Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 663 Must help the place


After receiving the message from the clone, Duanmu Ci's expression began to become a little strange.

He was actually mentally broken by a silencing spell?

What kind of operation is this?

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong.

Just like in the world of Naruto, the ability of time and space is a high-level ability, and its use is very limited, so Obito can rely on the ability of time and space to tease countless top masters.

Scarcity makes things valuable.

In the Ultraman universe, the ability of time and space is not that rare, but it was not studied much in the Kingdom of Light before, and many aliens have been exposed to time and space technology early.

But correspondingly, the "silence" ability, which is not rare in the magic world, is really extremely rare in the Ultraman world, and no scientist has even done any countermeasures against it.

Now being silenced means that you have no combat power.

After all, there are too few people who can really kill monsters by melee like the Leo brothers, and there are even fewer after the new generation of monsters are stronger.

This can almost be regarded as the specialty of the Leo brothers.

"However, no matter who wants to deal with those aliens, I can help!"

And the main force this time is Fukui Izukui, which is their internal problem. In this case, Duanmu Ci can provide some small help.

For example.

MIB soon learned that AIB had found the alien group, and everyone was ready to cooperate sincerely.

The cooperation between the two sides came quickly and smoothly.

Fukui Izukui's team is not weak, but it is not much stronger than other alien groups.

If they really fight, it is easy for both sides to suffer losses, or even lose.

So he is quite satisfied with the support of MIB.

Although most of the earthlings don't know where MIB's technology comes from, this "secret" is not a secret among the aliens.

The aliens have long known that they are cooperating with the Kingdom of Light, and the reference of these black technologies on Earth is actually the technology of Univos.

Although many things are too old in Univos's opinion, they are still quite advanced in the entire universe.

For example, the optical camouflage function of the Vulture series fighter jets has not been cracked by the cosmic people until now. Even if they park at the doorsteps of the cosmic people's homes at night to monitor them, they will not notice it.

MIB is a global joint organization and has the most powerful military force on Earth. Naturally, it is a good teammate worthy of joining forces.

Their first joint action can almost be regarded as a "practice" action.

The opponent is the group of scientists who transformed Dark Lopus before.

Now this group of scientists is completely obsessed with the scientific research topics proposed by Duanmu Ci before, and they have not come out yet. When the troops with live ammunition walked into their base, they surrendered without principles. The only trouble was that they asked whether they could continue to study together after surrendering.

Fushigi Izuku had no opinion on this. Even after hearing that the topic they were going to study was how to confirm where the consciousness was stored in the light and what the soul was, which was a high-end and obviously useful topic, he not only did not snatch the demon fragments of these scientists, but instead gave all his demon fragments to these scientists.

The idea of ​​using Geed's body to revive Belia has become unrealistic since he couldn't beat Geed.

Now we can change our thinking and use these scientists to figure out the area where consciousness is located, and then completely and truly revive the perfect Belia.

"Awesome, really awesome!"

When leaving the scientists' base, Fukui Izuku seemed to have regained his vitality, and said excitedly to the Duanmu Ci clone beside him

"Back then, Lord Belia also paid great attention to various scientists. I used to think he only paid attention to power."

"Now it seems that I am too superficial!"

The Duanmu Ci clone kept nodding beside him, acting as a perfect listener.

In fact, what he thought in his heart was that Belia might really be so superficial.

Belia is keen on power, and he likes anything that can enhance his power.

He doesn't really like science, but he likes the power that science provides him.

Like Duanmu Ci, although he often invents various things to enhance strength, it is because he wants the Kingdom of Light to walk steadily in this ever-changing multiverse.

In addition, Duanmu Ci's inventions are purely out of interest, and he is just constantly exploring the various realities of this universe.

Constantly creating all kinds of interesting things is the fun of Duanmu Ci.

This kind of non-utilitarian research simply makes Duanmu Ci feel happy.

This is the real love of science.

Belia can only be said to love power.

In comparison, the love of power by scientists in these universes is not so outrageous, they just want to study more new things.

However, the technology of the entire multiverse is now crushed by the technology of the Kingdom of Light, which has led to them not having a good living space. They can only move among various cosmic people who love power, study various "weapons", and then find their own fun in it.

That is why the topic given by Duanmu Ci before made them so forgetful.

They even forgot that the powerful Dark Lopus had to be mass-produced.

As scientists, both Duanmu Ci and his clone admired this group of cosmic scientists.

"After the resurrection of Lord Dark Belia, the world will eventually enter a peaceful and stable era."

Fuji Izukui looked at the sky and suddenly smiled: "If there is a war in the future, it will be a large-scale war. Before that, both the light side and the dark side will have their own stable living environment."

"These scientists play a greater role in a peaceful world than other cosmic people or monsters."

"What's more, they can mass-produce Dark Lopus."

"These things can be of great help to Lord Belia in ruling the universe."

Duanmu Ci's clone: ​​"But there is no large-scale production line for Dark Lopus..."

Fuji Izukui waved his hand: "Don't worry, the complete drawings of Dark Lopus are in the database. When the time comes, let my scientists here study it and soon we can design a mass production line."

Mass production is always the romance of cosmic people.

In many people's minds, large-scale army battles actually refer to wars between large numbers of elite warriors.

In the past, we had to rely on colorful spacemen, who looked less like regular troops and more like a group of outlaws gathering in the mountains.

If we can use teams that look almost the same on a large scale, it will be easier to make the enemy despair while also looking more neat.

In general, this production line is a must, and we even have to rely on this Dark Lopus Corps to deal with those spacemen groups.

However, in order to survive on Earth, these Dark Lopus have to change their colors.

