Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 631: Through Skarugomora

"so close."

Duanmuci held on to the edge of the crumbling building with one hand, and held on to his companion who almost fell with the other hand.

"This way of appearing is indeed a bit handsome."

The companion who was being held by Duanmu Ci was quite nervous at first, but hearing Duanmu Ci speak so calmly, his nervousness was inexplicably reduced a lot.

"Rather than this, Duanmu, please pull me up first. Although my telekinesis can make me fly, it won't be difficult~"

Everyone in the telekinesis group can have the ability to fly as long as they practice for a period of time, it just depends on how fast they fly.

So even if Duanmu Ci didn't catch him at that time, he wouldn't have fallen to death, but he might have been injured a little.

Duanmuci used his telekinesis to send the two of them back upstairs, and then used his ultra telekinesis to scan the surroundings. No one was inside the affected buildings. After many evacuation drills, everyone quickly entered. Hidden underground.

Therefore, the only problem with G\u0026D's appearance is that it destroyed a few buildings, which will make MIB more uncomfortable as an insurance compensation organization in the future, that's all.

It should be a world where only MIB is injured.


With a roar to cheer himself up, Geed used his claw-like hands to pull out several long cutting rays that looked like scratches with powerful energy.

This kind of light looks quite cool, but it is not very lethal. Even with the level of lethality of the shuriken light, it will just explode into clusters of sparks when it falls on Strugomora.

Not very lethal, but high density.

After Duanmuci reminded him, Geed had almost completely given up on conventional fighting methods, not caring about the consumption of energy and all kinds of light pollution. (Ged TV is considered the pinnacle of Austrian light pollution)

Many rays are actually not practical, but Geed has a lot of energy. Using energy is like using water. It is talking about heavy fire coverage.

However, the Scarug Mora opposite is not the kind of monster that will be frightened by light pollution. A faint purple light mist pours out of the colored timer on its chest, a red light blooms from its body, and the pair of large crescent-shaped horns on its head are condensed. A large amount of energy was released, forming a power arc, which severely shattered countless rays of light, and finally fell on Geed, leaving wounds like knife cuts.


Jed snorted and took a few steps back, unable to maintain the light output.

Then he wanted to regroup and continue to use light to consume it remotely, but unexpectedly, Scarug Mora directly stepped forward and used the pair of big horns on his head to send him a zero-range super vibration wave.

The lethality of super vibration waves cannot be overstated.

After just one hit, Geed began to recall every bit of his life uncontrollably.

Eighteen years of life kept flashing in front of him, and for a moment he felt that his life had become quiet.

"Wake up."

“Wake up!!!”

Just as his consciousness gradually fell silent, a voice was directly transmitted to his mind through Ultra-Psychic Power.

"Wake up!"

After a moment of confusion, he finally woke up suddenly and heard the voice clearly.

"Brother Duanmu!"

"He's watching my fight?"

After regaining his energy, Geed grabbed the pair of big horns that were still pressing against his Skalugomora with both hands, stepped back with his right foot, and tried his best to hold up Skalugomora.


Didn't hold up.

Still retreating.

At this time, Geed finally understood the physical gap between Ultraman and Kaiju.

Ultraman rarely directly confronts monsters, mainly because monsters are generally stronger than Ultraman.

Of course, this is just a general situation. Some special Ultraman's physical abilities are more terrifying than monsters. That's another situation.

But Geed also has its own way of dealing with it.

He just started to panic a little bit. After calming down, he gave a fierce elbow blow. The energy burst out from the elbow and hit Skalugomora hard on the back of the head. The energy exploded like a heavy hammer, making Skalug Mora Lugomora was a little dazed for a moment and could no longer push Geed away.

But at the same time, Scarugomora's pair of big horns began to flash with bright red lightning. This red lightning even covered its entire pair of horns. At the same time, its big mouth opened, and the golden light had already Overflowing the whole big mouth.

