Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 145: Battle of New York

The night of legal crime opened in a way that was like a grandson knocking over his grandfather's funeral hall, making everyone's eyes go black. Even the cameraman of the live news TV station was shocked and couldn't help but turn the camera to the light rising and falling in the sky.

The light was like sparse meteors, and the explosion was like dense thunder, falling continuously on the ground, blasting the Bronx into pieces.

Those passers-by who were preparing to do what they wanted to do during the night of legal crime, before they had time to do anything, the dense explosions made their eardrums buzz, and they could still see the flashing light of the god of death when they looked up.

The Umbrella Company's defense line was at the northernmost end of the Bronx, while the Bronx Zoo where the High Table messenger was located was at the southernmost end of the Bronx, bordering Manhattan. Isn't this a Civil War?

The positions of the two sides were only 20 kilometers apart, and such a short distance was not far in modern warfare.

The missile launchers deployed at the Bronx Zoo also started working at this time. The multiple sets of coordinates calculated in advance could give them a lot of advantages.


Rockets rose into the sky one after another. The rocket launchers and missile launchers of the High Table's messengers had just been launched when missiles from the special operations forces arrived at the zoo.

Boom boom boom!

Amid the piercing whistling sound, more than a dozen groups of extremely dazzling flames suddenly appeared in the dark night, and all the heavy firepower weapons that the High Table had worked so hard to get into the zoo were put to rest. ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

The elite gunners were beaten to slag. The High Table messengers who were within five kilometers of the war zone still had some mortars left, but the mortars needed to be moved to wide places such as streets and rooftops to play a role.

The unmanned vehicles flashing in the sky were slaughtering the High Table messengers at a very efficient speed. If they dared to leave the narrow streets, they would be named by drones the next moment.

The missiles flying towards the Umbrella Company's construction site were blocked by the self-destructing drones that formed a double-layer tight net. Electronic interference caused a few missiles to fail and crash into nearby buildings, and most of the missiles were stopped.

The six thousand mercenaries did not know that all the fire support had been cut off. Since they approached the Umbrella Company's defense line for five kilometers, all electronic equipment was seriously interfered, and even short-distance radio communications were sometimes ineffective.

After losing the signal, the leaders of each mercenary group led their men to attack the Umbrella Company's defense line according to their own ideas.

Gradually, some results were achieved. They were all veterans who had lived in war-torn areas. Facing this kind of urban street fighting, they naturally had their own effective attack methods.

Raise the weapon above your head and stretch it out of the window, pull the trigger, and quickly retract it, just don't show your head.

The mercenaries were hiding in the building to fight. There were many flares fired by the mercenaries in the sky. Through the illumination of the flares, they could see the shuttle drones.

Fortunately, most of the residents of the nearby residential buildings entered the underground parking lot to avoid the war, otherwise the mercenaries would mercilessly kill witnesses and those who were in the way.

The scattered firepower in the building was elusive, and the key point was that the weapons held by these mercenaries were obviously given by the High Table. They were either armor-piercing or rifles with grenade launchers, with powerful firepower.

The temporary defense line built by the special operations forces could not withstand the penetration of anti-material sniper rifles, but the bullets were weakened by the alloy and expansion belt and then hit the special operations soldiers. The damage was not great.

Before the battle began, Duncan asked the soldiers to stuff an extra layer of ceramic plugs and special alloy plugs. The special formula from Tony teacher is always so trustworthy.

The tension brought by the rain of bullets intensified the secretion of adrenaline. The mercenaries were less vigilant on the battlefield in the Middle East. Coupled with the blockade of information, the mercenaries lost most of their ability to judge the battlefield situation.

As long as they can still see the High Table messengers attacking the Umbrella Company in the streets, they will still hide behind the wall and shoot coldly.

On the battlefields of the Middle East, it takes an average of 100,000 bullets to kill a person. The battlefields here are actually similar. Bullets are never the role that takes the most lives.

After the self-destruct drones and attack drones completed the search in the Bronx and confirmed that the High Table no longer had weapons of mass destruction, they began to gradually point their spearheads at the mercenaries hiding inside the building and firing cold guns, as well as the High Table messengers scattered in the streets and alleys, who were difficult to kill with ordinary rifle bullets.

Less than ten minutes after the battle began, this night of legal crime was belittled by critics around the world as a conspiracy, a ruthless persecution of the lower class by the upper class, and a war full of lies.

Some American guests who were not bewitched and controlled by the monsters looked at the public opinion on the Internet and felt the pressure coming.

Officials who were related to the implementation of the night of legal crime looked even more ugly, and they had already imagined how fierce the criticism would be after the end of the legal crime career.

If the plan could develop as they envisioned, the problem would not be too big, but the biggest problem now is that the commotion is too big...

As the largest economic city in the United States, if a gunfight breaks out in New York, even if it is with rocket launchers, the people can barely accept it.

Especially when the police go in to clean up the mess tomorrow, and reporters go in to record the damage, take a look at the city, full of craters, building ruins and corpses mixed together, and those who have survived the night of legal crime come out crying, this will scare people to death.

They want to commit a legal crime, but not to hit a missile on the head!

How can a small pistol compare with a weapon of mass destruction?

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between civilian players and cheating players.

The elders of the High Table fiercely counterattacked the Umbrella Company, all of which were seen by reconnaissance drones, but their drones were quickly shot down by several missiles.

The High Table lost its vision and communication capabilities. They lost control of the battlefield, but it can be imagined that the situation is not optimistic.

At 00:14 in the morning, the battle entered a new stage.

25 new AMP mechas were put into battle. The mechas were equipped with 16-tube rocket launchers on their backs, a minigun on their shoulders, a flamethrower in their left hands, and a large-caliber machine gun in their right hands. Their bodies were covered with special alloys. They began to break into the battlefield and lead dense drone attack aircraft to clear out mercenaries and High Table messengers.

The mecha's fire control system controlled the rotary machine gun to conduct an offensive defense without blind spots. After rushing into the streets and alleys under the rain of bullets, the flamethrower installed on the left hand sprayed holy flames on the insects hiding in the dark, allowing the flames to purify their sinful souls.

The high-table messenger stained with napalm screamed horribly and wanted to take off his equipment to save himself, but he could only be burned into charcoal by the high temperature in a panic.

They did not have the firm will of the Red Army to resist the pain caused by the burning flames. They could only become a corpse in pain.

"Oh! Shit!"

A mercenary team hiding in a residential building saw a product that subverted the world view. The three or four-meter-high mecha raised its hand and easily killed the high-table messenger that bullets could not penetrate with flames. They all cursed and fled.

The mercenaries hurriedly got up and left the room by the window, wanting to escape from this battlefield.

No more playing!

This is different from what was agreed. They have a tm mecha,

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