Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 553 A new era brings new problems

The three of them pierced the hilt of the knife into Griza's body almost at the same moment, and then a large amount of void energy burst out from the place where the hilt penetrated.

The three of them were constantly washed away by void energy, as if they were being bombarded by light, and their whole bodies were filled with burning pain.

At this time, the benefits of Univos's invention are revealed.

Hikali and Tregear, who had been burned several times by the star generator, felt that the current flush of void power was nothing at all, and they could even take the opportunity to absorb a little bit of void power to increase their energy.

Seeing the two of them standing so strong, Aix was inspired and he stood up hard.

In this way, the three of them did not take action, but instead tried their best to draw energy from the void.

In the end, there was a violent explosion on Griza, and all three dark giant stone statues flew out. However, within a second of coming out, they were all repelled by time and space to another world. Specifically, it was not these three. People who crazily plunder the power of the void can know this.

In addition, the life essence of many monsters also turned into pure energy and entered the hilts of the three people. In the end, the three people flew out due to the continuous explosions, and the hilts in each person's hands were The blade has also naturally formed.

What appeared in Aix's hand was a long sword with a slightly wider blade and an ice-blue color. It would emit some purple light when energy was used.

What appeared in Hikari's hand was a tachi. If no energy was used, it would be similar to the Hoshizanmaru of his former rival and friend Zamsha. If energy was output, the entire tachi would be wrapped with purple sword energy.

Tregear is holding an umbrella.

Only the tip of the umbrella is the blade, and the other parts can only be regarded as blunt weapons.

But he likes it very much, because it is in line with his previous conception of his new character, which must be elegant enough.

If the energy is released, the entire umbrella will emit a purple glow.

The three swords of the three people respectively represent the fighting thoughts of the three people.

Technology, tradition, elegance.

Seeing Griza crumbling under the time and space blockade, the three of them looked at each other, and at the same time used their newly acquired weapons to release their strongest attack methods.

The first is Ax's force splitting Huashan, which simply means jumping up and slashing from top to bottom.

Followed by Hikari’s Iaizhan Hosuki.

Finally, Tregear slowly walked forward, held the umbrella horizontally, and pierced the tip of the umbrella into Gliza's body, then pulled it out and left.

The attacks of the three of them left a horizontal, vertical and hole of light on Griza's body. When Tregear left and stood firm, the three attack energy burst out instantly.

Judging from the data, Griza's "health" was pouring rapidly and eventually returned to zero.

From the outside, it looked like there was a big explosion where Gliza was.

Smoke and dust filled the sky for a long time.


Hikari: "It probably won't follow the law of smoke and no harm."

Ax was a little unsure: "Maybe not? After all, this isn't an anime or something."

Tregear shook his head: "Animation is inspired by reality. Let's be careful not to lose the opportunity."

So the three of them could only wait attentively for the smoke to slowly fall.

No one dares to blow a gust of wind at this time for fear of blowing out an intact Grizza.


The laws in anime are easily invalidated in novels. After the smoke settled, only some residual void power was left on the scene, while Griza completely disappeared.

After confirming that it was really gone, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally quiet.

I really can't stand this demonic sound.

Compared with the cruel battle, this kind of psychological pressure makes them not want to touch it.

Then the three of them looked at the weapons in their hands. With just a thought, the weapon disappeared and attached to their wrists, forming a pattern.


Hikari chuckled.

"This robot is quite meticulous in its work."

Ax said: "In this case, the crisis in this world has been passed, right?"

Tregear nodded: "It should be over."

The three of them looked up at the sky unconsciously at the same time. The air after the war was so fresh. They had not felt this way for a long time.

At the same time, on the other side, Univos learned through the Ultra Realm that the three of them had eliminated Griza.

Originally, he was thinking about whether to go back and say goodbye to everyone, just like before.

But something happened recently that did not allow him to be so free.

The reason was that the Zero Guard received a distress signal from a planet called Planet Zant.

The Mirror Knight failed to meet the enemy when he rushed there, but he saw the destroyed planet Zant.

So he could only find Zero.

After Zero arrived, he released the time-space countercurrent ability of Glorious Zero in the sky of Planet Zante, reviving the entire destroyed planet.

But later, Zero learned that although the planet was restored, someone was still missing.

The missing person is the princess of the planet Zante, named Alena.

