Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 562 Young people who are struggling to choose between marbles and popsicles

Atalga died peacefully.

But none of this has anything to do with Tartarus.

When Tartarus returned to the kingdom, his heartbeat was still very fast and he couldn't stop at all.

"What's going on? Why does Noah appear so often?"

This is unscientific, just like how ancient dragons often appear in the world of Monster Hunter.

But the game is set up like this. The reality is that Noah will appear frequently. Could it be that he triggered some mechanism for Noah to appear?

Tartarus blamed himself for the problem.

After all, according to normal history, Noah shouldn't be there at these times, but he can see Noah every time he appears, which can only mean one thing.

He was locked in by Noah.

But usually I don’t see Noah coming directly to the kingdom to destroy him.

Tartarus also has some guesses about this.

I had contact with Titan and Noah before. At that time, Noah actually spared Titan and seemed to be interested in promoting peace in the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom.

In other words, Noah did not have to kill himself and others in the kingdom.

The reason why it often appears when he travels through the past is because his operations affect the normal order of time and space, so he intercepts himself in those places.

Tartarus breathed a sigh of relief when he figured this out.

Just make sure Noah doesn't really have a problem with him.

"It seems that we can no longer travel to the past to seek support."

At this moment, Diavolo walked out.

He was killed by Univos's ray of light before, but he still had a few lives, and now he has been resurrected.

Tartarus watched him arrive with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Although Diavolo was thick, he was not stupid. He keenly caught Tartarus's surprise and snorted coldly.

"It seems like you're surprised why I can come back, right?"

Tartarus: "???"

"what are you saying?"

Diavolo tilted his head, not even wanting to communicate with Tartarus, but he was certain in his heart that Tartarus deliberately sent him to die.


Although Tartarus felt that something was wrong with Diavolo, it was understandable after thinking about it. After all, he had obviously come back from the dead, not a normal return.

"Have you met Noah?"

Diavolo turned his head sharply and looked at Tartarus in surprise.

He really wanted to say, "Shouldn't you be the one who knows best if I meet Noah?"

But before that adult came out, he didn't want to have any open conflict with Tartarus. Although he wanted to destroy Tartarus directly, he was indeed no match for Tartarus, and he could only endure everything first. With.

"bumped into."

Diavolo said: "I guess he came here specifically to deal with me."

"I was no match for him, so I lost my life."

After receiving this answer, Tartarus became more certain of his previous assumptions and murmured to himself.

"It's exactly what I thought."

Diavolo: (▼Benefit▼)

Good guy, he can only say good guy, this is not betraying anyone, right?

Diavolo snorted coldly, waved his hands and left. Although Tartarus was a little surprised that he was not in a good state today, he didn't think too much. Now his attention is entirely on the Kingdom of Light.

Without the help of those powerful people from ancient times to the present, he had to think carefully about how to deal with those people in the Kingdom of Light.

. . .

Time and Space City was taken back to the Meta Tower Domain by Univos.

Everyone has done a lot of damage to the Time and Space City, but that doesn't stop it from being a very powerful super battleship. It contains a lot of technological crystals from other universes, and there will definitely be some things in it that can provide Univos with new ideas, so he retains it. I stopped and prepared to take some time to study it.

In addition to the two natives Yinhe and Victory, there are three others who stayed, including Sero, Gauss and Dyna, mainly to contribute to Duanmuci's scientific research.

Duanmu prepared three VR training cabins for them, allowing them to develop a tacit understanding in the training cabins.

At the same time, they collect various energy fluctuations generated on the way to develop a tacit understanding.

The subsequent data processing is very busy.

Since the two people, Litangguang and Xiang, have been training in tacit understanding for so long, they have developed a unique way of communicating with each other. They can know what the other person wants to do just by looking at each other.

So when Duanmu Ci was briefly helping the UPG special search team with research, he watched two grown men flirting with each other and felt goosebumps fall all over the place.

In the end, Duanmuci called Captain Jinno Yoshiaki of UPG over and asked him to take these two weirdos away, and the laboratory became a little cleaner.

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki has also heard of Duanmuci's name for a long time. He is not an ordinary person in this world, but a real superstar.

And everyone knows he is Ultraman.

The training of Sero and the three of them actually ended on the third day. They basically mastered a little bit of methods to stabilize the Saga.

Yunivos also got his wish and got the light of Saka for research.

Unlike the thought of being beaten up by Saka, in fact Saka's will is relatively gentle and stable. After knowing that his light would be of great help to the advancement of science and technology, he gave one of his lights to You without any hesitation. Niewos.

So far, Duanmu Ci has collected all the lights of the four mysterious Ao.

After sending off Zero and the other three, Duanmu Ci stayed in this world for several months.

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki was really enthusiastic and helped with some technological innovation research.

After almost going through all the technology of UPG, Duanmu Ci said goodbye to everyone and left this universe.

. . .

In the universe of X, Duanmu Ci's robot had already left. Duanmu Ci left the goodbyes that he didn't have time to say. It was probably about 70,000 to 80,000 words. At the beginning, everyone who was present to listen to the farewell speech still had a sad feeling of parting. After hearing the end, everyone only had the idea of ​​letting Duanmu Ci go quickly.

As for Saitada Riko, she is called Duanmu Sayuri in this world. She stayed for the time being and wanted to adapt the story of X into a TV series before leaving.

Of course, the most important thing is adaptation.

After all, Univos and his team appeared too many times and often caused trouble everywhere. The original story of Ultraman fighting monsters turned into a bunch of seniors coming to support from time to time, and even a strange situation where Noah was in charge. All these strange things were deleted and then appropriately adapted, which finally formed the entire story of X.