Don't think it must use light.

Taking in such exaggerated light at such a close distance is probably not going to kill you instantly.

Even Duanmu Ci sat up straight, ready to help at any time.

Geed was also frightened, but he was still nervous, so he still made a choice and pushed Skalugomora's head upwards with all his strength.

At this time, don't think about the physical difference between Ultraman and monsters.

He burst out with all his strength, and his pair of flame-like blue eyes burst out with an exaggerated blue light, like a raging flame.

With the blessing of this energy, Geed's strength has increased a lot.

Ultraman's power is actually not completely fixed, just like the father of Ultraman. Even though the father of Ultraman is so strong, in fact his power data is almost exactly the same as the first generation Ultraman and Ultraman Jack, and they are traditional. Silver Clan physical strength, but the strength of his fists and kicks are quite exaggerated. This is the effect of super exaggerated energy bonus strength.

Now, Zedd is in the same situation. His strength doubled, and he lifted Skarugomora's mouth to the sky.

When Skarugomora's ultimate move, the hell magma, gushed out, the whole beam could only become a sky rocket, which looked very impressive, but had no actual killing power.

At the same time, Zedd also lay on the ground, with his hands forming a cross.

"Destruction explosion!!!"

The exaggeratedly powerful beam gushed out and hit Skarugomora's throat. It went straight through Skarugomora's throat without encountering any obstacles, and even blew up Skarugomora's entire head. Only half of his body was left, swaying for a long time, and finally fell to the ground.


Zed lay on the ground, his hands still maintaining the posture of emitting beams, and the beams had already stopped.

Duanmu Ci nodded.

"It's true, this fighting method is very creative."

Lying down can not only prevent the light from causing too much damage to the earth, but also offset the recoil of a lot of light, making the emission of light more stable.

Such an idea is difficult to practice through fighting, it should be an idea generated by playing games, very avant-garde.

It's just that his fighting method is still too wild, causing a lot of damage to the surroundings.


Duanmu Ci glanced at his brothers beside him.

Fortunately, there is a group of people who want to do good things but have nowhere to do it, so they can just trick everyone to come and help.

No, it's not called tricking, maybe it's just everyone working together.

Maybe he doesn't even need to speak out, and the problem will be solved here.

Sure enough, when Duanmu Ci and his partner returned to the AIB base together, many people there had already started discussing how to deal with the aftermath.

Some people even proposed to use superpowers to work for free.

Duanmu Ci didn't support this. Others could work for free, but he had to get some compensation.

So he changed his statement.

After you have money, you don't have to use it. Donate it for disaster relief, set up a foundation, and use it for various disaster relief support in the future.

This statement shocked the whole audience. No one thought that such a high-level person would be mixed in among a group of otakus.

Duanmu Ci even drafted various plans by himself, which detailed what to do in what situation, and divided them step by step. As long as everyone does what Duanmu Ci said, they can carry forward the foundation.

Such news naturally reached the ears of AIB's senior management.

The decision-maker didn't feel anything strange when he saw Duanmu Ci's face. He was just an ordinary otaku who might have read too many novels and knew a little bit of things with a higher level of vision.

It was still the role of the badge that changed the temperament.

The senior management didn't agree at first. They just quietly did good things in private without anyone knowing, and they could cultivate and improve their style.

But after thinking about it carefully, the existence of this organization is official on the surface, but it is still a private organization in reality. If it is left alone, it will sooner or later be discovered by MIB, which has big data. In this case, it is better to turn the organization into an official organization, so that the aliens can be mixed into the high-level human government at that time, which will make things much easier.

After thinking about this clearly, the high-level officials changed their clothes and seemed to have become an ordinary successful person.

Of course, you have to come in person to communicate with the high-level human beings.

. . .

"Hello, my name is Fujing Degui, I think we can have a good chat."

Fujing Degui found ZARD, the person in charge of MIB, through a series of means.

