Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 85 Earth Monster: Alien Redneck! This is Earth!

After Cui Ming's teaching, Misato has mastered how to use black technology to directly transform into Agur by carrying the sapphire bracelet in her backpack with her thoughts.

Cui Ming also told Misato that if it doesn't work, he should use all his energy to delay time.

As for the energy, take care of it!

So no need to save!

"But isn't this what you have worked so hard to accumulate?"

Misato looked at the sapphire bracelet on her hand.

Although Cui Ming can rub it with his bare hands and turn it into an aguru without using a sapphire bracelet.

But she will still protect this transformer.

"The transformer is just a prop. I gave it to you to give you a way to protect yourself, not to make you have an additional weakness because of this."

"I know, don't worry, I understand how to choose."

Misato Katsuragi is also a qualified warrior now, not to mention that she can fight super beasts.

But if necessary, like Cui Ming, you can use a self-destructing motorcycle to give the monster a small surprise.

"Phew, I'm so nervous! Let's go! Come into the house with me!"

"Energy replenishing potion is not meant for you to use in this kind of place!"

But in the end, we went into the house and talked about it in detail.

Cui Ming doesn't have to worry about energy problems. In fact, Cui Ming himself is tortured by endless reincarnations.

His energy has been tempered for a long time. The only battle that made Cui Ming tired was a battle in a city where almost the entire city was filled with monsters. Huge creatures, mother creatures. Huge weird creatures.

It’s all here!

Oh, by the way, the mother creature is something smaller than a giant weird creature.

But the attack from the mother organism is even more terrifying.

Flying needles bigger than cars, spraying acid like water, and overwhelming steel-like wire cutting attacks

That day's battle was the most tiring for Cui Ming.

Every time he reincarnates, he has to take a shot, and every time Cui Ming prepares a special heart-stimulating shot.

Because there is no way to run away! It has to be solved no matter what.

Therefore, it is Misato who needs the energy potion.

But is it really a good idea to use energy potions on this matter?

Forget it, it can be made at any time anyway.

The next day, Cui Ming and Katsuragi Misato, who were in good spirits, first went to the Tucker Team headquarters, and then started to go to the Maria missile launch base together.

In the missile launch base of Maria 1, Cui Ming met Maya.

Or the Metronians disguised as Maya.

Cui Ming's eyes changed instantly.

The Metron people became numb instantly after seeing Cui Ming.

Why did you meet him directly? !

Back it up! ! !

No, pretend it's okay.

The Metron people didn't want to provoke Cui Ming now, but just when the two of them passed each other, Cui Ming suddenly took action!

look! Shocker! ! !

Times blah blah blah! ! ! ! !


How to say

Cui Ming's electric shock device is designed to kill him!

The battery capacity is a bit scary.

You can even see the effect of some Mayans being electrocuted out of their skeletons.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! You! Why!!"

"Aha! Look what I found? An alien spy!"

Cui Ming continued to increase the power while saying: "Don't worry, I will slice you up and study it."

".A.Abo people, help, help!"

The Metronians chose to ask for help...

Grass! ! !

The Yabo people who received the distress signal understood immediately!

TM's Metron people encountered the evil star Storm No. 1!

There is no other way! ! !

Let’s get started!

Then, a hole opened in the sky!

Then several Dragoli and Petroleum Ultra Beast Yudolinka appeared around Maria's base.

Udolinka is a super beast made by the Yabo people that likes to swallow oil. It uses flames spitting out of its mouth as a weapon.

"Hahahahaha!!! Team Tucker! You are surrounded by me!!!"

"No! You are surrounded by us!! Activate the EMC defense cannon!!!"

Cui Ming shouted excitedly while electrocuting the Metron people.

The next moment, several EMC cannons that had been upgraded by the Kurt team exposed their muzzles and aimed directly at the super beasts and fired!

not good! There's a problem! ! !

The people of Yabo also noticed that there was a trick on this ****! ! ! !

"Avoid all super beasts!!!"

After hearing this, the super beasts quickly evaded, but one of them who couldn't react was hit directly.

With the output of energy, everything was blown up instantly!

"I just said this thing is easy to use!"

Cui Ming said and took out the electric baton and threw it at the Metron star.

At this moment, a ray of light hit Cui Ming.

Misato Katsuragi reacted quickly and created the barrier.

