Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 594 Two ways to deal with rampage

Duanmu Ci shook his head when he saw Hong Kai's dumbfounded look.

Fortunately, it's not Leo or Severn here, otherwise he will definitely get a slap in the face. Of course, it's mainly Leo, because Severn can only be cruel when training Leo, and it's usually quite normal.

Duanmuci coughed lightly.

"I saw the scene of you going berserk. You have good strength."

Hearing Duanmu Ci's words, Hong Kai was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes gradually became brighter.

"So, you are not dead!?"

Jagula flicked the bangs in front of his forehead and smiled evilly: "Otherwise, who do you think I am?"

Okay, this guy pretends to be pretty good.

It sounds like a master.

It's a pity that the Q version of Noah is playing the game while silently finishing his kills.

"It's all thanks to you that you defeated that Moge snake. He picked up Zoffi's card and relied on Zoffi's strength to hold on until we came back, and then he recovered like this."

Hong Kai was not curious about how he was treated. After all, Dr. Duanmu had come here. As long as he didn't die, it shouldn't be difficult to treat him.

Even if he dies, he can probably be saved.

"No matter what, just survive."

Having said this, Hong Kai sighed again.

"But my problem is a bit serious. Doctor, do you have any solution?"

Duanmuci nodded, but felt a little strange and asked: "Speaking of which, you only use Dark Belial's card to go berserk, so wouldn't it be fine if you don't use Dark Belial's card?"

"It shouldn't have any impact if I use other cards, right?"

Hong Kai shook his head, with a forced smile on his face: "It would be nice if it were that simple. Ever since I used Dark Belial's card, the darkness in my heart can no longer be controlled and all poured out."

"Even now, I still have an extreme desire for power. Even if I use other cards to transform, I will eventually lose control during the battle and use Dark Belial's card."

Power, in the game, is just a numerical value.

Things with high values ​​​​are indeed quite uncontrollable to use.

Unless they are masters who challenge themselves, more people still have a preference for numerical values.

Duanmuci had made games when he was at GUYS, and when designing the game, he gave Mikulas a value equivalent to the Ultra King level.

Then Mikulas became the most popular monster, even though it looked so ugly and stupid.

People are easily attracted to high numerical values ​​in the first place, not to mention Hong Kai, who has just been affected by the dark power in his mind.

"Actually, I already have two ways to solve your problem."

Duanmuci was quite straight to the point.

Hearing that Duanmu Ci had a way to solve this problem, and there were two of them, Hong Kaideng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Then let's hurry up!"

Duanmuci stretched out his hand to interrupt him.

"Listen to me and explain these two methods first."

"First of all, the first one is also the one I recommend most."

As he spoke, Duanmuci reached out and took Zuo Fei's card from Jia Gula.

"Among the Ultra brothers, only Zoffi currently has the same level of combat power as Dark Belial and can suppress his dark power."

"In the card in your hand, Zero's card can also evolve, possessing the power to suppress Dark Belial."

"But in general, the compatibility between you and Zoffi's card is better. It will be easier to master Zoffi's advanced power, and then use his power to suppress Beria."

"This is the first method I mentioned, and it is also the safest method. The only headache is to spend some time improving the bond between you and Zoffi's card."

"Moreover, light and darkness conflict. Trying to let Zoffi's light suppress the darkness of Dark Belial is tantamount to fighting an epic war within your body."

"Whether the light wins or the darkness wins, you will definitely be greatly affected."

Hong Kai was stunned: "What should we do?"

Duanmuci: "It just so happens that you are already familiar with playing with Diga's cards. Truth Diga has the ability to reconcile light and darkness, and makes light and darkness unable to affect your mind."

"So the key to the first method is that you first become familiar with the power of the Zoffi card, and after you can use the hidden power of the card, use the power of Truth Tiga to combine the energy of the light and dark cards together, so that you can Feel free to use these powers without fear of going berserk."

