Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 746 The Suppression Power of the Ultimate Liquid Robot

Although the liquid robot looked very elegant, Galaxy Victory knew that a more dangerous battle than the previous one was about to come.

In this empty space, the liquid robot gave Galaxy Victory a knight's salute, then entered combat mode, and its blue crystal-like eyes turned blood red.

In just a moment, starting with zero frames, the liquid robot appeared in front of Galaxy Victory in the blink of an eye. It was just an ordinary whip kick, and Galaxy Victory felt heavy pressure.

Galaxy Victory's reaction was not slow. Almost at the moment of his whip kick, he raised his knee to block. This move was equivalent to letting the opponent's whip kick and sweep kick kick on his knee or calf, protecting himself while causing certain damage to the opponent's attacking leg, and also giving the opponent a certain psychological pressure, so that he dared not kick casually again.

However, when this whip kick hit Galaxy Victory's knee, he realized how stupid he had done.

The opponent was a robot!

Or a liquid robot!

How could he feel any pain? It was impossible that he didn't dare to kick out because of fear. This whip kick was like an iron rod sweeping across.


When the two sides crossed, a dull sound was heard, and Galaxy Victory felt that his knee was about to split in pain.

If Ultraman himself was not a life form of light, and there was no clear definition of his body, although it was painful, the light passed by and restored it without any extra feeling.

But in this way, he had to re-evaluate the strength of this opponent.

Duanmu Ci naturally did not hide anything from them. He had told them that the robot master had a group of liquid robots with strength comparable to high-level ultimate Ultraman.

At that time, they thought it was exaggerated. They had never heard of any robot that was so powerful.

When Galatron came out before, didn't he still feel like he could beat the new generation? What happened in the end? Didn't he become a small monster?

So although they were more concerned about this liquid robot, they didn't really regard him as an opponent of the same level as themselves.

Now it seems that they are too confident.

After a short fight, the opponent put a lot of pressure on Galaxy Victory, and this was a suppression of hard power. It is estimated that if they meet again in the future, they will still be under the same pressure.

This is indeed the combat power that a high-level Ultimate Ou should have.

But Galaxy Victory did not admit defeat at all.

He still said that no matter how strong you are, Galaxy is above you!

Galaxy can even kill Dark Zagi, not to mention that the evolved Galaxy Victory only dealt with a mere robot.

But the opportunity is hard to catch.

In a series of confrontations, Galaxy Victory did not hit the opponent in any flawed state. The two sides fought back and forth, and the opponent was still in a free state, able to attack or dodge.

At this time, if the light is emitted, it will definitely be avoided, so Galaxy Victory has been waiting for an opportunity without wasting any energy.

But because of this, the outcome of the battle has not been determined.

But he couldn't waste time here. Now the machine monsters were coming like a flood. If he wasted time, it would only put more pressure on other new generation warriors. So he had to break through the liquid robot as soon as possible.

In the end, he chose a special method.

When fighting each other, Galaxy Victory suddenly tightened his muscles and prepared to withstand the opponent's beating. When the opponent swept his leg low, he took it hard without affecting his body stability.

At the same time, both hands had been charged, and a Galaxy piercing ray was suddenly shot.

This was a wound for a wound.

It can be said that if a normal monster can force Ultraman to trade wounds for wounds, it would be very powerful.


The imagined situation of the Galaxy piercing ray falling on the opponent did not occur.

Even the Galaxy piercing ray did not appear. All the energy accumulated on his forearm, and an explosion occurred, blowing him out and hitting the surrounding robots hard, and several robots rolled to the ground.

The robots around him quickly dispersed, making way for the liquid robot.

The liquid robot stepped forward and accurately grabbed Galaxy Victory's neck, lifting him up easily.

Galaxy Victory wanted to struggle, but it was meaningless for the liquid robot to hit him. The other party did not move at all, so he could only let it hold his neck and carry him back to the center of the battlefield, and then suddenly pierced his head into the ground, creating a deep pit.

. . .

Galaxy Victory was in a tough battle, and so were the other Ultramen.

Not only this liquid robot came down, but all the liquid robots came down.

Even with all the resources of the multiverse, only these dozens of liquid robots were created.

Even so, the robot master still felt it was a good deal.

Such combat power was worth his hard work to find these rare materials.

Compared to Galaxy Victory, who could still fight back and forth, X was pure misery.

He had already turned on the transcendence mode.

Theoretically, the transcendence mode is the mode in which X's full strength is unleashed. It is much stronger than other forms and possesses ultimate level combat power.

However, in fact, this mode, or the normal mode of X, has ordinary fighting skills.

There is no outstanding performance in fighting skills, mainly the light skills and various stunts are more powerful.

But he also fell into the same dilemma as Galaxy Victory.

The light skills cannot be released.

As a scientist, Dakong Daichi naturally analyzed that it was the influence of the huge purple wave released by the opponent at the beginning, but he could not analyze how to solve this problem.

The whole person was completely suppressed.


No one present has discovered the real horror of this liquid robot.

Because the liquid robot has already crushed everyone, so that they have only used conventional fighting skills and combat methods, and their own unique combat methods have not been used.

And the first one to force this posture was Orb.

Orb is not the oldest new generation, but it is the new generation warrior who fights most intensively in the universe.

He almost fights from one place to another, and never stops.

The main reason is that O-50 is indeed too black-hearted. The company exploits labor, and Orb is useful, so use it to death.

This also makes Orb far superior to others in terms of combat ability.

