Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 652: Fujing Degui's Faith!

Time passed quite fast.

Duanmu Ci knew about Fujing Degui's arrangement early on, so he also did some small things in advance, such as notifying MIB that they didn't need to go out.

As for why they didn't need to go out, it was related to the subsequent operations.

At the same time, he also sold a bunch of satellites to AIB at a high price as an official businessman.

On the surface, AIB and MIB are in a cooperative relationship, and buying and selling satellites is also a matter of course, but because of this, AIB has paid a lot of space technology and various precious things.

Now all these things belong to MIB and are being studied by scientists.

At the same time, these satellites all have Duanmu Ci's backhands. In simple terms, it looks like they were sold to AIB, but in fact, the real controller is still Duanmu Ci.

It's like getting a lot of space technology for free.

However, these technologies are of no use to Duanmu Ci, they are just equivalent to expanding the knowledge of mankind.

After that, just wait for the battle to start, then move the stool, bring melon seeds and drinks, and watch the show.

It has to be said that Fujing Degui is quite capable in major events.

This time he must use the sublimator himself and fight with Zedd. Duanmu Ci's clone persuaded him many times, but he didn't listen to a word, and became more determined.

"You don't need to persuade me."

Fujing Degui said: "At this point, our business may succeed at any time. How can I stand behind at this time!"

"I want to participate in every step of this process, so that even when I am old in the future, I can have something worth remembering."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Duanmu Ci's clone did not persuade him, but nodded: "Okay, during this period, I will record every minute and every second of your battle!"

Fujing Degui nodded: "It all depends on you."

After that, he took out the capsule of the monster.

This is the latest scientific and technological achievement. The capsule of King Ailei and the capsule of Ace Killer, the two plus the power of Dark Belia in the demon fragment can form a new Belia synthetic beast, Thunder Killer!

Thunder Killer fits the picture of the numerical expansion of the new generation very well.

It is huge, covered with thorns, and has bright and colorful patterns on its body. It looks inexplicably cool and mechanical.

But it also has a bio-like feel.

So the Thunder Killer looks like a hunter in golden armor.

There is no need to say much about its strength.

The Thunder Killer has the melee of Ace Killer, plus the physical suppression that monsters like King Elre are best at, so it can be said that it has a considerable advantage in close combat.

But don't classify it as a melee monster because of this.

What it is really good at is various light skills and "light defense skills".

The light skills come from King Elre. With the new generation of technology and King Elre's characteristics, his light power is not weak.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after King Elre's cells and Ace Killer's cells merged, some of Ace Killer's abilities were also developed.

Originally, Ace Killer forcibly obtained the power of the four Ultra Brothers when he first appeared, and then wanted to use this power to deal with Ace.

But that was because the Ultra Brothers were bound by the cross and could not resist, so their power was forcibly taken away.

Now that it has become a capsule and has become the Thunder Killer, it has the ability to absorb light, and its absorption ability is extremely strong, even surpassing Bemonstan and Zetton who have the same type of ability. It can also transform the absorbed energy back into light and fight back like Zetton.

It can be said that this is a hexagonal monster.

So, Fukui Izukui must personally fight with Zeed.

It's not easy to get such a powerful capsule monster, so of course he has to enjoy it first!

Although he wants Zeed to improve his strength, he doesn't have to lose at the beginning. He can beat Zeed first, and then let him learn from his mistakes and work hard to become stronger. In the end, this monster will control itself, and then lose to Zeed, and complete the mission.

So in his plan, Zeed should lose the first battle!

. . .

Xiao Lu is still playing games with Toba Raiha at home.

These days, Toba Raiha has also gained a basic understanding of some games. Although she is still very bad, she understands that the best way to improve Xiao Lu's strength now is to play with him.

So they both played multiplayer games, and Toba Kuraye's role was to hold back and increase the difficulty.

But Xiao Lu enjoyed it himself.

"Run, run, run! Our level is too low now, we are not the opponent of these monsters!"

