Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 749 The Chess Player

The Robot Lord in "Silver Surfer" mode is particularly terrifying.

Even just roaring at the sky, the shock wave caused by this sound can turn the surrounding buildings into powder.

It's even just sound.

Those who live in Tokyo are heartbroken to see this scene in Noah's meta realm.

But fortunately, the world may be gone now. Compared with this, just not having a house doesn't seem to be a big deal.

In comparison, the whole world opens up.

Ling Jia is still cool.

From this point of view, his coolness may just be stupid.

Because in the ensuing confrontation, the "Silver Surfer" robot master just flashed silver light, and his whole body was like a shuttle, hitting Lingjia's chest, and then he was torn through without much accident. All defenses were broken, and a big hole was directly punched out of his chest.

Although the big hole was quickly filled with light and became intact, the hand just now proved that the current robot master could kill Ling Jia at any time.

The situation has become like this, but Lingjia's expression is still cool, as if he is sure of victory.

Seeing this scene, even if Univos knew that Lingjia's current limit was here, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, is there any backhand that he hasn't used yet?

You don’t look like someone who has no cards!

Compared with Yunivos, who can see the end, Tregear's level is much lower. At this moment, he looks at Lingga's confident look, and the expression on his face is like a "victory parade" Confident and fearless.

In a sense, he was still involved in this battle.

Didn't you see the Taiga spark in Lingjia's hand?

Although I haven't seen him use it much, it is definitely different with and without equipment. This is obviously because he is so confident and fearless with the help of equipment!


Yunivos said to him: "Lingjia must have reached his limit."

Only then did he react suddenly.

"What's up?"

Uniworth: "It's reached its limit. Don't you see that he doesn't even have a chance to resist now?"

On the field, Lingga was as confident as ever, just like Kakarot when he first arrived on Namek, with an air of invincibility.

Excluding the fact that he was constantly being knocked out of holes and then restored again, he seemed to be somewhat invincible.

"No, why should this robot master win!?"

Tregear was a little confused.

"Didn't he just get the power of Chaos? Even though Emperor Zedd failed to defeat Grimdd, he didn't lose either. At most, neither of the two sides could do anything to the other. How come he is so much stronger than the Lord of Robots? "

Univers smiled mysteriously: "Do you know how to reach the peak of true combat power?"

Suddenly hearing this kind of question, Tregear himself needed to think about it carefully.

Usually he just studies how to become stronger, and really doesn't think much about what is the strongest.

"There is a term in mathematics called exponential explosion."

Seeing him thinking, Univers decided to give him a little click.

"For example, a person can only punch 100 points of damage."

"At this time, a bunch of damage-increasing buffs are superimposed. It is calculated by multiplication and superposition. What do you think the result will be?"

Data greater than one are constantly being multiplied, and small values ​​will soon be superimposed into large values.

"Do you know why the legendary Hyperjeton is so much more powerful than other Hyperjetons?"

Tregear understood: "Because it adds a lot of buffs!"

Univers: "So the current Robot Lord is in a state of superimposed many buffs."

"First of all, he obtained almost endless power of chaos. His liquid robot still uses magic to fight. It is full of magic power. You have also seen the combat power of the liquid robot. With so much magic power and such strong power of chaos, plus The master of the robot’s own spiritual energy, all added together, creates a super powerful state.”

"But you still can't beat me in this state, let alone the question of whether you can beat Lingga."

Tregear nodded. He knew that although Yunivos was a scientist, his combat prowess was always unique in the Kingdom of Light, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with saying that.

"But then he used the technology of absorbing robots to replenish himself."

After all, this technology was given to him by Univos, so of course he needed to show off.

"This technique is truly amazing. After using it, his energy even reaches an astonishing and terrifying level, even dozens of times that of Ling Jia!"

Tregear was startled when he heard this. So there was such a big gap just now?

However, looking at the result of the wave comparison just now, Tregchia probably guessed that the energy purity was still not enough.

The way it is now, the purity should be enough, right?

Yunivos's words gave him the answer: "Not only is the quality of his energy stronger now, but the quantity has not decreased too much. How can Lingjia compare to someone who is dozens of times stronger than him in all aspects? Where is the opponent?"

Tregear was stunned.

If you are dozens of times stronger than yourself, then you can't win?

He recalled that it seemed that many Ultraman were able to defeat their opponents by leapfrogging many levels. Compared with them, dozens of times seemed like nothing.

Uniworth knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression, but he still wanted to pour cold water on him.

"Did you see his calm eyes? This may be his characteristic. His strength is stable and he is not likely to be defeated for no reason, but he also lacks the power to explode further."

"And the humans in this world, they are probably watching the live broadcast like watching TV now? Do you think they will have any empathy without anyone to guide them, and come up with something like the light of all mankind gathering together?"

Tregear: ⊙_⊙

This time he suddenly woke up. Yes, in the past, Ultraman's explosion was either based on his own idealistic power or on the idealistic power of others.

It seems that there is no such environment now!

"What should we do?"

Unives suddenly laughed mysteriously and said meaningfully: "What else can we do? It's time for you to take action."

"Don't tell me that you have been in seclusion for so long and there is no effect at all."

Looking at Unives' eyes, Torrekia suddenly felt that he was completely seen through.

"Well, I did get something."

"But this will make me fall into chaos, and then I might really become the me from the future."

