Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 139: Return to the world of assassins

A gift from the High Table, a magical drug that can increase the activity of the human brain.

It was previously sent by Duncan to the Raccoon City Biomedical Research Institute for component analysis and to explore the drug's effects.

After eight days of research, the institute confirmed the ingredients contained in the drug and conducted a three-day short-term experiment on the drug's effects.

The result is that the High Table's gift is a brain stimulant. After injection or swallowing, the drug ingredients will flow into the brain through the blood, allowing the brain's ability to process things to increase several times the original.

According to the volunteers who have been injected with the drug, the drug takes effect very quickly, and the world seems to be covered with a filter, and every detail within the field of vision can be clearly distinguished.

Sound, picture, smell...

The information is transmitted like a broadcast, and the subject describes his brain as a sophisticated computer that stores a large amount of data. In an instant, countless words and pictures are mixed together, and he can magically classify and organize all the information.

The magical feeling of the brain, even the subject's mild depression and social phobia problems disappear in the blink of an eye.

When answering the assistant's question about his feelings, the man, who only had an elementary school education, expressed his feelings word for word with precise language and simple and vivid sentences.

He became very smart, just like a funny TV host in an instant, and he could say many shocking views and ideas.

After mathematical tests, the experimenters found that the subject's mental arithmetic ability reached an incredible level, and according to the feedback from the subjects, the effect of this brain stimulant is not to make people feel excited, but to make the brain work at a high speed, making the brain extremely clear and rational, knowing what it is doing and what it wants to do.

The subject's brain was tested with an instrument, and the brain wave activity after the injection of the drug increased eight times compared to before the injection of the drug.

The experimenters copied the liquid medicine. Umbrella Corporation is very powerful in the field of medicine. With the powerful computing power of the latest superconducting computer, it took them only a very short time to prepare an injection in the laboratory that is exactly the same as the original drug.

The experimenters also injected the drug into mice, monkeys, fish, insects, and birds, and those that could not be injected were used orally.

Except for fish and insects, all animals showed an improvement in their ability to understand and judge, with the most obvious improvement being in the experimental monkeys.

Two hours after the injection of the drug, the experimental monkeys completed image tests, sound tests, command tests, and even learned to hold a pen and write English words, and quickly understood the meaning of them, trying to imitate human sounds.

After 25 hours, the drug effect gradually disappeared, and except for the human subjects and experimental monkeys, the brains of the remaining animals showed irreversible brain damage.

The remaining two experimental subjects were not completely free of side effects. The experimental monkeys had a headache that lasted for 30 minutes, and the human subjects just felt a little confused and could not concentrate well.

These symptoms disappeared after another injection of the drug, and they returned to the super brain state.

The brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body and the most important organ. The experimenters wanted to explore the secrets of the brain, and the drug aroused their curiosity.

During the experiment, several radical researchers injected themselves with the drug after judging that the side effects of the drug on the human brain were weak, and they successfully entered the super brain state.

Their smooth thinking made them extremely excited to write a detailed and professional research report, and they couldn't wait to send it to Duncan.

The drug will not deprive people of their emotions, will not have any impact on their emotions, but will bring more advanced happiness. At the end of the report, they said bluntly that this drug will eliminate fools.

Duncan almost frowned as he finished reading this report that was suddenly sent to him. After confirming that he was not wrong, he just informed the institute through internal communication and kept the formula confidential so that they could continue to study.

Anyway, as an outsider, he couldn't understand why there was such a magical drug in the world. One injection can turn people into smart people. Everyone is a scientist. Wouldn't everyone be like a dragon in the future?

This drug will definitely have undiscovered side effects. Before it is figured out, it cannot be circulated for the time being.

It would be best to find all the information about this drug when the high table is overturned...

The high table, there are really a lot of good things!


Duncan and Jill are in the hotel in the killer world. After returning to the hotel, Jill became the driver and was responsible for driving.

The bulletproof commercial vehicle drove to the safe house in Bowery, which is the underground air-raid shelter, under the guidance of the navigation.

There were more than 200 special operations soldiers from the Umbrella Company staying in the air-raid shelter, and a construction team from the Umbrella Company was digging an underground base.

After clearing an area, Duncan opened the portal in the wide air-raid shelter hall and returned to the world of Resident Evil, transporting 2,000 soldiers and a large number of cutting-edge weapons to the killer world.

During the transportation of equipment and personnel, Duncan did not forget to have someone bring Payton to the air-raid shelter to ask about the hiding place of the remaining drugs.

When Payton arrived at the air-raid shelter, there was no trace of the portal. The spacious tunnel that could accommodate a bus was full of soldiers, and several armored vehicles running almost silently passed by him.

He was like a country bumpkin who had just entered the city, his mouth wide open, his eyes overwhelmed, and his whole body trembling with excitement.

After fighting with those monsters in the air for a year, he thought that 99% of the people on Earth were controlled and there was no organized resistance force.

When Payton saw the army under the air-raid shelter, his eyes turned red. His sense of identity as a human made him unable to tolerate being enslaved by monsters. When he learned that he was not fighting alone, his excitement and grievance surged out, and the 18-year-old tall guy burst into tears.

After seeing Duncan, Payton stood at attention and saluted, saying in a sonorous and powerful tone, "Sir, I want to join the battle! I want to fight for humanity!"

Duncan was shocked by Payton's highly conscious appearance. He couldn't help but become serious and saluted in return: "I can see your determination. I am optimistic about you, but you don't have the qualities that a soldier should have. The war will start in the near future. Before that, you need to participate in training!"

"Yes, sir!"

Although the two sides had different ideas, one was in the village and the other was playing football, they reached synchronization in a strange frequency, and both sides were very satisfied with the result in the end.

Duncan gained a soldier with faith. Although soldiers play a small role in modern warfare, a soldier who can infect his will to the people around him is rare and worth cultivating.

Not long after, Duncan got the last five pills that Payton had hidden, and took three back to the Resident Evil world for analysis and replication research.

There were two drugs left, one of which he planned to use on John Wick.


The heavy iron door of the prison was opened, and two soldiers wearing guardian suits walked into the temporary cell and walked to John Wick, who was in the corner with disheveled hair.

In another corner of the cell, the Judge, who had always kept his eyes closed, opened his bloodshot eyes and took a look, and then prepared to close his eyes again.

The heavy footsteps gradually approached, and the Judge opened his eyes again, raised his head and saw Duncan, and the muzzle of the pistol that was close at hand.



Putting away the pistol, Duncan turned around and left expressionlessly, and two soldiers came in and took the Judge's body away.

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