Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 704: Living in a fairy tale

More than that, we can’t reach the end!

Kudo Yuxing was anxious, worried that these aliens would find the monster earlier than him and Duanmu Ci. They pressed the button every few steps, and the group of aliens went crazy.

“Why are we back here again!”

“Have we been going around in circles?”

Each alien was made to lose confidence.

One of them was a little smarter and suggested.

“Let’s make a mark on the ground.

If we walk down and see the mark, it means we have been going around in circles. If we can’t see the mark, it means we are actually moving forward!”

The idea was good, but he didn’t know that they were in reverse time, not only walking in reverse, but also their behavior.

So they kept turning around in the same place for the next half an hour, but they never encountered the mark they made.

A group of aliens thought that this was the case and they should not have taken the wrong path, until a certain alien found something wrong.

"Why don't we go back and see if the marks we made on the way back are still there!"

When this was said, everyone suddenly realized that there was such an operation, so they turned back.

Although Kudo Yuyuki, who was observing everything from a distance, didn't know why they suddenly turned back, the operation remained unchanged. They pressed the red button on the tablet screen after walking a few steps to let them go back in time and space.

The result was naturally as the alien guessed. No matter how far they went back, they still didn't see the marks they left.

In other words, whether forward or backward, the marks don't exist!

The aliens obviously thought of this and began to riot. Fortunately, there were still some more rational aliens.

"We may have entered some kind of strange trap maze, but it doesn't matter. I don't know if you have heard of the Minotaur's maze?"

"Minotaur? What a weird name?"

Although many aliens didn't quite understand what he meant, they were still a little calmer and listened to the class obediently.

The Minotaur is actually a bull-headed man, a monster born from the cross between Pasiphae, the queen of King Minos of Crete, and a white bull.

In order to cover up the scandal, King Minos ordered the craftsman Daedalus to build a huge labyrinth to lock the Minotaur in forever.

Later, in order to silence the witnesses, Daedalus and his son Ikaros were locked in the labyrinth with the Minotaur, and the roads on land and sea were blocked.

The story that followed is more famous. Daedalus collected feathers and made two pairs of wings, allowing himself and Ikaros to fly out together. Unfortunately, Ikaros flew higher and higher, too close to the sun, so that the wax used to connect the wings melted and eventually fell into the Aegean Sea.


An astronaut responded: "As long as we can fly, we can break through this maze?"

Other astronauts on the side also nodded.

Those mazes look complicated, but as long as you can fly, there is no hurdle that you can't get through!

Thinking of this group of astronauts, I became confident again.

Apart from anything else, flying is easy for aliens. Some people even laughed at Daedalus and Ikaros, saying that they needed to make something like wings to fly. The technology on Earth was so backward that such things seemed like myths.

"Why do you need wings to fly? Anti-gravity technology is popular now!"

Then the aliens who could fly by themselves flew by themselves, and those who couldn't fly by themselves used anti-gravity technology to take themselves up.

Kudo Yuyuki in the distance saw them take off from the ground one by one and was more convinced that they were aliens!

I couldn't believe it before, but now the facts are in front of me. Although I don't know how Dr. Duanmu discovered the identities of these aliens, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Dr. Duanmu is right. These aliens must have a plan to come to the mountains. If they really find the monster first, then the monster will definitely be transformed into an invasion weapon. At that time, not only will many people die, but they will also have to kill a monster that may have been innocent.

So when they had just flown a little high into the sky, Kudo Hiroyuki pressed the red button, and they were immediately reversed back to where they were.

This happened again and again, and these aliens were also confused.

"Why can't I fly!?"

"Could it be that the designer of this maze had already considered the problem of flying? Who is this bastard who did this?"

A group of people started to stir again.

These aliens are usually not good-tempered people. If they had a better temper, they would have been able to get along well under Dark Belia, and would not have rebelled against him and fled to this place.

However, the chaos only lasted for less than three minutes, because they found that no matter how confused they were, no matter where they ran, they would eventually return to the same place and lose their way.

Some of those who were more likely to give up simply sat there and watched everyone run out and run back again and again.

"Well, actually there is a sequel to the story of the Minotaur!"

The alien who told the story spoke again.

"There is another way to solve the maze, which is to take a ball of wool that is long enough and keep walking inside. If you reach a dead end, go back along the wool. Keep trying and failing, and you will eventually get out."

He was actually telling the story of Theseus.

Later, the Athenian prince Theseus found the Minotaur with this yarn, killed it, and left the maze along the yarn.

I have to say that these cosmic people have good ideas and have read one or two books.


This is not a Greek myth, but the effect of dimensional power.

If these cosmic people can use the dimensional power, they will not covet the power of this monster so much.

The dimensional power is the top power in any era, and time and space are the authority of gods.

These cosmic people are also talented. They actually brought something that can replace the ball of yarn with them - a pile of meaningless wires.

Relying on this pile of wires, the cosmic people worked together again and walked together.


Every time they took a few more steps, they found that the wires were back in their pockets.

In this way, they finally understood the root of the problem.


Finally, an alien spoke up

"Have you ever thought that this might be another storyline?!"

Everyone stopped, and thought of the possibility of time and space going backwards. Who knew that alien spoke up again.

"We might have hit a wall!"


The aliens around were so angry that they cursed and cursed. They were so angry that their Ren and Du meridians were opened.

"I told you to read less of those messy books!"

"Beat him!"

