Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 599: No rules become rules, and infinity becomes finite

Univos took Tartarus and the others back to Earth where Orb was.

The reason why Univos could run around so calmly was because he took away Galatron, who was the biggest threat to Earth at that time, with a magic.

However, when he returned to Earth, he and Tartarus were still in the sky, and soon saw the city in chaos.

Tartarus fell into deep thought as he watched Galatron wreaking havoc in the city.

About three seconds later, he came to a conclusion.

"Doctor, has Earth begun to research things to invade other civilizations in the universe?"

"So you want to arrange your robots to destroy Earth's civilization."

Univos was speechless: "In the past, when the Kingdom of Light dealt with invaders, they would not directly destroy their civilization."

After saying this, Tartarus was a little confused.

"Then why is your robot now..."

Univos coughed lightly and turned his head to look at the other side naturally.

"This must be a replica. You know, I have strong technological capabilities. Anything I make is the most advanced technology. It is normal to have replicas."

"The robots I make are mainly used to maintain peace. Those made by others may be used for invasion."

"It may also be that others cannot imitate well and fail to grasp the direction of peace, which leads to war."

Tartarus understood after hearing this.

That's right. If anyone can copy Univos' invention, can he still be called the top scientist?

"So do you want me to go down and deal with this robot now?"

Tartarus mainly felt that he could beat the genuine products, so there was no reason why he couldn't beat the pirated ones.

But Univos shook his head.

"Someone has already taken action."

Two rays of light appeared on both sides of Galatron.

One was Orb who used Zoffy's light, and the other was Gagara who exuded the energy of the plasma spark of the Kingdom of Light.

That's right, after experiencing the painful "electric torture" last time, the energy of plasma sparks has been retained in Gagula's body. This energy is like a seed, which will soon sprout in his body. The power obtained from so many years of training will soon turn into the unique Difalleta light of the warriors of the Kingdom of Light.

It is also because of the change in energy levels that Gagula can achieve gigantism by his own ability. Now his overall appearance is still very different from that of the warriors of the Kingdom of Light. He is still the same as he usually transforms into a phantom demon, but the power on his body has become pure light, and the whole person looks more dazzling.

The weapon in his hand is the equipment that is synchronized with the gigantic Snake Heart Sword.

The previous Snake Heart Sword was taken away by Janai, and he has been fighting with his own equipment now.

The original Snake Heart Sword made by Duanmu Ci for him will not be much worse than the later one.

Orb and Gagula looked at each other and nodded, and then turned on the high-speed combat mode.

Orb condensed blue light in both hands, giving his hands super strong cutting ability. The Ultra Mist Slash of the first generation Ultraman is based on this principle.

But he used Zoffy's skills.

Then the two started the high-speed close combat mode.

Galatron was not easy to deal with either. Various light balls and beams seemed to be free. Magic circles appeared around it, ready to resist the attacks of Orb and Gagra.

At the same time, its two-handed pincers were not idle, turning into claws and fiercely chiseling the two people who wanted to get close.

This action was somewhat predictable.

If Orb and Gagra were in a normal state, they would probably be hit.

But now both of them are quite cautious. After all, they are facing such a cosmic person who can use magic and whose specific origins are unknown. Both of them are more like probing.

The two did not dare to use too much force to cause flaws, so in the face of this move that almost predicted the future, they reacted in advance and dodged.

And after dodging, Orb threw out two eight-point light wheels, and Gagra slashed out two crescent-shaped sword auras.

This move can be said to be quite tricky, and if you react a little slower, you will be hit.

But before their attacks could reach Galatron, they were blocked by a red and yellow magic circle respectively.

This speed was no slower than the Ultra Barrier.

The two were not discouraged. Now they were mainly testing the enemy's strength. They did not use their full strength, so it was normal for the enemy to resist.

Univess, who was watching the two fighting in the sky, nodded and murmured, "The cooperation between these two is quite good."

"It's just that two Galatrons have come in a row. Are they ready to completely destroy this earth?"

Unlike the Galatron that was directly destroyed in the original plot, this Galatron was not destroyed. Instead, it was taken to other universes by Univess and existed for a while.

During this time, this Galatron had uploaded what it detected on Earth.

After Galatron's judgment, the earth needed to be destroyed.

Then an additional Galatron was sent over. According to the above judgment, only one Galatron should be enough to solve the problem of the earth, so after sending one over, the attention to this earth was cancelled.

For them, among the countless multiverses in the entire universe, one Earth is really nothing. Occasionally there will be accidents, but that is just occasional. There will not always be accidents.

After several rounds of testing, Orb and Jakura probably understood their opponent's attack methods and fighting style.

It is normal for this kind of robot to have its fighting style detected. Their core will only tell them to use the most appropriate moves to deal with the situation at hand, and their fighting style is relatively simple.

If he is a fighting master like Leo, he usually uses cosmic boxing and has the style of cosmic boxing, but it does not mean that he does not know other boxing techniques. On the contrary, Leo often traveled around the universe in his early years and learned various skills. All kinds of weird fighting skills.

As long as he wants, he can constantly change his style during the battle.

No matter how strong the AI ​​is, it is not alive after all. Combat is ever-changing, and the more precise it is, the better.

AI can only calculate the battle to the most accurate situation, but it cannot reach the level of a true master.

Both Orb and Jakura have experienced hundreds of battles and have encountered tens of millions of enemies. After determining Galatron's fighting style, both of them made changes to their own fighting methods.

Uub half-crouched, and then flew out like a swordfish. His whole body was almost touching the ground. He could only accelerate, accelerate, and accelerate again!

Under the influence of the exaggerated inertia caused by such an impact, Galatron judged that he could never stop or change his flight attitude.

