Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 165: Assistance

"Tony, in the past, scientists would not go to the frontline battlefield. They would develop new weapons for soldiers in the rear. Steve also persuaded Tony in the channel: "You should make it easier for everyone and go back. "

"Okay..." After being told by so many people, Tony couldn't stay on the front line any longer. After giving him a final helping hand, he flew towards the New York base.

Soon after, Tony arrived over New York together with several ballistic missiles. The two ring-shaped spaceships hovering over New York were hit by the missiles, disintegrated in the explosion, and crashed into the ruins of New York.

Tony drove the armor back to the underground base through the secret passage and met Duncan and Alice who had been waiting for them.

"Huh... You're going to negotiate, right? I'm going to clean up first."

Duncan looked up and down Tony's body. There were more traces of battle left on the armor, which looked tragic. He nodded and said, "No, just go by as you are now."

Going to meet with the diplomatic missions from various countries in this embarrassed state can prove how urgent the situation here is and how to get more assistance.

"Indeed..." Tony slapped the metal head. He had never been reprimanded like this before. After being reprimanded for a few words, Tony felt dizzy. He shook his head with a headache and said, "Then let's go."

The three people entered the elevator and, together with a group of wounded people, waited for the elevator to reach the surface.

In the rumbling elevator, the suppressed cries and sobs of the soldiers were very harsh, and Tony fell into the anxiety of being criticized for doing nothing even though he could have done better.

To his ears, the soldiers' wailing was not a wail, but a beating and torture of the soul again and again.

What on earth am I doing?


The elevator stopped rising, and the back door opened quickly. The medical soldiers waiting next to the elevator quickly rushed into the elevator, pulled the wounded onto the bed, and pushed them to the temporary hospital. At the same time, they carefully checked the injuries. Those who needed surgery would be taken away. Surgery, if surgery is not required but affects mobility, an injection of analgesics will be given and sent to the novice nurse for bandaging.

Duncan walked out of the elevator first, followed closely by Alice, and Tony was the last to come out.

The sky was still so gloomy. After two ballistic missiles destroyed the ring-shaped spacecraft, the sounds in the New York sky became much less intense, and the wailing of the wounded in the camp became clearer.

Tony, who couldn't bear to watch, walked through the portal. The other side of the portal was not quiet, but it was less smelly than the other side.


As soon as Tony came out, Happy, who was staying in the warehouse, trotted up and showed a relieved expression when he saw that although the armor was painted in a mess, there was nothing serious.

The suit opened from the middle. The moment Tony, who was wearing a T-shirt, stepped out of the suit, he immediately became shorter. He stepped forward and hugged Happy hard, then let go of him and asked: "Where is Pepper? She is there?" This?"

"She works in an office building, do you want me to inform her?" Happy pointed to the place where Pepper was huddled, indicating that he could inform her.

Tony refused: "No, I'm going to give her a surprise."

"Okay, Tony, the meeting is in 30 minutes. Remember to arrive at the address I gave you and put on your armor!"

Duncan gave Tony thirty minutes to meet and reminisce, and then they had to go to the reception building of the Space Launch Center to meet with the diplomatic missions from various countries to discuss material assistance.

Tony said he understood. His eye circles were still red and he looked like he wanted to cry. He must have wanted Pepper, who was as heart-warming as his mother, to give him a hug.

We took a plane to the Space Launch Center in advance. The launch ceremony of the moon landing spacecraft had just ended. The Space Launch Center did not re-enter the closed state. Instead, more and more people gathered in the open space of the Space Launch Center to eat, drink and have fun.

There is also an unknown band that has set up a stage and is singing music on it. Below is a crowd of people watching and cheering. The world here seems so peaceful.

Under the management of the Umbrella Company, this country has barely returned to a peaceful and prosperous age. No one will worry about survival, and most places can live and work in peace and contentment.

The plane landed at the airport. Duncan went to the reception building and found the envoys from various countries, reminding them that in half an hour, the first visitor from another world to meet and communicate with them would be arriving, and to some extent he could represent the government.

Anyway, Marvel is a mess and we can't expect those people trapped by the consortium to be of any use. Let's just let Tony talk about it, and send them a notice directly after the negotiation is completed.

The members of the mission agreed and actively prepared for the meeting later.

The thirty minutes ended quickly, and it was still the closed conference room. The messengers took their positions and quietly waited for the arrival of the main characters.

Duncan was among them. He took out his cell phone and took a look at it. Then he stood up and walked towards the door. The messengers who were chatting quietly followed Duncan's footsteps to the door of the conference room.

The door was opened, and Tony, who was completely enclosed in a suit, appeared at the door.


The envoys from various countries looked at this murderous robot, as silent as a statue, with expressions of confusion in their eyes.

The battle-damaged Mark 45 armor walked into the conference room with heavy steps, and came to the center, facing the envoys sitting in rows.

No one said anything, they all looked at each other.

Finally, the suit separated from the center and Tony stepped out of the suit.

At this time, the members of the delegation realized that this robot was not actually a robot, but a set of mechanical armor that people could wear!

They were not scientists, but guests who knew more than ordinary people, and were shocked by this future technology that only stayed in science fiction movies.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. Let me introduce myself. My name is Tony Stark. In my world, people are very happy to call me a 'hero' because of my deeds, but now..."

The armor helmet projected light, interweaving in the sky to form a screen, and the scene of Thanos's army invading the earth appeared.

As a matchmaker, Duncan sat in a corner and watched Tony communicate with the envoys quietly.

Watching him answer the questions of the envoys with ease, and using all the conditions they could use to achieve one goal after another.

Finally, the aid method was determined.

In terms of military aid, various countries will send military doctors to Marvel and provide Marvel with a large amount of light weapons and missile support.

In terms of people's livelihood, food, medicine, tents, water, and all kinds of resources needed in emergencies will be provided.

The first batch of supplies will depart with the visiting delegation. After experiencing the scenes of future wars in Marvel, it will be determined whether more assistance is needed.

At the same time, Duncan took out some military technologies that Umbrella Corporation did not need much, so that countries could carry out a round of arms upgrades, so that more obsolete weapons can enter the Marvel world and more new weapons can be added to the list of support supplies.

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