Ultraman Senki

Chapter 19 Global Iron Wall Defense

The monster raised its right leg and kicked Nexus on the waist, kicking him to the ground. Just as he was about to move forward, Tiga stepped forward and hit his chest fiercely. The huge force caused the monster to retreat several times. step.

Nexus got up and began to gather energy, and immediately released a cross storm, hitting the cracked armor on the monster's chest again,

This time, the armor on the monster's body was full of cracks and sparks spewed out from time to time, and the monster's body was even more wobbly.

Nexus held his fork in the energy core of his chest, and his huge body turned into a ray of light and rushed straight into the monster's chest, breaking through from behind with his hands clasped as if holding something.

Nexus turned his head and nodded at Tiga, and Tiga immediately gathered energy to launch the Dirashum Light Stream, hitting the monster covered in sparks. The monster wailed and exploded, and countless fragments scattered in all directions.

The light on Nexus' body still didn't dissipate but continued to pour towards his hands, and soon the timer on his chest rang.

Finally, all the rays of light entered his hands, and Nexus walked up to everyone in the victory team, knelt down on the ground, and gently placed the things he was holding on the ground.

"Ultraman..." Xincheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva looking at the huge body in front of him, pursed his lips and didn't know what to say to suit the current situation. You will never be able to experience the shock without seeing it with your own eyes. Standing in front of you with a body more than 50 meters high gives you a strong sense of shock.

Nexus put the things in his hand down, and the huge palm moved away to reveal the figures of the three Jeepta III astronauts lying on the ground with their eyes closed.

"My God, it's Dr. Jiang Qi and the others!" Hori said and ran over, and even Xincheng struggled to stand up and ran over.

"Headquarters, please send an ambulance team over immediately. Ultraman rescued the three astronauts." Zong Fang did not run over but immediately contacted the headquarters.

"Received by the headquarters, send an ambulance team immediately!" After Ye Rui finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Ju Jianhui with a smile: "Captain, this is really great!"

"Yeah!" Ji Jianhui nodded vigorously and looked at the two giants on the big screen and said to himself, "I believe you will protect us humans."

Nexus stood up and took a look at Di Jia, raised his hand and flew into the sky, Di Jia also flew up, and after a while, the two giants disappeared into the air.

Hori inspected the three of them and then relaxed, raised his head to look at Xincheng's worried face, patted him and said, "They're fine, they just passed out."

"En!" Xincheng nodded vigorously and looked at the empty sky: "Thank you Ultraman!"

Dagu ran over from the woods and was about to run over when he felt a gaze on him and looked back vigilantly. Xingye stood on the hillside and looked at Dagu with a smile.

Dagu was puzzled, Xingye waved at Dagu and walked towards Xincheng and the others. Dagu followed Xingye's footsteps with a suspicious look on his face, not knowing what to say.

Xingye came over and half-kneeled to look carefully at the three astronauts secretly relieved and said to everyone in the victory team: "They have been converted from information bodies to physical life bodies by Ultraman, it is really shocking Surprised."

"Yes!" Hori said with deep emotion, "I don't know when we humans will be able to master this technology!"

"Buzz, buzz..." The sound of the plane's engine came from above everyone's heads, and when they looked up at the huge plane shell, it clearly indicated that the TPC logo slowly landed on an open space.

Staring at the plane in a daze, Xingye couldn't help but think of that night full of fire, the ghostly flying object and the TPC that slowly fell in the blurred vision couldn't help clenching his fists.

"This way, this way!" Xincheng's anxious voice broke Xingye's memory, and Xincheng was waving his arms at the TPC medical staff who ran over.

The medical staff ran over and briefly checked the condition of the three people, then carefully carried the three people onto the stretcher and immediately carried them into the plane. They will receive a comprehensive examination and recuperation at TPC.

All eyes followed them until their plane disappeared into the sky.

"Ultraman is simply like a god, and he can turn them back into human beings." Horii sighed: "It's really amazing!"

"Humans have already had the formula for mass-energy conversion, but what we have done now is to convert mass into energy with low efficiency, and the energy that is actually used by human beings is still less than a few percent. However, how to convert The energy with information is converted into mass but there is no clue." Xingye nodded in agreement.

"What's the use?" Lina asked curiously.