"No, I think they look cute, they should not be strong!"

Then a melee.

Relying on years of gaming experience, Xiao Lu ran and stole damage, and finally slowly killed this wave of monsters.

As we all know, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated in action role-playing games, it's just that the difficulty of defeating is different.

Just when Xiao Lu was proud of his extreme operation, he suddenly found that Toba Kuraye attracted another wave of higher-level monsters.

Fortunately, MIB contacted him at this time. There was no extra information, only a location and a picture of the monster. Xiao Lu was as if he had been pardoned. He quickly put down the handle and said to Toba Kuraye: "The battle is coming, I'm going out, let's play slowly later."

After saying that, he ran out without looking back.

In the game screen, the character he was operating was also bitten to death by a monster while completely losing control.

Duanmu Ci took a closer look. Fortunately, he was playing with Cero, and it was Cero who died. What does it have to do with me, Yunivos?

Then he glanced at Toba Raiha's screen on the side.

Okay, she uses GED.

Then it doesn't matter anymore, you can die casually or be embarrassed casually, it won't affect you at all!

Sure enough, Toba Raiha quickly put down the controller.

It's not that she put it down voluntarily, but without Xiao Lu to solve the problem for her, she was killed by high-level monsters in seconds.

Looking at the huge word "death" on the screen, Niaoyu Laiye seemed to transform into a philosopher.

"Why do monsters have levels?"

Duanmuci: "Ah?"

Toba Laiye turned around, looked at Duanmu Ci seriously and repeated the question: "What I mean is, why do monsters have different levels? Are monsters in reality like this too? Are there different levels?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Of course."

"Monsters in reality, even if they are of the same type, can have quite a huge gap in strength."

"Let me put it this way, there used to be a kind of mechanical monster, even a robot, called Reginald, and also had a nickname called Imperial Mecha."

"When Zero wiped out these Imperial mechas, they were wiped out in droves. Seventeen or eight of them could be killed by a single beam of light."

"But guess what, the reason why Zero in this world was so seriously injured is because he was attacked by Imperial mechs."

"Even in mass production, there is such a big gap between the robots produced by the assembly line. Monsters are also living creatures after all, and they will naturally be divided into strong and weak. In the game, there are different levels."

Toba Laiye nodded slowly, as if he understood something.

Then she asked: "Are there any truly high-level monsters among the monsters Xiao Lu has dealt with?"

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "In the past, these monsters were indeed of high level. After all, technology was not developed before, and the ability to transform monsters was very limited. In many cases, even after transformation, there would be no obvious increase in strength."

"Money has been spent, but the monster has not become stronger and has lost blood."

"But later on, technology throughout the universe advanced, and transforming monsters became the norm. Just like ancient people fought hand-to-hand combat, modern people basically choose weapons with higher technological content."


"It's hard to say how many high-level monsters Xiaolu has defeated. What is certain is that the highest-level monster he has defeated so far is the Skalugomora before. That monster is really powerful, whether it is melee or long-range. It’s not like he has a weak opponent.”

"But in the end, he was accidentally killed by Xiao Lu's exaggerated light destructive explosion."

If there is such a new monster, I guess it will fill in the shortcomings of last time.

Of course, Duanmu Ci has long known the attributes of Thunder Killer, so he will not miscalculate the strength comparison between the two sides.

Strictly speaking this time, with Xiao Lu's current form, it is indeed difficult to fight with Thunder Killer. Thunder Killer's energy is not weak, and judging from the parameters, Thunder Killer's normal attacks can have "special effects". To put it simply, each claw can catch lightning, it depends on whether it wants to.

Isn’t this Noah-level treatment?

But it appeared in such a monster.

If fighting normally, Geed may be defeated by various crazy Europeans.


This time Geed is not that simple.

After a ray of light fell from the sky and landed on the uninhabited island, a large number of satellites began to take videos, and a large number of drones rushed to the scene to take pictures.

