Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 638: Fooling, and then Fooling

Originally, Zero and Xiao Lu wanted to pretend to be pitiful and gain sympathy.

Who would have known that he would meet Fengyuan, an old guy who had been active on earth since he was a hot-blooded man in the Showa era.

Then I deeply felt what passion is.

The two people who originally wanted to take a good rest were dragged to extra training by Leo despite their injuries.

Toba Laiye looked at Duanmu Ci with wide, confused eyes, while Duanmu Ci shrugged and expressed his helplessness.

In fact, just now, Duanmu Ci had already noticed that they were pretending, and he used his ultra-psychic power to detect the eye drops in their pockets. He just pretended to be fake. He couldn't even shed tears quickly. He still wanted to pass this acting skill. ?

Of course, if Fengyuan found out that they were just acting and actually had a healthy mentality, they probably wouldn't need to train more.

Then Duanmuci would have no fun watching it.

So he said nothing and let the two teenagers feel the pain that Leo felt back then.

How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry?

"Hey hey hey, Laiye, let's go take some photos."

Duanmu Ci smiled a little too wildly, which attracted Toba Laiye's side glances.

Fortunately, at this time, Riko Saita suddenly appeared and grabbed Duanmuci's arm: "You have all your affairs settled and you still have time to watch young people's jokes."

After saying that, he dragged Duanmu away.

Duanmu Ci didn't understand what was left unfinished, but he followed along naturally after being dragged along.

After they were far away, Lizi said, "I disturbed your chat with the young girl, didn't I?"

Duanmu gave him a stick to beat the snake: "It's good if you know."

"Huh?" Lizi's voice suddenly raised, wanting to remind him, but as soon as she turned around, she saw Duanmu Ci taking out a mobile phone at some point, and then he didn't know what to do there.

"What are you doing again?"

Duanmu Ci said: "After your reminder just now, I did remember that there are still some things that I have not done."

"To put it simply, our penetration of cosmic beings must start from within."

Duanmu Ci is not a regular Ultraman.

Regular Ultraman only needs to know that the relationship between the cosmic people, Ultraman, and humans on Earth is becoming more and more harmonious.

Duanmuci had to consider how to make these discords harmonious.

For example~

Use all kinds of entertainment to poison these cosmic beings.

Nowadays, various hot-blooded animations are gradually becoming popular in AIB.

This is also tacitly approved internally, because the passion in the heart can really enhance everyone's strength.

Of course, this heavy method is only more effective for ordinary people and ordinary people in the universe.

Scientists are a group of people who have escaped from vulgar taste, and it is impossible to influence them with this kind of thing.

Those cosmic scientists gathered together and now they can be regarded as an amazing force.

Not only can it create things that are undetectable, but it can also create a main gun that is as powerful as the "Fire Storm" but is so small.

This fire storm is definitely as lethal as the main gun of a main battleship, just look at the crushing effect it has on Zero and Geed's light.

If any robot in the future uses this kind of main gun, I really can’t imagine how exciting the battle scenes will be in the future.

Therefore, Duanmuci planned to give them a topic that was interesting but without any specific purpose before they studied new things.

Of course, this kind of subject cannot be handed over by him personally, but must be handed over by the hands of others.

The fortresses were breached from within.

That night, Duanmuci used the power of dimensions to hide his body and came to the area around the mountain that was hollowed out by the cosmonauts.

As expected, after Duanmu came over, he directly used his ultra-psychic power to detect the internal situation. This time, he was not affected and could detect it directly.

After all, the method of detecting ultrasonic power is almost the same as the method used by blind people to touch bones. It means to "touch" directly, and naturally you will not be confused by these superficial things.

"Hey, hey, hey? Lizi, can you hear me?"

Saita Riko on the other side of the mountain responded: "Don't worry, everything is under my control. Don't worry, no one will escape my sight even if there is an accident."

Riko Saita also came, mainly responsible for insurance.