Alena has a sealing ability that can control the magic mirror. It is said that the sealing ability is so powerful that it can even seal Ultraman.

Zero knew that there should be a conspiracy, so he notified all the Ultraman he could about this matter, so that everyone should pay attention to it.

But it was just to draw everyone's attention. With such an unclear statement, everyone didn't even know what to pay attention to.

So people began to be attacked.

Univos also received a distress signal from other universes.

It was sent by Dyna.

And Xiao Meng sent it.

And the distress signal sent by Dyna clearly stated that Tiga had been defeated by the enemy.

This is Tiga in the form of "Tiga of Truth".

He was captured by the enemy, and might even be sealed in the two-dimensional world by the princess named Alena using the magic mirror.

Such a big event is more important than going back to say goodbye to others now.

So he decided to go to the Ultimate Zero Guard to take a look and get some initial information.

Thinking of this, Univos turned into colorful light and instantly traveled through time and space.

Soon he came to the Ultimate Zero Guard's Maddie Base.

He had just arrived at the gate of the base, and several rays of light rushed out immediately.

It was Mirror Knight, James, and Red Lotus Flame.

At first, the three thought they had received a commission, and they rushed out one after another out of boredom. Who knew that it was Noah who came.

What commission could Noah have?

But it was also good to take a look at the legend of the universe.

Univos looked at the three of them and knew that they had recognized the wrong person.

Helplessly spreading his hands: "I am Univos, the director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light, but I look like Noah."

Mirror Knight nodded: "Now that you mention it, I remember that you are Zero's predecessor in the Kingdom of Light!"

Ununivos: "Yes."

"Let's get straight to the point. I came here because of the follow-up of the destruction of the planet Zant that happened here before."

"Is Zero here now?"

Jambert shook his head: "If Zero is now, he should be chasing that Etarga, the mastermind behind the destruction of the planet Zant you mentioned."

"It's just that the guy moved too fast. Zero is still chasing him. I don't know if he has caught up."

"How did Zero determine where the enemy would be?"

Ununivos was a little curious. Zero should not have such an excellent detector that can detect across so many dimensions.

Mirror Knight explained: "It's like this. Princess Alena of the planet Zant has a special locator on her body, and Zero followed this locator."

Is that so.

After leaving the Ultimate Zero Guard, Univos sat cross-legged in the universe.

Univos had actually heard of the name Etarga.

He learned this name through discussions among those people in the universe black market.

He was said to be very powerful and might be able to fight against the Ultimate Ultraman.

However, compared to his strength, Univos was really curious about the group of people behind him.

Now the entire universe has entered the so-called "Age of Exploration".

Various dimensional technologies have been developed to the extreme.

Originally, there were many powerful characters hidden in various universes who could not leave their homeland because they had no dimensional abilities, and could only be local emperors, which was not very harmful.

Now with the help of such dimensional machines, these powerful characters that were supposed to be hidden in various corners of the universe have slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This Etarga is one of them.

Even now he has a nickname called "Super Time and Space Demon".

This Etarga is a very cruel character.

Originally, he should have nothing to do with Ultraman.

But the first person he met was probably Tiga.

Tiga's strength grew rapidly due to the bond with humans, which caused some trouble for Etarga. Therefore, in order to avoid any bond between humans and Ultraman, he directly sealed Tiga in his space-time city.

Later, Dyna also received a distress signal from their universe, and then fought with Etarga.

In the end, there was no news and he was sealed.

In general, Etarga is very powerful and it is not easy to deal with it.

This level of enemy is indeed what Univos wants now.

But Univos knows very well that there will be a group of people who are collecting strong people in the future.

This time, if Etarga and the Absoluts unite, will it be a bit too exciting?

A super-time and space demon that requires ten elite Ultramen to deal with, and the real "super-time and space", the Absoluts who wander freely in various timelines.

And the invisible things.

Who knows if Tartarus will bring the genuine Hyper Zetton?

Note, it is the genuine one.

Because recently Univos discovered that the Jettons have started selling Hyper Zetton in the black market of the universe.

From the appearance, it is only different from the genuine one by a wing, and its strength is much stronger than the ordinary Jetton, but it is still a little worse than Hyper Zetton.

Known enemies are very simple.

Unknown enemies are the most terrifying.

Univos feels that he is just a scientist after all, and the speed-through gameplay like Zero, which goes straight to the main line and fights the boss, is not suitable for him.

He needs to plan first.

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