Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 137: Aren’t we a technology company?

Jill walked into the elevator unnaturally under the strange and envious gazes of the nearby staff. ♦♦  ♦♦

There were only four people in the spacious high-speed elevator, two bodyguards, and Duncan and her.

While waiting for the elevator to rise, she did not seem too depressed. Duncan told Jill about the future work content.

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When Duncan first saw this ordinary police officer Jill, he felt that she was not simple.

That indescribable feeling made Duncan always have a strange sense of trust in her. In addition, her combat talents and character were very good, so he planned to train her immediately.

"You may participate in a special mission later. For the time being, what you need to do is to stay with me and have a general understanding of the current situation of the Umbrella Company."

Jill nodded ignorantly. Although it was a bit sudden to be assigned a task before adapting to the new environment, and it was even strange to stay with the big boss before completing the entry procedures, she still wanted to see the current Umbrella Company with her own eyes.

Because in the past period of time, she not only saw the increasing prosperity and peace of Raccoon City, but also saw a lot of slander and abuse.

An independent section on the official website of the Umbrella Corporation reports every day that the Umbrella Special Operations Force and the newly established peacekeeping force are active all over the world and constantly fighting crime, just like a noble image of a world peace defender.

Under deliberate or not so deliberate propaganda, this company that began to change inexplicably has gradually become the center of the world, like a towering mountain that people can see as soon as they look up.

Some people compare the Umbrella Corporation to an ambitious person who wants to rule the world, and some people say that the Umbrella Corporation is seeking greater benefits.

But these words seem so powerless in front of the good things that the Umbrella Corporation is really doing, and the black fans can only use the black materials in the past to attack the Umbrella Corporation.

Jill can't find out what is true in the vast amount of information. The facts she saw with her own eyes tell her that the Umbrella Corporation serves the people, maintains peace, and realizes true democracy and freedom.

On the other hand, the deeply rooted invisible concept from childhood to adulthood tells her that human nature is evil, there is no good without reason in the world, and the Umbrella Company may be seeking greater benefits.

In short, after a long ideological struggle, Jill finally came to the Umbrella Company and decided to join the company to find out the truth with her own eyes.

Being in the same elevator with Duncan, Jill was a little nervous, and said with a smile: "I have a task on the first day of work. My work will be very busy in the future."

"Yes, it seems that you get into the state very quickly."

Speaking of this, the elevator just arrived at the conference room on the top floor of the building. As soon as you get out of the elevator, you will see the door of the conference room. Two bodyguards automatically guarded both sides of the conference room.

Jill saw the executives of the Umbrella Company who were already sitting on both sides of the long table in advance through the open door of the conference room, hesitating whether to stand at the door.

Duncan opened the door of the conference room and saw Jill standing two meters away without moving, so he greeted her: "Come in, this is also part of your job. You just need to stand by and don't say anything."

When the executives in the conference room saw Duncan arrive, they all stood up and expressed due respect to Duncan.

Duncan walked to the position that once belonged to Isaac, glanced at the company's newly recruited executives, nodded, and started the sudden meeting.

"The achievements of Umbrella Company today are also due to everyone. Today's special meeting is to change the development model of Umbrella Company and explain why the company has done everything so far."

The meeting started with such a sentence. It didn't look like a business meeting with a lot of reports and investigation reports, and the meeting wouldn't have too much in-depth content.

Jill, who stood silently beside the conference room, was stunned for a moment. She was going to talk about such a big thing right at the beginning. Is this something that a small person like her who just joined the company can listen to?

The 24 executives who were working also behaved calmly and waited quietly for the follow-up content.

Seeing that the management had already prepared and even opened their notebooks, Duncan began to tell the story: "Umbrella has grown from an international enterprise to its current size in four years. The promises I made have been fulfilled one by one. There is only one week left before the launch of the spacecraft. This speed is fast, but it is still not enough!"

The executives felt a pang in their hearts. It took four years to build a spacecraft to send people into space, and the output value increased by more than ten times. How many people are dissatisfied with this?

It's going to be faster?

If it's faster, ordinary people will not be able to keep up with the speed of world development!

"The company is developing very fast, but those speeds are only limited to the civilian field. In the military field, Umbrella Corporation still has a lot of room for development."

This is unreasonable. In the eyes of the executives, the current military strength of Umbrella Corporation can match that of the bottom-tier powers, with 300,000 security forces, 30,000 special operations forces, 50,000 mercenaries registered in Eu, and the newly established 100,000 Umbrella peacekeeping forces.

The number of these troops does not include logistics personnel. In terms of the number of people alone, it is already on par with many countries.

The weapons and equipment are also not inferior. The aerospace carrier that always floated in the sky of Colorado is an important embodiment of Umbrella's military technology.

Although they are all senior executives in charge of business and do not have much contact with the security department on weekdays, they can also glimpse the tip of the iceberg of their own military power from the lines of material dispatch data and funds.

Now they are meeting to discuss the military power of Umbrella Corporation. They are all quite scared... They are a little eager to try, what a mean guy!

Duncan saw the changes in the expressions of the executives, and looked back at Jill's slightly changed face, then looked at the executives again and said: "Umbrella Corporation will put the development of military power first for a period of time. Do you understand?"

In the silence of the conference room, a young-looking man at the end of the long table raised his hand slightly.

"Any questions?" Duncan signaled that he could speak.

The young man pushed his black-framed glasses with a slightly trembling hand and asked: "Why... why do we need to develop the military? Aren't we a uh... technology company?"

The other executives looked at the young man with inexplicable eyes, which made him more nervous.

Duncan nodded slightly, took out the photo of the monster making a phone call from his pocket, and put his own mobile phone on the long table, "Why? There are many reasons, to promote the rapid development of human civilization, to make people understand that infighting is stupid, and for you to see a wider world... But in the final analysis, it is to make something understand what it is facing."


A slight electronic sound sounded beside the executives.

The electronic screen on the wall of the conference room lit up, and the executives turned their heads and saw a monster wearing human clothes who was on the phone.

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