A group of people were just worried about having no place to vent their anger! After beating him up, the anger in the hearts of these aliens subsided a little.

Finally, a more famous alien said, "This time, it's clearly not a folk story, nor a myth, it's simply a time and space reversal!"

"It looks like we're getting closer to that monster!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded again and again. At this time, they also remembered that they came here to find a monster that can use dimensional power.

This time, they were all tricked by that cosmic person who had read a few books. He insisted on telling some mythological stories, such as the Minotaur and Theseus.

After listening to them, a group of people really put themselves into the plot and thought they were heroes.

Now calm down, this is clearly the manifestation of dimensional power.

They also have a brain block to believe these nonsense of this person.

Fortunately, they stopped the loss in time and did not listen to the nonsense of ghost wall, and then continued to do all kinds of stupid things. Otherwise, if it was spread out in the future, would they still have face?

"In fact, it is very simple to break through the dimensional power! You just need enough energy!"

Duanmu Ci usually does not use dimensional power to devour light because the dimensional wall is very fragile, and too strong energy will directly shatter it.

Weak skills can be completely blocked by ordinary barriers, or even no need to block.

So although the dimensional power is powerful, it is not without restrictions. Although it is not as delicate as Univos's operation of using dimensions to deal with dimensions, these cosmic people also have their own set of methods.

One by one, cosmic people began to release energy continuously by various means.

Seeing their abnormal behavior, Kudo Hiroyuki quickly pressed the red button, but found that it had no effect at all. It was completely different from the previous situation. He was a little nervous.

"What's going on?"

The shadow of Taiga on the side looked at the tablet and glanced at the situation in the distance.

"It should be that the energy is too strong, and the dimensional power cannot be exerted. This situation is also common."

Titus also nodded: "Too much power is equivalent to too much matter. Even the dimensional power has a limit that cannot be moved."

Kudo Hiroyuki was a little worried: "What should we do? In this way, wouldn't it be possible for them to find the monster before us?"

Feng Ma smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if they really find the monster first, they will not be our opponent. Can't we rob it?"

Hearing this, Kudo Hiroyuki was also stunned.

Yes, they are serious warriors after all. The aliens on the opposite side are sneaky and dare not fight head-on. No matter how you look at it, their combat effectiveness will not be stronger than a few of us.

Even if they can't find it at that time, can they still rob it?


Titus denied this approach.

"This time the monster is likely to be wild. If we fight in front of it, it is very likely to anger it and even trigger its defensive instinct."

It's like if you go to fight in front of a wild cat, will the wild cat think you are looking for trouble?

It's already a lot of trouble to appease the monster, and now you have to appease the monster that you have angered, which is even more troublesome.

Tiga sighed and said with emotion: "It's really not easy to be a warrior."

If every battle is just a win-lose game, it would be fine, but in fact, many battles are not simply about solving the enemy.

Titus: "Uh."

"Actually, what I mean is that if we want to solve these aliens, we can go now. There is no need to wait until they find the monster before robbing them."

Tiga, Fuma: "..."

Kudo Yuyuki was stunned.

Is there such an option?

Why didn't you think of this option at the beginning?

Then Kudo Yuyuki looked at Taiga and Fuma. Before he could speak, Taiga and Fuma pointed at each other.

"It must be because I've been with you for so long that my intelligence has decreased!"

Okay, at least everyone reacts quickly at this time.

However, before they could make a move, Duanmu Ci came back.

"Youxing, I found the monster."

Kudo Youxing: "???"

Fengma: "Found it? Found it, so we don't have to fight it, right?"

If it's not necessary, they are actually pacifists.

Duanmu Ci poured a basin of cold water on them: "I guess we still have to fight."

Kudo Youxing was stunned: "Are we going to deal with these aliens? We can just lock them up like we did with other aliens."

Duanmu Ci shook his head: "Not to fight them, but to fight the monster."

"I found the prototype of the monster this time. The prototype of the monster is a monster called Saigang."

"The Saigang monster was originally a super biological weapon created by the Shade people. Of course, I don't quite understand why it appeared on this earth and became a 'native', but it doesn't matter."

"The Saigang monster is not an evil monster in essence. It is a type that is easier to control."

Duanmu Ci added another sentence after saying that.

"That's essentially it."

Hearing this, Kudo Hiroyuki also guessed something.

"Has this monster been controlled?"

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Yes, not only it, there should be other monsters that are controlled, but they have not yet shown it."

"And the one who controls them is the evil god monster Grimd that wreaked havoc in this universe many years ago!"

"Grimd is extremely good at mind control, and this time he controls Saigon who is very easy to control, so Saigon can be said to be absolutely loyal to Grimd now."

Hearing this, several people present were silent.

For some reason, Saigon did not shine in the world of Zedd.

Well, Duanmu Ci was so harmonious that no one knew about this monster.

Just like when Univos and Mebius first came to Earth, Zoffy helped to block monsters at the edge of the solar system.

Most of the powerful monsters were killed by Zoffy, so that the people on Earth thought that there were only a few monsters that were going to attack the Earth.

Duanmu Ci has been doing these things in recent years, quietly operating behind the scenes to minimize various monster disasters.

So strictly speaking, this place is the first time that Saigang has appeared in front of the warriors of the Kingdom of Light.

"Saigang's power is very strong. Distorting the dimension is just the basis. Its energy output itself is not weak. Now it has been strengthened by Grimd. You may not be its opponent."

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