Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 104: Parade in the New World

The door to the new world opened at night in New York, and 200 special operations troops dressed like ordinary people carried out an exploration mission for the first time.

They are the first group to integrate into this strange yet familiar city and collect all useful information in the world. Their initial capital is 5 kilograms of gold, which is divided into 200 parts. Each person will use the knowledge they have learned in the dark side of society. Convert gold into money in this world, and then use the money to get information.

After the first group of 200 explorers left the dark alley, the second group of 200 people also walked out of the alley, determined each other's goals, and soon separated from the street and merged into the night.

As we all know, the nights in modern America are always not so peaceful. They have traditional programs that are different from ordinary people. In this world, such traditional programs seem to be more exaggerated than in other worlds.

Kevin's team once again participated in this operation, but this time, Kevin performed the mission alone.

After exchanging the gold in his hands at a low price in a small store, Kevin took the money to buy himself a cup of Starbucks and stopped a taxi on the roadside.

The taxi driver was a Latino man. When he saw Kevin holding a cup of Starbucks, his vigilance was greatly reduced. After getting in the car, he greeted him warmly, "Hey man, where are you going?"

Umbrella's social psychologists have conducted in-depth research on how to reduce the vigilance of others. The results of the research have been transformed into a small manual that every special operations soldier is required to memorize and use flexibly.

Because it is difficult for them to integrate into ordinary society because of their military atmosphere, the manual can help them understand what they should do to avoid being noticed, so that they can act better and live better.

Holding a drink in hand is the most convenient way to reduce the vigilance of outsiders, and it must be a paper cup, not a bottle. Paper cups are easy to spill, and the person holding it will naturally use more energy to control the liquid from spilling.

After passers-by see him, they will subconsciously associate him with the feeling they had when holding the paper cup, and they will unconsciously relax their vigilance.

"Good evening, let's go to Broadway." Kevin said where he wanted to go.

Broadway Avenue is an important place for American drama and musicals. It is a bustling street. Originally a theater street famous for its commercial and entertainment properties, in modern times there have been many low-cost performances that reflect the current social situation.

When Kevin was very young, he accompanied his parents to a play in a small theater on Broadway. It was his first exposure to the prosperity of a big city, which was quite memorable.

This mission is semi-casual in nature. They can use public funds to do whatever they want. They only need to pay a little attention to what is noteworthy in this world.

Everyone collects some here and there, and together they can put together a rough world framework.

No, I just wanted to go to Broadway to see a low-cost play. The Latino guy looked embarrassed and told Kevin some bad news.

"Man, I'm afraid I can't go to Broadway..."


The driver replied helplessly: "The parade has occupied all of Broadway. They are smashing, looting, and burning there. My car will be pushed down by them if I go there. Please find another place. I know the best place nearby." Where’s the bar, or a strip club, hehe!”

Ignore the driver's behavior of soliciting customers from behind. Generally, strip clubs and bars don't mind paying a small amount of money to let the taxi driver recommend passengers to spend money there.

It's just that Kevin is not completely playing after all. He has a mission, "Can you take me to the vicinity of the parade? I want to take a look."

"Dude..." The driver looked at Kevin in disbelief,

He persuaded: "You don't want to join in the fun. People there are crazy. If I lose my job, I might go there, but now I haven't..."

The last few words were blocked by Franklin. He looked at the one hundred dollar bill, and then at the coffee that Kevin had taped to the door handle. Finally, he put Franklin away, started the car and drove towards Broadway.

While driving, the driver also turned on the taxi driver's radio channel and asked about the situation on the road to prevent the car from getting stuck in the parade crowd.

Thirty minutes later, the driver took Kevin to the end of the parade after a long detour.

Kevin gave the driver another dollar, got off the car and left with his warm farewell.

At the end of Broadway Street, the place is bustling with lights and entertainment, and giant electronic GG signs are erected on both sides of the building, which makes Kevin, who is used to holographic GG signs, a little uncomfortable.

The street was in a mess. Several trash cans nearby were pushed over and set on fire. The black toxic smoke blended into the night, stimulating the crowd even more crazy.

Kevin threw the Starbucks paper cup into the fire, ran all the way to catch up with the parade in front, blended in and started observing. uuread a book

The huge crowd formed a wave, and many angry backpackers among them took out Molotov cocktails and threw them at the theaters on the left and right.

If there is a car nearby, the owner of that car will be out of luck.

The thugs would smash the windshield of the car, loot the contents and set it on fire.

"We need food! We need Mane!"

"Pay back the money! Wall Street bastards, pay back the money!"

"No more silence, no more cowardice! We want to take back our wealth!"

The slogans in the parade were so loud that the whole Broadway was occupied. These people seemed to be crazy, venting their anger on the buildings on both sides and destroying everything intact in sight. There was no such thing as a peaceful parade.

There were even many people holding long guns and short guns, making creepy screams, but no one fired a gun because firing a gun would scare people away. After the crowd ran away, the guy with a gun would be caught by the police around the edge.

Kevin found that the people here were shouting some simple slogans such as pay back the money and give me a job. After listening for a while, he also understood that there was a financial crisis not long ago, the stock market fell below 2,000 points, and the United States ushered in a super terrifying wave of unemployment.

For a time, a large number of poor people who lost their jobs had no food and shelter, and the parade was born.

When he walked through the vast sea of ​​people and came to the front of the parade, the slogans and slogans here changed again, and an organization called "New Founding Fathers of America" ​​came into Kevin's sight.

This seems to be a new force, with many people holding blue artificial flowers and slogans saying "New Life".

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