Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 607: Team wiped out?

The Leo brothers couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Feng Yuan turned to Duanmu Ci: "Can we go together?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "You can go, just don't tell me my name. I'm hiding behind the scenes now, and I can't let young people rely too much on my power."

Feng Yuan nodded, looked at Astra, and then showed his lion's eyes. Then the two of them turned into two red lights and rushed to the scene.

Roberag still held Belia's head tightly with one hand, and the other hand had condensed a ball of light, ready to blast the back of his head with a ball of light at close range.

Orb and Gagra were about to help when they saw this scene, but at this time two red lights flashed in the sky and turned into the Leo brothers.

The two of them kicked Roberag on the shoulders at the same time, knocking it to the ground, and saved Belia.

They are indeed experts in disc creatures.

The Leo brothers did not hesitate to destroy the small light beams as soon as they landed.

Leo's energy ball hit Roberage's face directly, making him stagger.

Although this energy ball is not very destructive, it has similar characteristics to the cascading storm and can cause damage at the atomic level.

In a sense, this is real damage.

However, compared with the real damage of the cascading storm, this real damage is slightly less lethal.

Similarly, Astra also used an energy ball, which is a little smaller than Leo's, but the killing effect is almost the same.

The two hits finally caused a little damage to Roberage.

This is the highest damage caused to Roberage since the battle between Orb and the others began.

However, soon this damage was supplemented by the liquid metal that kept pouring in.

It was super-speed regeneration.

Duanmu Ci, who was watching the battle, also spread his hands when he saw this situation.

"Many aliens have the ability to regenerate, right? If we don't simulate it, what will we do if we encounter such enemies in the future without experience?"

The Q version of Noah on the side agreed with this view: "Training is still necessary."

The two sang the same tune here, and the battle on the scene became particularly tragic.

Leo and Astra perfectly implemented Leo's tactics, close combat plus joint control.


Roberage's body structure is all super metal, and this fighting skill can't hurt him at all.

It's like a normal person trying to bend a telephone pole. Even if you feel that you are strong and powerful, you can't actually bend it.

It's a waste of effort.

The Leo brothers soon realized that this operation was completely futile.

It's true. Fighting skills are not very useful for disc creatures.

You still have to rely on light skills to fight!

The two quickly retreated and stood with Orb and Belia who had just climbed up.

"We can only use light skills."

Beria snorted: "I've seen that we can only use light skills."

Leo Brothers: ヽ(_;)ノ

Oub saw that the picture was getting out of control and spoke quickly.

"But the biggest problem right now is that our light skills are not powerful enough. The light it just released is more powerful than ours, but it can't hurt it at all."

When the light that is not real damage faces such an enemy with super strong defense, it is like this.

When Leo thought that Roberage would be placed in the Kingdom of Light for training in the future, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and felt that his future was worrying.

"At this point, we can only use the combined light."

Leo can use Ultra Double Flash with Astra. This combined light is much stronger than the light of two ordinary Ultramen.

But there are so many people here, and the combined light used together must be much stronger than Ultra Double Flash.

But everyone still couldn't help shaking their heads.

The combined beam is indeed very powerful, but it is generally used to deal with monsters that are huge and slow to move.

Such monsters generally have super strong defense and vitality, and are difficult to kill, so they need to be destroyed by the combined beam.

However, the combined beam also has a huge flaw, that is, it takes a long time to prepare, moves slowly, and can be predicted.

It would be fine if it was used against a dumber opponent. This time, Roberage was so smart that even if the combined beam was used, it would most likely dodge it.

"Use the binding skill first!"

Finally, it was Belia who spoke.

As expected of an old character who has lived for more than 100,000 years, he can still stay awake when everyone's intelligence is declining.


There was no more.

Because no one among the people present was good at binding skills.

Ordinary binding methods can be used by everyone, but it is obviously unrealistic to use such a trick to bind such a powerful Roberage.

So the final scene became a headache for everyone.