This is Team Cote's barrier-making device, which can withstand the monster's destructive light and physical attacks. It played a role in the battle against the monster Dotongo.

Of course, Cui Ming is also ready to avoid it, but it seems that there is no need now, Misato has been trained very well.

The being who launched the attack was also stunned.

However, it was stunned that Beidou didn't!


Beidou directly attacked with raven, and the spaceman who attacked Cui Ming quickly evaded and rushed towards Cui Ming.

Cui Ming didn't hesitate, he just picked up the electric baton and started fighting with the alien.

The Metrotronians, who were so shocked, were stunned when they saw that figure.


"Stop talking nonsense! Run!!!"

Why is my son so stupid! ! !

"Humans! Your people are still in our hands!" the Great Metrotronian said while fighting Cui Ming in close combat.

At this time, Cui Ming pulled out a second electric baton and attacked the big Metrotronian and said, "Who are you arresting?"

"The fiancée of the mountains, Maya."

Turns out you know about TM’s father!

The little Metrotronians are escaping quickly, mainly because it is difficult to directly bomb with powerful weapons in this position.

Cui Ming, who never stopped holding his hands, said: "You are arresting the fiancée in the mountains. What does it have to do with me? I just want to slice you up!!!"

"!!! Damn it! Such an evil human being is indeed!!! Quick! Son! Let's go!!!"

As he spoke, the Metrotronian directly used a flash bomb.

Why not use light?

Didn’t you see that the attack you just had was easily resolved?

At this time, flash bombs are more useful!


Cui Mingke is wearing a helmet!

"Want to run!"

Cui Ming directly took out Spark No. 8 and put it on the gun.

"Vice Captain! Calm down! Spark No. 8 is too powerful!!!"

Long Wulang quickly reminded Cui Ming at this time.

After hearing this, Cui Ming could only watch the two Metronians run away with regret.

After the two Metronians came out, they saw the super beasts avoiding the EMC attack.

"Yabo, you loser!!!"

The Metronian roared.

Then he took out Maya directly.

"Humans!!! Your people are in our hands! I."

Seven, who was hiding in the dark, took action immediately after seeing it.


The ice ax instantly cut off the machine tied to Maya, and then Severn appeared and caught Maya.


The Great Metrotronian looked at Severn and couldn't help but fell silent.



"Seven! You can't stop us! Your Maria rocket was destroyed just now!"

Just as he was talking, the Metron star suddenly froze.


A huge rocket suddenly took off.


No, when did you prepare the second one? !

The Metron people really didn't expect that the Earth side had already prepared a second rocket! wrong!

The Metron people reacted! !

What’s on TM’s side is fake! ! ! No wonder the rocket didn't explode when it was attacked by the super beast! ! !

"Quick!!! Action!!"

The Great Metronian suddenly shouted.

The next moment, several spacecraft flew towards the real Maria missile.

However, at this moment, Hayata was already ready!

That's it now! ! !

Beta wand! ! ! !

With the flash of the Beta Magic Wand!

Ultraman appeared in a burst of light.

And when Yichu saw Ultraman, he immediately understood the purpose of Cui Ming giving him Ultraman's special energy replenishing bullet!

"That's it. Thank you, Xiao Cui!"

As soon as Ultraman appeared on the scene, he directly used Specium Beam towards the flying spaceship!


The Metrotronians couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Ultraman and Seven looked at the Metatronians and Super Beasts together.

The Metrotronians immediately began to stall for time.

"I didn't expect you all to come, but we have so many super beasts! What are you doing?"

Just as he was talking, the big Metrotronian suddenly noticed that something seemed to be thrown directly behind him! ! !

It's Barga! ! !

Cui Ming and Katsuragi Misato saw that the opposite side had grown huge and immediately ran towards Barga.

But now, Varga, who had changed his equipment, attacked directly behind the Metronian with a huge iron ball.

Just iron balls and drill bits for construction.

"Damn it! Humans! You."


There was another flash of light, this time it was Ultraman Ace coming.


It's a bit stressful.

Big Metron and Little Metron were a little panicked when they looked at the three Ultraman and a huge engineering robot across from them.

"It doesn't matter, the advantage is ours!!! We have so many super beasts"

Cui Ming had already ran out of the cockpit before the Metrotronian had finished speaking.

In fact, there is even an observation deck at Varga’s Big Head!

