Ultraman Senki

Chapter 310 The Once-Destroyed Earth

It was already nightfall outside, and the earth was plunged into darkness again, waiting for the arrival of light.

Xingye opened the door and walked into the house. I reached out and pressed the light in the room, and the dark living room was restored to light. Rows of bookshelves filled the living room tightly, and the bookshelves were filled with all kinds of books.

Xingye walked to the third to last row of bookshelves, and the categories on it were creatures. For Fujimiya Hiroya, an extremely stubborn guy, Xingye no longer wants to persuade him. Every genius stubbornly believes that his discovery is correct unless you can produce definite evidence to prove his point of view is wrong. Otherwise, no matter how hard you talk, you won’t change it. Xingye himself is the same. If he didn’t see with his own eyes in Gauss World that not all monsters on Earth are extremely violent and hurt humans, Xingye would never believe that monsters will live in peace with humans. of.

Xingye has been reading materials and books about several mass extinctions on Earth recently, trying to find some clues from them. Many biologists on the earth have always had doubts about these mass extinctions, because each extinction was very strange and rapid.

The first mass extinction occurred 440 million years ago. From the biological fossils unearthed today, it can be seen that the marine life on the earth at that time has been developed for 65 million years. There are so many types, but it is such a prosperous era with so many creatures. It was almost extinct in a short period of time, and only a few creatures survived, and the current evidence can only show that there was a sharp drop in temperature at that time, which led to the extinction of the creatures.

However, in terms of the balance of the earth's ecosystem, such a large-scale cooling is impossible, and the second mass extinction is still like this. After tens of millions of years of development, the prosperous marine life has finally recovered. Almost as abruptly as the first time, the sudden change in temperature caused the earth's ecological environment to collapse instantly, making organisms unable to adapt to the changed environment and perish.

And the third time is more than that, the earth has developed marine life and land life that will not all perish even if the temperature changes greatly. But this time the demise is no longer like that. First, the drastic reduction of oxygen on the earth led to the rapid demise of land organisms, and then the sharp rise in temperature caused the rapid demise of marine shallow organisms, causing the rapid demise of deep organisms.

In the fourth mass extinction, there were not as many organisms on the earth as in the previous times, and they perished because of a large decrease in oxygen, and there was not even much evidence left to confirm how many organisms existed in this period and when they died Mark of.

The fifth time is the period of dinosaurs. At that time, dinosaurs occupied the sea, sky and earth, and their adaptability to the environment was stronger than that of any previous creature. This time there was no change in temperature, no lack of oxygen, and a meteorite hit the earth, causing the dinosaurs to disappear, adding a category to the fossils in the earth's rocks.

The first two deaths were due to lowering of temperature, but the third and fourth times were due to the reduction of oxygen, and the fifth time was not due to these two reasons, but a meteorite destroyed the living things on the earth.

The temperature drops, and the starry night points to the biological and environmental connections between several mass extinctions that have filled a piece of A4 paper. I can't help but think of the robot I saw in that historic site before——Yanshan. Once the robot is activated, its body will emit intense heat towards the surroundings. At that time, it only took a few minutes to increase the temperature of the surrounding kilometers. several degrees. It's safe to assume that raising global temperatures would be easy if the machine was fully activated.

Maybe this robot was created by some kind of existence to prevent the earth's temperature from dropping, or maybe it played a role in making Xingye's hypothetical culprit of the mass extinction shattered, causing the body to give up the method of destroying the earth's ecological environment by lowering the temperature .

If this inference is followed, then there may be another machine that can quickly increase the oxygen of the earth in a short period of time, so that the destructive body used meteorites instead of reducing oxygen in the fifth mass extinction.

Xingye lay back on the chair and rubbed his sore temples. He saw that the lights in all the rooms of the opposite building had been turned off, and it was already plunged into darkness. He looked up at the clock and it was already three o'clock in the morning.

"Time flies so fast, six hours have passed so quickly." Xingye yawned, and the lights were turned off, and after a while, only the sound of Xingye's breathing was heard in the room.

Xingye rushed to Onuma early the next morning, where the research institute of paleontologist Asano Mirai of Alchemy Star was located.

Recently, because of the intensified disillusionment and the attack of body monsters, many people feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts. KCB TV has even opened up a special column to report on this.

"Since the appearance of Goff, there have been frequent monsters on the earth. Some of them come from the universe and some come from the earth. There are many kinds. If these monsters were brought by the body called the destroyer called by the alchemy star, then their purpose is What it is is still unknown. Faced with these powerful monsters, is the fate of human beings headed for extinction? But we still have hope, that is the mysterious and powerful giant - Ultraman, about whom we still know very little , but ever since they appeared, they have been fighting these monsters that threaten human safety..."

And KCB also randomly interviewed people on the street, asking them about their views on the relationship between monsters and Ultraman.

"Of course those monsters must be eliminated as soon as possible. Isn't there someone called IXG who specializes in dealing with monsters?"

"The government needs a strong force to protect us. I will be very sad when the monster destroys my house."

"Didn't it say that Ultraman is protecting us? They should kill the monsters as soon as possible. We can't let the monsters destroy our city."


Although the interviewees have their own opinions, there is only one thing about the monster, which is that it must be eliminated. Compared with Gauss World, no one even thinks about living in peace with these monsters.

The reason why SRC can become a large international organization to protect monsters is because a considerable number of human beings feel that earth monsters are also members of life on earth, and they should not be expelled, and people in that world have long been aware of their destruction of the earth. . Although the world has always advocated environmental protection, it is really just a slogan, and it is always the small group of people who put it into action.

"Alas!" Xingye shook his head. The change of human concepts cannot be achieved overnight. It took SRC more than ten years to let some people realize that the earth monsters are also a member of the earth. The premise of having such thinking is that human beings must realize that the earth does not belong to human beings but human beings do belong to the earth. But today's human beings still regard themselves as the masters of the earth, indulging in the achievements of conquering nature.

Thinking all the way, Xingye drove an anti-gravity motorcycle to the Onuma at high speed. Asano Mirai's research institute was set up in the deep mountains and old forests like many other research institutes of Alchemy Star, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Doing your own research.

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