely familiar with.

X: "Senior, your name is a bit domineering!"

Torrekia helplessly held his forehead: "I'm glad you understand."

Hikari saw that Dark Zagi had stood up, and hurriedly called the two crosstalk performers.

"The enemy is awake, and we will talk about the extra words later."

Dark Zagi looked at the three Ultramen opposite. Although he didn't have any expression on the surface (indeed, he couldn't have any), he was already laughing like crazy in his heart.

He didn't care at all that he had just been interrupted while absorbing energy. Instead, he looked at Hikari and Tregear excitedly.

"Hikari, Tregear, your powers seem to be a little different from what I have in my data!"

Aix looked at Tregear in surprise: "He called you Tregear?"

Tregear denied with a cold face: "You must have heard it wrong."

Damn it, I already have a nickname I don't like, and my identity is exposed directly!

This Dark Zagi deserves to die.

Hikari crossed his hands in front of him and stretched out two long swords.

The two long swords have now completely changed the material, using the same material as the Univos Black Sword, but he doesn't like black, so he dyed both long swords blue and gold.

Blue sword in the left hand, gold sword in the right hand.

"X, Iron Palm Breaks Mountains, Pin Formation!"

The two people around nodded, and then Hikari rushed directly behind Dark Zagi at the fastest speed. X and Torrekia stood in front of Dark Zagi's left and right respectively.

The three people were arranged in a Pin shape and attacked Dark Zagi at the same time.

Dark Zagi faced the attack of three people.

There was really no room for fighting back.

His fighting skills were not his strong point, but they were not weak, not strong.

But his opponents, Hikari is a "cosmic swordsman", and Torrekia is a descendant of cosmic boxing. Although Leo may not want to admit it, their fighting skills are indeed the best.

X's fighting skills are a little worse, but he has also been specially trained by AI instructor Leo, and his fighting skills are not inferior to Dark Zagi.

Even if the three of them fight Dark Zagi alone, Dark Zagi will be beaten in close combat skills.

Dark Zagi is completely no match for the three of them together.


Dark Zagi's strengths are his exaggerated physical defense ability and even more exaggerated light output ability.

Facing the beating of three people, Dark Zagi couldn't find a breakthrough in melee, so he simply didn't break through. He just formed an L shape with his hands in front of him, and aimed at the ground diagonally to output a burst of light.

This is a very smart approach. If you hit it straight, X and the others can continue to attack after dodging the light and bombard the ground. Even if X and the others dodge, they will be affected by the explosion. Although the damage is not as exaggerated as the direct hit of the light, it is unavoidable and hard to defend.

He just released a simplified red version of "Lightning Zagi" and circled the ground.

The three were engulfed by his light explosion and were blown away.

The first one to recover was Hikari.

He was blown away and hit a small mound, which was almost flattened by him.

"The gap in absolute strength is too big, no skills are useful!"

"Why did that guy Univos take so long to get help!"

Just as he kept complaining, a loud voice suddenly came from the sky.

"Why do I feel like someone is talking about me?"

This familiar voice attracted everyone's attention to the sky.

Then bright rays of light fell from the sky.

The leader was Univos wearing Noah's skin, on his left was the King of Ultraman shining with golden light, and on his right was Reijido.

Half a step behind him were Zero and Dyna.

Seeing Hikari's embarrassed look, Univos also greeted him.

"Hey, I'm back with reinforcements! Where is the dark Lucifer who is as powerful as Noah? Why do I only see a fried chicken with wings?"

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