Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 551 Eternal Core

Univos disappeared.

But Duanmu Ci is still there.

The principle is also very simple.

Duanmu Ci habitually puts an AI robot to replace himself for a short time when he transforms and leaves.

This habit has even become an instinct.

So when Daisora ​​Daichi came back, he didn't know how to explain to everyone that Univos replaced him.

He saw Duanmu Ci sitting in his seat and calmly greeting him.

"Commander! You?"

He was about to speak, and Yabuki Yue beside him immediately stopped him.

"Good boy, you haven't told the director that you are X until now, it's so hard for him to hide it!"

Then he said quickly in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Duanmu is not here, this is his robot substitute."

Hearing this, Daisora ​​Daichi suddenly realized, and then started the performance form

"Actually, I have my own difficulties."

Shenmu Shotaro stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying

"There is no need to say more, we can understand your difficulties."

The human bodies of Ultraman have always kept their identities mysterious, mainly to avoid many unnecessary problems.

"It's good to come back safely."

After saying that, Shenmu Shotaro's face became serious again.

"It's just that this time, the enemy, Greiza, I don't know why he escaped at the last moment."

"If you continue to fight, are you sure you can win?"

Daikoon Daichi shook his head: "No, I also know that the move I just made caused a lot of damage to it, but that move is also very consuming, and I can't use it many times myself. If this goes on, I will fall before defeating it."

This is also within Shenmu Shotaro's estimation.

"In fact, if you are Ultraman, we may be able to cooperate with you."

At this time, X, who was on Daiko's waist, suddenly spoke: "Is there any way?"

Daikoon Daichi raised the communicator so that everyone could see the appearance of X in the communicator.

Because this communicator is relatively complete and can reflect the overall image of X, he can not only chat with everyone, but others can even see his body language.

Shotaro Shenmu also reacted. X's real body is now in this communicator, and then he communicated directly with the real body.

"It's about energy. Just let a few doctors adjust the energy released by our base X to your energy. In this way, when you run out of energy during the battle, we can recharge you and ensure that you can fight to the end."

"In this way, you can use that high-damage move to kill Greeza."

"With sufficient energy, I think we can defeat it."

X nodded, then pinched his chin in thought.

"But the enemy should become stronger, right? If we use the plan to deal with Greeza before to deal with Greeza who is about to arrive, would it be inappropriate?"

Yabuki Yue came over with a tablet.

"In fact, the enemy's characteristics are mainly void monsters."

"Although we are dealing with monsters, in essence we are stitching up the cracks between the void and the universe."

"This is also the reason why conventional means are difficult to cause damage to it. Some means will even expand this 'crack', which will be more difficult to deal with at that time."

Such an enemy, let alone a newcomer like X, even an old hand like Yabuki Yue has never seen such an enemy for the first time.

The strength of the enemies encountered before was still in terms of power comparison. Even if he was as strong as the Empera starman, he was just a powerful cosmic person. To defeat him, you only need to use the most conventional means, that is, to defeat him with strength.

A completely "mechanical" boss like Greiza is an extremely rare type.

Yabuki Yue glanced at the robot Duanmu Ci over there.

Now that Duanmu Ci is not here, only he can take up the responsibility.

But who knows.

The robot Duanmu Ci was just glanced at and stood up immediately.

"I have collected some void power. It is not difficult to create equipment that counteracts it."

Yabuki Yue: "???"

"Do you know what you are talking about? It is not difficult to create such equipment?"

The robot Duanmu Ci nodded: "Don't worry, believe in my technological strength."

Yabuki Yue: "..."

How can a mere artificial intelligence speak so arrogantly?

Should it be said that it is worthy of being a technological product of Duanmu Ci, and it speaks and acts with a bit of the owner's personality.

Shenmu Shotaro didn't know that the Duanmu Ci in front of him was just a robot.

Based on his trust in Duanmu Ci, he agreed to such a plan.

"Then, Commander Duanmu will design equipment specifically for dealing with void monsters, and Dr. Yabuki will be responsible for modifying the energy output structure of Base X to ensure the combat endurance of X."

"As for the earth."

"You can train in the VR training ground to fight this type of enemy."

After the task was assigned, Yabuki Yue could only temporarily believe that this robot could be as good as the original.

And even if it was only his own research, he felt that it was not impossible for X to win.

It was just a little bit more difficult.

. . .

At the same time, Univos absorbed a lot of the "rules" of the void and finally created the seeds of chaos.

But after creating it, he found a more serious problem.

Just like the alchemy in fantasy novels, the highest level of elixirs have self-awareness.

This Chaos Seed is the same.

It has self-awareness after it is made.

Fortunately, it can communicate.

After a brief exchange with Univos, the Chaos Seed expressed its disdain for Gagra. . .

Although Gagra is not weak, it is not enough to make the Chaos Seed submit.

As for the unborn child of Zoffy and Fei'er.

Since it has not been born yet, it is not known whether it is suitable.

So it does not accept it.

It only believes what it sees.

This is a very rebellious Chaos Seed.

But Univos can understand it.

After all, it is also a life, so Univos gave it freedom not long after it was made.

Although it has no fate with the Chaos Seed, with this experience, Univos has learned how to make the "Light Seed".

Unlike the Chaos Seed, which can only be given to others after it is made.

The Light Seed can be used by oneself.

This kind of thing is equivalent to turning the finite into the infinite.

The energy of an Ultraman has an upper limit, but with this kind of thing, the life structure can be completely transformed, from the finite to the infinite.

Only in this way can Univos achieve the invincible posture in his mind.


