The more intense the battle between the two becomes, the more desperate Seven 21 becomes.

He was completely suppressed, whether it was light or fighting skills.

You are a hexagonal warrior, and your opponent is a bigger hexagonal warrior?

Right now he couldn't see any chance of winning.

Is there no choice but to escape?

Generally speaking, people with stronger energy would fly faster. He really couldn't think of the possibility of escaping.

But there was no other better choice at the moment, so Seven 21 gritted his teeth and fired a beam of light at Geed to divert his attention. Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hands and started to accelerate. He quickly disappeared in front of Geed.

"Want to escape!"

Geed formed a cross with his hands in front of him, wanting to use the light.

But then he thought of the exaggerated forward swing of his own light. By the time it was successfully condensed, the opponent would have already run far away.

He doesn't have that much confidence in his accuracy. If he's too far away, he will most likely miss. In this case, he can only catch up and continue fighting?

It seemed that there was a lot of mental activity, but in fact it only took a blink of an eye. Geed flew into the sky without any hesitation.


He found himself getting further and further away from each other.


Severn 21: Flying speed Mach 26

GED Gangran: Flying speed Mach 5

Geed's actual flying speed is not even a fraction of the opponent's.

Seeing the opponent getting further and further away, Geed didn't care anymore and used a lot of light in succession to prepare for long-range attacks.

However, his accuracy was poor to begin with, and now that the two of them were too far apart, his hit rate was even lower, and he didn't even hit a single shot.

As a result, the opponent escaped outside the atmosphere without any pressure.

Even Seven 21 himself didn't understand how he escaped.

"So, is this where your strength is reflected?"

Both Seven 21 and Neos possess extraordinary Ultraman flying speeds. This is not simply a matter of energy strength, but their own characteristics.

Unexpectedly, this feature saved his life now.


Severn 21 takes one last look at Earth.

I didn't expect that Ultraman on Earth is so powerful now. Izuku Fushii and his gang of noobs would definitely not be Geed's opponents, let alone Zero.

Now we can only go back to the headquarters to find more people, bring professional equipment and return to Earth.

Thinking of this, the aggravation of being held down and beaten earlier also dissipated a lot, and he even had the opportunity to say harsh words.

"Haha, do you like hand-to-hand combat? Do you like to use your body to resist other people's attacks? You will like it more later."

Thinking of equipment like Dark Belial's claws, Seven 21 felt confident.

"The last news I received is that the headquarters is going to Gaia's universe to control Gaia and Agur."

"We just happened to go there together. If we can get Ultraman Gaia and Aguru, what are the current Ultramen on Earth to be afraid of?"

Although Gaia and Aguru don't run around much, their fighting prowess is well-known throughout the multiverse.

Yunivos would even think that the two of them were Ultra O's goalkeepers, and could even use the combined bracelet to achieve Ultra O's level of combat effectiveness.

For these cosmic beings, such warriors are of course also very popular.

Especially since they sent a bunch of people there before and were wiped out by the group, this made their status in the hearts of everyone in the Galaxy Empire even higher.

Sure enough, when Seven 21 returned to the headquarters of the Galactic Empire, he found that except for a few robots who were still here to look after the house, the serious space people and the controlled Ultraman had all left, and their destinations were clear.

He did not hesitate at all and entered the transmission device directly. After a sudden change in time and space, he arrived at the edge of the Milky Way in the Gaia universe.

That's where the group of large battleships were before, and I could see the group of large battleships not far away at a glance.

Not far?

He didn't suspect anything. When he saw that everyone was there, he wanted to fly over. However, half a minute later, he was still wandering around in place, and his flying ability was completely non-existent.

! ! !

He wanted to speak, but found that he could not speak any more. He could only fret on the spot, slowly paddling towards the battleship group with a gesture like paddling water.

It's too slow, but it still feels like a bit of speed, and I should be able to get there quickly.

At the same time, over at the battleship group, the cosmonauts who had lost the ability to speak finally figured out a way to communicate, and that was writing!

Although communication will be slower this way, it is better than not being able to communicate at all.

