Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 2 This familiar feeling is a giant creature

After having a good meal and a good drink, Beidou and Cui Ming watched TV together.

However, a piece of news on TV attracted Beidou's attention.

"Petroleum joint venture? It is said that this is a new type of modern industrial plant. I heard that many people are looking forward to its development."

"I don't know why, looking at this enterprise, I feel that it will become a target of monsters, just like what happened before."

Beidou was stunned when he heard Cui Ming say this.

"Now that you mention it, it is true. This kind of new enterprise seems to be particularly easy to become the target of aliens in the past."

"Yes, I hope the Earth Defense Force has taken protective measures."

Although he said so, Cui Ming actually did not think highly of the Earth Defense Force here.

There is still a gap compared to EDF.

And Cui Ming dare not provide technology to people in this world casually, after all, he does not know what the senior officials here are like.

If it is the commander-in-chief of his original world, Cui Ming will definitely provide technical support without saying a word.

Everyone knows everything, and the commander-in-chief and his people will definitely provide any support Cui Ming needs.

"By the way, Old Cui, I heard that the giant crane you mentioned will be ready for normal use soon? Will it speed up the construction then?"

"Yes, but this giant crane is still in the final adjustment stage."

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Beidou is really happy for his friend, after all, Cui Ming took him to see the giant crane Barga.

It's really shocking.

How did Cui Ming make such a huge machine?

"If you ask me, the Earth Defense Force should invite you to be a designer!"

"I'm just an ordinary citizen."

"An ordinary citizen with his own company."

Beidou was speechless when he heard Cui Ming say that he was an ordinary citizen.

The person in front of him opened a company called EDF.

Although I don't know what EDF means.

And every time he asked, his friend would just smile and not explain.

But Beidou always felt that there was a sense of nostalgia in his friend's smile.

But then Beidou put all this behind him and said to Cui Ming with a smile: "By the way, Lao Cui, you must call me when the Valga opening ceremony is held."

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you to the Valga opening ceremony and give you a special seat."

"Okay! Thank you very much!"

"It's here"

Ryu Goro, a member of the Earth Defense Force.

He came this time to invite Cui Ming to join the Earth Defense Force.

Because he values ​​Cui Ming's scientific research ability.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Cui here?"

"Huh? Mr. Long? The boss is inside."

The person being asked was not surprised to see that it was Long Goro, and pointed him in the way.

"Thank you very much."

After thanking him, Long Goro walked towards Cui Ming.

At this time, Cui Ming was using his own power device to move goods.

To be honest, Long Goro was always surprised when he saw it, why did a boss like Cui Ming have to go into battle in person?

"Cui Ming, I'm here again."

"Long Wulang, I've said it so many times, I won't join the Earth Defense Force."

Hearing what Cui Ming said, Long Wulang hurriedly said: "But if your scientific research ability can be used to fight monsters, it will definitely have a good effect!"

"Even if you say so, I'm not interested for the time being. I just want to live a peaceful life, probably."

Although Cui Ming said so, in fact, Cui Ming himself didn't believe that he could live a peaceful life.

"Look at your power devices, if used properly"

"It's just equipment that makes your own people die. Why do you have to use power devices to kill people when you have airplanes? Of course, you have to rely on vehicles to fight monsters."


Long Wulang was speechless by Cui Ming.

"It's mainly to deal with aliens"

"That's even more unnecessary. As long as the weapons are used well, the power devices can only speed up the speed at most. The weapons of the Earth Defense Force are definitely the best."

"Don't mention it. It feels like the weapons haven't been upgraded well recently."

Long Wulang gets angry when he talks about this.

The Earth Defense Force is becoming more and more speechless.

"So, join the Earth Defense Force, Cui Ming."

"No, I'm fine with my current life, and I have a bad temper. I'm afraid I'll fight with my teammates."

"Don't worry! I know you very well."

Ryu Goro looked at Cui Ming seriously.

"If you can beat someone, it means there's something wrong with that person! I believe you!"

"Thank you for the compliment. I'll think about it."

"Okay, if you need anything, feel free to contact me. Recently, the Earth Defense Force is planning to form a team called TAC. Cui Ming, I hope you can come and be my deputy captain."


Cui Ming was silent.

If Long Goro is the captain and he is the deputy captain, then it's fine.

The main reason is that Cui Ming knows too well what terrible results will happen if the leader's command is too bad.

Even intelligence errors can kill countless good brothers.

"I'll consider it, Long Goro."

"By the way, your, um, weapon... should be a little more concealed. There have been reports recently."

"It's just a toy."


When Long Wulang heard Cui Ming say that the gun called the Radiant was a toy, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Is it a toy or not? Don't you know it yourself?

Looking at Long Wulang who was leaving, Cui Ming shook his head.

Long Wulang's idea was good, and he was a good person.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. Although the power device was indeed very useful, it depended on the person.

If it was handed over to the old comrades he knew, the comrades of the Death God Unit of Storm No. 3, Cui Ming would definitely give them the best power device without saying a word, but the people here

Cui Ming shook his head again and didn't think about it.

If you don't have the courage to be with the Death God, then don't touch the power armor.

That's harmful to people.


Thinking of Long Wulang's words, Cui Ming actually thought that if the Radiant was mass-produced, it might be good?

It depends on whether they dare to pay for it.

You know, a Radiant is worth 100 million US dollars!

But it is definitely a good weapon when fighting monsters.

Just as Cui Ming was thinking about it, the ground suddenly began to shake.


This feeling, a super giant creature.

It's such a familiar vibration.

Thinking of this, Cui Ming silently threw away his power device, then changed into a set of clothes, and finally tied a scarf.

Cui Ming's eyes were only calm

Storm No. 1, it's time to act again.

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