When everyone was busy with their own things.

In order to avoid the heavy work of the Space Science and Technology Bureau, Duanmu Ci followed the light of Orb and came to another world.

He wanted to chase the energy of Gagra, but Gagra's energy level was too low, and the most advanced detectors could not detect across the universe.

In the end, he could only find the light of Orb.

But even so, he spent a lot of effort to find the light of Orb.

It really became too weak.

I don’t know what happened during this period.

And there is a sense of decadence in this light.

All of this made Duanmu Ci very interested.

So he came to this world directly.

After learning about the defense team and the overall technology of the defense team in this world, he gave up the idea of ​​sneaking into the defense team. . .

How to say it, the overall technology of the Witt team in this world is pretty good, but it really doesn't have any outstanding achievements in normal times.

And the status of the defense team in this world is also quite low, almost equivalent to the level of the district police.

Only in combat can the status be slightly higher.

Duanmu Ci didn't know why, but he knew that as long as he sneaked in, he would definitely be used as a servant in the future.

This kind of thing is not his style, so he decided not to join any special forces, just rent a house and make some "small inventions" to support his life.

The main thing is to find Kai and see how they are now.

That's what I thought at the beginning.

Until... . .

Duanmu Ci saw a book called Taiping Fengtuji on the Internet.

Originally, this kind of strange novel is not good to read.

But this Taiping Fengtuji is not a novel, but a description of some monsters that once caused chaos and were sealed by Ultraman.

Looking at these monsters, Duanmu Ci vaguely remembered where he had seen the records.

He took out his special tablet and searched for a long time, and he finally found the source in the monster encyclopedia of the Kingdom of Light.

It turned out that many years ago, when Univos was still in the process of time travel, the Ultra Brothers of the Kingdom of Light came to this world and discovered the "Demon King Beast" that was causing chaos in the world.

Then, led by Captain Zoffy of the Space Guard, and some Ultramen from other worlds came to support, everyone sealed these Demon King Beasts together.

Zoffy even took the lead and sealed the "mother" of all the Demon King Beasts, the most powerful Moge Snake.

The "sealing technique" of the Kingdom of Light can be said to be unique in the universe.

But being able to let them use the "seal" can only mean one thing, that is, they cannot be killed for the time being.

The specific reason is unknown, but Duanmu Ci knows Zoffy's character. He is not the kind of irresponsible person who will leave problems to future generations.

There must be a reason for doing this.


The fact that these demon beasts can be written into this Taiping Fengtuji at least proves that this book is not simple.

Duanmu Ci suddenly became curious about what kind of person the collector of this book is. Maybe he can contact him first?

Just as Duanmu Ci was about to contact the collector of this Taiping Fengtuji, he accidentally glanced at the forum and saw a team called SSP, which immediately aroused his interest.

As we all know, the Kote team, that is, when the first generation came to Earth, the abbreviation of the original Earth Defense Team was "SSSP". What kind of strange team is this team with one less S than the Kote team?

After clicking on the official website of this team, Duanmu Ci realized that this team is really similar to the Kote team, and it is also dedicated to exploring various strange things.

It is quite famous in the forum.

However, compared with the official organization such as the Kote team, this SSP can only be regarded as an Internet celebrity group.

Informal, without funds, standing on the edge of bankruptcy at any time.

Originally, Duanmu Ci had no interest in this group of Internet celebrities, but the content they reported was able to grasp Duanmu Ci's pain points.

It was like when you were browsing Bilibili and saw a UP host who was on the verge of quitting the Internet at any time, but whose content you liked very much.

Qianjin Shigu?

Or silently support?

Qianjin Shigu is not suitable either.

What these people are exploring is too dangerous. If other people on the Internet find it profitable and imitate it, the monster will really come out and the casualties will be very heavy.

Silent support will be limited by the strength of support.

It's annoying. . .

It's the first time that Duanmu Ci found it so troublesome to help others.

But fortunately.

He is really rich.

Since he mastered the conversion of energy and matter, Duanmu Ci has never lacked money.

He doesn't even need anything else. He just made a diamond the size of a pigeon egg and "opened a store" directly.

In the past, he would also think about making gold or something.

But later he found that the ratio of energy consumption to money obtained by gold is not high. Diamond is a good thing. It hardly consumes energy, but it is really profitable.

At least there is no artificial diamond in the world that can be made so big.

Getting rich overnight is not a problem.

After that, Duanmu Ci acquired a not-so-big magazine.

Then, he contacted the SSP in the name of the magazine and expressed his hope that their work could be published in the magazine of his own magazine.

As for the price.

It's all negotiable.

Of course, these things can be left to his subordinates.

Duanmu Ci, as always, is just a hands-off boss. His purpose is not to start a company here, but considering that he may have to stay in this place for a long time, he started a company to support himself.

By the way, he helped some "big guys" in various forums who he thought were good.

. . .


"Is it a popsicle or marble soda?"

A tall young man with a leather jacket, jeans, and a cowboy hat, who looks like a cowboy, is standing in front of a box of cold drinks and choosing cold drinks with a headache.

"Brother, it's too hot today. If you don't choose, my ice cream will melt."

Having said that, the young man is still entangled.

"Oh, but this kind of thing is really hard to choose. Do you want popsicles? Or marbles?"


He reached out to take the marbles, but stopped halfway.

"No, I still want popsicles."


Just at this moment, a chuckle came from behind him.

"I think we should buy both."

"That way, we won't have difficulty making choices."

Hearing this voice, the young man felt that it sounded familiar. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned his head sharply. After seeing the person coming, the young man's expression gradually became excited.

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