Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 152 I don’t remember, I never said it, don’t slander people

Scientists have their own areas of expertise.

Ever since Masaki Keigo discovered the giant stone statue, he has been thinking about evolving himself into a life form capable of giant transformation into light.

His research was naturally biased towards genes, including the optogenetic factor converter he later developed, which was also intended to activate his own ultra-ancient genes.

On the other hand, 'Doraemon' Horii is different.

Horii seems to know a little bit about everything and can always come up with some weird black technologies.

For example, in this mission to search for the location of the extra-dimensional monster Gillanbo and the pumpkin ship, he took out the space probe.

And each team of two people has one copy.

Dagu still has a bit of a protagonist's aura, otherwise his identity would have been discovered long ago in the original trajectory.

It's also possible that Sawai and the others knew about it, but were pretending not to know like they were doing now.

At this moment, the detector in Dagu's hand was beeping continuously.

When he saw this situation, he quickly took out his handheld computer and reported: "Commander, I found something abnormal here!"

There was a white piece of paper taped to the wooden dot guardrail with the words No Entry written in red ink.

After Zongfang and others came here together, the detectors they held in their hands also kept ringing.

Horii stared at the ripples displayed on the detector screen and said with certainty: "This is the center of the abnormal magnetic field, and it must be the location of the pumpkin boat of the extra-dimensional monster Gillanbo."

"But I didn't see it here." Xincheng looked at the surrounding mountains and forests, and there were only trees and mountains.

Not even a trace of the pumpkin boat or anything.

Lina rolled her eyes at Xincheng and explained helplessly: "They say it's a monster from another dimension. Of course its pumpkin boat is hidden in another dimension."

But even if they knew this, they couldn't find the entrance and couldn't enter. Zongfang reported this situation back to the victory team's command room.

To find Jilan Bo, we need to enter another dimension. However, the Victory Team currently has no device to open the other dimension. This seems to be an endless loop.

Just when everyone in the victory team was lost in thought and thinking of a solution, no one noticed that Kirino was missing.

At this moment, in a hidden corner, Natsuhiko was fighting with Kirino for control of his body. He reached out to take off the glasses he was wearing, but Kirino grabbed his arm and said, "No, Ultraman-san, your transformation will be discovered now." Identity!"

"It's okay." As Xia Yan spoke, he controlled Kirino's body to flip and fall to the ground, and explained: "Anyway, I will find someone else after a while."

Kirino felt a twinge of mmm in his heart when he heard this. Do you want to listen to what you said?

After falling to the ground, he grabbed his arm and kept struggling, saying in a very dissatisfied tone: "How can it be okay? Didn't you say you can't expose your human body identity!"

"It seems not." Xia Yan switched his arms, quickly took off the glasses he was wearing, and said in a calm tone: "You must have remembered it wrong."

As he finished speaking, he had already taken control of his body. Although Kirino's ultra-ancient genes had been improved, he was still no match for Ultraman in terms of possession. He took out the silver beta wand and pressed it directly.

Golden light flashed, and Kirino's entire body immediately turned into a ball of light!

Meanwhile on the other side.

"Damn it." Dagu looked at the area, unwilling to give up just like that: "Do you mean we have to wait until Halloween?"

While he was speaking, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked around to ask Kirino if there was a solution.

It's just that Dagu glanced at everyone present, but he didn't find Kirino.


A dull loud noise was heard at this time!

When Dagu heard the voice, he turned around and saw a ball of light hitting the ground.

A large amount of soil was flying while smoke was everywhere, and light exploded in the smoke to form the giant's body.

When he saw the familiar silver-red giant, Dagu felt a sense of déjà vu in his heart.

It seems that when he secretly transformed, he also disappeared in front of everyone in the victory team. Could it be!

Dagu was still here, speculating in his mind. Xincheng, who was nearby, saw Ultraman appear and immediately shouted excitedly:

"It's Ultraman! Dagu! Ultraman indeed has a new form. I finally didn't miss it this time!"

Of course, what you see on the screen is not as real as the scene.

Dagu, who was listening, had a sly expression on his face. In fact, he had known it for a long time, but Xincheng still thought that he didn't know.

Maybe everyone in the victory team doubts Dagu, but Xincheng Zhi may not always doubt him.

Xia Yan, who had completed his transformation, landed on the ground. His Ultra Eyes looked forward, where there was a special wave.

Snap your fingers and type.

Two memory scenes appeared next to Xia Yan, Memory Seven and Memory Ace, and they jumped out of them.

As Memory Seven stretched out his palms, layers of energy waves spread forward. Using the ability to travel through dimensions, the fluctuations in the magnetic field began to react violently.

Memory Ace flew into that area and used time and space to travel directly into the ground.

At this moment, the extra-dimensional monster Gillanbo is turning into an old witch hiding in the pumpkin boat.

Making special lollipops.

Halloween is coming, and it can harvest the dreams of a group of children.

While Jilanbo was thinking happily, he suddenly felt a rumble and vibration under his feet.

By the time it reacted, Memory Ace had already held up the pumpkin boat and flew out of the extra-dimensional space.

"Who! Who dares to come to my territory and run wild!" After discovering this situation, Kilanbo was extremely angry. He picked up the broom next to him and rode on it, and it popped out of the mouth of the pumpkin boat!

"I want to see who is getting impatient!"

After finishing his words, Jilan Bo fell to the ground, his body looked like an old witch, and he looked around.

Then when he saw what was going on, his body froze in place on the spot, and his pulpy face looked stunned.

Three, three Ultraman? !

Come on, aren't the earth only inhabited by humans? When did there be so many Ultramans?

Gillanbo, who often stays in the pumpkin boat without going out, still doesn't know the changes that have taken place on the earth.

Otherwise, in the original trajectory, it would not have locked Da Gu into the pumpkin boat at the risk of death.

Memory Ace placed the pumpkin boat he was holding in front of Team Victory and others, and then suddenly turned around to look at Gillan Bo.

Quickly pull the right hand up and the left hand down, and the light flashes out with a crescent-shaped cutting light!

The white vertical guillotine slashed towards Jilan Bo!

At the same time, Memory Seven clasped his hands above his head and shot out the yellow Emelium beam!

The two memory Ultramans instantly released their respective special light skills.

Jilanbo, who was watching this scene, didn't even bother to use the broom he was riding, and quickly used teleportation.

"Damn Ultraman! I'm so angry!"

After the old witch-like Jilanbo appeared on the other side, he roared in anger, and huge energy fluctuations suddenly appeared on his body!

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