Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 645 The Army Attacks

Bursts of electric current burst out, and the extra souls were wiped out, but Agul's own soul was not affected at all.

This is Duanmu Ci's latest invention, "Owner's Imprint".

Under this invention, the soul that was forcibly fused will be expelled, leaving only the soul of the body itself.

The only problem may be what Duanmu Ci said. After all, this is an equipment that directly kills the soul. After using it, even if the soul itself is not injured, the body will be weak and unable to get out of bed for a while.

However, the effect of expelling foreign souls is still quite strong.

After the current stopped, Gaia and Univos saw that Agul's body suddenly softened and fell straight to the ground, and the dark power on his body dissipated directly, turning into black particles and completely disappearing in the air.

Without the support of the soul, such dark power is like a rootless duckweed, and will be expelled instantly in the vast light of Agul.

Most of the other Ultramen are the same, but the soul is affected and the dark power cannot be expelled. Once the soul is restored, these weak dark powers are not a problem at all in front of the powerful light of Ultraman itself.

After expelling the dark power, Agul regained consciousness, but now he fell to the ground, his hands and feet were weak and he couldn't move. His face was directly on the ground and he couldn't see what was going on.

Fortunately, Gaia came up at this time and asked

"Fujimiya, are you okay!"

Agul: "I don't know what happened, but my hands and feet are weak. Can you turn me over before talking?"

Hearing this, Gaia quickly turned Agul over, and then he saw Univos, who was covering his mouth and trying to laugh but couldn't laugh out loud.

"Professor? Why are you here?"

Ununivos spread his hands: "I was going to come and chat with you."

"Who knew that after I came here, I saw that you were possessed by a bunch of souls. I had no choice but to stay here for two days and work hard to save you."

"It's a pity that I can only do this. Next, you will be weak for a while and lie in bed for a while."

Gaia on the side couldn't help but look sideways when he heard this.

What is hard research.

He followed Duanmu Ci these two days, watching him go around, eat everywhere, watch anime and movies, go to the game city to play games, and experience all kinds of things. Anyway, he didn't plan to do research.

Then when the two days were up, he saw bursts of light flashing in Univos's hands, and this thing was built. . .

If this is also called hard research, then what is the situation where they stay in the laboratory for half a day and can't move for half a day called?

But no matter what, Fujimiya is finally normal now, so let him say hard research is hard research.

Obviously, now I Meng doesn't understand how painful it is to take care of someone for several months, otherwise he wouldn't think so.

After solving the problems here, Univos went around and played as he should. In general, he has recorded all the changes in this world.

Ever since he came to this universe to change the technology of this world, he has been worried that the technology here will go astray and go to the path that requires the help of the technology of the Kingdom of Light or alien technology to continue to grow.

Now it seems that he is too worried.

Although this world has developed very slowly after he left and has become a normal world, it is still developing and will not be restricted by anything.

This is the possibility of human beings.

It was forced to grow, but now it still survives and continues to grow.

When leaving the earth, Univos suddenly understood what Zoffy said.

One day, humans will walk side by side with Ultraman in the universe.

He used to think that it was just the idea of ​​idealists. After all, except for a few scientists in the Kingdom of Light, everyone else can basically be considered an idealist, and it is normal to have all kinds of strange remarks.

However, there are many things that idealists see more thoroughly than these scientists who only like to look at data.

"Go back."

Univos turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and opened the Ultra Eye to look into the depths of the universe.

At the edge of the Milky Way, a huge space fleet has taken shape.

If it was just an ordinary cosmic fleet, Univos would not have any idea, but the warships of this fleet are exactly the same as those of the fleet of the Rebrando star people during the Galactic Empire, so there is a big problem.

Their target is most likely the Earth.

And it is very likely Gaia on Earth.

"Okay, let me stretch my muscles before leaving."

Univos degenerated from silver form to red form.

The silver form is Noah's posture. Although it is invincible, it is too boring for a scientist like him who wants to enjoy fighting.

It feels like playing a game with cheats. It is very cool at the beginning, but after a long time, there is no feeling, and it may even feel a little boring.

The red Univos's combat power is already sufficient.


When Univos arrived at the scene, he found that the situation was completely different from what he imagined, that it was all cosmic.

An alien said: "There are two very powerful Ultramen on Earth in this universe. Their strength is not inferior to that of the Ultra Brothers, and they may even be stronger than the Ultra Brothers."

Another alien also said: "If we can obtain the power of the two of them, we will be one step closer to dominating the universe."

"Our Galactic Empire will definitely become the main force after the resurrection of Lord Dark Belia!"

Although everyone wants to "resurrect" Dark Belia, it does not mean that everyone is working together. On the contrary, the internal competition is very serious. Everyone knows that they are not qualified to be an emperor, so they need an emperor, but everyone thinks that they have the qualifications to be the king, so the competition between each other is fierce.

Among them, it is possible that Fushigi Ide is really wholeheartedly trying to resurrect Dark Belia. As long as he is resurrected, it doesn't matter even if he is unknown. But if he doesn't fight, there will always be someone who will push him to fight. Otherwise, he will not be able to do anything without the help of his subordinates, and he will not be able to resurrect Belia.

"The power of Ultraman is indeed terrifying. When the time comes, as long as we revive Lord Dark Belia, we will work together to control all the Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light. At that time, hehe!"

"Why should we be afraid of other scattered aliens?"

The idea is very good.

"However, the technology of the Kingdom of Light is so powerful. Will there be scientists who can break this control?"

The alien laughed out loud when he heard this.