He relied on his fighting instinct to suppress the liquid robot in fighting skills, and continued to cause damage to the liquid robot with his sharp skills.

So he became the first person to see the real combat mode of the liquid robot.

The two sides fought back and forth. At the critical moment, Orb seized the flaw and punched the liquid robot in the chest. When it was about to hit, the liquid robot's chest suddenly sank into a pit, just avoiding the punch.

This caught Orb off guard and was hit back. The whole person was thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

After that, the liquid robot perfectly played its liquid advantage, like a ghost. No matter how Orb attacked, it could accurately control its body to be sunken or have a pit, and even actively cut off the waist to avoid the attack, leaving Orb with no power.

The light skills could not be released at all, and the battle fell into a stalemate.

The same thing happened to the evil Belia. When he turned to attack the liquid robot Grimd, Grimd took the initiative to separate his body and dodge the stick that was almost certain to hit him.

The ultimate level liquid robot has reached the pinnacle of self-control. In addition to avoiding attacks, it can also use unconventional fighting methods such as right hooks with the left hand.

When attacking, it can also let the arm pass over the opponent's blocking hand and fall on the opponent, just like the magic knife.

The defense is impeccable and the attack is pervasive. This may be the so-called martial arts principle of "the best is like water".

The same is true for Zedd and Grob. They are the type who are good at using light. Now that the light is restricted, they quickly fall into a disadvantage.

. . .

The three-man team of Taiga was knocked down again and stood up again.

"Now we can't even beat an ordinary liquid robot. Is it meaningless that we have prepared for so long?"

Tiga gritted his teeth, no matter how many times he was knocked down, he still insisted on standing up, raised the sword of victory in his hand and slashed at all enemies again.

He would not admit defeat, nor could he admit defeat. This was his universe, and he had no way to retreat.

So he could only be knocked down again and again, and raise his sword again and again to rush forward.

Just when the liquid robot got tired of playing, one of its arms turned into a sharp blade with cold rays, ready to pierce the "fragile" body of the new generation at any time.

I didn't know how to resist this sword at all.

But at the critical moment, Taiga raised a shield by accident and blocked the sharp sword outside.

This shield is not the Ultra Barrier, because it cannot use light, and defensive skills such as the Ultra Barrier are naturally unusable.

It is a physical shield made by Taiga Spark.

This move of his was soon noticed by others.

After all, everyone's battlefield is actually quite close.

Everyone has a modified form or a standard Univos technology that can convert light into matter.

Now everyone can't use light, but it doesn't affect the use of technology!

Energy is constantly injected into the bracelet, and exaggerated technologies are at hand.

Fortunately, Univos has already updated this thing many times, and the effect is much better.

And soon everyone discovered some magical inventions of Univos in it.

Everyone thought that this thing was like a bunch of high-tech instructions with dense words, and they couldn't understand how to use these things for a while.

But who knows that when they really want to make it, they find that it has been updated and iterated, and they can make anything they want directly.

Just a thought.

So Galaxy Victory wanted to try whether he could create anti-silence technology.

The result is really there.

Many of Univos's research is recorded in it, and magic technology is naturally there.

Univos can use magic to study the silent forbidden area, so he will naturally consider how to deal with it after others use the silent forbidden area.

Galaxy Victor used Ultra Telekinesis to convey this message to everyone, and everyone immediately activated the "anti-silence" magic technology.

Everyone can use the light ability again.

Among them, Zeed is the worst.

He has not entered the state of Zunhuang Zeed until now. He originally thought that the battle outside was too dangerous and did not want Toba Laiye to take risks.

Moreover, the new sublimator had been sent to him a long time ago. He is now using the Galaxy Rising state. The hard power of this state is actually not much different from that of Zunhuang Zeed. He thinks it is enough.

Until now, he discovered the power of Zunhuang Zeed. The combination of magic and traditional energy can completely not be afraid of this silence skill.

However, even if they can use light, the liquid robots on the opposite side can finally release their abilities. Their technology is not yet at home, and they can't achieve the effect of Univos that can only block others' light abilities. Therefore, once their silence forbidden area is used, everyone will be unable to use light indiscriminately.

Now that the light restriction has been lifted, they have finally fully exerted their combat power.

Various magic lights have never stopped, and the originally calm battlefield has instantly become hot.

But in the end, Ultraman's side first appeared to have an advantage.

The scientist Torrekia has completely defeated his opponent with a combination of various high-tech technologies and put him in a cage, which can be regarded as the first kill.

Then it was Galaxy Victory.

The frustration and anger that had been blocking Galaxy Victory's chest raised his strength to a very high level. The last large-scale indiscriminate Ultra Fusion Ray completely killed the liquid robot.

After that, good news came from other battlefields.

After all, they are all legendary warriors of the new generation. Although they will be defeated, they can always lock in victory in the end.

Finally, the first batch of liquid robots was solved.

However, before they could rest more, five more liquid robots appeared in front of each of them.

Although the loss of a liquid robot was enough to make the robot master heartbroken, when he thought of the importance of this battle, he had already felt that he had to do his best.

And the most important thing is that Univos has not appeared yet.

As long as Univos does not appear, he will definitely not appear. The first to appear will die first. He will never do such a flag-setting thing.

So now is not the time to worry about liquid robots. Send out all of them, no matter how many there are. Even if these liquid robots are destroyed, they will only become fragments, but the materials are still there. We can just collect them and rebuild them when the time comes.

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