Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 129: Arrival in Borneo

Although the gun strangely did not play any role, as a top killer, John Wick still would not give up his action. His face turned cold, and he took out the yellow knife and rushed forward.

John Wick bravely A, and John Wick fell to the street.

Alice's physical fitness is much stronger than John Wick's. Even today when the stable enhancement technology is mature, she is still the strongest one, and the only one with telekinesis so far.

No matter how superb John Wick's skills are, it is still difficult to cause trouble to Alice using conventional weapons.

Telekinesis took shape, and a fist hit John Wick on the back of the head, knocking him out directly.

He should have been knocked out, anyway, he fell to the ground and didn't move.

Looking at John Wick lying on the ground like a dead dog, Duncan was quite disappointed. He could provide help to John Wick, but he chose a path that he was more familiar with, but the ending was not so good.

The soldiers who heard the gunshots broke the door and rushed into the room to search for the perpetrators. Their eyes were fixed on John Wick lying on the ground, and their expressions were very ugly.

They were responsible for the hotel security but failed to keep a good watch on the place. A killer actually sneaked in to assassinate the boss. If the boss really died, they would not forgive their dereliction of duty, and even their hope would collapse.

Duncan is the hope for the eternal glory of mankind for the soldiers, and he is their leader.

In this world where no one knows their boss, they may be a little lazy.

"Lock him up first."

They are about to go to Borneo to feel the breath of nature. Now Duncan doesn't want to pay attention to John Wick. He waved his hand and asked the soldiers to drag him away and lock him up for a few days.

The soldiers were not punished, but they felt even more uncomfortable. The boss was famous for worrying about the country and the people. No punishment did not mean that things could be let go.

With a regretful and heavy heart, the two soldiers dragged the fainted culprit on the ground away roughly.

Watching John Wick being dragged away, Duncan sighed slightly.

When we return from Borneo, we will interrogate John Wick. If we cannot find out the reason for the attack on him, we will use the Spider Controller, clone him ten times, and let him set up an assassination team to contribute to humanity, shine for Umbrella, and play the final value.

At night, Duncan woke up from sleep, took Alice, woke up Sam as a guide, and drove to the construction site.

This time, Kevin's team was not on the mission list.

The soldiers on this mission were members of the US Army who were very familiar with jungle warfare in the Avatar world. This was their previous identity. Now they are all soldiers of the Umbrella Special Operations Force.

Four Quinjet fighters, excluding supplies and pilots, a total of 43 people went to Borneo, including five scientists from the Umbrella Company and 35 special operations soldiers.

Sam was carrying a small backpack. She thought they were going to the airport, but she didn't expect to come to the construction site.

The car stopped at the construction site, and she got off with it. She kept muttering in her heart, could it be that they had to take a helicopter to the airport and then take a plane to Borneo?

Walking all the way to the foundation of the building, Sam went down from a construction platform, and through the tarpaulin that blocked the view, four aircraft with rather strange shapes came into Sam's sight.

The color of the aircraft was silver-gray, and the two wings were as bloated as the fuselage. Lying on the ground, it looked like a toad with an extra pair of wings. Looking closely, it looked like a fat bird. Looking more closely, you can see the special beauty of the aircraft belonging to the cutting-edge industrial creation.

There was very little space for movement inside the aircraft full of supplies. Sam, Duncan Alice, and five scientists were on the same plane.

The Quinjet took off in the night. The flight of the aircraft was very stable. The installed stealth system prevented the aircraft from being photographed, and only the noise during flight could not be eliminated.

The aircraft soon reached an altitude of 10,000 meters and entered high-speed flight mode.

The wings of the aircraft closed, hiding the turbine engines on both sides of the wings. The propeller at the tail of the aircraft sprayed orange-yellow light, pushing the aircraft to accelerate and approach Borneo at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour.

It only takes three hours to get from New York to Palan Province in Borneo. The flight time is boring. One hour later, one of the planes left the route and continued to take off.

They are going to space to deploy the communication satellite carried by the plane into the orbit of the earth.

Yes, the Quinjet of SHIELD has the ability to navigate in space. It is not as good as the Valkyrie spacecraft in the world of Avatar, but it is enough to come and go freely on the earth.

Soldiers wearing special space suits threw the satellite directly out of the plane. After entering the space, the square satellite automatically unfolded its solar panels and started its work.

After flying to the predetermined position, another communication satellite was also thrown into space roughly.

After that, it will automatically move to the position, unfold automatically, and work automatically.

The mission is completed, the aircraft door is closed, and it returns to the atmosphere.

When the Quinjet that sent the satellite returned to the atmosphere, Duncan and his team just arrived above Palan Province in Borneo.

Sam held a tablet in her hand. She wanted to recall the place where the tragedy happened seven years ago and circle a rough range.

This was not difficult for her, because she had repeatedly lamented this memory, and the death of her former colleague had only become a plot in her autobiographical novel for people's entertainment.

Maps must be well recorded.

In order to write Anaconda well, Sam spent a lot of time comparing it with the real map. Not long after getting the tablet, she circled the approximate location.

Departing from the evening in America, we arrived at Palan Province in Borneo just as the sky was getting bright.

The residents of the small town near the Satan Basin in Palan Province have already gotten up to work. In the bustling market, the townspeople took advantage of the rare good weather to go out more.

Duncan didn't want to land in the town, as that would alarm the people here. There were sufficient supplies on the plane, and they could land directly in the woods without having to contact the locals here.

The plane floated over the town and slowly arrived above the primitive rainforest.

It took much longer than expected to find the Immortal Flower, because they saw a large group of armed guards and scholars walking back and forth in the camp in a clearing in the woods.

Not far from the camp, many people used barbed wire to enclose a depression.

There were more than 60 people in this group. Obviously, they came here earlier than the Umbrella Company and had already declared their sovereignty.

Duncan saw more than just this group of people in the sky. Not far from this camp, there was another group, and there was another group farther away.

These three waves of people are all here for the Immortal Flower, which is very difficult to deal with...

According to the first-come-first-served rule, this time they should go back home and wait for these forces to research something and then the Umbrella Company will spend money to buy it.

However, this kind of good guy approach does not apply to now. Duncan always believes in himself and believes that the Umbrella Company can bring a better future to mankind by obtaining the Immortal Flower, rather than letting capitalists have an expensive commodity to exploit the people.

This is a reason to convince himself to break the bottom line and rob, but it is not a reason to do evil. Duncan is a very principled person. He will persuade the people below and believe that they will definitely agree to leave or share the Immortal Flower with the Umbrella Company.

Because the Umbrella Company is the hope of mankind and the beacon to break the world civilization!

And if they go back like this, the weapons they carry will seem useless.

Two of the Quinjet fighters began to descend and landed about ten meters above the camp of the group of people who controlled the Immortal Flower. The strong wind caused by the turbine engine made the trees and tents rustle.

The people in the camp looked up in confusion and saw two Quinjets that suddenly appeared.

The Quinjets pointed their tails at the camp, and the hatch slowly opened amid the exclamations of the camp crowd.

The AMP mechas lying flat in the two Quinjets were sent out of the cabin through pulleys. The reinforced fully enclosed AMP mechas adjusted their body shape in mid-air, and finally landed on the ground with their legs. The 20mm machine gun on the right shoulder smoothly fell to the mecha's hands through the connection device, pointing at the group of people in the camp who were shocked.

The remaining nine special forces soldiers also jumped directly from the plane, and after landing, they quickly dispersed and surrounded the entire camp, blocking the way for everyone in the camp.

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