Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 654 Sign a life and death agreement first

This premonition was not passed on to Duanmu Ci by the clone, but was purely a guess.

Because when the battle was over, Fukui Izukui seemed to prefer to believe that there was something wrong with his technology rather than being affected by the technology on Jed.

A stubborn person like him would most likely bring up the Thunder Killer again, and it is even possible that he would play again.

Just like a gambler, after losing once, he would only invest more money in an attempt to make a comeback.

Xiao Lu was silent: "But, the Thunder Killer doesn't seem to be that strong, right?"

Duanmu Ci raised his lips: "Are you sure?"

Xiao Lu was puzzled: "Could it be that Brother Duanmu knows how strong the Thunder Killer is?"

Duanmu Ci: "It seems that I have to show you the horror of the Thunder Killer!"

"Come on, put on the VR glasses!"

If you want to fight in person, you still have to rely on VR. Playing games with a controller still lacks the feeling of being in the scene.

After hearing this, Toba Laiye and the others also put on VR glasses together, ready to be a bystander.

These glasses were all connected to the Internet. Soon, all of them were online, and Duanmu Ci started to create characters.

"Next, I will play the role of Thunder Killer. I will show you the real power of Thunder Killer!"

Duanmu Ci set the data of Thunder Killer while speaking.

Thunder Killer is a monster about 50 meters tall, but it weighs about 50,000 tons, which is very unusual.

At least it means that it is basically solid.

Strong defense.

At the same time, there are those exaggerated muscles and sharp claws.

To be honest, Duanmu Ci himself can't figure out how Thunder Killer can lose to Geed with such exaggerated "physical fitness".

At most, he was killed by the light by accident.

After all, Ultraman's light skills are so unreasonable.

After Duanmu Ci set the data and ability according to Thunder Killer, with a wave of his hand, the scene suddenly became the island where they fought today.

"Okay, we'll give you the same location, and the atmosphere is perfect. Now you're like you've traveled back to today when we fought the Thunder Killer."

"And I'm the Thunder Killer."

"I'll count to three!"


After the countdown, the two of them collided head-on, and the entire ground shook violently because of the collision.

Not only that, circles of invisible waves spread out in the air, showing how great the impact of this collision was.

As a result, it was no surprise that Zed was knocked over.

Even though Zed had already used the Gangran form, which was more adept at melee combat, at the beginning, he was still inferior to the Thunder Killer in the competition of hard power.

However, Zed did not hesitate at all. He instantly turned into a ray of light on the ground. This was Balder's Kiss of Light, just like the one he used on the Thunder Killer today.

But soon he felt the difference.

When he appeared in front of the Thunder Killer and changed back from the light state to the physical state, he found that his fist had not yet touched the Thunder Killer, and the Thunder Killer's claws had already slapped him with a mighty thunder.

Now it looked like he had flashed into someone else's ultimate move.

Then, without any surprise, Zed was hit hard on the head by the thunder, and he couldn't even stand steadily.

This was too sudden, and Toba Laiye, who was watching the game, didn't understand what was going on.

From her perspective, she only saw Zed turned into a beam of light, and then was directly hit away by the Thunder Killer's claw that didn't seem to be very fast.

There was no problem with the moves at all.

Duanmu Ci didn't chase him, but stood there waiting for Zed to slowly stabilize his body.

Zed shook his head, and only looked at the Thunder Killer again after the dizziness was almost gone.

They were obviously of similar height, but he inexplicably felt an exaggerated sense of oppression.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he suddenly felt that he was definitely not the opponent of the Thunder Killer.

This sense of oppression was completely different from the Thunder Killer he fought today.

"Thor's Wrath!"

In any case, he continued to use today's tactics.

Mjolnir descended from the sky with a mighty thunderbolt.

Then, he found that the tail of Thunder Killer had been positioned at some point. When he jumped in the air and couldn't adjust his position, the tail of Thunder Killer suddenly rolled him up.