ZARD originally didn't want to pay attention to such a person who came out and didn't talk about business but was just playing tricks, but after hearing his name, ZARD was stunned. This name seemed to have been mentioned by Duanmu Ci.

It seems that there are aliens hiding on Earth as ordinary humans, and they also control a large organization.

Thinking of this, ZARD suddenly became interested: "Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

Fuji Izukui curled his lips: "Don't be so vigilant, I am actually working hard for the future of mankind."

"To be honest, I am a superpower, and I have a group of superpowers under my command."

ZARD spread his hands: "Superpowers are nothing, now the world is technology, can superpowers compare to cosmic technology?"

Fuji Izukui smiled and shook his head: "It seems that you still don't understand the significance of the existence of superpowers."

"In this case, I can also let you see the power of the superpower group."

"First of all, all the superpowers under my command are people with noble personalities and wholeheartedly want to contribute to human peace, but as a leader, I don't want to see their efforts not understood."

"If they perform well this time, I also hope that you can give them a formal identity."

ZARD smiled and said: "You said that."

"It seems that you are quite courageous."

"Okay, I like people like you who have courage. We MIB have always valued ability, and you valued origin. If you superpowers can show the characteristics that make me shine, let alone let you have an official identity, even if you are given an identity parallel to MIB, it is not impossible, and you can also be allowed to openly recruit superpowers from all over the earth. However, how to distinguish between superpowers and aliens will depend on you. If there are a lot of aliens hiding in your department at that time, it will be a problem for you to supervise yourself."

"After all, the earth belongs to the earthlings. If I can use the superpowers of the earth to protect it, I don't want to use technology from aliens."

Fuji Ideshi smiled slightly: "Leave the disaster relief to us this time, let you see the work efficiency of superpowers."

Recruiting superpowers from all over the earth, this authority is hard for Fuji Ideshi not to be tempted.

As for the matter of not recruiting aliens, Fuji Ideshi just wants to laugh. He is an alien himself, so what is he worried about? It's better if they come. He can directly control them and become a cutting-edge force against Ultraman.

Today, except for the fact that Skarugomorah was easily eliminated, which hurt Fukui Desui, everything else was good.

Even Skarugomorah's appearance was good, so he couldn't help but have a drink to celebrate after returning to his office.

Then he started the post-war review.

To be honest, Skarugomorah's loss was not unfair.

Don't look at the feeling of a newcomer who is fighting all the time now. In fact, his various data are not what a newcomer should have. Even after this appearance, his fighting style is quite avant-garde, which is in line with the current speculation of many cosmic people about the mainstream way of future fighting, all kinds of light skills suppression.

If the Zuluk alien from last time met Skarugomorah this time, he would probably be beaten to a pulp as soon as he met. Any swordsmanship is meaningless in the face of such intensive light bombardment. He can only use powerful light to smash this intensive but fragile light like Skarugomorah, and abruptly interrupt the opponent's attack.

So judging carefully, Skarugomorah's fighting choices are all the best, without any problems.

The real problem is still the simplest one.

Geed used the genuine sublimator, which was full of Hikari's wisdom, while Scarugomora used his imitation, which was not as effective as the genuine sublimator. From the perspective of realm, it was normal for him to lose.

For example, at the end, if Scarugomora could hold Geed's hands and point his mouth at Geed, Geed would have died on the spot under such a close light bombardment.

The victory or defeat was just a thin line.

After the analysis, Fushigi nodded: "It seems that the primary goal is still the same, and we need to collect Ultraman's capsules as soon as possible."

It's also very annoying to say that if Zero hadn't intervened at the beginning, their organization could directly obtain a large number of elite capsules, and they wouldn't have to go through so much trouble like now.

But it's better now, they can go deeper into human society, and the effect will be better at that time.

Moreover, the light cultivated by these people will become stronger and stronger, and the effect will be greater at that time.

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