Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 122: The Dog of the Umbrella Company

The departure of the judge made the atmosphere on the rooftop ambiguous. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

“Hehe…Haha! Hahahaha!”

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Bowery was holding a transparent little umbrella for little girls, with a little lace on the edge, and it looked a bit funny in the hand of a big fat guy.

The experience just now was one of the few times in his life that he felt solemn and uneasy. Once things developed in a direction he didn’t want to see, the Baoli District would no longer exist, and even if it existed, it would not be his Baoli District.

He was very happy now, and even wanted to make friends with Duncan.

"Mr. Duncan really surprised me. It is my luck to meet you! Now I think we can increase cooperation."

"You can talk to my employees about these things. Generally speaking, I don't care about things. If there is nothing special, I may have to deal with some small things with my sister." Duncan walked to the wooden table, opened the file and threw it on the ground to let the rain soak it. Such an action can make Bowery trust the Umbrella Company more.

This kind of cost-free transaction is like a casual good deed, and occasionally you can get a good reward. Even if there is no reward, it is just a matter of convenience.

"Oh! The judge of the High Table has a lot of power. She may take action against you. The Baoli District may provide some route support! Be careful at all times and let Earl take you.

Seeing Duncan discard the documents of the High Table so decisively, Bowery stopped laughing and reminded.

"No problem, don't worry. "

Waving his hand casually, Duncan ended this brief meeting with the Judge and decided to go back to the Resident Evil world to bring the equipment needed to enter the rainforest and let more soldiers enter this world.

A larger force in this world should also have some core technology of its own, so it is not too much to pay more attention to it.

Although the soldiers of the Umbrella Company are elite and all of them are genetic warriors with physical fitness about twice that of ordinary soldiers, they still cannot withstand bullets, so they still need to be paid more attention to.

It just so happens that the laboratory of the Umbrella Company has recently produced a lot of enhanced military dogs and domesticated big cats based on the stable virus enhancement technology, which can be brought here for street fighting tests.

Animals have a better tolerance to pain than humans. Some fierce dogs will not let go even if they are killed. creatures, and have enough loyalty. After being strengthened by the virus, their obedience and IQ have been significantly improved. The veteran scientists of the Umbrella Corporation who like to make biological weapons are all very happy.

After leaving the world named the killer, Duncan stayed for four hours for the cargo transportation of the Avatar world, and transported the excavated superconducting ore and the produced pet meat cans and wood back to the Resident Evil world.

After that, the resources of the Resident Evil world were continuously transported to the Avatar world, and a new batch of employees were allowed to go on business trips to the Avatar world.

Now Duncan doesn't care much about the secret being exposed. The size of the Umbrella Corporation is too large, and now they have enough capital. An aerospace carrier now floats over the Resident Evil world every day to transport goods for the space launch center.

Even if the aerospace carrier is not deleted Even a blind man could tell that it was an aircraft carrier flying in the sky, not a transport ship. Even if they knew the secret of the Umbrella Corporation, those ambitious people did not risk a world war to confront each other, and could only seek opportunities for dialogue again and again.

After four hours of work in the Avatar world and four hours in the Resident Evil world, it was already six o'clock in the evening when I returned to the Hitman world after finishing my chores.

The last time the door was opened today, a thousand special operations troops entered the Hitman world from the Resident Evil world. Most of them stayed in the air-raid shelter on standby, and six trucks with the Umbrella Corporation logo entered the streets of the Bronx.

The trucks that were swaggering through the city under the rain did not attract many people's attention. When the Umbrella Corporation's construction site guards saw these trucks, they removed the roadblocks and let the trucks drive in The container room area where the soldiers live.

After the truck stopped, the driver and co-driver got off the truck together, walked to the cargo box, entered the password to unlock the electronic door, and then inserted the key to unlock it.

The door opened, and there were two layers of iron cages in the compartment.

In the iron cages were quietly lying military dogs, mostly shepherds, Dobermans and golden retrievers. These hounds were obedient and physically strong, with almost no shortcomings.

Three of the trucks were loaded with this type of hounds, which were mass-produced military dogs that could be tamed. One truck was loaded with six wolves, and the remaining two trucks were large cats that had been tamed and implanted with brain chips.

The cage opened, and the creepy beast boy reflected the green light. At the urging of the trainer's voice, the beast crawling on the ground slowly stood up, let out a series of low roars, and slowly jumped off the truck.

Six jungle wolves surrounded a wolf leader who was obviously larger in size. The almost indifferent beast boy looked around and showed strong curiosity about the new environment.

"Woof, woof!"

The 32 military dogs of various breeds that got off the truck barked wildly when they saw the six wolves that were much larger than them, but they would not rush up to bite the wolves without orders.

When the big cats from the last two trucks got off, the dogs barked even more fiercely.

Tigers, leopards, and fierce beasts were on guard against each other.

There were not many big cats, and hiding might attract attention, so there were only two tigers and three leopards.

A Siberian tiger and the smaller Sumatran tiger, leopards are both black panthers, suitable for nocturnal activities.

The umbrella company was ready, and the adjudicator also held an umbrella and came to an inconspicuous Japanese food shop on the roadside.

This store is an open canteen, the front desk is exposed to the outdoors, the smoke from cooking food rises, and the speakers hidden under the table play the Japanese song "Ninja Bangbang".

The bald chef, wearing a black yukata with fireworks and a white headband on his head, was busy at the table and enthusiastically greeted the judges who walked into the store, just like a real Asian owner of a Japanese restaurant.

The adjudicator took out the badge representing his identity and put it on the table. The enthusiastic smile on the boss's face disappeared immediately. After a while, he put on his indifferent smile again and continued to work on his own business with his head lowered. "I didn't expect that the high table would come so soon." ”

The referee raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "There are two tasks, involving a person who works against the High Table, and a person who despises the authority of the High Table."

The Japanese restaurant owner paused while handling the pufferfish, his eyes raised, slightly confused, "I know one of them is John Wick, but who is the other one?"

"John Wick, and everyone who helped him."

The referee first explained the content of the first task, and then said: "The other person, he did not accept the invitation of the High Table. He will become the new representative of the High Table, but now it is necessary to let him understand the strength of the High Table. !”

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