Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 84 Silver Univos

The battle between Ampera and Ultra's father is about to break out.

Almost instantly, their weapons met in the air.

"I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, but your swordsmanship is still so sharp!"

The father of Ultra smiled and said: "Today's young people are more powerful than each other. If one of us is not paying attention, we will be chased by the young people."

The two chatted while playing.

He spoke like a good brother, but the weapon in his hand showed no mercy at all. He hit faster and faster, sword energy and thunder intertwined in the air, and the two incompatible forces of light and darkness kept exploding in the air. ring.

Mebius and Hikari on the side originally wanted to go up and help, but looking at the situation now, in a battle of this level, they would probably only cause trouble for the father of Ultra.

Just when the two of them were watching the battle with excitement, the space in front of them fluctuated, and Univers was thrown out, falling in front of the two of them in a handsome posture.

"Hey! Long time no see!"

Hikali slapped Yunivos on the head: "Long time no see, you bitch! Didn't you say you have a way to deal with the Ampera people?"

Uniworth was innocent: "I have a solution, but I never said the solution was on me!"

Who would have thought that at the beginning of the battle, Lucifer would be locked in and face off against the boss one on one?

Regarding this matter, Yunivos had already seriously reasoned with Lucifer.

So he was thrown out.

Lucifer really wanted to beat him up to make him realize that society is dangerous.

But I really couldn't help but talk like Tang Seng, and in the end I still couldn't control my violent temper.

While they were chatting here, Ultra's father was gradually falling behind.

At the level between him and the Ampera star, the difference between short weapons and long weapons is not that big. The biggest difference between the two is in their armor and body.

Although there were no wounds on Ultra's father's body, and his physical defense was quite terrifying, he still couldn't compare with the Ampera people wearing dark armor.

Logically speaking, the one who gained the advantage first was Ultra's father. His fighting skills were a little stronger than those of the Ampera star. He gave the Ampera star a series of ancestral punches, plus two domineering iron mountains.

But even with enhanced physical strength, he still couldn't penetrate the dark armor with his fists and kicks and cause much damage to the Ampera people.

On the contrary, the Ampera star's attack was slower, but after hitting the father of Ultra, it immediately affected his actions.

It wasn't obvious at first, but as Ultra's father received more and more injuries, the gap became more and more obvious.

"Are the Ampera people so fierce?"

This was the first time that Yunivos saw Ultra's father fall at a disadvantage.

However, Ultra's father is also famous for resisting beatings. Although he will suffer some injuries and affect his strength, if he concentrates on defense, it will be difficult for the Ampera stars to break through in a short time.

It's just that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

If this continues, Ultra's father will still hate Northwest.

After thinking about this clearly, the eyes of the three people present gradually became filled with a look of determination.

Yunivos said: "Science is endless, but I am still too limited. Everyone, my science can no longer solve the Ampera aliens."

Hikali smiled brightly: "Why am I helpless?"

His original intention was to admit his own shortcomings, and then everyone could act recklessly together, and maybe we could create a miracle.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Yunivos suddenly became energetic.

"So what you are saying is that if I can deal with the Ampera people, it means that my science and technology are better than yours, and I am truly the chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light!"

Hikari: "Huh?"

Not understanding Yunivos' brain circuit, Hikali asked: "Is this what we are talking about?"

Mebius on the side nodded fiercely: "This should be the right thing!"

Hikari helplessly raised his forehead: "Now is not the time to talk about this at all. We are obviously no match for the Ampera people, so what use can your technology be?"

"That's not necessarily true! Don't forget that I am Doraemon!"

Univos took out an "ultimate weapon" from his own subspace, which was an ordinary-looking pointed cone weapon.

"Do you know what this is?"

Hikari shook his head, and Mebius was also confused.

Uniworth smiled: "This is something I am absolutely unwilling to use."

Hikali complained: "Then you still take it out and use it?"

Uniworth: "I will risk my life to win you!"

"Let me tell you briefly, I have discovered a long time ago that my power is slightly different from the traditional Ultraman's power in the Kingdom of Light!"

"Hikari, you don't have to be jealous. I've told you before that I'm probably hiding powerful powers like various anime protagonists and you don't believe me."

"You must have seen that my light reduced the enemy to the most basic light particles before!"

While speaking, Yunivos inserted the sharp awl in his hand into his left chest, directly touching his heart.

This sudden move startled Hikali and Membius, and they supported the crumbling Univos.

Univers smiled: "Don't worry, you won't die! According to my previous research, Ultraman's power will be greatly improved between life and death."

"But the average Ultraman is really dead between life and death, and has no chance to use this power at all, so I created such a sharp cone that kills people, but it is absolutely unkillable!"

"This way, I can hang my life at the moment closest to death and give me power beyond my limits!"

Having said that, Hikari and the others saw the danger of this pointed cone.

The light in Yunivos's body now is indeed much stronger than before.

But the problem is obviously bigger, because the light is broken.

If Univos was in the human form of Duanmuci at this time, everyone would be able to see his flushed face and the protruding veins on his forehead.

Once this thing is used, Yunivos's whole body becomes like a furnace, as if it is being burned by ultra-high-temperature flames every moment.

And in this case, Univos cannot be directly hit by the enemy. Whenever a data like "-1" appears on his head, he will get GG.

But it was precisely because of this that he briefly gained power beyond his level.

This is the power of kryptonite!

The light on his body gradually became pure, and the blue on Univos gradually faded and turned into bright silver.

Such a scene naturally did not escape the eyes of the Ampera people.

"Don't be distracted when fighting me!"

While the Ampera star was distracted, Ultra's father hit him with a sword. The sword energy left a hole in the dark armor, just like the wound it left on the Ampera star!

"Captain Qishui! It's time!"

Shingo Osamizu, who was in the GUYS command center, nodded and inserted the "key".

Finally transcend technology·Start up! ! !

A huge machine descended from the sky and landed between Univos and the Ampera.

At the same time, the light in Uniworth's eyes gradually turned milky white.

It's not because of evolution or anything, it's just that I rolled my eyes in pain.

But that's not important!

His hands were already crossed in front of him, causing a large amount of plasma current.

This time he didn't charge for long, 500% was enough. With such a powerful influx of energy, reaching 500% basically took no time.

After controlling the lightning steadily, he quickly formed an "L" shape with his hands in front of him.

At this moment, the father of Ultra rolled away knowingly.

Then layers of flashes of light poured into the Specium Amplifier, and as the Specium Amplifier became more exaggerated, a surge of energy like a wave was formed, swallowing up the Ampera aliens entirely.

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