"Technology is powerful? Is it useful? Let alone removing the control, I don't think their technology can even resist our claws."

After saying this, he turned around to see which idiot could ask such a question.

Then he saw Univos, who had appeared in front of their meeting table at some point.

And the alien who was supposed to be in that position, but now was strangled by Univos and must not move.

"Who are you!"

The surrounding aliens took out their claws, which looked like the claw of Dark Belia, but were obviously sharper.

Dark Belia's claws are mainly considered for their sturdiness, while their claws are mainly considered for their piercing ability. They are not as sturdy as the original ones, but they have stronger piercing ability and are more likely to leave wounds on Ultraman.

That's why Aguru couldn't hold on and was eventually injured and controlled.

Univos exerted a little force, and with a click, the neck of the cosmic man in his hand was instantly broken.

"With your level of technology, do you still dream of challenging the entire Kingdom of Light?"

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and a storm-like momentum swept out, forcing the surrounding cosmic people back several steps.

Not simple!

Very not simple!

Although they didn't introduce themselves, everyone felt the pressure.

Don't think that Univos and his people usually fight in a variety of colorful ways, using energy and momentum as if they didn't have any money.

In fact, in this universe, there are no special abilities, and most cosmic people only rely on various equipment to use laser cannons to survive.

For example, some older cosmic people, such as the Pit Star people, do not have much combat power themselves, so they need the blessing of technology and various individual equipment to behave like a warrior.

Such warriors do not have any momentum, let alone the type like Univos, who can set off a storm just by releasing momentum.

Such people are big bosses in any universe.

So Univos just released momentum and made all the cosmic people present alert, and their brains began to work at high speed.

Everyone knew that the person who came was a powerful character, but everyone also knew that if they could control this powerful character, it would be of great help to the progress of any future tasks.

So while they were afraid, their eyes were full of greed.

Seeing them behave like this, Univos knew that this was the confidence given to them by the equipment.

"I don't quite understand one thing."

Univos suddenly said: "Your confidence is only based on external things."

"Do you really think that you can be invincible with this equipment?"

A cosmic person smiled coldly.

"If I can't block your attack, I will just die, right?"

"With our technological strength, resurrection is not a difficult thing!"

"As for you, you only need to be hit by us once, and you will be unable to die!"

In fact, they don't have any resurrection technology. It's just that the soul of an alien will not dissipate after death, and then the soul is gathered in a new body, which looks like resurrection.

It's completely different from the resurrection method of life solidification technology developed by Ultraman.

"Besides, do you really think you can control us?"

"Look around!"

A lot of Ultramen have gathered around.

These Ultramen are all controlled, their eyes turn blood red, their bodies turn black, and dark power keeps pouring out of their bodies.

Even Univos saw several familiar faces.

They are all elite warriors of the Space Guard. These warriors have benefited from the technological upgrades of the Kingdom of Light and their strength has increased a lot.

All the training tools that Univos gave to the Kingdom of Light were basically used on them.

The result is that each of them is very powerful, and now they are controlled by others.

It was also the first time that Univos felt the feeling of being surrounded and beaten by a bunch of Ultramen.

What's more important is that these Ultramen have the same claws as the cosmic people.

As long as he is touched once, Univos will have to fight with more than a thousand souls for his body.

The consequences are disastrous.

"You are walking into a trap!"

The cosmic person who was communicating with Univos laughed: "I didn't expect that someone would be so stupid as to rush directly into someone else's base camp!"

After the cosmic person laughed, he found that Univos did not change his expression. Of course, Ultraman didn't know how to change his expression.

However, it was obvious that Univos was still calm and composed.

Is there really any Ultraman who is confident that he can fight a group of elite warriors without getting hurt?

"You guys are doing this, it's a headache for me too."

Univos suddenly spoke.

"I have to treat so many Ultramen and take care of them. You know, my time is very precious."

Just as Univos finished speaking, a Silver Clan warrior who looked very much like the first generation Ultraman rushed over and kicked him in a series of consecutive kicks.

The kicks were very fast, and Univos was almost kicked several times.

Of course, almost means that he didn't touch him at all.

At the same time, Univos also saw the appearance of the other party clearly.

"Eh? Neos?"

Although the Ultraman in front of him had become all black and his eyes had turned red, Univos still recognized his identity.

Neos's physical fitness was not comparable to that of ordinary Ultramen, and reached the level of the Ultra Brothers.

Usually, he used it to fight against various elite enemies.

Now he is indeed fighting against elite "enemies".

It was the first time that Univos felt the feeling of being selected for the decapitation operation.

Neos's fighting skills are different from those traditional fighting skills of the Kingdom of Light.

Traditional fighting skills are more like ancient martial arts, which emphasize the "strength" of the moves, and each punch hits the flesh and has strong lethality.

Neos uses a combination of assassination punches and modern fighting skills, which are flexible and slightly less lethal, but as long as he is given the opportunity to catch the weakness, it will be a one-shot kill.

In addition, now he has this Belia's claws in his hands, it is easier to show the effect of a one-shot kill.

However, the moves of modern fighting are just three straight hooks and axes, and all kinds of movements are very clear, and the competition is more about distance control and timing.

These two things are just a show of skill in front of Univos.

He uses Noah's fighting method, and every move seems to have guessed what the opponent will do in advance, and can accurately avoid the opponent's attack and counterattack the opponent.

No matter how tricky Neos's moves are, he still can't touch Univos at all. At the same time, Univos's body is full of electric currents, paralyzing Neos's hands and feet, making him move stiffly, and unable to play the flexible characteristics of his fighting skills.

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