Without saying a word, Cui Ming shot Ultraman directly at Ace and used his energy to replenish the potion.

And the same is true for Yichu.

"Ultraman! Accept it! This is a gift from me and Xiao Cui!!!"

Yichu said as he hit the energy replenishing bomb at Ultraman.


The power of Ace and Ultraman surged instantly!

Oh, let me go! This is too much power! ! !

Ace and Ultraman instantly felt that they were filled with too much powerful energy!

Cui Ming, on the other hand, raised his middle finger towards the Metron people and quickly returned to the cockpit.

What a fool! I'm an assistant!


The Great Metrotronian looked at this scene blankly, and then...

The demon star koala in the sky was also bombed

The Abo people were not panicked, because...

"Hahahaha! You didn't expect this from Earthlings! There's more than just one demon star koala!"

"Tsk, I knew it"

Cui Ming muttered.

The Yabo people continued at this time: "Ultraman! Choose! It's a difficult decision to destroy the demon star Koala or fight the super beasts~"

The Yabo people were very excited when they said this.

Finally! I won once! ! !


"Ahem, this is Storm No. 1, representing humans to issue a notice to the underground monsters"


What are you doing?

The Yabo people and the Metron people were stunned.

And Cui Ming continued: "Don't sleep!!! There are alien country bumpkins who want to attack the earth with planets! Those who have tempers, get up and fight!!!!"

It took only two seconds after Cui Ming finished speaking, and the earth began to tremble.


Boom!!! ! ! *N

Several extremely powerful monsters broke out of the ground!

There were even more monsters flying in the sky!!!

These monsters are native monsters of the earth. They were originally sleeping, and suddenly heard the light of the earth shouting.



Fuck! Someone is doing something while we are sleeping! ! ! !

Then countless monsters broke out of the ground.

Yichu opened his mouth wide.

"Red King, is the Gomora underground monster Magla another individual?!"

"Not only that."

Muramatsu said at this time: "There are other monsters that have not been seen. The one flying in the sky is even more terrifying."

Yes, many of the monsters that came are actually old opponents of the Kote team.

The first is Red King.

Red King is a monster with terrifying strength. When he appeared on Duoduo Island, he easily defeated the winged monster Qiangdela and smashed the friendly rare beast Pigumon to death. The individual that appeared in the Alps defeated the comet monster Doraka and the frozen monster Zikas.

It is very powerful, huge in size, with a small head and a big body. It is a monster with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. The cry is very unique, and the two huge fangs are daunting. The huge body, thick arms and long tail are all weapons to attack the opponent. The shape is a bit like a primitive dinosaur.

Then there is Gomora. The first individual was found to be a survivor of an ancient dinosaur that lived on the South Pacific island of Joson 150 million years ago. It is characterized by its crescent-shaped horns, long tail, and sturdy limbs. It can move quickly underground and has strong vitality. It goes into a rampage state after its tail is cut off.

In the duel with the first generation of Ultraman, it easily knocked the first generation of Ultraman to the ground with its powerful fighting power, and dug a hole to leave before being shot by the Specium ray. Then it appeared again in Osaka and wreaked havoc. Its tail and nose horn were broken by Hayata with Mars 133, and its fighting power was greatly reduced. It was easily defeated by the first generation of Ultraman, and its left horn was broken. Finally, it was killed by the Specium ray, and its body was made into a specimen and exhibited in the Museum of the World.

Next is Magara. Magara is a monster from Tatara Island. It has dense thorns from the top of its head to its back, which are used to dig underground to move forward; it is a monster that walks on two legs. Its eyes are beige, and its pupils are close to red. Maggra can use the thorns on his back to dig underground and is not very warlike by nature. He is timid and usually does not take the initiative to fight.

These are just the monsters that Team Kot knows, and there are some that are not recorded.

These are monsters that only Cui Ming knows the names of, such as the magma monster underground beast Kiru, which is a giant underground creature that Cui Ming awakened through the light of the earth and lives on the earth. It is a native species of the earth. Since it has never been in contact with or discovered by humans, humans know nothing about it.

But it knows that it is time for it to come out to help!

Among the monsters that appeared from the ground.

There is also Muruch, and Cui Ming doesn't look like this Muruch is here to help.

However, this is not over yet, because

"Report!!! Siglas and Simmons are starting to land!!!!"


There will be another update around 6 pm, and these are all 4,000-word chapters! Brothers!

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