Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 56 Family Harmony Assistant

The next day, Zoffy saw from afar that Duanmu Ci's room was thundering and lightning, so he wanted to go up to take a look, but he was stopped by Yabuki Tsuki before he took two steps.

"Don't go."

Zoffy was puzzled: "What's going on?"

Yabuki Tsuki shook his head helplessly: "I don't know what happened to him, it's like he was injected with chicken blood, doing crazy research."

"Now even if a dog comes closer, it has to be thoroughly studied before it is released."

Zoffy: "Is it so exaggerated?"

Yabuki Tsuki nodded: "You will know when you go back to the command center."

Inside the command center.

Kinomi couldn't raise her head for a moment, and kept staring at the memory display in her hand.

Aihara Ryu, who usually acts like a big boss here, wore a white mask today, and the whole person looked particularly quiet.

There was also Ikaruga Sadaharu, who was playing a shooting game at this time and looked the most normal, but Zoffy approached and found that his veins were bulging and the whole person was in a crazy state.

Marina Kazama and Teppei Kuraya didn't look very good either.

And Serizawa Kazuya is now dancing some weird dance.

The whole GUYS is crazy.


Zoffy suddenly realized that it was not the whole GUYS who was crazy, but Duanmu Ci!

At this time, Yabuki Yue came in, and Zuo Fei hurriedly asked: "What did Duanmu do to them?"

Yabuki Yue spread his hands: "Last time, Ikaruga Sadaharu asked Duanmu to study something that could excite him, and then he was publicly executed on the spot, so now Duanmu changed it to a machine that only he can hear. Although he looks quite quiet now, he can hear all kinds of people cheering for him."

"Aihara Ryu told him that his biggest problem is that he speaks too directly, which is easy to hurt people and make friends, so Duanmu made him a mask that he can't take off within three hours after wearing it."

"After wearing this mask, all the words you say will turn into blessings for others, so you will definitely make friends."

"Come on, A'long, show one for the captain."

Aihara Ryu: →_→

"Long life, longevity."

Zuo Fei: "Does it mean that he can't speak normally now?"

Yabuki Yue nodded.

"And Mu Zhimei, because Mu Zhimei likes Mikulas very much, Duanmu imported all of Mikulas' data into the memory display and made it into an electronic pet game. You can keep it for fun at ordinary times, and you can summon it to help fight at critical moments. With the usual data accumulation, it will be closer to the operator."

Zoffy wondered: "This is great, is there any problem?"

Yabuki Yue: "That's a big problem. Have you ever seen Duanmu keep a pet?"

Zoffy was stunned: "It seems not."

Yabuki Yue: "In his eyes, there is only one way to be good to animals and to improve the favorability of animals, that is, feeding."

"Then the Mikulas he designed must be fed more than a thousand times a day to enhance the relationship between the owner and the owner. Look, Mu Zhimei is feeding it constantly now, and her hands are about to cramp."

After asking a circle, Zoffy was really eye-opening, and couldn't help but sighed

"Usually, the battle is not so interesting."

Yabuki Yue: "Come on, he invented it, and I have to finish it for him."

"By the way, what about the future?" Zoffy looked around and didn't find the future.

Yabuki Tsuki: "The lightning and thunder you just saw is the future being studied."

Zoffy: "???"

"Why doesn't he study how to break this barrier if he has the time?"

"Besides, I received an urgent message here. The Imperial Army has a new action."

"I heard that a very powerful space mercenary was sent to Earth by the Imperial Army. His name is something like Revelite. He is wearing armor that specifically restrains light skills. I heard that he is also a good hand in close combat."

Hikari: "I think I have heard of the name Revelite!"

On the other side.

Duanmu Ci is preaching to the future.

"Do you know the power of science?"

The future nodded: "I can understand some of it!"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Well, you are very conscious. You can come to our Science and Technology Bureau often if you have the opportunity in the future."

"Actually, I'm studying Ultra Guillotine recently."

