Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 592: Electrotherapy of Gagra

After the filming plan for the theatrical version is confirmed.

Riko Saida looked more and more displeased at Duanmuci, the "soft rice boy" who was idle in the crew all day long and supported by herself.

Finally, with a wave of her hand, she gave Duanmu a month's leave, asking him to stay well in Orb's world after one month, and wait for her to pick him up one month later.

In this regard, Duanmu Ci expressed his dissatisfaction.

Of course, it’s not dissatisfaction with separation, but ~

"Ah? Still waiting for you?"

. . .

Duanmu returned to Orb's world with a pair of black eyes.

But that's not important!

The important thing is that he returned to his hometown!

As soon as he came back, he went to his cabin.

Everything is business as usual!

I turned on my computer and looked at the forum. This world is not bad. . . Um?

He was about to say it was normal.

But after seeing some of the discussions that followed, I felt a little overwhelmed.

"Uub went berserk? How is that possible?"

Duanmu Ci recalled it, and it seemed that Hong Kai had mentioned it to him, but only casually during chat, saying that he had learned to embrace the darkness.

What else could go wrong?

Maybe something happened during the battle.

Duanmuci quickly opened the SSP's web page.

Although I don’t know what happened, the SSP should have records, right?

Sure enough, Duanmu Ci quickly found the relevant video.

It turned out that during his absence, Orb performed very well, defeating many monsters one after another, and even eliminated the regular Demon King beasts.

However, somewhere unknown, the so-called Planetary Invasion Alliance collected the energy of those Demon King Beasts and made them into cards.

In the end, the combination of these cards actually resurrected the Orochi!

The fighting power of the Moge Serpent is extremely strong. As Duanmuci thought before, Orb has no possibility of winning under normal circumstances.

Even though he used his strongest skill "Gigabit Specium Ray", Moge Serpent was only slightly injured, which could not be said to have caused any effective damage. Even this slight injury was quickly destroyed by a powerful self- The healing ability was restored.

If Maomao Ice Cream hadn't appeared in time and taken Orb away in a cat cart, he would have been seriously injured at least.

He might even die suddenly on the spot.

This is the value of the O-50 mission.

But in a later video, when Orb appeared again, his whole body turned black and red.

The jet black soft armor looks quite capable when draped on his body.


In this form, Orb was very violent and his fighting style was quite wild. After catching the Moge Orochi, he tore at it, tearing the Moge Orochi all over its body and making it bloody.

Moge Orochi also tried to slap Uub with its tail, but not only was it ineffective, but he was grabbed tightly by Uub and then forcefully torn into two pieces.

Then he used the broken tail that was still bleeding to beat the Moge Serpent crazily.

With such a scene, if he hadn't known that the Moge Serpent was not a good thing, Duanmu Ci would have thought it was a pitiful little monster being beaten by the evil Ultraman.

"What kind of strength this is, it's simply outrageous."

The power of tearing apart the enemy's body tissue at will reminded Duanmuci to recall Leo who had just used the Ultra Treadmill to improve a large amount of basic physical fitness, and then frantically tore apart the Ultra Beast Killer Saurus.

I didn't expect that Uub's form also has such exaggerated brute strength, it is indeed powerful.

It just seems that his mental state is indeed not normal, and it is not wrong to say that he went berserk.

Duanmu Ci wasn't stupid either. Just looking at this image, coupled with the evil eyes that were like flames, he could tell at a glance that it was the card of Dark Belial.

And he doesn't have the characteristics of other Ultraman, so he should use Beria's card and his own universal card.

It's just that when Duanmuci gave out the light, he considered that the card could be harmonized with other lights.

I didn’t expect that card to be able to reconcile darkness.

There happened to be the real owner of this power next to him, so Duanmuci immediately asked Noah his doubts.

Noah scratched his head.

"I don't know, but anyone who imitates my power can create darkness Zaki, so maybe light can also breed darkness. Isn't there a saying that the brighter the light, the deeper the darkness?"

Duanmuci silently complained: "Shadowless lamps are not considered high-tech. People who say this must not understand any science."

It is possible for light to transform darkness.