At this time, everyone remembered the goodness of Univos.

If there is a scientist, it is completely possible...


Leo's eyes suddenly lit up, and a bracelet appeared in his hand.

This was not his usual bracelet, but the main technological product that Duanmu Ci obtained the Star Badge.

A device that can use light to create matter.

Seeing Leo show this thing, Astra and Belia on the side also realized belatedly that there was such a thing.

Empiricism kills people. In the past, we were used to fighting with muscles. Now we can use intelligence instead of muscles, but we find that we have no intelligence.

After wearing this bracelet, the use of the bracelet was naturally transmitted to their subconscious.

Orb and Gagra on the side suddenly felt like marginal figures when they saw this. Fortunately, Leo was more careful. Seeing that the two stayed in place, he used his own energy and the power of the bracelet to make two bracelets for them on the spot.

That's right, this thing can even make itself!

This is the horror of Univos technology.

If there were not so many benefits, Univos would not have been so confident to show off the Star Badge.

This is what he deserves!

After everyone put on this bracelet, it seemed as if they had turned into Green Lanterns. They could create anything they thought of, and their fighting style had completely changed.

For example, among all the people present, Belia, who had the most energy, finally had a use for his endless energy after wearing this bracelet.

With a wave of his hand, a cage fell from the sky.

This cage is made of plasma metal and is extremely strong. Even if Roberage is at full power, it cannot be easily destroyed.

But Roberage will escape. Before the cage falls, it rolls away.

It is more flexible than when Ultraman and others hid from the glass cover of Hippolyte.

Facing opponents with both strength and combat IQ, Ultraman has no other choice but to speed up the battle rhythm. Because the bracelet can make too many things, they do not have an accurate understanding of each thing, so it will take some time to get familiar with the various high-tech inside. Now they are constantly making things and throwing them at Roberage to see if they can cause damage or any impact on Roberage.

They also thought about locking Roberage with shackles, but it is too flexible, and the shackles tactics that have not been rehearsed are still a little bit poor in coordination, and it didn't work after all.

These operations made Duanmu Ci, who was far away, have high blood pressure.

"What the hell is this!"

Duanmu Ci felt that the veins on his forehead were jumping non-stop.

"Is this how they all use technology?"

Looking at their fighting style, Duanmu Ci felt like watching someone shoot walnuts with a mobile phone.

These exquisite technologies were used as throwing props like this, it was simply...


Before Duanmu Ci finished being surprised, he saw Orb throw a single-person cannon very easily, and it was thrown directly into Roberlag's hand.

This single-person cannon is driven by the user's own energy.

The biggest feature is...

The continuous firing speed is fast and there is no gap.

Sure enough, Roberlag, who got the single-person cannon, naturally used the weapons thrown by the enemy under the high intelligence matched by AI.

Then, everyone who was originally enjoying the fight found that the opponent's offensive suddenly became more intense.

This single-person cannon, which was not very powerful, began to become powerful under Roberlag's powerful energy bonus.

"Damn it, when did it get this weapon!"

Belia, who was hit several times after dodging repeatedly but still couldn't dodge it, yelled uncontrollably.

Oub knew where it came from, but it was hard to say. He was used to throwing things, so who would have thought that he would throw such a thing out.

"Make a shield!"

Leo shouted after dodging a series of artillery.

Then he first made a plasma metal shield.

This is all ready-made technology, and it is also a device that Duanmu Ci thinks is more useful and energy-saving.

If energy consumption is not considered, these things can be made of better metals.

But the physical properties of plasma metal are enough.

That is equivalent to the defense of Ultraman's head, which is enough to face most situations.

Sure enough, after the shield was built, those light cannons no longer posed a threat.

Then Leo began to make iron chains, and the people around him followed suit.

The crowd slowly approached Robelag under the continuous firepower. When they were close enough, several people swung out the iron chain and were about to lock Robelag.

