Ultraman Senki

Chapter 782 Dignity as a Human (Eight Watch, Make an Even Number)

"Well," Misaki Yuki turned to look at Suzuki Director, and said softly: "Director, you are ready, you can start."

"It's troublesome!" Director Sui Shui nodded, facing the camera and began his speech.

TV stations all over the world broadcast the GUYSJAPAN director's live broadcast on whether to hand over Ultraman at the same time.

The director of Susui said slowly: "Now the earth is facing the invasion of a powerful enemy. Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Hikari lost to the powerful robot, and Ultraman Nexus was also trapped by the enemy. In the dark realm, we are struggling. I really want to say that we GUYS have a way to survive this crisis, but in fact we have no way to defeat the countless Imprezas."

Before Captain Zuoshui could finish his words, the crowd who were watching the live broadcast erupted in an instant. Many people looked at the sky in horror, for fear that an Impreza would land on their heads, and some even sat on the ground in despair.

"Everyone may feel hopeless. In fact, it is not only now, but also in the past. Our civilization and technology are helpless in the face of these powerful enemies. The reason why we are not in danger of extinction is because we cannot see In the corner, there are Ultraman who are silently fighting for us humans. They are the barriers for the defense of the earth. I have seen with my own eyes during the sub-light speed flight experiment that Ultraman Zofi will send countless aliens preparing to invade the earth in the orbit of Pluto. The invaders have been wiped out. And such unknown battles are constantly happening in every corner of the solar system, and they are the ones who have been guarding our planet from the invaders." Captain Forced Water recalled telling.

"At that time, Ultraman Zofi told me that before we humans grow up to be able to travel side by side with them in the stars, they will become our shields against invaders. Ultraman has always loved humans deeply, and in order to protect us Human beings have been fighting desperately, and we have the responsibility to respond to their hearts. Captain Kiriyama of the Ultra Guard once said: The earth must be defended by our own hands. This sentence does not mean that we do not need Ultraman , but to tell us that we cannot rely on their power alone, and that humans should fight together. Even if most humans cannot fight alongside Ultraman like GUYS, they must support Ultraman and never give up hope until the end. Will This kind of heart is passed on to Ultraman, which is to fight with Ultraman and give Ultraman the power to fight."

"The last thing I want to say is, take courage, show your pride as a human being, and never give in to the threats of the invaders. Now, as a human being, make the final choice."

The Director of Forced Water bowed slightly, picked up the small box on the table, turned and walked out the door: "I'm going to take a breath of air outside, don't worry, I won't run away."

After finishing speaking, the director of forced water walked out of the door and walked in the corridor outside. The sunlight from outside the window shone in and sprinkled on the director of forced water, covering his body with a layer of golden sand.

"Captain!" Long murmured, raised his legs and chased after him, and the rest of GUYS followed suit.

Director Sui Shui didn't stop until he walked to the balcony railing outside the Phoenix Nest, looking at the mountains and the blue sky in the distance.

"It's really a beautiful scenery," Director Suishui said with emotion, "I don't know if we can see the same beautiful sky in the dark."

"I will definitely not fall into darkness," a resolute female voice sounded behind Director Suishui: "Even if the darkness temporarily covers the sky, the sun will always appear again."

Director Suisui turned around, Mayumi with red eyes looked at the sky and said firmly: "I have seen boundless dark clouds that dyed the earth and the sky into darkness, but humans and Ultraman worked together to disperse the darkness. Let the earth return to the embrace of light, and this time will be no exception."

Director Sui Shui bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, we don't have the ability to save Nexus Ultraman, all the armed satellites were destroyed, and the GUYS space base also tried to send a spaceship, but it was blown up before it got close. .”

Mayumi showed a forced smile, holding the necklace around her neck with both hands, the faint light on it hadn't been extinguished: "Xingye, he must be fine, the darkness that flooded the world back then still hasn't been able to cover his light, this time he will be fine too , we will travel side by side in time and space to find the legendary angel.”

Mayumi stared straight at a certain direction in the sky, and her heart told her that the starry night was there.

"That's right, we have been fighting with Ultraman all along. Didn't Ultraman Seven say that? As long as we are united, there is no enemy we can't defeat." Zhimei Mu said firmly.

"Hmm! Fight to the end and never give up hope." Zhenzhi murmured.

"That's right!" Director Shui Shui turned around with a smile, and nodded vigorously: "We have always believed in Ultraman, and worked hard to respond to their wishes."

Billions of people on the earth are also discussing this unprecedented aggression incident and the speech of the director of forced water just now. Countless people stand outside hesitantly, looking at the sky with great worry.

"What should we do now?"

"Let's hand over Ultraman, so we won't perish."

"What nonsense, you heard it just now, how can you give in so easily?"

"But Ultraman has already lost. If we don't do this, won't we perish?"

"Ultraman won't lose, they will definitely win, Ultraman encountered crisis many times, but they still won in the end." A middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Yes, Ultraman will not lose, they will definitely stand up again to defeat the invaders."

"Never bow to the invaders, and believe that Ultraman will survive this crisis with us humans."

"My brother and I have always believed that Ultraman will definitely defeat the monster."

"I want to fight Ultraman to the last moment, even if I die in the end, I will not bow to the invaders. This is the dignity of a human being."

"Ultraman has been desperately protecting the earth, now is the time to face the invaders with Ultraman."


The telephones of major TV stations around the world and GUYS related departments were all blown up by the swarming telephone signals. Calls came in one by one, faxes were printed out one by one, and the staff kept counting the calls from all over the world. people's choice.

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