Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 753 Peaceful Zone

A group of new generations slowly gathered over.

Seeing that the world began to regain its light and darkness, the previous scene where the entire universe was covered by the power of chaos no longer existed. Needless to say, everyone knew that the battle was over.

At the same time, with the blessing of countless human inner lights, the color timer that was flashing on the chest also turned back to blue.

"This time it's really over."

Taiga said.

Uniworth smiled and said: "No, for you, your legendary story has just begun. Don't let your father's reputation fall."

The new generation warriors around also congratulated Taiga.

Then Yinhe asked: "Teacher, aren't you Noah? Why did another Noah come out just now?"

Uniworth was speechless: "I have always said that I am not Noah, I just have a body exactly like Noah."

"The Noah just now is Noah himself, so he can easily deal with the robot master."

Speaking of this, Yunivos couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

"It's a pity that such a heroic figure could not leave any name in the end. In the end, we only knew that he was the master of all robots."

Of course, maybe his name is just Lord of Robots.

In fact, this is no longer important. Even if such a character reveals his real name, the words that will be passed down through the ages will still be the "Lord of Robots".

Of course, this robot master will have a new name in the future.

"Spiritual King."

Similar to the Soul King in Death, of course, it is essentially a different thing. He can still retain his self-awareness after that, but that is all he has left is self-awareness, and he cannot interfere with anything else.

In the end, all the new generation warriors left, leaving only the three-man Taiga team and Univos whose bonds had not ended.

Hikari, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, also took Tregear, who was dragged by him and forced to pretend to be dead, and got up with him pretending to be dead.

Yunivos and Hikali looked at each other, and both saw the teasing color in each other's eyes.

Tregear was a little confused, but he didn't hide it and asked directly.

"Brother Duanmu, did you know early on that I couldn't absorb Grimd's power?"

Univers smiled awkwardly: "Ha, this is all in the past. In the end, won't we all fight side by side to defeat the enemy?"

"But." Tregear still didn't quite understand.

"You are clearly more powerful than the robot master who was not fully evolved before. Why do you have to trouble him to completely evolve step by step?"

At first, everyone really thought that Univos could not defeat the robot master who had become extremely powerful, but who knew that Univos would suddenly explode later.

The onlookers regarded this kind of thing as the effect of his light, but as a scientist, Tregear would not be deceived by appearances. Univos's own strength must have surpassed that of the robot master.

Univers smiled mysteriously: "If the enemy just shoots him to death as soon as he appears, what's the point?"

"It's rare to find such interesting enemies!"

After saying that, Univers couldn't help but sigh.

At this point, even if you want to lie to yourself, you can't do it anymore.

He has reached far beyond all the ultimate arcana. With the help of super technology, his feet have truly stepped on the floor of the palace of the arcane arcana.

In fact, it is not only enough to stuff the Robot Lord into it, but also stuff Univos himself into it to prevent the collapse of the universe.

Moreover, with his technical power, he no longer needs to stuff the Robot Lord into it. He can maintain the stability of the multiverse by building anything by himself.

The reason for doing this.

It's just fun.

Then Univos turned around and looked at the surrounding scene that had become ruins. His eyes glowed with light. The time of the earth began to reverse, and the originally collapsed floors gradually stood up.

In the surprised eyes of humans all over the earth, everything that was destroyed due to this battle has returned to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Tregear couldn't help but sigh: "The power of dimension is really useful."

Hikali shook his head: "This is not dimensional power."

The biggest advantage of dimensional power is that it can restore everything, and the biggest disadvantage is that everything can be restored.

If Univos really uses dimensional power, then those robots whose strength is not at the Ultra level will also be "resurrected" together.

At that time, everyone will have to face countless robots.

"What's that?"

Titus asked from the side.

He was also curious.

Hikari: "It's magic. Univos has become more and more proficient in magic."

Compared to pure power, magic can do more complex things.

After settling everything, Univos looked at the extremely evil Beria who was restless at the side.

"You go."

The extremely evil Beria was stunned: "Why, you don't want to punish me?"

Uniworth shook his head: "I will save you, which means I won't kill you here."

"You have to let Xiao Lu take care of your life, so I won't worry about it."

Hearing this extremely evil thing, Beria suddenly laughed: "He is my son!"

Yunivos complained: "It's actually White Belial's."

