Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 670 Your emperor is back

Beria: "!!!"

Fushijing Desi: "???"

That's right, the remote control was stolen!

It should be said that the control of the body was taken away.

Beria himself didn't even understand what was going on, and then he lost control of his body and did all kinds of stupid things.

Now he has completely lost control of his body and can only watch this body move on its own and then talk a lot of nonsense.

"Oh! I feel extremely powerful now!"

It is Zeta who controls Beria's body.

Beria was so frightened when he "seized" him that he took off his VR glasses on the spot.

After thinking about it, I felt it was a pity to give up like this, so I put on the VR glasses again.

The end result is what it is now, with Beria completely losing to Zeta in the fight for body control.

In other words, they lost to the technology of thousands of years ago under Yunivos.

Beria was still trying hard to get his body back, and then he saw Zeta rushing straight into the crowd of cosmic people.

Zeta, who has gained new powers, is now quite powerful in combat.

Belial initially relied on various technologies to reach the ultimate level. Although he has not collected all the demon fragments and his strength is not fully displayed, he is still at the ultimate level.

The space people around here have not reached this level at all, and they are completely defenseless against Zeta's attack.

And Zeta himself also experienced the pleasure of being crushed by strength.

He is usually relatively weak, and his fighting skills are not very strong. He often displays the effect of incompetent rage when fighting enemies.

But now Beria's body is different. It seems that as long as he wants to use power, he will have unlimited power to use.

The enemy has opened his shield?


A claw breaks the shield, shattering the enemy along with it.

Is the enemy glowing?


Charge forward against the enemy's light, smashing the enemy into pieces with roars.

The enemy has escaped!

Chase and fight!

Invincible values ​​​​always lead to invincible gameplay. Zeta doesn't have to care about the effects of the various moves around him when they fall on him. He doesn't even feel the pain. Those seemingly powerful moves on him are like It was like raindrops falling on my body. Not only was it not painful, it was also a bit comfortable.

Soon, his figure of killing everyone was also seen by others around him.

Although the Dark Lops controlled by Ultraman were curious as to how this guy who obviously looked like Ultraman Dark could catch him and beat him up, they did not interfere too much with him, and even silently helped him.

Those cosmonauts also noticed that Beria was making sudden advances among the crowd. At first, they couldn't recognize who he was due to the lighting problem and the confusion of the picture. But now after watching it for so long, they finally saw it clearly. Who is killing everyone in the crowd?


Dark Belial!

Those cosmic people who were lucky enough not to be noticed were shocked.

"Did Fushii make silicon successfully!?"

Dark Belial, this name is an audible legend to the people of the universe.

But most people have only heard of it.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Beria single-handedly entered the Kingdom of Light, injured Ultra's father and others, and even defeated Zoffie with two moves!

Who is Zuo Fei?

Nowadays, Zoffi's various exaggerated achievements are all promoting Beria to a higher altar.

Moreover, everyone has deeply felt how terrifying Beria's demon fragments are, and they also have some guesses about Beria's combat power.

But guesses are just guesses after all. After actually seeing Beria fight, you will still be surprised by his wild fighting style.


Don't be kidding, didn't those people in front resist? What was the result? Instant kill. All kinds of methods were used, but he was still killed instantly.

It can also use your light to chop you, how scary it is!

It was even more unrealistic to run away. Beria was like a cat, wanting to scratch his paws when he saw something moving.

It was not targeted at first, but as soon as it ran away, the hatred was directly attracted to it.

After that, it will either be sent away directly by a ray of light, or it will be caught up and cut into pieces.

Violent, cruel.

This really fits all the fantasies everyone has about a darkest monarch.

So the lucky cosmonauts behind them stopped running, knelt down one after another, and took out their demon fragments.

"Lord Beria, we are willing to surrender to you!"

Zeta was in the mood to fight. When he heard this, he looked over and saw a crowd of people kneeling over there, and more and more people joined the kneeling army.


What's the meaning?

Does this mean no fighting?

At this moment, Fusui Izumi, who had been obscuring on the edge and not daring to get close, took the opportunity to come closer.

"Lord Beria, although they are two-faced and untrustworthy, everyone is dissatisfied with the Kingdom of Light, so they can still be used."

Zeta said he didn't really want to use anyone.

All he wants now is to kill people.

The power that keeps pouring out of his body is really overwhelming.

However, he also knew the importance, and at this critical moment, he "returned" control to Dark Beria.

After regaining control of his body, Beria staggered, almost losing his balance in his completely relaxed state.

Fortunately, he soon found that control of his body was back.

"What happened just now?"

Beria looked at his claws in astonishment. What happened just now was a little unexpected, like a dream.

Could it be that the artificial intelligence in this body also has the ability to control the body?

Can't he snatch the body from an artificial intelligence?

Thinking of this, Belia's face looked a little ugly, but fortunately he was originally gloomy, so it was hard to see.

Fortunately, the considerate Fui Izukui quickly took action again and directly took out what he had dreamed of!


"Lord Belia, your Giga Battle Machine was sealed by the King of Ultra. We are not strong enough to get it back, but later we gathered a large number of scientists and spent a lot of precious materials. Finally, we copied a Giga Battle Machine that has the same functions as the original one, or even stronger, except that it cannot control monsters!"

"Can't control monsters?"

When Belia heard this, his originally excited mood was much lower.

But he quickly came to his senses.

Now that his power is so strong, it would be more effective to strengthen himself than to control monsters.

Besides, if the dark universe is unified, wouldn't it be possible to command a million troops with a wave of the hand?

Isn't this much more powerful than controlling a hundred monsters?

