Ultraman Senki

Chapter 488 Who Can Save Your World

Appearing in the real world, the luminous body on the abdomen of the Hell Starman moves to the bottom, like Ultraman's color timer, but its color is blood red. There are three tails on the back, and the three protrusions on the head become The tentacles with luminous points stared sharply at the two Ultramans who were locked in the capsules they made.

"Hahaha, Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Nexus are about to be turned into bronze statues by my Hippolyte star. This world is about to be shrouded in darkness. You humble humans are in the dark. Perish in the fear of death." Standing in front of the two slowly rising capsules, the Hippolyte star loudly delivered a victory speech to Yokohama as if showing off his spoils.


"Ultraman was also defeated."

"Is what the monster said true?"

"Of course it's true. Even Ultraman failed. It seems that this world has perished like that mirage."

"How can it be?"

"There is nothing impossible."


People looked at this alien with red gills all over his body with horrified eyes. His elephant-like long nose kept shaking with his words, and his hands with only three fingers were raised as if to show off.

"Boom! Boom!" Mebius raised his uninjured right hand to make a fist, and slammed it hard on the capsule. The iron fist that could break mountains and rocks could only make a dull sound when it hit it, and there was not even a single scratch on it. stay above.

Nexus bent his right arm and continuously injected energy into his right fist. The right fist immediately ignited a raging flame, and then smashed hard on the capsule.

There was a loud "bang", and the Hippolyte star who was still giving his victory speech was startled by the huge noise, and hurriedly turned his head to look, only to find that the capsule wrapped in Nexus was still intact, so he was relieved .

Instead, Nexus was dazed by the loud noise and shock echoing in the capsule, and couldn't help but take a step back, bumping into the capsule behind, and the Hibelit oil released by the capsule continued to stick to Nexus' body , making Nexus very uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, my capsule is invincible, no attack can break it inside." The Hippolyte star laughed triumphantly, looking at Nexus who stood there as if giving up struggling .

"Really?" Nexus burst into dazzling light, and his body immediately transformed into a juvenile form. The golden pattern covered by Hippolyte oil immediately shone with golden light, and the Hippolyte star was extremely shocked. In his eyes, Nexus suddenly disappeared.

The Hippolyte star was hit hard on the back, and immediately fell to the ground. Nexus had no time to continue attacking the Hippolyte star, and immediately raised his arms to gather energy and folded his arms together to release a cross storm, bombarding On top of the capsule enclosing Mebius that has risen into the air.

Under Nexus' energy attacks one after another, a crack appeared in the capsule at the point of attack, and then quickly spread to the entire capsule, and it collapsed with a bang.

Most of Mebius' body was covered with Hippolyte oil, and even the color timer was only left with a corner where the constantly flashing red light could be vaguely seen. The Hippolyte oil had started to solidify slowly, and Mebius' movements became obviously very stiff.

Regardless of the Hippolyte star who was getting up behind him, Nexus raised his arms flat in front of him, and released a beam of shining golden light from the energy core in his chest, covering Mebius' whole body.

Under the shining light, the solidified Hippolyte oil on Mebius' body quickly disappeared, and Mebius' body covered by the sticky black oil returned to its original bright red color again.

Nexus, who was outputting energy, suddenly rolled forward on the spot. The moment he lowered his head, there was a whistling sound piercing the air above his head, and a black-purple light bullet whizzed past Nexus' head. It hit a building in the distance, and the violent explosion instantly shattered it into pieces.

Mebius' right hand swipe past Mebius' breath on his left arm, and a golden blade of light cut towards the Hippolyte star.

The recovered Hippolyte star shattered Mebius's light blade with a wave of his right arm. He glanced unwillingly at Nexus who had stood up, and his body turned into black-gray smoke He disappeared without a trace, leaving only his last words in the air: "These two monsters are just an appetizer, and countless monsters will come from all time and space until the world is completely reduced to ruins and all human beings are wiped out." Exterminate it. Ultraman see how long you can protect these humans? Hahaha!"

Mebius took two steps forward to pursue him, but Nexus stretched out his right hand across Mebius's body to stop him, and shook his head at Mebius.

Mebius froze for a moment but nodded and stopped, the two huge bodies quickly blurred and disappeared into the air.

Seeing that the battle was over, the rescuers who had been waiting for a long time immediately got busy. Helicopters and rescue vehicles rushed in here to start rescue work.

Two golden streamers landed in front of Dagu and the others, condensing the figures of Starry Night and Future. Future was clutching his left shoulder with a dejected expression, and almost fell to the ground when he bent his legs.

Dagu hastily stretched out his hand to support him, and let the future slowly sit on the chair beside him.

The tired face of the future is still full of smiles: "Thank you (Aligadu)!"

"Yeah, it's nothing?" Dagu scratched his head, and the sirens could be heard incessantly, even if they were thousands of meters away, they could be heard clearly.

Helicopters flew overhead, hoisting various large rescue equipment and flying to the battlefield just now.

"The alien just now..."

"It's Hippolyte," Future said excitedly, "Hippolyte once defeated my brothers. If it wasn't for Otto's father, I'm afraid his plot would have succeeded."

"The forces of darkness are already keeping an eye on this world. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful in the future." Xiang Xiushu sighed and shook his head.

"Everyone must wake up as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for the two of us to defeat the enemy." Xingye said in a deep voice: "This is your world, if you don't work hard yourself, who else can you expect to protect? ?”

The Hippolyte star did not appear again until night fell, but Xingye and Future did not relax their vigilance. The other party had already made it very clear when he left that he would let more monsters come to this world.

Facing the moonlight, Starry Night and Future came to Daimaru Mountain, the highest mountain in Yokohama, where you can clearly see the whole of Yokohama.

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