Extremely Evil Beria: "I don't care, they have the same genes as me anyway! That's my son!"

Since there was no danger, he did not leave immediately, but said

"There are too many cosmic beings in this universe. In this case, why not make a gentleman's agreement between us."

"We will not interfere in this place from now on, and neither will your Kingdom of Light. How about it being a peaceful zone?"

Uniworth spread his hands: "Originally, I don't care about this kind of thing, but since you are so sincere, I don't mind making this gentleman's agreement with you."

In fact, what the extremely evil Beria thought at the beginning was that as long as this agreement was made, those cosmic people who had enmity with him in the future and those who couldn't stand him would all go this way.

When the time comes, you can catch them all in one fell swoop, which saves you the time of looking for people.

But after seeing Yunivos agreeing so casually, he had a new idea.

He reflected on himself and realized that although he was very strong now, he was still not as good as Yunivos or Lingjia. If the day came when a dog's head would be destroyed, he would definitely need one. Where there is buffering, there is resurgence.

Then this peaceful area is quite important.

Thinking about it this way, it would be hard for him to break the rules first.

I'm afraid I can only wait a little longer to catch all those who are dissatisfied with me.

The agreement between Univos and the Evil Belial quickly spread throughout the universe. After all, the agreement between the two major forces, the Kingdom of Light and the Dark Universe Empire, would make headlines in the universe.

Not long after the evil Beria left, Noah came back, and everyone on the earth had to rely on him to send them back to their place of origin.

He also brought a word.

"That robot master wants to meet you."

Univers nodded: "Then let's meet. We must give the losing team's MVP a chance to speak."

After speaking, Univos opened a space-time channel and walked out.

There is no need for Noah to tell where the Lord of the Robots is, because the place that can serve as a wedge in the universe must be the highest point in the universe.

The top of the universe.

Basically, other people can't get here, unless they have mysterious and arcane levels of power.

Univos' own energy level is slightly inferior, but his body is a mysterious body, and his technology is a mysterious technology, which means he is mysterious.

So he can come too.

As soon as I arrived, I saw a transparent shadow, which looked like an ordinary middle-aged man in white.

Although there has been no communication yet, Yunivos has already guessed that he is the master of the robots.

"You're here."

Uniworth nodded: "I heard that you have something to say to me. Let me listen."

The robot master nodded, then waved his sleeves, and a small round table appeared in front of him, with a tea set on the table.

"Sit down and have tea?"

Uniworth nodded and sat down without any restraint.

"Please begin your performance."

The robot master smiled helplessly and poured a cup of tea for Univos, as if reminiscing about the past.

"I was once a genius."

Uniworth nodded: "Indeed."

There are only a few in the entire universe who can surpass Yunivos in certain technologies.

The robot master smiled sadly: "But I am a scientific genius in the magical world."

"In that world, I was a heretic. I was ostracized by everyone. I faced life and death countless times. In the end, I was disappointed in everyone."

He slowly told his story.

In fact, it is just an ordinary story of being cured by artificial intelligence.

Since then, he has been completely obsessed with artificial intelligence and robots.

Compared with people who are biased and scheming, cold "creatures" like robots make him feel warm.

So he kept transforming himself and became the "Lord of Robots". Not only could Univos not be able to ask his name, but he himself had actually forgotten his name a long time ago. He just remembered that he was the master of all robots.

"You're lucky."

After telling all kinds of sad stories about himself, the robot master suddenly said: "You are extremely talented and have made a name for yourself since you were a child. You are a genius scientist that is rarely seen in the Kingdom of Light for thousands of years."

"He is honored and well-liked."

"Honestly, I'm jealous of you, insanely jealous."

Uniworth nodded and said matter-of-factly: "Actually, I'm quite jealous of myself sometimes. I'm so gorgeous~"

The robot master's expression froze.

Hear, hear! Is this human language?

But he soon calmed down and said

"I don't expect to create any more glory. It's just a pity that all my strength is wasted like this. I wonder if you can find a successor for me."

Uniworth: "It's okay."

"But you have to humiliate yourself."

. . .

Later, Univos sealed the consciousness of the robot lord in a Dikta gear armor and threw it into the Kingdom of Light weapons arsenal.

If he wants to find a successor, let him find it himself. To find a successor, first test it with the Dikuta Gear Armor. When the successor really has potential, it can then be turned into real equipment. It will be perfect.

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