"I found a problem."

After that, Duanmu Ci expressed his thoughts, and the future was also stunned.

Just when the two were chatting happily, the memory display suddenly rang.

Duanmu Ci opened it and saw that aliens had invaded. What was the big deal?

"Future, you go and deal with him. I will continue my research."

Future nodded: "I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

Half an hour later.

Future returned to Duanmu Ci's laboratory with a painful face.

"I couldn't beat the Revelite. If Captain Zoffy hadn't saved me in time, I would be dead now."

Duanmu Ci: "Why can't you beat him? Tell us so we can analyze it?"

After that, Mebius said a lot, such as the enemy's powerful swordsmanship, the whole body of thorns that made it impossible to step, and the ability to reflect light, which was unsolvable.

After listening to Duanmu Ci, the expression on his face was quite calm.

That's it?

"Why don't you just use Ultra Bomb?"

"Or you burn the Mebium in the Brave Form to explode."

Future was surprised: "Can you still use these?"

At that time, his mind was not very clear. After seeing the light being reflected, he panicked and was defeated in the end. If Zoffy hadn't appeared in time and kicked the Revelite away, he might have really died under the sword of the Revelite.

"I was thinking, if I can't deal with him with light, can I use fighting skills to defeat him."

"Yes!" Duanmu Ci was very sure: "If Leo was here, he could kill this type of enemy in melee."

"But that's the way of a reckless man. What do you rely on in fighting? It's wisdom!"

"For those who like to reflect light, you can burn him with flames. If he is scared and can't turn, go up and send him away with an Ultra Bomb."

"Next time I will deal with him and get back the place."

The future brightened: "What method are you going to use to defeat him, senior?"

Duanmu Ci: "In fact, I carry a lot of products with me that no one is willing to experiment with. I plan to experiment with him. It shouldn't be too cruel."

The Revelite didn't know what he was going to experience yet, and he was still negotiating the price with the four kings of the imperial army.

"The Ultraman on Earth are not strong at all. I think we can have a good talk about the reward. If I get rid of them, what position will the Imperial Army give me?"

In the end, the two sides discussed for a long time, and the Imperial Army gave a high price that the Revelite star could not refuse.

Then the Revelite star arrogantly returned to Earth again.

This time he wanted to kill Zoffy as well!

However, to his surprise, Zoffy and Mebius did not show up this time, and the cosmic swordsman Hikari did not show up either. Only a scientist came.

Unives stood in front of him, looking weak and seemingly completely without lethality.

"Tsk! They only sent you to deal with me?"

Revelite star was dissatisfied: "It seems that you really don't have many people."

Unives just smiled, and the Revelite star vaguely had a not very good feeling.

Then he saw Unives put his hands in a light-emitting posture, and the Revelite star secretly laughed that the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light really didn't know how to learn lessons, and then the whole ball rotated at high speed.

Then he saw from the corner of his eye that Univos did not release light, but threw out a ball of light. When the ball of light hit the Revelite, it was not bounced off, but melted into his body.

This time, Revelite was a little panicked, stopped the high-speed rotation, and stared at Univos.

"What did you just do to me?"

Univos: "Nothing, I just installed a family harmony assistant for you."

Family harmony assistant, also known as the ear-hungry assistant 2.0, he has always wanted to experiment with Ultra Father, but Ultra Father now rejects this kind of thing, so he can only experiment with this cosmic man.

When Revelite heard the name, he suddenly felt that it didn't seem to be a big deal, so he didn't care.

Since Univos didn't take the initiative, he would take action first!

With a "swish!", a long sword stretched out from the shield, and he was ready to demonstrate swordsmanship to Univos.

Who knew that Univos took out a remote control from the Univos weapon and pressed one of the buttons.

Just as the Revelite was halfway through his charge, his knees suddenly bent uncontrollably, but the inertia was still there, and he slid down to his knees in front of Univos.

In shame and anger, the Revelite raised his head and saw Univos' compassionate eyes.

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