After figuring this out, Belia took over the Giga Battle Device and patted Fushigi's shoulder as a reward.

"I like this thing very much."

Then Belia turned to face the cosmic people who were kneeling on the ground and raised the Giga Battle Device high.

All the demon fragments held by the cosmic people turned into red light and floated back into Belia's body.

His power is recovering rapidly!

Even the power in Fushigi's body was drawn out. Without Belia's power as the core, Belia's synthetic beast also separated into two monsters.

One is King Joe, and the other is Zetton, who is still controlled by Fushigi.

Belia, who successfully absorbed most of his power, showed an evil smile (Belia can laugh).

"Not enough!"

"This is not all my power!"

Then Belia looked at all the cosmic people.

"Go, go to the whole universe and collect my power!"

All the cosmic people who received the order were stunned.

Then one by one, the cosmic people stood up and saluted, turned around and flew away from the scene.

Not running away.

They really want to find Belia's power and return it to Belia.

It doesn't matter whether Belia will give them any reward.

Because after experiencing the things just now, they suddenly felt like they had peeled off the fog.

Belia, this man may be the one who can lead them to open a world of their own in the universe ruled by the Kingdom of Light!

Just like the Emperor of the Dark Universe, Anperla, back then.

What they longed for, a world belonging to the evil will soon be born under the leadership of Belia.

And they are willing to do anything for it.


On the other hand, what they thought was hidden was actually seen clearly by Duanmu Ci.

"Dark Belia is still the same as always, ordering these cosmic people to do things for him at will, and he is not prepared to pay any compensation. He has no moral burden at all."

Noah said: "If morality can restrain these people, then morality is too powerful."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "But they are also very strong-willed. They cannot be moved by poverty or power."

"These so-called villains are quite tough in character except that they do not do anything good."

"But Belia is back, and it is estimated that he may become stronger. Do we really not need to prepare?"

Noah shook his head: "You know it yourself, don't you? Belia's existence can effectively restrain those cosmic people who have nothing to do."

"It's better than letting them mess around."

Duanmu Ci knew that darkness needed to be restrained, but according to his idea, the one who restrained darkness must be a good person like Zoffy who was determined and would not really fall into darkness.

Dark Belia's stability was too poor, and his ability to make trouble was extremely strong. He didn't affect ordinary people much at ordinary times, but once he made a move, it was a big move, and he could easily make a movie version like this.

Just like in Conan's theatrical version, when you see a magnificent building, you can know what will be blown up in this episode. In Ultraman's theatrical version, when you see Belia, everyone can think of who will be killed in this scene.

So Belia's importance in the entire history of the Kingdom of Light is quite high, and his ability to stir up trouble is also second to none.

"The dark universe has formed a new empire."

Duanmu Ci turned and left, leaving only one sentence

"But the key is still in our hands."

The team-building project of the Kingdom of Light is mainly to welcome Belia's resurrection?

Actually not, Duanmu Ci just thinks that it doesn't matter whether Belia is resurrected or not.


Duanmu Ci has seen the future with one eye.

The integration of the dark universe is much faster than expected.

The world has suffered from the Kingdom of Light for a long time.

The appearance of Belia is like raising a flag, and all the people in the dark universe are attracted instantly.

Including the universe black market.

After learning that Dark Belia was resurrected, the Universe Black Market was very generous and said that since the 900,000 Dark Lops really came to revive Dark Belia, the money would not need to be repaid, and the Universe Black Market could be used by Dark Belia in the future.

Dark Belia did not think there was anything wrong with this.

Because in his opinion, this was the situation as it should be. He only needed to release his hegemonic aura and people from all over the world would come to him.

Except for himself, no one could lead these cosmic people from the Dark Universe to fight against the Kingdom of Light, and the Universe Black Market happened to be the organization that was most incompatible with the Kingdom of Light, so it was even more reasonable for them to join him.

At the same time, Belia also generously gave the Universe Black Market enough freedom to allow them to maintain their previous style of doing things.

Of course, this was actually because Dark Belia did not know how to manage such a complex organization.

His usual management principle was to attract his subordinates with personal charm and then give them enough autonomy. He only needed to focus on the general direction and put small things aside.

. . .

"Beria's power is growing."

If we talk about the growing power of Belia, Xiao Lu is undoubtedly the one with the most complicated feelings.

Because in his impression, Belia is a female Ultraman (at the strong request of Ishikari Arii, Duanmu Ci drew the Ultraman series of Belia in all female images).

Now he is suddenly told that there is actually a male Belia.

This is indeed a bit difficult for him to accept.

And this Belia is also the emperor of the dark universe.

This is even more difficult to accept.

It is more uncomfortable than being almost killed by Winged Sea Pajeton.

If Belia hadn't played a trick at the end and sucked back the energy of all the demon fragments around, the wings of Winged Sea Pajeton would suddenly shrink and its strength would be seriously reduced.

He and Zero almost died there.

So he has to thank Dark Belia.

But such a person is obviously out to cause trouble!

Zero doesn't care.

"No matter how strong he is, we are not weak now, we are just not familiar with him. According to my idea, we just need to constantly improve our strength. As long as we are strong enough, it doesn't matter how big the Dark Belia is."

The war in the universe is not a serious war of deploying troops.

Although from a macro perspective, it seems that there is a large-scale confrontation, but in fact, as long as both sides have a presence that exceeds the level, it will eventually be a war between kings.

As long as the strongest one can be solved, this war can be considered over.

The weak ones around are just to prevent others from interfering with the duel between kings, or to interfere with the king on the opposite side.

Isn't it the Ultimate O? Who isn't!

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