"It's very difficult," Hori said very seriously: "It's easy to convert mass into energy, but the degree is different. The fire we humans have used since ancient times and the nuclear power plants we use now all convert mass into energy. energy but converting energy into mass is not even a theory."

Everyone was confused, Dagu couldn't help but interjected: "But does this have anything to do with Ultraman saving them from the monster's body?"

"Of course there is a relationship. For example, every beam of light we see now contains countless information. Astronomy is to observe the light emitted from the universe and obtain galaxies that are invisible to our naked eyes. But we can't convert the information contained in these lights into physical bodies. If we can do this, we will be almost like God and can create matter out of thin air."

The eyes of the other members of the victory team swirled and circled, and they couldn't understand what Hori was saying.

"Take Dr. Jiang Qi as an example. They have been converted from humans by monsters into energy bodies that carry information, just like those lights seen in astronomy." Xingye can only briefly explain to them: "And The process of turning them back into human beings is like translating a string of Morse codes into our words. Each of them must be completely corresponding. There are as many power combinations as there are cells in the human body, and each person They are all different, so you know how difficult it is. Even the central computer of the base will crash if the amount of calculation is this."

"Oh my god!" Lina was already stunned, not only his victory team, but everyone else in the Victory Team was also shocked when they heard Xingye's explanation. This kind of calculation has completely exceeded their imagination. Just thinking about the number can fill their brains.

Dagu was also dumbfounded. At first, he felt that Nexus rescued the three of them easily, but now after hearing what they said, he instantly knew what a huge project it was.

"However, to do this, you must have a deep understanding of human genes. How did Ultraman know this?" Hori said with some doubts.

"You have to ask Ultraman about this." Xingye shrugged and said.

"It's true, but after all, Ultraman is something we can't understand. Our human way of thinking may not be suitable for them at all." Hori said with great emotion.

"Okay, let's go back too!" Zong Fang said to everyone.


Feiyan No. 1 already has people from the equipment department coming to repair it. If it cannot be repaired on site, it will be brought back to the base for repairs. Xincheng and Dagu can only squeeze into Feiyan No. 2 to go back.

A few days later, Dr. Jiang Qi and the others could be discharged from the hospital, but the three of them did not go home but went straight to Director Sawai's office.

"Director, this is our resignation letter." Dr. Jiang Qi put three letters on Director Sawai's desk.

"Why?" Director Sawai looked at the three of them suspiciously: "Is it because of the monster?"

"Well," Dr. Jiang Qi nodded: "We are the sinners of mankind. We provided the location of the energy reserve to the monsters. Because of our mistakes, TPC suffered such a big loss. And it also caused the stars of the next world to This is simply unforgivable." Dr. Jiang Qi was full of shame and regret.

"I will not accept your resignation," Director Sawai stood up and handed three letters to them one by one: "If you think that your actions have caused losses to the human space exploration program, then you should not leave but actively work to make up for this loss."

"I..." Dr. Jiang Qi hesitated to speak.

"Moreover, half of the energy stored in the energy reserve has already been transported for power generation, so the loss is not that big." Director Sawai continued.

Dr. Jiang Qi was full of disbelief and excited: "That's for exploring space..."

Director Sawai interrupted him with a wave before he finished speaking: "Dr. Yatsuo's invention has been basically completed, and the power of our future spaceships will no longer need those energy sources. As long as this system is completed, our humans will truly take a step forward." Enter the space age. I don't want you to leave this post, human exploration of space is still very small and we need experienced astronauts like you."

"I'm sorry Director, we will do our best to explore the sounding." Dr. Jiang Qi said firmly.

"I believe you, go home quickly, your family must miss you very much. I have already arranged the vehicle." Director Sawai patted them on the shoulder and said softly.

"Thank you Director, we are leaving." The three bowed and left, meeting Xingye head-on.

Xingye smiled and nodded at them and entered the director's room.

"Xingye, you are here." Director Sawai smiled and looked at Xingye and asked him to sit down: "I am going to lobby all countries to pass the global satellite defense system and energy monitoring system you proposed. We humans do need force to protect the earth. But the global I am afraid that the satellite defense system cannot be completed in secret, it needs to be announced."

"Director, although the hunter force has eliminated a lot of aliens, there are still more aliens lurking on the earth that have not been discovered. If they know this plan, they will do everything possible to stop it. Why can't we carry it out in secret?" Xingye said puzzled. (Thanks to the book friend Pindaoshen for the reward)

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