Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 94 Jack: It is Xiang who is cruel, what does it have to do with me, Jack?

Xiu Xiu is ready.

At this time, Cui Ming began to persuade him not to worry.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down again, team member, the death of the Sakata brothers and sisters has been announced to the outside world. All you need to do is to ensure that you will not be overwhelmed by anger, and be ready to fight King Black at any time, and then use Use your fists to take revenge." Cui Ming clearly knew what impact anger would have on his fight, so he was making a cup of hot tea for Xiang, and asked Sakata Akiko to hold Xiang's hand.

"You have to know that now you are carrying not only yourself, but also Jack, humans, and the people you love and love you."

Cui Ming said and brought hot tea to Xiang.

"Team member, no matter what, you can be confused, but at least wait until the battle with the monster is over. You can also be angry, but you can only be angry after ensuring absolute victory."

Xiang Xiushu took a sip of tea and looked at Qiuzi who was holding his hand next to him.

"Well, I understand, thank you. Can't you really tell me your name?"

Xiang Xiushu is really grateful to Cui Ming now, so he really wants to know Cui Ming's name.

"Sorry, it's not that I want to be a Riddler, but I can't reveal too much right now. The only thing I can tell you is Storm."


"That's right, sorry about having to be the Riddler this time."

"No! You have your own difficulties, I understand." Xiang Xiushu was not a ungrateful person. He stood up and stretched out his hand to Cui Ming and said, "Thank you, no matter what, you will always be my friend."

Cui Ming and Xiang Xiushu held hands.

"Don't worry, we will meet again in the future. By then we will be true comrades-in-arms. But now, you need to prepare for your battle."


Go Hideki looked at the Sakata brothers and sisters and Sakata Jiro with firm eyes.


"Brother Xiang."

Jiro looked at Go Hideki with admiration.

He already admired Xiang, but now he admires Xiang even more after knowing that Xiang is Ultraman.


Xiang looked at Jiro with a smile.

"Well everyone, I'm going to fight first."

Then Xiu Shu set off.

At this time, King Black is destroying the city.

And the Knuckles also believe that the time is ripe! I can challenge Hideki Go!

"Come on, Ultraman Jack, how are you going to fight under this sunset? Hahaha, maybe Ultraman Jack won't fight, but Hideki Ko, who is overwhelmed by anger, will definitely."

The Knuckles can be said to be one of the few very disgusting cosmic beings.

It knows how to analyze the enemy's weaknesses and does whatever it takes to achieve its goals.

This time, in order to make Hideki Go angrily fight at a venue that is not conducive to Jack under the sunset, the Knuckles formulated this plan step by step, and even calculated the time of Sakata Akiko's death!

Now Hideki Go must have been carried away by anger!

"King Black! Destroy as much as you like! Lure out Ultraman Jack!!!"


After receiving the order from the Knuckles, the specially trained Black King was dispatched.

The monster attack team also directly dispatched Team Black King to launch an attack.

At this time, Cui Ming and Xiu Xiu rode their motorcycles to the vicinity of Black King.

"Township team member, take this."

Cui Ming took out the energy replenishing device.

"This is."

"A disposable energy replenishing device should be enough."

"Okay! Thank you."

Xiang took the device Cui Ming gave him without any hesitation.

"Then, I'm on it!"

"Go, my friend! I will provide support from a distance."

"Okay, Storm."

Hou Xiang said in his heart: "Ultraman Jack, don't worry, I'm not blinded by anger, let's go together!"

brush! ! !

Ultraman Jack has transformed!

Looking at King Black in front of him, Jack knew that he appeared deliberately to deal with him. The Knuckle star was probably watching not far away.

Recalling what Baofeng had said, Jack calmed down, but his strength continued to increase.

Cui Ming was a little surprised when he looked at Jack at this time.

"The intertwining of yin and yang? Did you actually realize it at this time?"

Yin and Yang are intertwined, this is the nature switch possessed by human beings.

Cui Ming's master in the cube world taught Cui Ming the skills.