After coming out of the "scientist mode", Univos realized that he was still in the void.

Although it would not cause any harm to himself here, there should be people waiting for him outside, right?

But before Univos could go out, a huge space-time channel suddenly appeared in the void.

Then several huge stone statues were thrown in. . .

Univos: "???"

After going forward to carefully identify, Univos's expression was also complicated for a while.

"What the hell is this?"

There are three stone statues coming in, and I don't know where Griza got them from.

These three stone statues, if you say they are familiar, Univos can barely be considered familiar.

But if you say they are not familiar, they are indeed a little different from the ones he knew before.

The female Ultraman statue in the middle looks almost identical to Camilla, carved from the same mold, but there are many differences in details.

The strong Ultraman statue that follows.

It feels a bit like Darram, but the style is very different and feels more modern.

The last one is also very similar to Hitler.

But the difference is even greater.

These three statues are like knockoff versions of the Camilla trio.

I also found a statue that looks very much like Tiga before.

But if you think about it carefully, the difference between that statue and Tiga is also obvious.


Univos was a little surprised. Did he encounter a knockoff group?

Soon, Griza threw in a bunch of super ancient monsters, alive.

Univos had seen some of these monsters, but overall the style was very different from the super ancient monsters he had encountered in the Tiga universe before, and many of them looked like spliced ​​monsters.

This is understandable.

Now Ultraman's technology is getting stronger and stronger. The Kingdom of Light has reformed the fighting styles of all warriors. The entire universe has also made new transformations to its various monsters. It is understandable that these super ancient monsters cater to the trend and merge.

Within the scope of acceptance.

Outside world.

After swallowing these monsters, Greeza's body shape began to change dramatically.

Although there was no benefit from swallowing Univos before, and he was pitted badly, swallowing these dark giants still worked.

All the memories remaining in these stone statues were extracted by it, excluding those love affairs and messy things, and the remaining fighting instincts and fighting skills all entered Greeza's center.

At this moment, Greeza is on Mars.

Its next stop is the earth!

Univos in the void does not need to get out of Greeza's body. He stretched out his hand and drew a horizontal line in front of him.

Then a space-time channel appeared, and he walked out naturally.

Originally wanted to take these monsters, ancient giants and so on out together.

But after careful consideration, if these dark giants are released, they may come back to life.

If they are related to the super energy body sealed by "Tiga", and it is released, Univos may not be able to withstand it now.

So Univos finally decided to let them stay in the void.

After all, it would not be more difficult for Gliza to be strengthened a little bit.

A ray of light lit up outside the earth's atmosphere.

Univos' figure appeared.

The Eye of Ultra looked at the situation on the ground, and after seeing that the robot that replaced him was still working, Univos was not in a hurry to go back to work.

Gliza is indeed very strong, but with various technological guarantees, X should be fine.

Even if he has problems, Hikari will not have any problems.

So Univos plunged directly into the universe blocked by the "Tiga" stone statue.

His dimensional ability is enough to directly cross the blockade of the stone statue and enter that universe.

He was noticed by the super exaggerated energy body without any surprise when he just entered.

But the energy body just looked at Univos quietly, without any kindness or malice, just observing him.

It was at this time that Univos noticed that the super exaggerated energy body was actually sealed in the earth of this universe.

Such a powerful thing is actually sealed in a small planet like the earth, which always feels quite magical.

It feels like there is a hydrogen bomb in a pencil case.

With just a flash, Univos came in front of the energy body.

The energy body also knew that Univos had such an ability, and did not resist or welcome Univos's direct arrival.

It just observed indifferently.

It was observing Univos, and Univos was also observing it.

Before, it was only detected from a distance by resonance, and it was known that it was something very similar to the sun.

Now it is observed up close, and it is indeed a sphere.

It is about 80% similar to the sun.

But the energy level in its body is much more exaggerated than the sun.

The two sides stared at each other for a long time, just when Univos was thinking about what angle to study this ball from.

The ball suddenly spoke.


"My name is Univos."


The ball had no intention of changing its words, and Univos just spread his hands. The name was just a name, and it was enough to know that it was calling itself.

There was no need to be serious about this with an energy body that might have Alzheimer's disease.

"What's your name?"

Although Univos's way of asking was very rude, the light ball did not feel offended.

"People here call me the Eternal Core."

It seems that all planets are like this, not talking much.

Univos was also in Gaia's world at the beginning, and Earth talked very little.

Maybe it is indeed limited by the form, there is not much to say, and the content of the words will be pale.

"As you can see, I am a ball."

Univos: "???"

Although he also wanted to communicate with this ball, he really didn't know how to respond when you said something so inexplicable.

It felt like chatting with a social phobia.

As if sensing Univos's embarrassment, the communication of the Eternal Core finally became a little more normal.

But only a little.

"There are many people who want to steal my power. I know that. I can see some fragments of the future."

"The stone statue of Ultraman you saw is called Triga, and the three dark giant stone statues are called Carmilla, Dagon, and Hitram."

Univos thought: "These names sound familiar."

Eternal Core: "They were all created by me."

Univos: "???"

Eternal Core: "This universe was created by me, modeled after another universe, and then allowed to develop freely to become what it is now."

Okay, now Univos knows who the pirate is.

"What's the matter with telling me this?"

Eternal Core: "I need you to help me protect my power."

"Afterwards, I will give you 30% of my energy."

. . .

It's a bit interesting. 30% of such a large energy body is already quite terrifying.

But this also means that if Univos hadn't come, it would have lost more than 30% of its energy.

Even Univos would have to think twice before facing such an opponent.

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