Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 629: Superpower Organization

Cero feels bad recently.

This is what it feels like to live under someone else's roof.

The person he possessed is a very professional ~ social animal.

He is the kind of weak adult who can feel the social animal atmosphere as soon as he appears.

Iga Liren, a good name, handsome, and righteous.

Anyway, Zero was deceived by these appearances at the beginning, and entered his body without hesitation and became one with him.

And then that's it, he became a social animal.

Originally, when he saw Duanmu Ci, Zero volunteered to participate in the battle, even if it was to help Geed, he wanted to make a break with those guys who plotted against him.

However, Iga Liren refused. He still has a family, children, and a fixed job. It is difficult for him to take leave at ordinary times. How can he be absent without reason?

Duanmu Ci also thinks so. Ultraman cannot affect other people's lives without reason.

Even if you are one with others, you still have to respect their lives, and then he didn't take him with you.

Ultraman was in pain because he was a famous young generation of war god in the Land of Light. Was it reasonable for him to experience the life of a traditional worker here?

Iga Kuriren thought it was reasonable.

"Hey, Renren, even if you want to be a corporate slave, you should exercise your body."

Although his physical fitness was greatly enhanced after he became one with Ultraman, it was still Iga Kuriren's body after all, and he still needed to exercise himself to become stronger.

The physical fitness of the human body also determined the fighting time of Ultraman on Earth.

Because the relationship with the Earth is getting better and better, Ultraman has generally no longer been limited to three minutes, but the limitation of the human body still exists as always, and it is more prominent.

Just like before, when the physical fitness of Daikoku Daichi was not good, he would be exhausted after fighting for a while.

Now Iga Kuriren's physical fitness has improved a lot because of Ultraman's existence, but it is still not enough to maintain Ultraman's very energy-consuming fighting style.

After all, Ultraman uses the cosmic boxing method, and the various movements consume physical strength like running water.

Although the lethality is also very great.

"Ren Ren, let's go to the Yachiryu Gym this weekend!"

Igali Ren Ren was very annoyed by the harassment, and he was not good at refusing, and there was really no good excuse to refuse, so he could only choose to agree to Zero's request.

Anyway, it's just a trip to the gym, what else can it be?

When he has time, he can also let his daughter go to the gym to train together, just as a physical exercise.

If you think about it carefully, Ultraman should also do the great work of protecting mankind, so it is not appropriate for him, a social animal, to delay it.

However, in fact.

Duanmu Ci didn't expect Zero to protect the world at all.

After all, this time Zero was ambushed after just carrying out a mission and had to find a human to be one with him. Who knows what strange things will happen in the future?

Besides, Geed's actual combat power is not to be covered.

Xiao Lu's current situation is the same as Sakuragi Hanamichi in Slam Dunk. All data are at the highest level, and what is lacking is only combat experience.

It is enough to deal with the enemies that will appear.

At the same time, Duanmu Ci himself entered the universe used for training to try the effect of the sublimator. It could not work on the Noah form, there was no improvement, and there would not be any changes. It was just equivalent to the effect of a transformation device.

However, if it was used on another body he created, the posture of the Red Clan, the effect was very obvious. He could even use the real M87 light after using the capsules of the first generation and Belia.

Originally, his M55 light was actually the M87 light, but it was called M55 because it could not reach 870,000℃ due to its own reasons.

Now the capsules of the first generation and Belia have improved the light output capacity, directly raising the M55 to its original posture, reaching a high temperature of 870,000℃.

It is even possible to increase the temperature.

It only needs a higher intensity of compression, and his body can completely withstand it.

So terrifying! It is really so terrifying!

However, after using the capsules of the first generation and Belia, some combat habits will also be engraved into the body.

After all, everything of Ultraman is carried by light, even giving birth is a combination of light, and all genes are in the light.

These battle memories are naturally included in it.

After using this capsule, Duanmu Ci will have an impulse to use his chest to block the light, or to fight randomly and rely on instinct to fight.

Fortunately, it is just an impulse and can be controlled.

"Although this is a negative effect, if it is well controlled, it may become a positive effect."

Duanmu Ci can think of this kind of thing, and Hikaru can naturally think of it, so there will be a series of lights for Leo. As long as Leo's elite capsule and Seven's elite capsule are combined, the fighting ability can be greatly improved.

It is also because of these functions that Hikaru did not optimize this ability.

Ordinary-level capsules completely optimize these things, without any negative effects, but only improve strength, and at the same time, the degree of improvement in strength will also be reduced a lot.

Just when Duanmu Ci and others were doing their own things, someone was performing magic on a street corner in Tokyo.

The magic is just a common one, which is the levitation magic.

There are many kinds of levitation magic on the market, which look magical, but it is just like that. However, this levitation magic is completely different.

It does not look as exaggerated as those large levitation magics on the market. It just suspends some relatively small things. However, the biggest problem is that this thing is actually a close-up magic. It is performed in front of others, and others can't see any problems.

With such magic, the boy has earned enough attention from everyone and also earned the first pot of gold as a magician.

After that, he performed many other magics, but those magics basically have various interpretations on the Internet. Although others can see through them but don't say anything, they are not as exciting as the levitation magic at the beginning.

Of course, it is also because of those magics that people around him think that the person in front of them is a real magician. The reason why the previous levitation magic was so magical is that they didn't see the problem.

There are many people who have this idea.

However, a middle-aged man who looks a little serious occasionally stays here after seeing this levitation magic. He doesn't leave, doesn't pay, and just stands here to watch.