The battle is about to begin!

The Thunder Killer didn't get used to Geed's intention, and prepared to use a ray of light to take the lead.

As soon as the two sides met, Thunder Killer's mouth began to flash with red light. It was watching its unique skill "Thunder Killer Cutting", which was a crescent-shaped light bomb. But at this moment, a burst of electricity suddenly surged out, directly interrupting Its casting.

This current doesn't even come from Geed, but from the Thunder Killer itself.

"what's the situation!"

Izuku Fushii, who controlled the Thunder Killer, was numb all over.

Being electrocuted.

"Why did you electrocute yourself!"

He wasn't given much time to think.

Although he didn't quite understand why the other party made such a mistake, Geed reacted very quickly and grasped the timing very accurately. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and kicked the Thunder Killer hard in the abdomen.

Not to be outdone, the Thunder Killer activated electric currents all over his body. After slapping Ged's leg away with one claw, he rushed forward with a long stride, ready to hit Ged's head again.

It's still electric.

But just when the claws were about to touch Geede, the electric current exploded violently. Instead, the electric shock numbed the Thunder Killer's claws. The claws that were originally open wide, as if to tear off the flesh and blood from Geede's body, suddenly curled up. He made a fist-like shape and retracted his elbows. He should have been able to reach Geed based on the distance, but now he could only pat the air in front of Geed.

But just like that, Jade was startled and took two steps back.

"what's the situation!"

Not to mention that Jade was confused, even Fu Jingzhi didn't understand what was going on.

The only one who really knows the situation is probably Duanmu Ci.

Because this thing was really created by his technology.

The hidden function of the Zedd bracelet given to Zedd is "discordant sound".

Within a certain range of the Zedd bracelet, except for Zedd, all energy usage will produce errors.

This is also the reason why Duanmu Ci reminded MIB early on not to send fighters over.

Because the current fighters also fight with energy, even if they really come, they will just explode in the air and contribute to a fireworks show.

At the same time, the greater role of this discordant sound is to ensure the "purity" of the enemy's energy.

There are three kinds of energy in the Thunder Killer, one from the demon fragments of Dark Belia, one from King Aire, and one from Ace Killer.

The strongest energy output end is King Aire, which completely suppresses the energy output of the other two forces, so the first to go berserk is also King Aire's energy.

In short, as long as Fu Izukui uses lightning, it will cause damage to himself.

Duanmu Ci originally thought that Fu Izukui should learn a lesson and fight with melee.

Now Geed is still in his original form, and has not entered the rigid form, so he is still quite weak in melee combat.

However, he still underestimated Fukui Izukui's fear of Geed's destructive burst beam.

Fukui Izukui didn't dare to engage in melee combat at all, for fear that he would be too clumsy, just like the last time that Scarugmora was unable to dodge for a while, and then was directly blasted to death on the spot.

So even if he knew that there might be a problem with the combination of the capsule now, he had no intention of giving up.

"Ah!!! Lightning!!!"

A roar like the male protagonist of the hot-blooded comic came out of Fukui Izukui's throat, and he firmly believed that faith could create miracles!

Just like a widely circulated saying in the Ultraman group, "The power of faith turns into courage, turning the impossible into possible!"

He thought so too, so he concentrated all his energy on the thick tail of the Thunder Killer, and waves of electricity began to entangle between the tails.

He could feel that his attack would definitely defeat the enemy! ! !

"Lightning Tail!!!"

Twisting his waist violently, the tail swung in front of him. Zed wanted to dodge, but his dodging action was a bit clumsy, and he had to bend his legs slightly to jump, but at this time the tail was wrapped around him.

Then the thunder on the tail burst out!

One hundred thousand volts!

Okay, it's a normal lightning tail.

The blue current burst out, and without any surprise, it electrocuted the Thunder Killer himself.

And Zed.

He just watched himself fail to dodge and was caught by the opponent's "throwing technique", and then watched the opponent twitch violently and finally let him go.

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