For example, there is a person who seems to have a relatively high status writing in the air. Others are watching him quietly, not daring to miss any word or miss any information.

"Our people are all here, what should we do about challenging the Kingdom of Light?"

Everyone on the side shook their heads, what time has it been? Let's first think about how to escape from this predicament, and think about challenging the Kingdom of Light.

"But fortunately, we should also control an Ultraman who looks like Seven. He will definitely come to save us when the time comes."

A group of people thought that writing was too slow, and several cosmonauts had already begun to communicate in sign language.

Then, they saw a spaceman pointing into the distance with a look of shock.

What kind of sign language is this?

Just when everyone was confused, they looked in the direction the man pointed.

Then everyone saw an Ultraman who looked like Seven, swimming over in a breaststroke posture. . .

At this moment, all the people in the universe were silent.

Oh, they were silenced to begin with.

Now it's just that the sign language has stopped.

. . .

On the other side, Geed, who had barely defeated his opponent, took a look at the mechanical island that had been destroyed in every way, and fell into deep contemplation.

He suddenly discovered a problem.

Is the battle time too short?

If you go back at this time, you will still have to face the attack from Laiye and Moeya. Compared with this situation, fighting is more interesting.

How about secretly going back to play games?

Noah must really want to go back and play games with him, right?

I have to say that this idea made Geed very excited, but it was okay to deceive Mengya about this kind of thing, but it was impossible to deceive Ye.

Toba Raiha is usually very smart, but Riku is no match in terms of IQ.


He thought about a lot of monsters for a moment. Can another monster come out to fight him? He promised that this time he would fight for two or three hours!

Of course, reality is impossible.

Fortunately, after he returned to his human body, he glanced at his phone and saw the message from Toba Kuriha.

"I said you went to help the professor with his research and don't come back in a short time."

Helping news!

What is life-saving news!

He responded with a salute expression decisively, and then without hesitation chose the Gym to play games with Noah until the end of time.

On the other side, Toba Raiha, who took the time to send this news to Xiaoliu, breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she wasn't used to this kind of situation, and she always felt a lot of pressure.

And strictly speaking, Xiaolu and Aizaki Moya are childhood sweethearts, and they must have spent more time together than themselves.

I just want Xiao Lu to train well and help him avenge himself in the future.


Her eyes gradually blurred while looking at the ice cream.

This was a nightmare she didn't want to talk about.

Even Xiao Lu didn't know why she was so "harsh" to him.

But now that she has been with everyone in the gym for a long time, Toba Kuruha is gradually infected by the atmosphere there, and even for a brief moment she thought she was a happy young girl with no worries.

Thinking of this, Toba Laiye sighed softly. It was obvious that he was not from the same world.

When Xiao Lu's mission here is over, he will definitely go to the universe to protect other planets, just like those Ultra brothers.

Even though we all know each other now, we are just on the same road for a short time, so why should we think too much about it.

Opposite me, Aizaki Moeya actually wanted to find out more about the relationship between Toba Kuruha and Xiaoriu, but looking at Toba Kuruha's current appearance, it was obvious that she didn't want to talk, and she couldn't speak, so she could only play on the sidelines. Holding the little spoon of ice cream, I don’t know what to think.

"The atmosphere is very subtle."

In the distance, Duanmuci and Saita Riko were paying attention.

"Is this war?"

Saita Riko nodded: "No matter how kind you are, there are some things you can't give in to."

"They're both good girls."

Duanmuci: "But then again."

"The new generation today probably don't have any strict requirements for love scenes, right? Today's audiences are becoming more and more relaxed in their requirements in this regard."

In the past, "love is an eternal theme", but later on, people discovered that people who are dedicated to their careers seem to be more worthy of attention.

Then the status of love as an "eternal theme" becomes lower and lower.

Although it still occupies a high position, everyone gradually focuses on other places.

Lizi frowned slightly: "But..."

Seeing her so entangled, Duanmuci couldn't help but laugh: "But without the love scenes, your future filming of Geed's TV series will be affected!"

