Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 62 The Collapse of the Yabo People

Seeing that everything was arranged, Disrem contacted the Yabo people.

Now Yabo had been exercising for a long time and felt that he was very awake, so he stopped exercising.

"Yabo people, lend me a super beast and let me set up the battlefield."

The people of Abo: "Are you asking for help?"

Desrem: "We are colleagues after all, so we have to do this, right?"

Yabo smiled coldly, any colleague, a dog is more useful than this kind of colleague. He didn't really want to help Desrem, but what Desrem said was right. After all, we are colleagues, and it's okay to offend him, but You cannot embarrass His Majesty the Emperor because of your temporary dissatisfaction.

"I can lend you a super beast. I just happened to have raised a super beast on the moon before. I will give you the location and control method, and you can get it yourself."

There is indeed a super beast on the moon, and it is considered to be quite powerful among all the super beasts.

That is the Full Moon Super Beast Lunaticus.

Lunaticus once destroyed the lunar civilization and was considered a heinous monster. But if it weren't for it, Beidou Seiji and Nan Xizi would never have known each other. But it was also because of it that in the end Beidou Seiji and Nan Xizi were reunited. Have to face separation.

Now Ace is Beidou Xingsi. They have long been one mind and are the same person.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something and looked towards the direction of the moon.

"Nissan guys, I want to go to the moon!"

Ace's words silenced both Shodai and Seven for a moment.

Jack patted Ace on the shoulder, with the same sadness in his eyes.

Taylor on the side had a blank look on his face, and Eddie couldn't feel this emotion at all.

Taylor because he really doesn't have any particularly unforgettable love, and Eddie because he is quite happy when it comes to love.

But the first few are not like this.

In the first generation, because it was not Susumu Hayata, the emotional pain was not obvious, but the other two, Severn and Juliano were forced to separate, and Jack had to face the sacrifice of his fiancée Akiko Sakata. The emotional pain of these people was not at all. No less than Ace.

Several people who were suffering from the same illness were well aware of Ace's pain at this moment.

But this barrier is too strong!

Univos is working on a way to crack this barrier. If it hasn't been cracked yet, it means there is no progress yet. Even if everyone is anxious, there is nothing they can do.

"Trust Uniworth."

When he said this, the first generation himself didn't quite believe it.

But there is no way. According to the news from the earth, the only one who can reach the moon in time and still has combat effectiveness is Univers.


Ace shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to believe Yunivos, it was just that this kind of thing was more terrifying than gambling.

"I can't put all my hopes on other people!"

"I want to break through this barrier!"

When the first generation and Seven heard this, they quickly stretched out their hands to intercept, but their movements were not as fast as Ace's. Ace stretched out his hands, and his whole body turned into a stream of light, and quickly rushed towards the barrier, and then collided with the barrier fiercely. A large number of explosions continued to come from the place where the barrier came into contact with Ace, but Ace had no intention of retreating, and instead increased his strength even more!

Finally, with his desperate support, the barrier began to deform, and a large amount of electricity began to flow on the barrier. The dark power turned into lightning and continuously invaded Ace's body. You can always see the traces on Ace's body. There are scars like knife cuts, but soon, these scars will be repaired by the light.

"Didi, didud!"

The frequency of the flashing sound of the colored timer is getting faster and faster, as if it will go out at any time.

At this time, the first generation and Seven could no longer watch. Seven released the energy from the laser light on his forehead, and the first generation released energy from his own color timer, replenishing it on Ace.

Jack, Tyro, and Eddie also followed closely, taking out their own energy and passing it on to Ace.

All Ultraman's energy gathered together, and Ace rushed forward as if he was risking his life. The barrier was constantly being torn apart, and the deformation became more and more serious.

"Xizi, wait for me!"

Thinking back to the girl he once was, the pain in Ace's heart became even deeper.

I still remember when Tanabata mentioned that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were lovers, she pointedly asked Beidou Xingsi: "What is the relationship between the two of us?"

At that time, Beidou Xingsi didn't dare to think too much, so he could only pretend that he didn't understand what he meant, smile and pass.

Looking back now, every word is like a knife, deeply engraved in Beidou Xingsi's heart.

"I don't know how to answer that question."

Ace's gaze was still in the direction of the moon, and he didn't care about the constant cuts on his body caused by lightning.

"I just want to prove it with action!"

Men are like this. If emotional matters are put into words, they always feel that any words are too pale.

If you are affectionate enough, you can't just say it with your mouth, but express it with real actions and a lifetime.


Amid the roar, cracks began to appear in the barrier, and it was finally broken through, and Ace successfully flew out.

When the Ultra brothers below saw this scene, they felt happy and were about to follow them out. Unexpectedly, the crack quickly recovered and returned to its original appearance.

The first generation sighed: "It seems that we still have to wait for Univos's research."

Seven shook his head: "I don't know how long we have to wait."

Jack's eyes lingered in the sky for a long time: "Ace will definitely be able to defeat his opponent, right?"

Taro clenched his fists: "That's for sure! Ace Nissan is the trump card of our Kingdom of Light!"

Eddie also nodded.

The power of faith can be transformed into courage, and such power can turn the impossible into the possible.

Now that Ace has broken through the impossible, nothing can stop him!

On the other side, the three dark kings who have been monitoring the situation on Mars saw Ace rushing out of the barrier.

Mefilas was the first to speak: "Yabor, what do you think of your old rival?"

Yabor sneered: "Ace is a guy who likes to be emotional. Sometimes his emotional outbursts do increase his strength, but that is just brute force. It was an accident to lose to him before, but there is no such accident now!"

"Isn't it just one more Ace? Wait for me to mobilize my super beast Ace killers and kill him on the moon!"

"It's a small gift to my colleagues, and it also shows my loyalty to His Majesty!"

With that, Yabo retreated. After training for so long, he also wanted to go back to his subspace to see his cute super beast babies.

And those rows of Ace killers like an army!


He is not for loyalty.

If you want to survive in the Imperial Army, your own strength is very important.

Now that His Majesty the Emperor is interested in his super beast army, then he will show His Majesty the Emperor the power of his super beasts and let His Majesty the Emperor pay more attention to him!

Thinking of this, he opened the "door" and entered the subspace. . .

Half a minute later, the entire subspace was filled with the screams of the Yabo people.

"My Super Beast Army!"

"My Super Beast Maker!!!"

At this time, the Yabo people's Super Beast Maker was lying quietly in the Univos' Univos Armament, and it was completely in the shape of Univos~

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