Duanmuci's statement made Hong Kai very excited. This was much more perfect than giving up Dark Belial's power as he had thought before. Not only could it eliminate the negative effects, but it could also enhance his own strength. The only trouble was It’s just to deepen the bond with Zoffi Card.

It's not even a hassle.

"Then use this method!"

Duanmuci nodded: "This is definitely the way to go."

"But, do you understand the biggest problem with this method?"

Hong Kai shook his head in confusion. The negative effects were gone, his strength had improved, and the difficulty level was not high. He really couldn't think of any other problems.

Duanmuci: "It's time."

"Do you think you can become familiar with Zoffie's cards in one second and discover his hidden power?"

This time, Hong Kai was confused.

Yes, time! Time is the biggest issue.

If a monster appears during this process.

"Eh? I don't have to take action when a monster appears. Can you just go up to it, Jagula?"

Jagula also nodded: "Yes, can I just go up when the monster appears?"

Duanmu Ci looked at Gagula with pity.

"It seems that you are still somewhat confident in your own strength."

"Okay, let's do a test."

Duanmu Ci took the two away.

With a flash of his figure, the three people and a small Noah appeared in a special space together. The sky was a light curtain, and the ground was a rather large ground with no visible boundaries.

There was a myth in the past that Pangu created the world, and now this space really has that feeling of creating the world.

"This is the dimension that Hong Kai used for training before. I made some modifications to it and it became what it is now."

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci stretched out his hand, and a transparent tablet appeared in his hand out of thin air. After operating it twice, a monster came out.

"Moggatanje, an opponent that Orb has dealt with, Gagula, you go up and try?"

Gagula: "Hmm?"

Seeing him in a daze, Duanmu Ci probably guessed the reason.

"Where's Janai?"

Gagurula said helplessly: "I thought I could enlarge myself now, and then let Janai go back to the Ultimate Zero Guard to learn some advanced technology, and then we can fight side by side."

Duanmu Ci: "Then you can enlarge yourself."

Gagurula: "But I didn't have time to take out my shrinking gun before I judged the planetary invasion alliance."

Duanmu Ci: "..."

Hong Kai: "..."

Gagurula still drew out the Snake Heart Sword.

"Don't worry, even in this state, my strength is not weak!"

While speaking, he quickly flew up and rushed towards Moggatanjea who was raging in the distance.

Just like the brave warriors who bravely challenged the devil in various heroic epics!

Hong Kai saw that he was so brave, and clenched his fists, his eyes full of admiration.

Duanmu Ci said: →_→

"I didn't say I wouldn't give you the equipment for enlargement, is it necessary to fight so hard?"

The evil dragons killed by heroes in those heroic epics are all clumsy, relying entirely on large-scale killing skills.

As long as the hero can avoid being killed by large-scale killing, and has the artifact and power that can break the defense of the dragon, he will gradually have the ability to slay the dragon, just like the hunter in Monster Hunter.


This is the world of Ultraman.

Tall monsters are the mainstream here, and the actions of these monsters themselves are not clumsy, and the speed is still very fast.

Just like people are irritated by mosquitoes, but as long as the mosquitoes keep hanging in front of them, it won’t be much trouble to slap them to death.

After Gagra rushed to Moggatanjea, he discovered this problem.

The speed of the opponent’s tentacles was too fast, and the flexibility advantage brought by his body shape was not so obvious. It was just that the target was smaller and it seemed more difficult to hit.

But it was just more difficult to hit.

Gagra only avoided a few attacks, and because his vision was blocked and he didn’t notice the tentacles flying from the dark, he was easily shot down.

Then countless tentacles fell from the sky.

Seeing that Gagra was about to die here, Duanmu Ci waved his hand and Gagra was sucked back, avoiding the tentacle attack of Moggatanje.

Not feeling the hit, Moggatanje scratched his head with his tentacles in confusion.

Duanmu Ci added an invisible barrier to their place, and Moggatanje could not see through it, so naturally he didn't know that the people had been rescued there.

Seeing that Gagra was still in a state of panic, Duanmu Ci said: "This is the monster that Kai has already solved."

