Ultraman’s War

Chapter 647: The birth of Jeppunton

"Assistant officer, can you stop turning?" Zhe Ping put down his hands and looked at the assistant officer who was wandering and said weakly.

"No problem, right?" Toriyama's assistant officer leaned over, asking with a flattering smile on his face.

"The artificial monster experiment has been carried out many times, and there have been no mistakes." Teppei said with his arms in front of him. His words made Toriyama's assistant officer breathe a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said: "Too Okay, great."

Starry night glanced at the rejoicing assistant Toriyama, and removed his hands from the keyboard: "But GUYS has never solved the one-minute limit of artificial monsters, and this time the data of the two monsters are entangled. , No one can be sure what will happen, not to mention that these two monsters are not as docile as Migras and Uyingdam. Jetton and King Ponton are both vicious monsters. So now you should be prepared. Two reports: one is a resignation letter to take the blame and resign, and the other is to clarify the necessity of this experiment."

Toriyama's assistant officer's smiling face that lasted less than five seconds immediately dropped, and nodded grievously with a bitter face, "I know." Turning his head, he curled his lips frantically. Now there is a request, no matter what you say. Listen, you can only use this method.

Xingye shrugged and continued to tap the keyboard. He turned his eyes to the two-in-one artificial monster capsule connected to the computer by two wires: "Now let’s unlock the one-minute time limit for artificial monsters."

"Ryu, Sadaharu, and Jinna, start the experiment now, pay attention." Mirai said to the memory display.

"Understand!" Long twisted his neck and put his left hand on the meteor engine.

"It must go smoothly, and don't make any mistakes." Toriyama's assistant officer put his hands together and prayed very piously. The severity of this incident is greater than the loss of the meteor technology last time. Exploding the Phoenix Nest can't be solved by taking the blame and resigning.

"Come on then." Xingye grabbed the artificial monster capsule on the table, twisted his hands, and the two entangled model monsters immediately lit up, and then threw it out forcefully.

The two man-made monster capsules put together lit up the emerald-colored light. When the brightness reached the highest level, the capsule immediately turned into a powder with a crisp sound, and the emerald-colored light inside fell like a celestial flower. After it came down, it quickly condensed into a huge monster.

"This monster looks... terrible." Mu Zhimei turned her head away, a little afraid of this monster. Not only was she, even Zheping, looking at this hideous monster, felt a sense of fear in her heart.

"I'll go," Starry night cast his gaze on Toriyama's assistant officer: "You seem to have made an incredible guy."

"Hmm! Hmm!" The assistant officer Toriyama was about to cry. Now he doesn't want a powerful monster at all. He just wants a soft monster like a kitty, obediently, waiting to disappear, but what does this guy think in front of him? Neither is the master of peace.

This monster looks like Jetton from the front and looks like the King Ponton from the back. It retains 90% of Jetton's characteristics on the front. The body is covered in black and white armor, and the inner arms and legs are white. , And the white part has the same structure as a snake's belly. The head originally had silver-gray horns resembling a bull, but now it has become something like the red tentacles of King Ponton.

The thumbs of both hands became the sharp nails of King Ponton, and the front protruding face had a yellow light-emitting organ in the middle, and two oval yellow organs. The black and white shoulders have two tentacles, which are very similar to the two heads of King Ponton, with sharp teeth in the wide open mouth but no eyes.

"What should I do now?" Zheping was also a little undecided, this guy was not easy to mess with at first glance.

"Cold." Xingye shrugged and walked to a high platform, and gave an order to the product of the combination of Jetton and Ponton in the distance: "Order K23, J21, full fire attack."

Jepungdon raised the black and white color of Jepunton underneath, and the red arms of King Pontun on the top. He turned around and cast his gaze on a small hill three kilometers away.

The mouths of the two heads of Jepondon's shoulders opened, and a thick flame visible to the naked eye was brewing in the middle, while the two light-emitting organs on his chest exuded bright light, condensed in front of him a full 20 meters large Fireball.

"Swish!" The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and three flame **** of different sizes rushed to the 100-meter-high hill in the distance.

With a loud "boom", a mushroom cloud with a height of three to four hundred meters rose into the air, and the endless shock wave that was set off rolled up all the dust and gravel attached to it, like a sandstorm, hitting the surrounding area, knocking thousands of meters away. The scope is all dyed with a natural yellow color.

"Huh! Huh!" The harsh shock wave instantly hit the temporary base built by GUYS. The tent that was enough to resist the eighth wind was blown away without a trace at the first time, and the line of the equipment was scraped in a mess, lightly. Computer screens and everything are gone with the wind.

Zheping and Mu Zhimei hurriedly hid under the table for the first time, listening to the whistling wind in their ears, it felt like a typhoon was passing by.

"It's a lie? It's too powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ryu, Sadaji, and Jinna from high above watched the scene of the typhoon passing below. They were all stunned. People’s impression is that it’s auxiliary work. Even if it’s on the field, it doesn’t have much effect, but the monster that Toriyama’s assistant officer accidentally created has such a powerful force. The damage caused by his just one blow, even if it is a small nuclear bomb. But so be it.

The storm stopped very quickly and it was only two seconds before and after, everyone stood up in embarrassment, and they were all shocked when they looked up.

The small hill has disappeared, and it has become a huge pit hundreds of meters deep. All the trees within a kilometer range have been uprooted, and all the trees in the area where GUYS is located seem to have experienced more than ten strong winds. Similarly, traces of broken branches and leaves can be seen everywhere.

"Haha! Haha!" Associate Toriyama looked at the scene in front of him, and his legs fell as soon as he weakened. Secretary Maru next to him hurriedly supported him and heard the murmur of Assistant Toriyama's mouth. : "This is really over."

"It's so powerful." Starry night put down the arm that was blocking his eyes, and was very shocked by the damage this guy caused, and this was just a wave of attacks. I'm afraid that if no one cares, this guy will destroy a planet. Too easy, more professional than the demolition team.

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