Before his mighty thunderbolt fell, he was electrocuted by the Pikachu-like "100,000 volts" of Thunder Killer, and even black smoke came out of his whole body.

If he hadn't been unable to open his mouth, he would probably have been able to spit out a smoke ring or something.

"You're calling Thunder Killer's door a thunderbolt."

Zed didn't faint like before, but instead he was more alert.

"What about this!"

He pinched out a golden spear in his hand.

"Meteor Spear!" Before he could speak, Toba Raiha in the distance had already spoken for him.

In fact, the strongest one must be Meteor Spear, after all, it is Odin's weapon, Gungnir, also known as the Spear of Destiny, the Spear of Eternity.

There are so many names, and these names also have their meanings, which in itself shows how powerful this move is.

Because it is sure to hit the target, it is called the Spear of Destiny. Because it looks like a meteor when it cuts through the sky, it is called the Meteor Spear.

It is a javelin.

As Zedd threw Gungnir into the sky, a golden beam of light fell from the sky, aiming at the head of Thunder Killer.

The momentum was quite terrifying.

However, at this moment, a subspace shield appeared above the head of Thunder Killer, resisting the shock wave without any pressure.

In myths and legends, Gungnir can penetrate everything.

But this is not a myth after all.

Zedd was completely confused. The three tricks he had just plagiarized from the game did not produce any effect! ?


"Let's try the light skills. The skills in these games are really exaggerated. They are very useful against enemies who pay more attention to skills, but they are still a little short of burst against players like Thunder Killer who are thick-skinned and tough."

Zedd nodded, and then the light flashed, turning into the original form.

The light ability of this form is slightly stronger.

"Then use the one today, Phoenix Shockwave!"

It was still the same exaggerated charging action as always, and the very dazzling light effect.

Every time Zeed fired a beam, the pre-swing was too long. If it was a normal battle, Duanmu Ci should have controlled the Thunder Killer to give him a tail to wake him up.

But in order to fully demonstrate the ability of the Thunder Killer, he decided to wait for Zeed to use the beam.

After charging for a long time, Zeed suddenly formed a cross with his hands in front of him.

"Phoenix shock wave!!!"

The shout was loud, the special effects were dazzling, and the whole space seemed to be torn apart by exaggerated energy.

As a normal ending beam, Duanmu Ci had never seen such a cool one.

It's hard to say how much money he spent, anyway, his eyes were blinded by it.

Just as the beam whistled out, the crystal on the chest of the Thunder Killer also burst into light and caught the beam.

Just when Zeed was wondering why he was so strong, he suddenly found that the beam was no longer under his control, as if it was sucked into a black hole.

The energy was disappearing quickly!

"It's absorbing my beam energy!"

Duanmu Ci's voice came out: "This is its original ability."

"And more than that!"

After absorbing the beam, it is released.

The light absorbed from the chest was strengthened and returned from the eyes, landing fiercely on the unprepared chest of Zed. After an explosion, Zed was blown away and fell into the water outside the island. . .

After everyone took off the VR glasses, Duanmu Ci said to Xiao Lu: "Now you can see clearly the power of the Thunder Killer."

Xiao Lu: "But if this Thunder Killer is so powerful, why didn't he use it at all when fighting me?"

Duanmu Ci: "Oh, that was limited by my technology. I couldn't use any power, and I couldn't use the ability to absorb light, so I was hit by you."

"Just think of him as a person who went to the battlefield in his underwear and was stabbed to death by you."

Not to mention the problem of armor, no matter how strong a person is, he will die if he is surrounded and beaten on the battlefield without suitable equipment.

If you don't believe it, look at Dian Wei.


Xiao Lu suddenly asked: "Then next time, can Duanmu brother's technology still limit its power?"

Duanmu Ci: "Yes."

Xiao Lu: "???"

"Why are you still scaring me like this! I thought I was going to be dealt with so soon!"

Duanmu Ci didn't say anything, and Toba Raiye on the side grabbed Xiao Lu's ear.

"What are you thinking about! Even if the enemy can't become so strong, you still have to practice!"