Chaos Tregear is really crazy. He was originally an honest child, but later he became such a crazy person. The change of the whole person can be described as extreme.

Because he knows the horror of Chaos Tregear, even though Tregear has developed a device to absorb the power of chaos, he dare not use it casually, for fear that he will become like that.

"Don't worry."

Unives patted him on the shoulder: "If you really become like that, then I can put you in the subspace of the old Yabo people, where there is the River of Oblivion. After you go in, you will be like them, completely forgetting about Ultraman and monsters, and completely harmless to society, so you don't have to worry at all."

Hearing this, Tregear glanced at Univos.

Is this human language?

I was infected with the power of chaos in order to save the world, and then I will be locked up forever?

"Ahem, if possible, I still hope to live a normal life outside."

Having said that, he still went up without hesitation.

Because he had no choice.

At this moment, the life and death of the entire universe was in his hands.

Even if Lingjia couldn't solve the opponent, it would be useless even if Univos really went up.

Now he has a kind of "I will go even if there are thousands of people" momentum.

However, the audience's eyes lacked a little atmosphere.

This aspect needs Univos to operate.

He snapped his fingers.

Then his voice began to ring in the ears of everyone in Noah's Meta field.

"Everyone, I am Univos, the Ultraman watching the battle outside the battlefield at this moment."

Hearing this, everyone shifted their eyes from the center of the battlefield to Univos, and some were curious about why he could speak in, and even more curious about what he would say later.

Univos didn't care about everyone's questions, but continued to explain.

"This universe has been a restricted area for Ultraman and the Dark Universe Empire for almost ten years. I believe that all the cosmic people present know this."

Afterwards, Univos briefly explained to everyone why this happened. It was because there was such a powerful existence in this universe. As long as he appeared, everyone would become numb and finally become like robots.

To use a popular saying, everyone would become a hardworking, angerless, and energyless cow.

Pure office workers.


As we all know, everything before "but" can be regarded as nonsense.

Especially Univos put the emphasis on "but".

"When we learned that this universe was in danger, we did not give up on it. We broke our ban and came to this universe. There are countless excellent warriors who did the same. They did not give up any hope and broke the ban and came here."

"Many of them are still very young. They are basically my disciples and juniors. They are very talented and have their own lives. They have wives waiting for them to come home for dinner, friends waiting for them to go back and reunite, and parents who care about them. But they still came to this universe for a glimmer of hope and fought against the terrifying enemy."

"Now, they are completely no match for each other. Even Torrekia, whose original mission was to serve as a scientist, has gone to the battlefield, but his desperate efforts are meaningless."

Hearing this, everyone in the Noamita field was whispering, but most of them agreed with this.

The current situation is not something that a scientist can reverse.

"He was going to use forbidden techniques and sacrifice himself to reduce the enemy's combat effectiveness. Although it may not work, and he will die in all likelihood, we have no choice."

"Why didn't I fight? Because my power can push you out of the Meta field. I will use all my remaining power to send you to another universe, another safer universe."

"I'm sorry, as warriors, we failed to protect you."

As soon as Univos said this, people who spoke loudly appeared around everyone.

"Why! This has nothing to do with you, why are you fighting so hard!"

These people were actually arranged by the aliens, and many of them were aliens themselves.

They had long known that the warriors of the Kingdom of Light could burst out with idealism, which was no secret in the entire universe.

So when Univos began to express his feelings, they also cooperated with each other.

Even as they cooperated, they were really moved for a moment.

Because Ultraman was not only protecting this earth, but also the cosmic people who did not like the Kingdom of Light or the Dark Universe Empire.

Even Univos had long known that they had no intention of expelling them here, but treated them equally as all cosmic people, without any double standards.

Although it sounds like there is no demand, this is the last thing they can keep.

They did not join the Dark Universe Empire, and they had no dignity in front of other cosmic people.

But Univos in this world gave them enough respect.

Just this point, their prejudice against the Kingdom of Light even dissipated a lot.

Others who were originally nervous, afraid, worried, or indifferent were gradually affected by this atmosphere.

Light, especially idealistic light, can cross the universe.

Under everyone's light, Torrekia, who fought side by side with Lingjia and used high technology to continuously resist attacks from all directions and could also find time to absorb the power of chaos, felt that his strength had increased a lot.

"What is this!?"

The light completely dispersed the power of chaos in his body, ensuring that he would not be eroded by the power of chaos.

Although he didn't know why, he was sure that Univos must have done something when he came out to fight!

So, this is the real backhand! ?

Thinking of this, he glanced at Univos in the distance, and Univos nodded to him at the moment their eyes met.

Torrekia understood!

So he began to increase the absorption and devouring of the power of chaos.

A large amount of chaos power and the power of light that kept surging in his body conflicted and offset each other.

Such a powerful energy collided in his body, and he was trembling with pain, and his whole body was flickering, as if he might disappear at any time.

But it was precisely because of this that in everyone's eyes it really seemed like the result of using some kind of taboo method of mutual destruction.

Ultraman is willing to sacrifice his life to protect those who have nothing to do with him!!!

This time, there is more light.

Although there are many ungrateful people in the world, most people are still normal, still affected by passion, and can still feel sincerity.

Moreover, Torrekia really wants to risk his life to protect the earth. Although this is the tradition of the Kingdom of Light, it is really incredible to the outside world.

Univos has more routines, but they are essentially the same, except that Univos is more powerful and is the chess player.

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