Although Cui Ming's master turned to the yang side after getting old, he did not lose his fierce sharp teeth and could instantly switch to the yin side.

He slaughtered his enemies with ease, and his ruthlessness was not lost either.

Moreover, there is another reason why Cui Ming was able to sneak attack on those Knuckles so easily before, that is, Cui Ming learned the circle in the cube world.

This is a technique that uses Qi to sense the surrounding situation and erase one's own existence.

When it reaches the extreme, it can become one with heaven and earth, and even make itself transparent naturally.

As Cui Ming's master grew older, the technique completed further evolution.

Even in a state of war, they can disappear without a trace in an instant.

Generally speaking, Cui Ming's master prefers to fight directly, but he is also very happy to teach Cui Ming this fighting skill. After all, he also knows how tiring Cui Ming is as Storm One.

It can only be said that the better you hide yourself, the better you can kill the enemy.

This is not a competition, but a real fight. Only by killing those damn aliens can victory be guaranteed.

Although the master enjoys fighting every day, he also knows that human beings must win!

In fact, Cui Ming had been teaching him the interplay of yin and yang intentionally or unintentionally when he was training Hideki Hideki.

Now it seems to have been successful.

And Jack was also surprised.

The human codenamed Storm.

How could it be!

He actually taught himself and Xiu Xiu such powerful power

Jack knew very well that this kind of power could keep him calm and at the same time deal more violently with the enemy!

This is a great skill!

hiss! this! Where did this person come from? !

never mind! Kill this Black King first!

The mental matter only lasted a moment. When King Black looked at Jack, Jack had already taken a stance.

And King Black wasn't worried at all.

After all, it has been upgraded by its owner and can withstand attacks from Specium's light and Ultra Bracelet!

How to lose?

Then Black King Ultraman Jack made a mocking cry.

Jack was not affected

No! influential!

He felt that his strength had increased again! ! !

Then, Jack rushed forward!

King Black directly signaled Jack to come! Hit me! ! !

Ultraman Jack is also welcome!

Yin and yang intertwined! Ultra punch!

Ultra Fist is a fighting technique in which Ultraman Jack uses his fist power to attack the enemy's weak points in close combat. There are many variations, from straight punches delivered from the front to uppercuts struck from all angles, including left, right, middle and bottom. Depending on the situation and the opponent, a variety of boxing techniques are used to respond to the opponent.

But this time, Jack punched King Black directly in the stomach.

tick tick tick

A few drops of blood fell on Jack's fist.

King Black vomited blood and looked at Jack in disbelief.

no? !

Your fist?


Seeing King Black vomiting blood, Jack slapped this guy in the face!

Yin and yang intertwined! Otto slapped! ! ! !

Snap! ! ! !

King Black spun and flew out.

Jack, the Knuckles, and even everyone in the monster attack team were stunned.

What's going on?

Jack becomes stronger again? !

And Jack looked at King Black who was flying upside down and then looked at his hands.

So cool!

So fucking cool! ! !

Although it’s wrong to say this, it feels really great! ! ! !

Jack then looked at King Black.


Black King covered his face and stepped back, mainly because he was still lying on the ground and didn't get up.

King Black was so slapped by Ultraman Jack that his eyes were filled with stars and his mind was in a mess.

This means that King Black has been strengthened, otherwise the slap just now would have been enough to slap King Black's head off.

And at this time, King Black’s face

Visibly bigger than the naked eye! ! !

This shows the power of Jack.

And now Jack's fighting style is completely different from before.

Jack also needs to use the Ultra Bracelet, but I don't know why now.

It seems that Jack today is not planning to use the Ultra Bracelet, but is planning to beat the monster to death with one punch? !

"Jack is a bit tempered today?"

Hearing what Kishida said next to him, Captain Ibuki nodded.


He knows why.

"Storm. Storm"

He thought about the people who had left messages for him before.

‘I know you already know Jack’s true identity. The aliens are now using this to organize an assassination plan. This time I will be responsible for providing support. It will be up to you in the future. Protect the people around him. 'The storm remains

'This storm seems to be a very important friendly force, but it cannot provide long-term support.'