If the detector inside detects Duanmu Ci's appearance, everyone will definitely run away in panic and show off their special abilities.

Although Duanmuci was very confident in his own technological strength, he was faced with scientists who also gave him a lot of surprises. If one or two of them escaped, and then all the other cosmic people were alert and dormant, it would be a bit more than worth the gain. .

Killing was never the goal.

After making sure that there were no problems outside, Duanmu Ci sneaked in.

Then. . .

I was completely fascinated by the technology inside.

"Hey, this thing is kind of interesting."

"Yo, that thing too."

"Don't underestimate the people of the world."

Duanmuci put on a white coat and was about to study these things. Who knew that at this time, a scientist also wearing a white coat came over.

"Are you still up so late?"

Duanmuci turned his head and saw clearly that he was face to face with the man. His eyes were filled with calmness and a little sleepiness.

But there was no panic.

Didn't he recognize that Duanmu Ci was an outsider?

In this case, Duanmuci also suppressed his nervousness and said

"I'm just thinking that there are some things that I haven't finished yet, so I'm going to do them now, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

The man nodded: "Yes, scientific research is like this. If there is a little bit of research left, you can't sleep. But you still have to rest. I just haven't studied a topic until I finish it. I thought I would rest after I finish it, but I haven't rested for three days."

Even cosmic people will get tired.

There are not many people like Duanmu Ci who can go a whole year without sleeping without any impact.

The scientist walked to the coffee machine and grinded coffee beans skillfully, and asked: "Do you want some coffee to refresh yourself?"

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "No, I prefer milk to coffee."

It was a normal sentence, but it instantly made the scientist alert.

"Who are you?"

Duanmu Ci: "Ah?"

The scientist said: "The purchase of this coffee machine is approved by everyone. Everyone likes to drink coffee, but you don't like it? Who are you!"

Duanmu Ci was speechless. I have been standing in front of you for so long, and you have been looking at this face for so long, and you didn't think it was strange. Now you are alert because you don't drink coffee? Is this reasonable?

"Well, everyone agrees, how can I disagree?"

"Usually I have to pretend to like coffee, but now there are only two of us, I think there is no need to pretend."

The scientist nodded: "Yes, survival in this society still requires a little compromise."

After sighing, he continued: "If you don't like it, don't drink it. Anyway, you don't look too sleepy, so you don't need coffee to refresh yourself."

After making coffee, the scientist didn't rush to start any research, but sat on the chair with coffee in hand, crossed his legs, and swung his feet leisurely.

"Speaking of this battle of Dark Lopus, it's really interesting."

It's normal to chat about anything in the office.

Often, you can talk about a lot of big news with a lot of information.

Duanmu Ci also responded: "Yes, I didn't expect the fire storm to be so powerful that even the combined light of two Ultramen can be easily defeated."

The scientist shook his head: "That's nothing, this power has been calculated long ago."

"After all, it is a single-soldier equipment modified from the main gun of a giant battleship. Although it is a single-soldier equipment, its power is at the level of a large battleship. It is reasonable to have such power."

"I'm talking about the fighting skills in the second half."

While speaking, he knocked on the table in front of him, and then a transparent screen popped up. After he tapped the "keyboard" on it a few times, all the data and combat videos of Dark Lopus were called out.

Then he felt a little dry in the mouth, picked up the coffee cup and blew a breath, and then took a sip of coffee and said.

"When we bought this Dark Lopus, he had already damaged many key parts. His fighting skills and so on were all loaded into our own database later."

Duanmu Ci nodded.

No wonder they fought so poorly. It seems that this group of scientists are not very good at fighting, and there is no "martial arts instructor" to help guide them.

The result is that Dark Lopus, who was originally good at fighting skills, seemed a bit rough when he started fighting.

"I don't know if he was suppressed in fighting skills, so this Dark Lopus burst out his instincts and recalled his fighting memories for a short time, and it actually played a good effect."