After all, Beria was originally a giant of light, but after being forcibly combined by the Lebrondos, his power directly transformed into darkness.

If his light is fighting against the influx of darkness and cannot change into darkness, then there must be a period of weakness, right?

After all, if light and darkness were phenomena in reality, there should be no connection and they would not transform into each other. However, the light and darkness of creatures like Ultraman are actually energy.

From this perspective, the mutual conversion of energy is not a very troublesome matter.

Noah looked at Duanmu Ci who was deep in thought and the smile on his face became more and more obvious, and guessed that he had some inspiration now.

Scientists are like this. They will be inspired when they see something, and then they will start researching like crazy. They will study like this for several days.

According to Noah's knowledge, this should be the case.

But Duanmu Ci kept this smile for half an hour.

Finally, Duanmu Ci stood up after half an hour.

Noah thought he was going to start doing research.

Unexpectedly, Duanmuci walked into the room naturally, covered himself with quilt, and fell asleep instantly.

Noah: "???"

The Q version of Noah stood on the quilt, with his hands on his hips and his head tilted, feeling very confused about Duanmu Ci's behavior.

But soon Noah knew why.

After a good sleep, the dark circles around Duanmu Ci's eyes miraculously disappeared.

In order to prevent Duanmuci's recovery power from making the dark circles disappear, Lizi used some tricks.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing would be cured after just sleeping on it.

After waking up, Duanmuci saw Noah, picked him up and put him on his shoulders, and then said

"This bed is actually a technology developed by me. You only need to sleep for a while to restore your body to its most perfect state, just like the beds commonly seen in RPG games that can restore all states."

What is common in RPGs is not seen in the real world!

The effect of this kind of bed is a little too outrageous, which makes Noah want to try it.

But even if he was just in the puppet state now, he couldn't bear any injuries and couldn't personally try the happiness brought by technology.

"Can any injury be treated?"

Although he couldn't try, Noah still couldn't control his curiosity and wanted to ask clearly.

Duanmuci nodded: "It's not just injuries, even if it's dead, as long as someone brings the body over to sleep, it can be resurrected and restored to full health."

"I am still researching something recently. If the research is successful, in the future, it will be possible for a single individual to have the ability to return to full state after sleeping, regardless of where he sleeps."

"It's just that this only exists in theory. If you want to realize this function, I'm afraid you have to wait until I become a master of your level before I can do it."

Noah pinched his chin: "So that means I can do it now?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "So do you have this level of technological power?"

Noah: "..."

Well, technological power is a flaw.

It's not that Noah doesn't understand technology, he still has the wisdom of a top scientist.

But it is still incomparable to Duanmu Ci, a scientist who seems to be cursed by knowledge.

"What do you want to do now?"

Duanmu Ci: "I'll go find Kai and see how he is doing now."

After saying that, Duanmu Ci walked towards the door, and when his hand touched the door handle, he suddenly frowned.

He felt someone outside the door.

Faint breathing was heard.

It's so weak, either the qigong master deliberately hides it, or the person who is about to die is preparing to touch the porcelain at the door of his house.

Now Duanmu Ci remembered that he didn't have a camera at his door. This would be a mistake. . .

His mind was still thinking wildly, but his ultra-psychic power had already been released.

Then he found Jakula paralyzed at the door of his house, leaning on the steps, looking like he was about to die.

Okay, it's not about cheating.

Duanmuci quickly opened the door and pulled in Jiagu La who was in a very bad condition.

Then, he took out an Ultra electrotherapy chair and helped Jagula up.

Noah was amazed by this set of skillful operations.

He is still a great scientist, even so skilled at saving people.

Although Noah could heal Jiagu La with just one thought, seeing how skilled Duanmu Ci was, he did not intervene.

But he was more curious: "Didn't you say that a dead person can be resurrected even if he is placed on your bed?"

"Why use this chair?"

Duanmu Ci was speechless: "That's my bed, how could I let anyone else sleep on it?"

"Besides, he is only seriously injured, and the Ultra electrotherapy chair is enough."

Noah was suddenly curious: "What if he dies?"

