Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 170: Biological Computer

Real artificial intelligence systems are actually accumulated from a large amount of data. They know what kind of things should be done in what kind of scenarios.

In the eyes of computer systems, the world is a combination of 0s and 1s. What they see is not people, but a string of 0s and 1s.

When artificially retarded people look at a street light, they may recognize it as a person. When the person corrects this wrong view, the artificially retarded person will remember that the round columnar object is not a person, but a streetlight.

But when an artificial intelligence encounters different styles of street lights, it may still mistake the street lights for people.

Therefore, artificial intelligence needs to learn again and again, deep learning, so that it can accumulate a large amount of data, and in the random evolution of computer language, understand what is what and how to do it to suit the current scenario.

Currently, the only real artificial intelligence that has a chaotic system similar to the human brain is Ultron.

Jarvis was a little less interesting, and the Red Queen was only half of them. The Red Queen and the White Queen copied from the Red Queen were only prototypes, and their thoughts were still dull.

By combining artificial intelligence with quantum computers, they may be able to perfect quantum algorithms themselves and learn by themselves for the operation of human society.

Using the super-computing power of quantum computers, we can complete the evolution of life that takes hundreds of millions of years in a short time, and complete the construction of thinking in the ocean of data.

Quantum computers will be put into use soon, which means that the umbrella company's management system can be upgraded to make operations more efficient.

The daily working hours of human beings may be shortened a lot, thus saving a lot of time to learn knowledge.

Every adult is eager to return to school one day. They can open several adult schools to give adults the opportunity to learn topics that interest them.

"The quantum computer is now complete, and I am a little interested in the alien biological computer you brought back from the new world."

Three months ago, Tony was very reluctant to stay behind and do scientific research, but now he is impressed by the various novel projects being developed by Umbrella Company.

Although he calls himself a genius, he has to admit the talents of other scholars. Umbrella Company pays more attention to the practical application of technology. When he walked into the laboratory on the first day, it was like walking into a paradise for scientists.

Any experimental project, even if it is just a sudden burst of inspiration in the mind, just apply and it will be approved immediately.

The Umbrella Company invests endlessly in scientific research, and almost all the excess profits are invested in scientific research. These useless money play an important role in promoting the social progress of mankind with the unlimited spirit of exploration.

In addition, Tony also saw some novel things from other worlds, such as NZT-48, which he was more interested in, a round brain that was soaked in nutrient solution in an advanced laboratory, and a group of dark brown monsters. .

Through Director Corsi, who leads brain-computer research, Tony learns that this is an interstellar race from another world, as well as the computers they use.

A biological computer used by an interstellar civilization?

The unattractive brain immediately aroused Tony's interest. It was not that he had never tried to dismantle technological equipment from the Chitauri, but those equipment also existed like a black box to a super genius like him.

Humans may be able to use the remains of Chitauri equipment to make many incredible equipment, but it is impractical to understand the technology of their equipment by dismantling them.

The materials used in the Chitauri's anti-gravity engine are not available on Earth, and the technical principles can only lead to answers similar to arithmetic problems. As for how this arithmetic problem came about, Tony couldn't figure it out.

But with a complete biological computer and a few weak aliens, he might be able to find a lot of systematic technology from it.

If space jump technology can be obtained, mankind can immediately enter a new era and open the era of the great universe.

"If you think you have time, of course you can do research, but you should have higher priorities." Duncan did not refuse, but just reminded Tony that the brain was not the most urgent research topic.

After Thanos' crisis is resolved, Tony will be able to review all the scientific research projects of the Umbrella Company. This is his feedback for merging Stark Industries into Umbrella.

Tony made a mocking face and waved his hands indifferently. He did not mention the research on biological computers and continued to write quantum algorithms. "The blueprint of the quantum computer has been uploaded to the database and can now be manufactured. The company needs at least four quantum computers. They are responsible for experimental computing, storage, artificial intelligence learning, and the last one is responsible for intelligent management.”

“Submit your request to the system and everything will be supported unconditionally.”

After ending the topic of quantum computers, Duncan thought of another thing. He became a little more serious and said, "The time for transferring the gems is coming soon. We need to start preparations."

Tony stopped moving in his hands, then continued to work, but replied in a serious tone: "I will go back the day after tomorrow to remind them."

The gems are transferred back to the Marvel world, and Thanos may let more fleets attack the earth to try to snatch them.

Perhaps the main reason why Purple Sweet Potato Spirit has not appeared on Marvel Earth in person is because he cannot find traces of the gems. Once the gems reappear on the earth, there is a chance that he will send powerful troops or enter the earth to snatch them himself.

If that is the case, they can try to deploy a large number of steel soldiers at the location of the gems, and bury a few nuclear bombs. If Thanos enters the location of the gems in person, they can detonate the nuclear bombs and try to kill the enemy leaders.

However, this method is a little risky and needs to be prepared in advance.

Duncan was not very worried about this matter, but just reminded: "If the situation is critical, you can let Carol try to use the power of the gems to defeat him, as long as Thanos does not get the power gem and the space gem."

"OK!" With his words, Tony's nervous heart was slightly relieved. After all, the guarantor of this sentence was Dr. Stephen Strange, and the doctor's little magic was still worthy of recognition and very magical.

Originally, he wanted to come here to watch the formation of the quantum computer, but Tony didn't seem to plan to put the quantum computer into use today, so Duncan didn't stay any longer.

Before leaving, he remembered something and asked Tony, "Maybe I will enter a new world in a month. Do you have time to make another set of armor for me?"

Tony showed a surprised expression on his face, stopped working again, turned around and said in surprise, "Going to a new world so soon?"

"The time to get the opportunity to enter a new world is increasing. The first world to open is your world. The second world to open will appear in six months. The third world will appear in 12 months. Now it is the fourth world, two years. The next time may be four years later."

Duncan said the changes in the rules of crossing the world that he summarized. After exploring this world, if you want to go to the next world, you have to wait for four years.

It just so happens that Umbrella Corporation now has enough spare capacity to develop the fourth world together, so he shortened the exploration time, and after the five worlds are connected together, they will finally be connected together to achieve basic integration in four years.

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