"There are many monsters of the same level, including the Moggulan King behind."

"These monsters are not what ordinary Ultraman can face alone. I doubt whether the Warrior Peak wants to use these monsters to destroy Kai by sending Kai here."

Hong Kai smiled awkwardly: "It shouldn't be the case."

Men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.

That being said, since he obtained the power of Orb, Hong Kai has been bound to the "company" of Warrior Peak. Now there is no chance to regret it, so he can only think more open-mindedly.

"But no matter what, Orb survived these powerful monsters and gained such a powerful power now, so he doesn't think that these enemies are so powerful that they can't be solved at all. As long as he works hard, he can still fight."

"But this is Orb."

Duanmu Ci looked at Gagra: "Your power can even be said to surpass 99% of the enemies in the entire universe."

"You don't have many opponents in the entire universe."

"But here, you may have to die in the northwest if any enemy comes."

Hong Kai said: "You don't have to worry about this. My ice cream can save people with a cat car. Even if you can't beat it, you should still be able to run away."

It seems that he and Cat Cat Ice Cream have been getting along well during this period, and he has recognized this partner.

Gagra was speechless: "It's still the same. If I fall down, who can protect the earth?"

After saying this, he was suddenly stunned.

Seeing him stunned, Hong Kai seemed to have thought of something.

So the two looked at Duanmu Ci at the same time.

And the Q version of Noah on Duanmu Ci's shoulder.

Suddenly being stared at by the two, Q version of Noah took off his headphones.

"What's wrong?"

Duanmu Ci: "Nothing, they just want you to take action."

Duanmu Ci had just finished speaking, and before Noah could respond, the two of them immediately denied it in unison.

"Wait, wait, wait!!!"

"What about you, doctor? Why do we remember that you are so strong! No matter how strong the enemy is, it should be nothing in front of you!"

Duanmu Ci took out a folding fan from somewhere and opened it to cover his face and that sly smile.

"What are you two talking about? I'm just a scientist. How could I use these violent methods?"

Without giving the two a chance to refute, Duanmu Ci came up with another way to solve the problem.

"Why don't we talk about the second way to solve the problem of Kai's rampage."

"This will give you two the opportunity to attack at the same time after encountering the enemy, and then you can also take this opportunity to improve your bond with Zoffie."

Being interrupted by Duanmu Ci, Hong Kai and the other two people even forgot to complain, and the only way to survive was to praise them.

"any solution?"

Duanmuci said: "It's true that I said there are two ways to solve the problem, but it doesn't mean that we have to choose one of the two ways. We can definitely use both together."

"Actually, I have a technology that can change some subconscious things in people."

"For example, when we see a villa, we instinctively imagine that the owner of the villa must be very rich. When we see people who are well-dressed, we generally think that such people will be more successful."

"But we all know that this feeling is not entirely correct. At least people who dress up beautifully can also be miserable."

"Why do you feel this way? It's actually a kind of subconscious thinking."

"However, these are relatively weak subconscious suggestions. By studying this thing and increasing the subconscious influence, I can even change a person's cognition."

For example, when she was in the Night Raid Team, because Saijo Nagi had a problem with Ultraman, Duanmu Shi used this technology to change Saijo Nagi's subconscious, so that she would think of it every time she wanted to take action against Ultraman. Peppa Pig rolled in the mud and finally slowly eliminated her hostility to Ultraman.

Now Duanmuci brought up the old matter again and innovated this technology, preparing to give Hongkai a hard blow.

Light was released from his hands, and matter was generated in his hands, forming a pair of glasses.

"Wear these glasses for two seconds and all your problems will be solved."

Hongkai took the glasses and put them on naturally, and then asked

"Do these glasses have any effect?"

Duanmuci nodded: "These glasses have changed your subconscious perception. As long as you see Dark Beria's card in the future, the image of Dark Beria dancing Latin dance enchantingly will appear in your mind."

Hongkai: "!!?"

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