"What if there is no help from technology in the future? What if there are problems that technology can't solve?"

It has to be said that Toba Raiye's personality is more Showa.

There is a feeling of preparing for a rainy day and practicing everything to the extreme.


For Duanmu Ci, if the enemy can't be solved by technology, then the only way to play is to cheat, which has nothing to do with hard work.

It's not shameful to use the power of science.

But at the moment, Xiao Lu is enjoying being taught a lesson by Toba Raiye.

"In fact, you should practice various games and design more moves so that you won't be so easily seen through."

"As for your own strength improvement, it's not that important."

That being said, what Xiao Lu didn't know was that even if Duanmu Ci controlled an ordinary monster like Bermuda, Zedd couldn't beat him.

The reason is very simple. When he fought, he didn't use the monster's own fighting instinct at all, but used Noah's fighting skills.

That is, the kind of fighting method similar to "Head Sword Method", the action does not need to be very fast, but the prediction is accurate enough, as if others took the initiative to send him to fight.

Not many people know this fighting method.

Noah's moves often don't make people feel how fast, nor how showy the operation is, but he can hit the opponent and cause a lot of damage to the enemy.

Just in the first confrontation, when Zedd used the Kiss of Light, he used this ability to predict Zedd's movements and position in advance, and then accurately slapped Zedd with a claw.

On the surface, it is the ability of Thunder Killer, but in fact it is completely the effect of Univos' fighting skills.

But it doesn't matter.

Xiao Lu can't understand such complicated things anyway.

That's entirely because Xiao Lu didn't train enough, not because Duanmu Ci was lying to him.

Noah, who was sitting on Duanmu Ci's shoulder, pinched his chin and said with a Conan-like posture of thinking

"I think that in the situation just now, there is no possibility for Geed to win."

"After all, he is fighting you."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I am just a scientist. I am not strong when I don't use science."

Then Duanmu Ci patted Xiao Lu's shoulder.

"In fact, I have a way to quickly improve your strength. Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Lu's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Is there really such a method?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Of course, don't forget, I am a scientist! My teaching method has always been the most scientific."

"And I actually designed a very reasonable training method based on modern fighting methods a long time ago."

"Very reasonable."

Xiao Lu looked at Duanmu Ci's serious eyes and felt a little scary for some reason.

"Shouldn't I be hit by a car?"

Duanmu Ci laughed and said, "How is that possible? I'm not a devil."

"My training method is not as cruel as those Ultra Brothers who survived the Showa period. It is more efficient and modern."

Hearing this, Xiao Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Modernization is good, modernization is good. If you think about it carefully, I am better at using light. That traditional training method is not suitable for me at all."

It is obviously inappropriate for a mage to always add points to melee skills.

But Duanmu Ci obviously doesn't think so.

"In the new era, more compound talents are needed, because science has made breakthroughs in many key points, so the enemies you will encounter are also strange."

"If it was in the Showa period, then any enemy who could use the power of dimension would be a formidable existence."

"But now, the so-called dimensional power is nothing at all, and any powerful monster can have it."

"Basically, as long as you stay in a certain place, you can encounter it."

"In addition to the power of dimension, there are monsters with various other abilities."

"So, the new generation has a new generation of gameplay, and I have also designed a new training room for the new generation, guaranteeing that you will never forget it once you enter."

Xiao Lu: "???"

Although he didn't understand what "never forget" meant, Xiao Lu thought about it and decided to participate in this training.

He was still too weak. It seemed that he couldn't rely on games to improve his imagination and defeat his opponents in a fanciful way.

Sure enough, hard power is cultivated.

"Then come on!"

After getting his consent, Duanmu Ci nodded: "Ruzi is teachable."

"But before entering the training room, sign something first."

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci had an agreement in his hand.

It was a thick book, and it looked like it had at least several hundred pages.

"Just sign your name on it."

After handing over the agreement, Xiao Lu looked at the three big words "Life and Death Agreement" on the cover of the agreement and fell into deep thought.

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