Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 113: Deja Vu

Originally waiting for Duncan to continue asking questions, Bowery did not expect it to end so soon. He turned back and glanced at his subordinates, who handed over the notebook.

This Q\u0026A only made him a total of 340,000 US dollars, which is neither too much nor too little.

According to the size of their power, this money is enough for them to recruit a group of homeless people to work for them.

Bowery showed the book in front of Duncan and said with a smile: "If you want to do business with us, then pay 340,000 in advance, sir."

"Of course, no problem, just swipe your card." Duncan casually took out a bank card from his clothes and handed it to Earl beside him.

Earl took the bank card and went downstairs, then ran up again and handed the card back to Duncan, while nodding to Bowery.

"Oh, that's so cool Mr. Duncan, now we can continue!"

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With just a few words, he got 340,000 yuan. This was the easiest business deal Bowery had ever made. While he was happy, he also planned to hear what Duncan had to say about the business in the future.

Duncan said: "It's very simple. Umbrella Company needs Mr. Bowery's power to help collect the information we need, and at the same time, assist Umbrella Company in establishing an underground exchange."

"Exchange?" After hearing the contents of the business, the leisurely-looking Bowery was a little puzzled, and even thought it was ridiculous. He stretched out his palm to block Duncan, and said with a suppressed smile: "Wait, don't you want to Seize the power to make rules from the high table? Wow, look at the courage of our guests, they are really, really, really big!”

The High Table has been operating in the dark side of the world for hundreds of years. From the word assassin, rudimentary rules were born, rules that are difficult to break even in modern times.

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A company he had never heard of or even knew the rules wanted to participate in the formulation of the rules.

To establish an exchange is to compete with the mainland hotels under the high table for business. Since the birth of the rules, no one has tried it, but no one has ever succeeded.

The person closest to success is Bowery!

The High Table has entered the information age, but he has not given up on tradition. To a certain extent, the mission network composed of carrier pigeons and storage chips is competing with the High Table's assassination orders for business.

The reason why he can continue to live is actually because this method has great limitations. Gao Desi doesn't even bother to care about these food-picking behaviors with him. This allows him to continue to grow bigger and stronger.

Now, a company that even the New York Construction Group couldn't deal with told him that it wanted to establish an exchange?

Is it the exchange he was thinking of?

"Hahaha..." Bowery's ridicule was not harsh, because he was also a rebel. He was laughing at Duncan and at the same time laughing at himself.

Duncan just looked at him and laughed quietly. When his laughter stopped, he said calmly: "Kevin should have told you about some of the Umbrella Company's business, but here I can add that the industries we are involved in There are also military industry and biomedical treatment, channels, advanced weapons and trading systems. We can also provide additional medical services, and there is no shortage of manpower and money. You can consider it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, you just need to provide us with intelligence.

Seeing Duncan's calm expression, Bowery laughed and shook his head, "We can trade information, but if you ask me to help you establish an underground exchange, I'm afraid not. You have no idea how powerful the High Table is."

"I understand." This wasn't considered rejection, but it was just not the best situation Duncan expected. After thinking about it for a moment, he said again: "Then can you let me meet that John Wick?"


Bowery did not refuse such a small request.

The group stood up and, led by Bowery, entered the basement of the shelter.

The basement of the shelter was transformed into a crematorium. They didn't have as many gold coins as the killers to hire scavengers to clean up the corpses, so they would dispose of the corpses themselves and charge a small fee to help some murderers and minor killers do the same. corpse.

The famous top killer John Wick was lying on a hospital bed with corpses. A doctor from a black clinic had just finished taking out the bullets for him and was bandaging his wounds at this time.

The sudden influx of a group of people into the crematorium startled the doctor. After hastily treating the wounds, he said goodbye to Bowery and left.

Duncan looked at the unconscious man on the bed, reached out and opened the man's suit to check his injuries.

Then several deformed bullets fell out of the suit with many bullet holes. He picked up one of them and looked at it carefully, confirming that it was a pistol bullet.

Then, the question arises, why did he drop deformed warheads?

After taking a closer look, Duncan finally discovered what the problem was.

It was a suit. The surface of the thickened suit was penetrated by bullets, but it was blocked by a layer of special soft fabric sewn into the sandwich, which opened his eyes.

This material, as soft as cloth, can actually block bullets?

Duncan handed the deformed warhead to Alice and asked her to take a look.

Finally, they concluded that there is still something worth studying in this world, such as this material that is less than 30 mm thick and can block pistol bullets!

This kind of material not only has excellent defensive capabilities, but is also as soft as cloth, which is the most rare thing.

I don't know why, but Duncan always feels familiar when looking at the unconscious man on the bed.

It was as if I had seen it before and left a deep impression, but it was classified as an unimportant memory and ignored.

Duncan would not ignore this feeling of déjà vu. In addition, the two worlds he traveled through in succession were both worlds that appeared in film and television works, so this world might also be a world depicted in a certain work, but he might just not have seen it.

So he wanted to take this man away and ask him in detail after he was cured.

He conveyed his idea of ​​taking this man away to Bowery, but was rejected.

"The current bounty for John Wick is as high as 7 million US dollars. Why should I give him to you? Huh?" Bowery kept signaling with his eyes, and he almost said the word "money".

Paying 7 million is actually not a big problem, but Duncan didn't want Bowery to take advantage of it.

If Bowery really cared about the 7 million US dollars, he would not let the doctor save him. Saving this man's life must have other uses, and this use might also carry some risks, so asking Duncan to pay money is just to get 7 million US dollars for free, and send the trouble away without having to worry about what to do.

Duncan didn't want to pay the money, and Bowery didn't want to lose a person worth 7 million in vain.

"I don't want to pay this money, but I want to talk to him." Duncan thought about it and decided to solve this small problem with normal communication. "Why don't you come and see the equipment and props produced by our Umbrella Company? If Mr. Bowery needs it, we can sign a long-term agreement and sell you some unique things on the market."

"Unique? Then I have to take a good look at this unique thing!"

Bowery has long been curious about where Duncan got his confidence from. There will be countless different choices on the road of life. He made the right choice in every crisis based on his intuition.

Now, whether it is out of the most basic curiosity or the simple idea of ​​having another channel for power, he has no reason to refuse to take a look at such a simple proposal.

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