Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 182: Gentech Corporation

After seeing the content of the national public speech, the citizens in the restaurant were chilled. Many people even looked outside the store many times and looked at the seven members of the exploration team in the store many times.

Gardner noticed the eyes of the people around him looking at him, cleared his throat and said: "It's true. There are now infected people in New York. I suggest you get food and water first and go home to wait for rescue."


The citizens who got the clear answer were very excited, but they were restrained because of the presence of the seven members of the exploration team. They checked out and left. Even the owner of the restaurant took off his gloves, took out a pistol from the counter and put it on his waist, and took out a shotgun, telling the seven members of the exploration team that the store was going to close.

The seven members of the team did not say anything about this and left the restaurant silently. They walked on the street and found that there were more people jogging or running on the street. Many people have learned what is happening in New York through television, mobile phones, radio, etc., and are rushing home or to pick up their families.

This is a real world. The seven people standing on the street suddenly felt a faint sense of absurdity.

But in the final analysis, this sense of absurdity is just a strange feeling caused by eliminating the sense of alienation in the process of adapting to this world. They are like entering a hellish planet.

Suddenly, they found that after two days since they came to this world, the sky seemed to be so gloomy and lightless, and it was extremely depressing.

Jill turned off all the display functions of the combat helmet except the environmental display. The holographic image made her feel that she was not wearing lenses to see the world through the helmet. Except for not being able to feel the breeze and smell, the expressions on the faces of passers-by running wildly were so real.

"Continue the mission, investigate the Black Watch Force..."

Gardner also turned off the intelligent current display function of the combat helmet and saw the world clearly, but he could still distinguish the priorities.

It is okay to have sympathy for the people in this world. This is a manifestation of the normal working of human empathy, but to put down the task to help civilians transfer and deliver food, such things should be left to others.

Ten days of investigation time is still a bit too conservative. Now only two days have passed, and the abnormal places in this world have told them the existence of abnormalities in a natural disaster-like way.

The virus can be considered a natural disaster... If there is no human control, it can indeed be considered a natural disaster.

The seven people regrouped and began to investigate the Black Watch.

The initial investigation channel was naturally the Internet.

However, there was not much explosive information about the Black Watch on the Internet, only a cold and formulaic introduction.

The Black Watch was established by the US military and is dedicated to preventing the mainland from being harmed by biological and chemical weapons attacks.

Thanks to the advancement of globalization, more unknown infectious diseases from other lands have entered the US mainland. The extreme but very effective treatment method of the Black Watch has enabled this force to develop vigorously and obtain greater privileges.

The level of ordinary Black Watch soldiers is higher than that of Marines. Now the Marines in New York are all helping Black Watch, leaving some less important tasks to the Marines.

Although the development of this world network is very slow, it is not without traces. In the vast amount of information on the dark web, they finally found some special information about the Black Watch.

This mysterious army does have little information left, but there is a medical company with more information, which has a close connection with Black Watch.

And the name of that company is "GENTEC".

Then they found that Gentec is a relatively low-key medical company dedicated to the research of vaccines for highly infectious diseases and is a subordinate research institute of Black Watch.

Then the seven people began to look for information about Gentec and soon obtained a lot of information.

The head of Gentec is Raymond McLennan. The company has a large number of research institutes in New York, and the research institutes are basically concentrated on Manhattan Island.

After careful comparison, they found that the two Black Watch bases that were previously monitored were actually Gentec's research institutes.

Gentec also has an office building located on the edge of Clinton District near the city center, which is the next target of the seven people.

The unrest in the city was gradually suppressed by the Black Watch. This group of cold-blooded guys was very good at suppressing the spread of the virus. Although the method was rough, they did allow this city on the verge of collapse to continue to survive.

In just one night, New York returned to its peaceful state of operation, except that there were more Marines on the streets for daily patrols.

The purpose was to protect the lives of New York citizens, but in fact it was to get them back to work.

Even if many people died in the city in one day, the survivors still had to work, otherwise they would not be able to get food.

New York citizens who had been persecuted by infectious diseases for a long time were also accustomed to this pace of life. They really returned to their jobs, but they wore heavy gas masks and gloves in the studio, carried disinfectants and pistols with them, and had full safety awareness.

The exploration team spent half a day collecting information, half a day scouting the site, and another half a day choosing a thorough plan.

Finally, on the third night after coming to this world, they sneaked into the office building of Gentek and successfully obtained information related to inhumane human experiments, but that was only the personal record of the experimenter, and it was still a long way from being able to serve as evidence.

Afterwards, they used the spider robot to sneak into the Gentek research institute guarded by the Black Watch, evaded the guards and surveillance, and successfully confirmed the existence of human experiments and biological weapons development experiments.

When Jill saw the living people restrained in the hospital beds, injected with various strange drugs and screaming heartbreakingly, her blood pressure also rose.

I hate the ubiquitous careerists and express my inability to accept them. At the same time, I also feel that the great character of Duncan, the president of Umbrella Company, who can stay clean in the mud, is so precious and noble.

The spider robot wandered around the Gentek research institute for a long time, and by chance, found a man who was acting sneaky in the laboratory.

"Invincibility Begins with Sacrificing the Ancestor"

The man, wearing a leather jacket and a hood on his head, took a bottle of red liquid under the surveillance of the spider robot and then quickly left the research institute.

Gardner discovered the man's abnormality and asked the spider robot to follow the man until the man passed the identity recognition and walked out of the Gentech company's research institute.

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