Duanmuci: "Then use a life to resurrect him, and then use the Ultra electrotherapy chair to treat him."

Noah understands, no matter what, you won’t let others use that bed, right?

Duanmuci guessed Noah's thoughts, and then said with a smile: "You can sleep if you want."

Noah's eyes lit up even more when he heard this.


Duanmu Ci said seriously: "Of course it's because we are good brothers, boss."

Of course, the actual reason is that Duanmu Ci has always kept Noah as a pet, so it is not strange to let pet kittens go to bed.

But these words moved Noah very much.

"Little Azhi! You are so kind!"

Duanmu Ci smiled and shook his hand: "It's generally good, it's generally good."

As soon as he finished speaking, Duanmuci pressed the switch, and a large amount of plasma light suddenly burst out from the Ultra electrotherapy chair. Jiagulla, who was already dying, suddenly let out a shrill scream.


For the next half hour, the entire room was drowned in Jakula's screams.

Duanmuci even took Noah out first to hide from the sound.

Noah said: "So is the treatment process of this Ultra electrotherapy chair painful?"

Duanmuci nodded: "Otherwise, why would I invent a bed with functions so similar to the Ultra electrotherapy chair?"

Noah was even more moved: "So you don't want me to suffer such pain, so you are willing to let me sleep with you, right?"

He had completely forgotten that he would not be hurt at all, and now he was so moved that he burst into tears.

After all, he is an old man who has been "unacquainted with worldly affairs" for a long time, so he is still too easily moved.

Duanmu Ci also nodded seriously: "Yes, that's true."

My skin has definitely grown thicker.

Maybe it has always been this thick.

When Duanmu Ci and Noah returned, they both saw Jia Gula slumped on the Ultra electrotherapy chair, with only one breath left and traces of electric current burns all over his body. . .

Noah: "???"

Duanmuci clapped his hands fiercely.

"No, I have always regarded Jakura as Ultraman. I forgot that he is not Ultraman. Plasma light cannot heal him, and exaggerated electric shocks can also cause damage to him."

As he spoke, Duanmuci pointed his right hand at the ground. After a burst of light, a single bed appeared on the ground. Then he stepped forward and placed Jiagu La, who had rolled his eyes from the electric shock, on the single bed. Soon Jia Gula Gula closed her eyes.

Looking at this scene, Noah asked quietly: "Did he die?"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"He just fell asleep. He should be able to resurrect at full strength in half an hour."

Noah: "So, you can make such a bed just by raising your hand, then why do you let him use that Ultra electrotherapy chair?"

Duanmuci said confidently: "You can't just give up the old product, right? I feel that the Aote electrotherapy chair is easier to promote, and the user is still very awake when using it, and can have an understanding of various situations, so as not to be like When I wake up like this, the world feels different.”

"Besides, I just felt a trace of plasma light on Jagula. An electric treatment may not be a bad thing."

Noah jumped off Duanmuci's shoulders, stood next to Jia Gula's head, and observed carefully.

"He probably bled excessively after being shot in a sneak attack and was injured by the explosion, so that's why he was like this."

Duanmuci: "Uub went berserk and Jakula was injured. Didn't we really stay in another world for a year? There were too many stories that happened during our absence."

Noah stretched out his hand and pressed it on Jagula's forehead.

"His forehead is so hot."

Duanmuci didn't find anything strange: "It is normal for the body temperature to rise when the body recovers quickly."

. . .

Jia Gula had a nightmare. He dreamed that he did not meet Dr. Duanmu after being rejected by the Warrior Summit, but he still followed Hong Kai to save the planet Ganon. Seeing that all the problems were caused by the Tree of Life, he Decided to cut off the tree of life, but ended up being isolated by everyone~

Overall, it's a nightmare no matter how you look at it, and it's very illogical.

Fortunately, dreams themselves have no logic, so Jagula didn't think there was anything wrong.

It's better than some directors who seem to be dreaming and come up with such illogical plots and think they are reasonable.

Half an hour later, Jagula suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily.

Then he looked at his body in shock. He was very strong and had no problems.

"I'm ready?"

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