The boy also found that there was something wrong with this person, but now he was making money and there were people around him, so he felt that he was safe and didn't rush to leave.

He had a good mentality.

But the other side was not easy to deal with.

The two of them just kept an eye on each other until the end of the afternoon.

At noon on the way, the boy went to eat, and this strange person didn't bother him, but when he came to perform in the afternoon, the person appeared as an audience again.

After the performance, the people around him also dispersed, and the boy asked: "Uncle, you have been watching here for so long, what's the matter?"

The weird man just laughed: "I often heard on the Internet before that there are always people performing magic in the name of performing magic. I always thought it was a joke before, but I didn't expect to see it in reality."

Hearing this, the boy frowned, but he was not very nervous after being exposed. If the other party really had any ill intentions towards him, he should have taken action long ago, and there was no need to speak at this time.

"Does magic really exist?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Even Ultraman exists, so of course magic exists."

"However, what I just said was a little inaccurate. You shouldn't call it magic, you should call it superpowers. Am I right?"

The young man nodded: "It seems that you should know other people with superpowers, uncle."

The serious uncle nodded: "I do know a lot of people, some heroes with superpowers, and some criminals with superpowers. I just don't know if you want to be a hero or a criminal?"

"Of course, your superpowers are still very weak now. Whether you become a hero or a criminal, it is not a matter of one day or one night. The reason why I stayed is just because I don't want you to go down the wrong path."

"To be honest, I am also a superpower person."

As he spoke, the uncle stretched out his palm, and a ball of flame suddenly ignited and wrapped his palm.

However, this display only stayed for a moment, and the uncle extinguished the fire.

"Uncle, are you trying to recruit me?"

The boy smiled: "What a pity, I don't want to be a hero, nor a criminal, I just want to make some money."

"How much can you make performing magic on the street?"

The uncle said: "You should know the special nature of your power. Once you are discovered, if there is no formal organization to protect you, then you will eventually be treated as a guinea pig, live in an experimental house, and be studied by a bunch of scientists."

"We are a formal organization, and our job is to secretly protect the earth. Not only do we have a bunch of seniors who can help you get familiar with your abilities and improve your strength, but we can also give you a good salary. You can do whatever you want."

"There are also very powerful doctors in the organization. Even if you have any problems with your body, they can help you recover instantly. Everyone helps each other. Being a second-rate magician outside doesn't have this kind of treatment."

I have to say that when these conditions were mentioned, the boy was a little tempted.

After all, he is a young man. Although many people in the new era seem to hate the appearance of being a middle school student, but if you are not a middle school student, you are a young man. Who doesn't have a dream of becoming a hero in their heart?

Who doesn't want to show off in front of their loved ones?

And from what the uncle said, their organization is quite formal, and there shouldn't be any problem joining such an organization.

So what's left?

"How does your organization compare to MIB?"

The serious middle-aged man said: "MIB is aimed at aliens and external affairs, mainly relying on technology, and our organization AIB is aimed at the superpowers and magicians inside the earth, mainly relying on metaphysics."

"We develop the potential of the earthlings themselves, and they use external forces, but in essence they all want to make humans evolve, so there is no difference between high and low."

Well said, the boy was a little excited when he heard such a setting, but he couldn't help feeling a little inferior

"It's just that my current power can only suspend some small things, will it be..."

The serious middle-aged man said: "Everyone starts out weak. We have professional training methods. Your strength type can become telekinesis. When telekinesis is raised to the limit, it is also a very powerful ability, whether it is offense or defense." , or it can play a big role in various aspects of life.”

"You can even make yourself fly after exercising. Doesn't that sound pretty good?"

The young man was heartbroken.

Then I joined this organization called AIB.

Everyone in this organization is a superpower, and it is established underground. On the ground of their base is an ordinary supermarket. Even big data cannot find any problems.

It is also because it is hidden under the supermarket, so they can come in and out at any time without others noticing anything is wrong.

And in all this, ZARD, the leader of MIB, didn't notice anything was wrong.

He had heard Duanmu Ci say that there were many elite-level capsules turning into light and shining on the ground. Many superpowers might be produced by then, so he had to be prepared in advance to deal with superpower crimes.

But nothing happened these days, no superpowers, let alone any superpower crimes, plus he was really busy recently, so busy that he couldn't find Bei, so he forgot about this matter. .

Of course, this is not his fault. There are really many things crowded together, and then only one organization is active. This is naturally the effect.

After the young man came to the so-called AIB organization, he was quickly assigned a person who also used telekinesis to be his teacher, who helped him continuously cultivate telekinesis. evil.

Every time he does these things, the young man feels a lot of accomplishment. While his kindness and nobility in his heart continue to improve, his strength also begins to grow. This makes him more convinced that his power is righteous and that the organization he joins is also righteous.

Later he found out that the middle-aged uncle who found him at that time was a member of the fire element group. The fire element group rarely directly participated in the battle because the lethality was too strong. If one could not control it, it would be a disaster. They will only take action when facing powerful superpowers, and when taking action, they also need the help of many other types of elements to avoid causing disasters.

"Actually, our telekinesis team's combat effectiveness is not weak, and it is more stable. There are many people participating in such high-level battles. If you want to repay that uncle's kindness, there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

The young man nodded fiercely and set a dream in his heart to become the most powerful person with super powers.

Of course, if this was a novel about superpowers, he might be the protagonist.

But this is Ultraman's world.

Their superpowers are not born with them, but are powered by elite capsules.

So the arrangement and organization of all this is somewhat intriguing.

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