The ones in the east are golden red, and the ones in the west are blue and white.

In general, their original colors cannot be used, otherwise the people on Earth will think that these Dark Lopus are here to destroy peace.

With such power, the people on Earth have nothing to fear, but Zed still has to be on guard.

Who lets MIB contact Zed directly with a phone call?

It is said that this is also the technology of Univos.

Thinking of this, Fushigi's heart was hot again.

Ever since he knew the power of scientists, he wanted to quickly expand his team of scientists.

"I have personally experienced Hikari's technology, it is really amazing."

"The Univos technology that is as famous as him must be quite magical."

"If there is a chance in the future, I really want Lord Dark Belia to control Univos and let him work for us."

Duanmu Ci's clone smiled and said, "I believe there will be that day."

Belia has been coveting the power of scientists like them for a long time, and Duanmu Ci certainly knows it.

If Duanmu Ci is willing to be a supporting role to set off Belia, then Belia can easily dominate the multiverse.

But Duanmu Ci has no interest in such things, and will not be controlled by other things that confuse the mind.

The pure light of Noah will not be eroded by darkness.

However, Fukui Izuku was soon beaten out of Gensokyo by reality.

The imagined Dark Lopus assembly line could not be manufactured.

Even if all the scientists under him were gathered together and worked together, they could only produce a weakened version of the Dark Lopus assembly line in the end.

It is quite weak, and its combat power is not even as good as that of metal life forms, let alone compared with these powerful monsters of the new generation.

A pure cannon fodder group.

If you want to make a perfect Dark Lopus, you can only make them one by one slowly. Many key technologies still need to be operated manually, which cannot be solved by automatic production lines.

So after making a fully intelligent production line, scientists began to make customized Dark Lopus.

Especially his main gun "Fire Storm", which is extremely powerful and is a sure-kill move. It can even suppress the combined light of Geed and Zero. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

It can be said that this is also one of the technical difficulties. It is completely different with or without this.

Moreover, the body of Dark Lopus is made of very precious metals. Ordinary Dark Lopus cannot afford such precious metals, and can only choose relatively cheap metals with sufficient production.

Only elite-level Dark Lopus can use perfect metals.

These Dark Lopus are the tip of the blade! The key to breaking into the enemy camp in the future!

At the same time, they also found that there were many indecipherable and detailed technologies in Dark Lopus' body. They could only manufacture them, but they could not know what they were used for. However, they could be sure that without them, Dark Lopus would completely lose its ability to move and become a larger iron frame.

So they left these detailed technologies intact.

And these technologies were actually the tampering of the managers sent by Duanmu Ci to the Universe Black Market. Feng Yuan also relied on this thing to control Dark Lopus to fight before.

Now these technologies have been completely preserved.

Duanmu Ci's clone saw it in his eyes, smiled in his heart, and decisively shared this news with Duanmu Ci who was preparing to watch the big show.

"What? There is such a good thing?"

Duanmu Ci did not expect that they had not cracked this control device until now.

Duanmu Ci has not managed the artificial intelligence in the Universe Black Market for many years. The controller they use is something invented by Duanmu Ci thousands of years ago.

I didn't expect that after thousands of years, it is still the most advanced technology in the universe, and these scientists can't even crack it.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci couldn't help but sigh at his own strength again.

So, he called others.

"Captain, have you found the group of people from the Galactic Empire?"

"No? Then why don't you go back to Earth first? There is a very interesting event. Do you want to participate?"

"Yes, yes, let Belia and the captain of the Silver Cross come back together."

Then he called the Leo brothers.

The first sentence they said when they met was

"There will be fun this time!"

Feng Yuan has been bored recently, and his eyes lit up when he heard this.

"What do you mean?"

Duanmu Ci: "In general, we have to help Fui Izuku this time."

Toba Raiha who followed: "???"

Duanmu Ci: "Don't worry, I'm not really helping him, just treat it as a team building."

Then Duanmu Ci briefly told everyone about the large number of Dark Lopus containing control devices that were produced, and because of the connection of the multiverse network, this large-scale copy can even be connected to the Internet by multiple people at the same time! ! !

Magic, absolute magic!

But it's very exciting!

The Leo brothers agreed without hesitation.

Even Toba Kuraya showed some interest.

"In that case, I want to try it, too."

"Is there a controller that humans can use?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "There is no difference between what humans use and what Ultraman uses. As long as you can use VR, you can control it."

Now Duanmu Ci just wants Fu Idesuki to quickly mass-produce Dark Lopus, otherwise it will be a big loss if the large-scale group can't beat it.

As a result~

Fu Idesuki went bankrupt. . .

Even if it is a cheap and high-yield metal, it can't withstand his production.

Now a large number of Dark Lopus have indeed been produced, and they have even filled all the secret bases and put them on Mars.

Fu Idesuki originally had a little property, but now it is almost gone.

When Duanmu Ci knew about this, he was stunned.

"Only 100,000 robots, what's the use?"

"Make another one, make one million, if you don't have money I'll lend it to you!"

The Kingdom of Light has one million Space Guard soldiers, at least one "Gundam" for each person!

Then, Fukui Izukui got a loan from the space black market. Although he felt that the cost was too high, he thought about it and realized that the Kingdom of Light had one million Space Guard soldiers.

In the future, when Belia comes out to face the Kingdom of Light, he will have to face these one million elites!

In that case, borrow it!

Anyway, when Lord Belia has the world in the future, he will have plenty of money and can pay it back at will.

However, in order to borrow the money, he mortgaged all these Dark Lopus. If he can't pay it back by then, these Dark Lopus will be the stuff of the space black market.

Of course, Fukui Izukui thinks it's very stable.

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