After all, Duanmu Ci understands Lizi.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with young people having complicated emotions, but Lizi will eventually film these things for TV.

Audiences don't like emotional scenes that are too mother-in-law.


After all, it’s still difficult to film.

"Besides, Xiaolu will leave the earth sooner or later."

The smile on Duanmu Ci's face suddenly faded.

He recalled his original worries.

Later, after I learned that Lizi was Lucifer, I no longer had this problem.

But Xiaolu still has this problem. Apart from him, both Aizaki Moya and Toba Kuruha are just ordinary earthlings.

No matter how he survived, he would only live for a hundred years, and for Ultraman, a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

It's like Duanmu Ci has been wandering around for more than ten years recently, and even almost missed the twenty-year agreement with the Eternal Core because of this.

It's like going to Gaia's Earth. You can only look at the changes in the Earth now. Those comrades in the past have long since passed away.

Now if you want to catch up with your old comrades, you can only go to the "underworld".

Although the underworld was created by Univos using the power of the rules of creation, his control over the underworld is not strong, and he relies more on the "sacrifice" of the Ultra King to fill the gaps in the rules.

In this case, it is best not to go to the underworld if possible.

Besides, there are not many Ultraman who have the ability to go to the underworld.

So the "lifespan theory" still exists between Ultraman and humans.

Lizi guessed what Duanmu Ci was thinking by looking at his face, and said with a smile: "What's wrong, is my great scientist also worried about things like life span?"

"You can solve these problems with just a little effort, right?"

Duanmu Ci did not speak.

Of course it can be solved, but this is neither reasonable nor humane.

Of course, he does not expect a TV drama director to understand the scientific spirit.

Looking at Duanmu Ci's eyes, Saita Lizi clenched her fist unconsciously: "I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude."

Duanmu Ci shuddered: "How could it be~"

"By the way, send a message to Noah first."

. . .

The delicate atmosphere between Toba Kuroha and Aizaki Moeya has to be adjusted by themselves.

The cooperation with Fushigi Izuku still needs to be solved by "Duanmu Ci".

Of course, it is his clone, who has now completely become the second-in-command of AIB, and his status is only below Fukui Ideshi. Fukui Ideshi has even begun to test him by letting him get in touch with many things about cosmic people, hoping to judge whether Duanmu Ci is suitable to be a real deputy through these things.

It is not Fukui Ideshi's fault that he does not know people well. It is really that Duanmu Ci is too good at doing things, and he cannot be picky at all. He can usually realize every one of his ideas very well.

Moreover, Fukui Ideshi knows the situation of Seven 21. He knows that Seven 21 fell on the earth and was picked up by MIB for research. At the same time, he also knows that the research is not very good, and Seven 21 may be separated at any time.

In fact, he knows much more about Seven 21 than the cosmic people who arrest people indiscriminately in the Galactic Empire.

He knows that Seven 21 is a very famous elite warrior in the Kingdom of Light in recent years. His strength is comparable to that of Neos, and they are quite close to the Ultra Brothers, and even not much worse than the Seven of the Ultra Brothers.

So Fukui Ideshi is not worried about any accidents happening to Seven 21.

He only needs to focus on how to cooperate with Seven 21 after he escapes.

It's time for the Thunder Killer to show his strength.

At this moment, his office door was knocked, and Duanmu Ci's voice came from outside the door.

"Fuji-san, there is the latest news about Ultraman."

Fuji Izukui was stunned: "New news?"

Then he saw Duanmu Ci skillfully open the door and put a stack of documents in front of him.

Fuji Izukui took the document and asked casually: "Did that Ultraman escape?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "It can be considered as an escape, but I don't think he will come back in a short time."

Fuji Izukui read the document carefully several times, and his face became more and more strange.

Looking at the content of this document, this Seven 21 is simply a pure waste!

It's just that he escapes smoothly.

Such a kind of stuff is actually regarded as a trump card by the people of the Galactic Empire?

"It's right not to rush to cooperate with them, otherwise it will simply lower your grade."

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