So just when Orb rushed over, Galatron had already extended a huge lightsaber from his hand, raising it high into the sky, preparing to strike him straight from top to bottom, killing Ruyi in two. Excalibur.

At the same time, it also noticed that Jakula wanted to sneak attack him from the side, and while raising his lightsaber, he set up a huge defensive magic circle on his side.

360° defense mechanism with no blind spots!

The idea is perfect.

But it ignores one problem, that is, the reason why the shield can protect the knight's safety is because the shield is hard enough.


The tacit understanding with Orb made it clear to Jakula that he was going to make a desperate move, so he didn't hold back at all, roaring and slashing with all his strength.

"Crescent Moon Clash!!!" (actually Crescent Moon Chopping Wave)

The surging light energy converged into an exaggerated golden crescent-shaped shock wave, which hit the magic circle hard.

The collision between magic and light reached a fever pitch from the very beginning. The energy of the magic circle was not enough to withstand this shock wave and was shattered.

Then a large number of golden shock waves fell on the lightsaber in Galatron's hand. The side was hit by such an exaggerated sword energy shock wave. The lightsaber was unable to withstand it and was eventually shattered by the sword energy.

At this time, Orb rushed in front of Galatron.

At the same time, Galatron's hands came down, as if slashing, but the lightsaber was no longer there, slashing Lonely.

Then a spiral-shaped golden light like a drill condensed in front of Orb, and it hit Galatron's chest hard.

Galatron's breastplate shot out a large amount of sparks, and the entire robot couldn't help but take several steps back.


He just took a few steps back.

The tail behind it seemed to turn into a giant halberd and rolled up into the air, and then struck hard on Orb's back, driving his whole body to the ground, and the impact of the drill stopped on the spot.

Then it continued to strike at Uub. At this time, Jagula rushed up, and the Snake Heart Sword drew a circle, forming a barrier that barely blocked the tail strike.

Uub on the ground also took the opportunity to struggle and turn over.

Just now his back was cut, and his revolving door was cut out.

The whole person was so painful that he lost consciousness for a moment.

But right now, he was not out of the danger zone. If he stayed here in a daze, he would only be attacked more times. Therefore, Uub endured the pain and physical discomfort and rolled out several positions.

It was these positions that saved him, because not long after he rolled out, the barrier created by Jagula was shattered.

The braid-like "tail" behind this Galatron is actually so lethal.

There was something strange about Tartarus next to Univos.

"Doctor, why do I feel that this robot is more lethal than yours?"

Univos remained calm: "Normally, things like lethality can be piled up. These cosmic beings think about invading other planets all day long, so they will naturally add more weapons to their invasion weapons." equipment, spend more money.”

Tartarus nodded.

I used to think that the kingdom's technology was unrivaled in the world, and at worst it was at the level of the Kingdom of Light.

Now that I have truly come out, I understand that the most indispensable thing in the universe is capable people and strangers. If there are a lot of super scientists, the technology will not be worse than that of the kingdom.

"Are we sitting in a well watching the sky after all?"

Yunivos consoled him: "You can't say that. This kind of technology has almost reached the limit of the universe."

"You are all the ultimate life forms. This level of life is superior to technology such as robots on the battlefield now or in the near future."

The reason why I say this is because of Univos himself.

Even his technology cannot easily create ultimate arcane level "robots".

It's not that it can't be made, it's that it can't be made easily.

He could pile up materials to build an ultimate arcana-level robot, but that would be meaningless. The scientific significance still lies in mass production.

He probably won't be able to mass-produce simple and easy-to-use Ultra-level robots in a short period of time.

So the evolutionary direction of the Ultimate Life Form is not wrong. At least, this level of strong people is scarce everywhere.

Otherwise, Univos would not have fooled Tartarus into becoming his younger brother.

"Doctor, the power of the Ultraman below seems to have become stronger. I wonder if it's my illusion."

After Tartarus really saw the other party, his judgment was still good.

At least, there was no problem in judging the changes in Orb.

Yes, Orb's power was growing.

He and Gagra were now being beaten by Galatron.

Gagra could still rely on flexible dodging to avoid various heavy blows, but Orb really couldn't stand it.

He was the same type as Zoffy, relying on comprehensive strength and light bombardment. Although he was flexible, it was not his specialty.

Now he has been hit by many heavy blows.

"The invincible Orb fell down."

"The invincible Orb fell down again."

He got up again and again, and was knocked down again and again.

Orb actually resonated with Zoffy's card!

That was the inexplicable defeat during the Showa period, which brought about resentment and helplessness, and was designed by the screenwriter.

Orb was the same. He had just cooperated well with Jagger, but still failed to cause fatal damage to the opponent. Instead, he was hit, and then he felt aggrieved.

Think about it carefully. The doctor has taken Galatron away, and now there is another Galatron.

Doesn't this mean that there must be a Galatron here?

Isn't this the arrangement of the screenwriter?

At this moment, he and Zoffy's state of mind have been combined to a large extent.

But he didn't notice it himself.

It was just that in despair, his desire for power surged up again.

So he took out the card of Dark Belia in the small dark room and wanted to transform into that powerful form.


He took a redundant look at Dark Belia.

The picture of Belia dancing Latin dance flashed uncontrollably in his mind.


He retched.

He silently stuffed the card of Dark Belia back.

At the same time, his malice towards Dark Belia was synchronized with Zoffy's.

Then a burst of light flashed out from Zoffy's card.

From the outside, it was a golden light covering Orb, and his energy was completely boiling.

Now it has reached its peak!

The muscle contours have also become somewhat clear.

Various fighting skills knowledge about "Jeet Kune Do" appeared in his mind.

This is the fighting skill that Zoffy later learned on Earth.

Take the lawlessness as the law, and take the infinite as the finite!

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