Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 557: Tacit Game, Mysterious Ao's Conjecture

Duanmu Ci glanced at the sky.

He sensed that someone in the Spacetime City was driving a stealth machine out.

But it was just one person, and a young girl, who was probably Princess Alena.

I don't know what she was going to do.

But Duanmu Ci had some vague guesses.

This situation might be that the enemy's pig teammates started to exert their strength.

He was generally happy to see such things happen.

"Let's go, let's practice your tacit understanding first."

Guang and Xiang looked at each other.

"How to practice this kind of thing?"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "Have you heard of the two-person three-legged game?"

The two nodded, as if they understood a little bit of what Univos meant.

"Are you asking us to practice the two-person three-legged game?"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "If I'm not here, of course you can only use traditional methods to train, but since I'm here, your training can't be too shabby."

The two didn't quite understand what Duanmu Ci meant, but they knew that Duanmu Ci was ready to use his scientist's methods.

Haruno Musashi on the side was also a little curious.

Before, Univos only met Etarga once and quickly developed a means of restraint. Now, after looking at Litang Guang and Xiang, he found that the bond between them was already very deep and could be further improved!

Are all scientists so amazing?

Forgive Haruno Musashi for not having seen such a top scientist in the universe before and not understanding what is amazing.

Everyone returned to the city.

Zero found Duanmu Ci alone: ​​"Doctor, the Kingdom of Light seems to have a lot of new space guards recently. Even if you don't want to go back for the time being, you will have to go back sooner or later, right?"

"Have you ever thought about finding a few good seedlings to do research with you?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "The most technologically powerful people in the entire Kingdom of Light are in the Science and Technology Bureau. I know who has talent and who doesn't. There is no need for this kind of thing."

"But then again, you are not young anymore, and your strength is not weak. You can also find a disciple appropriately."

Hearing this, Zero was stunned, and then shook his head frantically: "Finding disciples is too troublesome! I usually have to run around, how can I have time to teach disciples or something?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: "In fact, there is no need to teach. Just choose a good disciple, he can improve himself, you just need to help him when he is confused or stuck in progress."

Zero: "This kind of disciple only exists in novels."

Apart from anything else, Zero thinks that his talent should be quite good, but wasn't it Leo who taught him hand in hand back then?

It took a long time to hone it with various practical training methods.

Duanmu Ci smiled and said nothing. Strictly speaking, Torrekia is equal to his and Hikari's common disciple.

But he and Hikari have never admitted this. The reason is very simple. Torrekia is too talented. They are just occasionally solving his doubts.

So talent is really amazing.

Of course, Univos's teacher may think so too.

His teacher is actually the previous director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, Stewell, who is now "forced" to retire early by the excellence of his disciples.

In his opinion, Univos is the type who can improve rapidly without much teaching, and so is Hikari.

The two are like destined opponents, competing with each other, making progress together, and soon leaving others far behind, completely out of the expectation of Stewell, the teacher.

"I don't know what old Stewell is doing now."

Now that Duanmu Ci has taken over the position of director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, Stewell should be able to retire with peace of mind.

That's great.

Maybe one day he can fish in the same pond as the King of Ultra.

However, in reality, Stwell still cannot retire peacefully.

Because both Univos and Hikari are not here, he has to deal with all kinds of tedious things by himself in the end.

Recently, it happens to be a period of great explosion of space technology, and his position as a manager is particularly important at this time.

Univos must send a copy of the information about the space black market back to the Science and Technology Bureau, and then he saw a lot of various magical technologies here. The universe is progressing, and the Kingdom of Light cannot fall behind, so he, the previous director, is now forced to come back and continue to be busy with various scheduling work.

It is worth mentioning that normal scientists are not like Univos and Hikari. If they want to study something, they just need to tinker with it themselves.

Normal scientists work in groups.

Everyone has their own expertise, and then everyone works together to do big projects.

One of the tasks of the director of the Space Science and Technology Bureau is to propose various projects and determine priorities, and then find the scientists below to assign tasks according to their areas of expertise, and finally hand them over to top scientists to test whether their inventions meet the requirements.

This is the normal scientific research process.

People like Univos and Hikari who can complete various large-scale projects, technological innovations and various new technological research by themselves are the real outliers.

This is also.

It's like someone wants to play a soul-like game, and finds that he is pressed to the ground by a small boss and rubbed wildly. He wants to find a video online first, and then he sees a video of a level 1 useless person bloodbathing the whole map. . .

That kind of boss operation is always in the minority. Being beaten around by the boss is the gaming experience for normal people.

Duanmu Ci quickly developed two game cabins.

Since having the technology to convert light into matter, Duanmu Ci now no longer thinks about the price and rarity of materials when inventing things.

It is worth mentioning that many high-tech planets in the universe have begun to crack this energy and matter conversion technology.

Univers knew this, but he didn't care.

This kind of project will result in losses no matter how much others invest, and all the money will be wasted.

This is the confidence of Univers.

Even if other people "pick up" this kind of machine from the Kingdom of Light, they can't use it, because the machines that can be transmitted to the Kingdom of Light are designed according to the unique light of everyone in the Kingdom of Light. Although those cosmic people are not Dark creatures, but the light in their bodies is not pure, so they cannot use this device at all.

After using various rare space alloys to create two "game cabins", Duanmuci asked AI Doraemon to add a large number of games to the game cabin.

"Okay, you can enter this cabin to train."

Duanmuci said to Litangguang and Xiang who were watching his operation behind him and dared not speak.

"This is my online gadget. I guarantee that we can quickly develop the best tacit understanding."