"Unfortunately, no matter how I searched, I couldn't find the remnants of his fighting skills data, so I couldn't sleep, thinking about whether I could find it again. If I can find it, it will be of great help to our future research on other robots."

After that, he talked with Duanmu Ci and talked about many novel ideas. While drinking coffee and operating the computer, his mind was constantly active.


At this time, Duanmu Ci suddenly proposed a topic.

"By the way, powerful energy can produce consciousness, so where is this consciousness usually stored?"

This made the scientist stunned.

"Yes, where is it?"

"How did consciousness come from?"

They have been committed to "resurrecting" Dark Belia, and of course they attach great importance to this issue.

In their calculations, as long as they collect enough demon fragments and use the most advanced technology to cultivate energy, they should be able to revive Dark Belia.

But there is a very realistic problem here.

The most critical part of this plan, the "cutting-edge technology" used to cultivate energy, is not the technology they really master.

They are not sure whether they can create Dark Belia, nor do they know whether the one they create will be Belia with Ultra Heart.

If the latter, they will shoot themselves in the foot.

Because this cutting-edge technology is actually the technology left by Univos in the Kingdom of Light.

He got rid of the dilemma of "lack of blue" by cultivating energy, and later he uploaded this technology to the database of the Kingdom of Light.

Then, everyone understood.

The security of the Kingdom of Light is indeed not very good.

The confidentiality of this technology on the Internet is high, but it can't withstand others to see it directly!

Then those scientists memorized some of the content of this technology, and then gathered everyone's strength to build a machine that was roughly the same.

This was all they relied on.

Now Duanmu Ci suddenly raised this question, which immediately attracted the attention of the scientist.

"According to records, many Ultramen will turn into light particles after using the Ultra Bomb, and finally reunite and become entities."

"We are the same. Many cosmic beings with pure energy life forms also have the ability to break themselves up and condense again."

"So where do their thoughts exist when they break themselves up?"

Duanmu Ci just raised this question, and the scientist fell into a long period of contemplation.

The next day, Duanmu Ci actually attended the scientists' meeting in a swaggering manner, and everyone discussed this topic together.

There were so many scientists present, but no one could recognize who Duanmu Ci was.

No one noticed that there was an extra person here, nor did they notice that Duanmu Ci looked a little strange.

But it was also true that they usually put all their attention on research, and all the work and topics were done by each person according to their own strength.

So everyone present was actually not familiar with each other at all, and even if they chatted at ordinary times, they would not deliberately remember what others looked like.

After all, everyone is a cosmic being, and they can completely change their faces for fun.

Maybe yesterday it was an old man, today it is a beautiful woman, remembering their appearance is a complete waste of effort.

In such a cutting-edge scientific conference, Duanmu Ci proposed several directions, each of which seemed to point out the way forward for them.

However, Duanmu Ci himself knew very well that these directions were all misleading.

He had studied this topic a long time ago and had completely succeeded in the study.

He deliberately avoided the correct direction and gave everyone a bunch of directions that seemed correct, but in the end they would find that they were completely wrong.


Just when everyone was about to start research according to Duanmu Ci's conjecture, suddenly a scientist said: "When we sent Dark Lopus out yesterday, that person, by the way, Fujing Degui, said he wanted to go to another universe to find some metal life form."

"That metal life form hides consciousness in every cell, right? Is it possible that it can help our research a little?"

Duanmu Ci was also stunned when he heard this.

Can this be so far off?

Although the direction Duanmu Ci pointed to them before was wrong, it was generally close to the true direction. This time, what that person said was completely the opposite.

Although the metal life form is classified as a life form, its life nature is actually more like the T-1000 in the Terminator. It looks like a living creature on the surface, but it is actually a robot inside.

Each of its cells thinks independently.

If these scientists use this method to study the existence of consciousness, they can only create robots like T-1000 in the end, and will never be able to "resurrect" Dark Belia.

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