Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 162: Lift-off Ceremony

In addition, the messengers know that there are resources in other worlds that can be exploited, coupled with the huge treasures in space, and the elimination of the energy crisis, everyone has reached an unprecedented state of having no desires or desires.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

When they close their eyes, they can see that each other's development will get better and better in the Umbrella Company's space development plan, and they no longer need to consume the resources of that one-third acre of land and squeeze ordinary people desperately.

Nowadays, individuals can wear protective clothing and go to space to mine. The huge talent gap created by space development and industrial upgrading will be difficult to solve in the foreseeable future.

Moreover, the first generation of synchronous translation headphones is based on a new chip made of superconducting ore. It can be worn on the head like a headset and realize simultaneous translation in various languages. This greatly solves the contradictions caused by communication barriers and greatly reduces the size of the earth. United Times is finally on the right track, driven by the umbrella company.

Countries are now barely able to agree on a timely exchange centered on peaceful development under the supervision of umbrella companies.

To this end, umbrella companies need to simultaneously open technology patents and set an example.

Some unnecessary persecution can disappear, the United will no longer be a mascot in the future, and the umbrella company will enter the system as a special representative.

After the meeting, representatives from various countries expressed their satisfaction and discussed visiting the Marvel world.

The discussion process was protracted and lasted all night. When they discovered that the sun was already shining outside the window, the people participating in the spacecraft launch ceremony had already entered the designated area led by the staff of the Umbrella Company.

Busy staff are conducting final inspections on the lunar landing spacecraft to ensure that everything is correct.

The place where the crowd was watching was only three kilometers away from the lunar landing spacecraft. As long as all the people raised their heads slightly, they could see every window on the lunar landing spacecraft relatively clearly.

Reporters from News TV stations have already started broadcasting live, quietly waiting for the answers submitted by the umbrella company.

Does the advent of the moon landing spacecraft herald the arrival of a new era?

As more and more people gathered to watch, flags and slogans representing various groups inevitably appeared at the scene.

The Umbrella Company did not place too many demands on the onlookers. They were free to move around in the prescribed areas and naturally formed different teams according to their different groups.

As time went by, almost all the hundreds of thousands of people in Lincoln City came here. The Lincoln City Police Department was not required to do anything at the venue, but they still spontaneously helped the Umbrella Company maintain order.

Some smart vendors were selling various snacks and drinks on the venue. Many people also drove mobile food trucks to the venue and set up tables one after another. Business was booming.

Hologram-projecting drones from Umbrella are already projecting a host of decorative images into the sky nearby.

The Q version of the rocket, the Q version of the astronaut, and the cartoon version of the sun are closely arranged with the cartoon version of the nine planets. These planets are still moving regularly, dotted with some tiny five-pointed stars.

Just looking at these special projections is a visual enjoyment, and it is a kind of relaxation for citizens who have squeezed a lot of desires at work. It has become a public square that makes people happy. ♦♦  ♦♦

But some people still remember that they came to watch the launch of the second manned moon landing spacecraft in human history...

When the time came for the lift-off ceremony, a man's voice sounded from the loudspeaker. Simultaneously with the voice, there was a live broadcast from the official website of the Umbrella Company.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have to sigh with everyone here that time flies so fast and civilization develops so fast."

In the live broadcast room, there was Duncan's face, and he was surrounded by a row of aerospace scholars.

The oldest of these people has gray hair, and the youngest is still dressed as a student, uniformly wearing light blue work clothes. On the chest are the LOGO of the Umbrella Company and the self-developed LOGO of the Space Launch Center. The group looks like it was drawn at random. Several lines connect a five-pointed star.

Everyone around Duncan had a smile on their face, looking at the camera softly, without the dodge of No. 4, because they knew that today belonged to every human being.

Duncan also made a clear explanation on this point. He said: "Today's protagonist is not me, but belongs to all astronauts, every human being living on the earth, and every sage in history who has looked up at the stars... "

After the words were finished, Duncan finished speaking in the first part of the launch ceremony.

A pre-edited clip was played in the live broadcast, including the appearance of historical figures synthesized using CG technology looking up at the starry sky. These historical figures are all well-known in the world.

As the birth time of historical figures moves forward further and further, some black-and-white real image clips appear, the manned rocket takes off, and the peaceful face of astronaut Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin appears in the video Smiling face, the manned moon landing rocket takes off, ending with Neil Armstrong's classic quote.

Today, veteran Armstrong's eyes were filled with tears. He seemed to recall the scene when he landed on the moon more than thirty years ago.

The new live broadcast showed footage of one Quinjet fighter jet after another switching back and forth.

Someone took a camera to film one family after another, and then took the family members on the plane one by one.

These people are of all races, and everyone is equally involved.

The shooting techniques of these clips are very particular, just like an ordinary person holding a handheld camera, the camera has a natural shake, and the riddle-like dialogue also seems to be chatting about family matters.

When the audience was full of doubts about these pictures, the plane broke through the clouds, and everyone saw the aerospace mothership sailing in the sea of ​​clouds.

The plane was parked on a stable deck. There was a circle of high-pressure airflow barrier on the edge of the aerospace mothership. Standing on the deck, there would not be an embarrassing scene of being blown away.

After the plane was parked, the cabin door opened in the direction of the sun. The last picture captured by the handheld camera was a man wearing a special space suit, whose face was not clearly visible due to the light, and the back of the child running out of the cabin shouting "Dad", and the wife who covered her mouth in disbelief.

The perspective switches, and the pictures taken by more professional photography equipment are transmitted to countless shocked viewers through the Internet.

"It's Dad! My Dad!"


A boy and a girl of similar age rushed into the father's arms, and the wife who followed behind still covered her mouth with both hands, as if she couldn't believe what she saw was true.

"Hey... my baby!" The father squatted down, held the two children in his arms, stroked the heads of the two children with his clean cheeks, and said in a choked voice: "Jimmy, did you protect Pera well during my absence? What about Pera? Was she naughty?"

"Dad, are you a pilot? Are you going to fly to the sky now?"

The little boy Jimmy was very excited. Ordinary words obviously couldn't express his emotions. He was dancing and showing his excitement to the people around the world who were watching the live broadcast.

The man burst into laughter, sniffed, and said: "Dad is an astronaut, and he is going to the moon next!"

"Moon? Is there Santa Claus on the moon?" The little girl also won the love of countless people with her frank speech.

"Of course!" The man stood up and smiled as he opened his arms to his wife who was approaching him. "Not only is there Santa Claus, but there are also Christmas gifts. Do you like them?"

"Asshole..." The wife cursed with a smile, and hugged the man with open arms. The tears on her face were captured in close-up by the camera.

"Sorry, I kept it a secret from you for two years..."


The two kissed each other, and the camera zoomed out. Rows of Quinjet fighters landed, and families walked out of the cabin one after another. Touching hugs were lined up in a row.

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