However, at this moment, Robelag raised his cannon and fired at the iron chain in the sky. The powerful impact disrupted the accuracy of the iron chain, and in the end no one could get close to it.

But this was Leo's real purpose.

At this moment, several shackles suddenly emerged from the ground and locked Robelag's feet tightly.

These were the shackles Leo made extra, and the iron chain was just an illusion to attract attention!

Seeing this move, Belia couldn't help but shout: "Beautiful!"

Then Belia rushed forward and slapped Robelag's front with his shield. Just when Robelag stretched out his hand to block, Belia suddenly lifted the shield and slammed the cannon down with one claw.

Then others followed and tied circles of iron chains around Robelag, who could not move.

These "iron" chains are actually made of plasma metal. Not to mention that the robots can't break free, even Ultraman Father can't break free.

But even so, everyone was worried that Roberage would break free, so they wrapped it layer by layer, wrapping it like a dumpling.

Belia laughed, then looked at everyone: "The opportunity has come! Do you have enough energy?"

Everyone nodded.

It took too much energy to make these things just now. Fortunately, they now have enough energy storage, and it should be no problem to use the light beam at full power.

"Very good."

Belia's eyes gradually became cruel.

"Let's solve it together!"

Everyone stood together and started "skill reading".

Commander Black, who was holding a crystal ball in the distance, could no longer hold the crystal ball after seeing this scene, and let it fall to the ground.

A sad atmosphere permeated the whole person.

"Sure enough, the bad guys will be defeated. Even if I have tried so hard, even if I have such luck, I will not be able to defeat Ultraman in the end."

He didn't think it was bad that the opponent was bullying the minority with more people. Isn't that the universe? You can't talk about the number of people when fighting.

Didn't the Kingdom of Light also fight many battles with fewer people?

And from their performance, Commander Black can clearly see the superiority of Roberage's performance.

It's not that Roberage is not strong, but as a commander, he doesn't understand any combat wisdom, which is why his feet are trapped and this situation occurs.

Watching Robelag's eyes emitting bright light, Commander Black knew that this was Robelag's strongest light skill after the transformation, which was called "Extinction Light Column" by Duanmu Ci, and its lethality was naturally not weak.

But how could a single light fight against Ultraman's combined light?

Commander Black knew it could not resist it without looking at it.

However, such fighting spirit gave Commander Black a strong encouragement.

"Even at the last moment, you won't give up the fight!"

"Then I can't let you down!"

As he spoke, Commander Black picked up the crystal ball again.

"Go fight with my faith!"


. . .

On the other side.

Duanmu Ci frowned when he saw Robelag's eyes accumulating energy.

"No, they will be wiped out if this goes on!"

Noah looked up at Duanmu Ci in surprise: "No way? It seems to me that Roberage is just making a final struggle?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "I built it, how could I not know what it can do?"

"From the beginning of the battle to now, it has been strolling around, so it has never used that ability."

"Jetton's short-distance teleportation!"

Q version Noah: "!!!"

The moment he heard this skill, Noah had guessed the subsequent development.

The combined light came over, and Roberage, who was thought to be locked up well, suddenly teleported behind everyone, and then a beam of light wiped out all the Ultraman present.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but complain to Duanmu Ci: "Your robot design is too powerful, right!?"

Duanmu Ci sighed: "This is all to train everyone to face the complex scenes of the future battlefield."

As soon as the voice fell, the combined light over there slipped out of his hand.

Duanmu Ci grabbed the railing fiercely.

But at this moment, Roberage's whole body shook, and the strongest light blasted out, colliding with the combined light.


The combined light crushed Roberage's strongest light like a rotten wood, and finally fell on Roberage, completely blasting it into slag.

At the same time, Commander Black in the distance seemed to kneel on the ground as if he had lost all his strength, with tears in his eyes.

"Roberage, you are a warrior!"

Although he always felt that Roberage wanted to use something in the end, he forced it down. A warrior should end bravely and must not give in in the end!

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