So, who is this storm?

Forget it, now it seems that the Sakata brothers and sisters were saved by this storm, and...

never mind

Don’t think about it anymore.

Captain Ibuki continued to observe, ready to provide support to Ultraman Jack at any time.

But Cui Ming's side is different. Cui Ming is quietly observing the Knuckles in secret.

Current Knuckles

Choi Ming's expression when he can see its human form is wonderful.

Yes, yes! That's what I want to see!

Your expressions of shock and disbelief have even distorted your facial features! It would be great if this was the real ugly face of your alien, I love to see it!


Cui Ming himself knew that he was a little sick.

But reincarnation lasts so long, so in order to prevent myself from going crazy, I always have to find some unique interests.

Then one can only look at the expressions of these enemies with their facial features distorted in pain.

And the Knuckles are in disbelief now.

Impossible! ! !

There is obviously no problem with the previous data! ! ! In order to test Jack's data, they even copied Siglas and Bemonstein as bodies to obtain the data!

Not to mention Siglas, that guy is a local monster on Earth, but Bemonstein is a very terrifying existence!

Bemonstein, a plankton from the Crab Nebula, swallowed up the MAT space station on its way to Earth, using hydrogen, nitrogen, and helium as its energy source. Not only that, Bemonstein can also absorb light from the pentagonal mouth on its abdomen or swallow gas storage tanks.

Any armament of MAT has no effect on it. Not only that, any of Ultraman Jack's skills can't cause harm to Bemenstein, especially Bemenstein can absorb Ultraman Jack's Specium Ray, forcing Jack to Terman left Earth to seek the power to defeat Bemonstein.

After Ultraman Jack obtained the Ultra Bracelet from Ultraman Seven, he returned to Earth and had a decisive battle with Bemonstein. First, he used physical skills to suppress Bemonstein, and finally his body was severed by Ultraman Jack's Ultra Spark and died.

It was also from that time that Jack had the Ultra Bracelet as a weapon.

But now

We have all improved King Black's physical strength to a point beyond that of Bemonstein, and can even defend against attacks from the Ultra Bracelet! Why did you Jack suddenly hit my Black King with your fist and vomit blood? !

Just when the Knuckles were stunned, Jack had already turned on the rage mode!

No! Now it should be said that it is a township!

The damn thing is that you want to assassinate my good brother and future wife, right?

Today I'm going to rely on the skills my good brother Baofeng taught me to beat you to a pulp! ! ! !

Then Ultraman Jack grabbed the Black King, who was already starting to get scared, and lifted him up.

Then he hit King Black on the head with his fists!

King Black was beaten so hard that his teeth flew everywhere!

At this time, Jack remembered what Cui Ming said.

"Horn! The monster's horn! Break it off if you can!!!"

Break off this broken corner! ! !

Jack grabbed Black King's horn and then pulled it out hard!

It was pulled out with a piece of flesh attached!

Cui Ming was a little surprised when he saw it.


I said cut it off, not pull it out.


The translation should be: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

After all, it really hurts.

How painful is it when a tooth is extracted? King Black has horns on his head.

It obviously hurts more!

Cui Ming felt that Jack was really angry this time.

In fact, Jack was quite unjust.

Not me!

The cruel Hideki Hideki has nothing to do with me, Jack!

The most I can do is use the Ultra Bracelet to divide the monsters, which is really crazy!

And what was extracted was not the teeth, but the horns.

That's right

As King Black had just been beaten, all the teeth in his mouth were probably knocked out.

And the Knuckles know that they can’t wait any longer!

Gigantic! ! !

Cui Ming was waiting for this moment, and immediately took out the Giant Gloria rocket launcher and aimed it at this guy's butt.

At this time, the Knuckle star began to shake his arm as soon as he appeared on the stage.

But Jack just glanced at it and didn't care.

Jack noticed the storm behind the Knuckles with a rocket launcher aimed at its sphincter.

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