"The flow rate of time inside and outside time is 3000:1. That is to say, you stayed inside for 3000 hours, and only one hour passed outside. You don't have to worry about time."

"Don't worry about what to do if Atalga comes. If the enemy comes, I will call you out in advance."

This is why Univos developed a VR training cabin instead of a helmet.

In fact, with Univos’ technology, you only need a helmet to experience the full VR effect.

But in this case, there is not enough power to achieve a sufficient proportion of the time flow rate difference, which consumes a lot of will.

This VR game cabin is relatively large, so you can add all kinds of strange things in it. Each part has its own role, and finally forms such a complete game cabin, and the effect is naturally outstanding.

As Yunivos said before, no matter how advanced mobile phones are, they are far inferior to contemporary computers in terms of hard power.

Being big has big benefits.

Haruno Musashi walked over curiously and looked up and down this technologically advanced training cabin for a long time.

"Just letting them play games can help them develop their cooperation skills?"

Sero was also curious: "Yes, if you want to cultivate a tacit understanding, wouldn't it be enough to just use the two-person three-legged method to train the two of them?"

“Traditional and efficient.”

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"How can such a tradition reflect my technical excellence?"

Haruno Musashi, Cero: "???"

Duanmu Ci: "I asked AI to design a lot of action games for the two of them. At the same time, this is an online game. The two parties cannot communicate, but they both know what actions the other party has taken."

"If the two people's actions are not consistent, it is equivalent to the output command being invalid."

"For example, if someone cuts down someone with a sword, if one of them dodges to the left and the other dodges to the right, then this command will be invalid. It will be judged that he is still motionless in the center, and then he will be split in half by the sword. "

"Hiss!" Zero gasped.

"Is this too strict? The two of them are just looking for an opportunity to unite. Is it necessary to go to such an extreme level?"

Duanmu Ci: "The degree of tacit understanding between the two determines the upper limit of the combined strength. I know two friends. Although they have not received such training, their tacit understanding is as if they were taught by the same master."

"So as long as they combine together, they can exert effects far beyond their own strength."

He was talking about Gaia and Agururu.

Although the two of them didn't know it, Duanmuci, the bystander, could see it most clearly.

Although the two of them have different poses when fighting, their various moves after hitting the head are just like mirrors.

Therefore, after the two people merge, they can transform into an SSV, and their combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

"Don't worry, any game is unfamiliar at first, but after playing for a long time, everyone will understand the rules."

As Duanmu Ci said, although Litangguang and Xiang had a tacit understanding at the beginning, they still had many problems in the end, and they died countless times in the game.

Moreover, the game set by AI is very unbeatable. When the character they control dies, various things will jump out and taunt them, raising their blood pressure.

So the two of them fought and lost again and again, but they still fought and lost again and again. Gradually, they began to understand some of the methods the other party would use to dodge and how to counterattack when faced with certain moves.

He also gradually understood the other party's intention.

Duanmu Ci limited the verbal communication between the two, but allowed them to fully communicate in their hearts.

This is the great thing about high technology. It makes people gradually forget what they are exercising and the pain of exercise. They are just playing games, but their tacit understanding will continue to improve while playing games like this.

Outside, Duanmuci leaned on his chair and suddenly said: "Actually, Musashi, you and Sero can also practice, and take Asuka with you."

"Didn't you combine with Saka before? Give it a try, maybe there will be a chance to combine again in the future?"

"You can also bring Justis with you. Musashi and Justis can merge into Regedo. What will happen if the four of you merge?"

Sero and Haruno Musashi both looked confused.

It's not like they haven't thought about it.

But let alone the fusion of four people, even if the three of them gather in the capital again, they don't know how to fuse together.

I always feel like there is no such atmosphere.

But Duanmuci had a different meaning when he opened his mouth.

They all have great trust in Duanmuci's science and technology, especially after Duanmuci came out to travel around these years, the kind of random inventions have become much less and more serious, and the technology has naturally become much more reliable.

Maybe he really has a way to unite everyone?

"The way you look at me, can I understand that you are a little moved?"

Duanmuci stretched out his hand, and after a flash of light, a cup appeared in his hand, filled with white water.

After taking a sip of water to moisten his throat, Duanmu Cicai said:

"Actually, when strength reaches a certain level, it's not just about technology."

"Leggedo and Sega are on the same level as Noah. My technology is not yet at this level to influence them."

"However, you are not at that level, so I can adjust you to the most suitable state and greatly increase the possibility of your fusion."

Duanmu Ci's words made the two of them a little moved.

But everyone is a busy type and usually doesn’t see each other very often in various universes.

Haruno Musashi is okay, he usually lives in seclusion in the planet Zhuluo when he has nothing to do, but the other three people are typically unable to sit still.

Justis often goes to various places to enforce justice, but of course, this is just a different way of saying it.

Although Zero has an Ultimate Zero Guard, he is usually not in it. He often goes out to fight everywhere. In the past, it was hard to find peace just by guarding one universe. Now there is a multiverse, and there are more places that are not peaceful, and he is needed everywhere. What’s more, it’s not easy to find his free time.

Asuka is even more so. After transforming into Dana and gaining dimensional power, he has been wandering around on the streets in various places, and he can't find others whether there is a fight or not.

Now is an opportunity.

Gauss and Sero are outside, and Dyna is sealed in the magic mirror. Once released, the three of them will reunite.

The current opportunity was once in a lifetime, so Duanmu Ci suddenly mentioned this matter.

If possible, he would also like to study these "mysterious arcana" to see how their structures are different from ordinary Ultraman, and why there is a cliff-like gap.

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