Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 186: Smart Drugs

Viruses, a large number of unknown viruses appeared in that world, and they have been fighting against various highly contagious diseases... What a terrible world!

"Cooperate with the experimenter to conduct a physical examination, and your equipment should also be sent for disinfection." Duncan nodded slightly and walked out of the isolation room.

Not long after, the experimenter wearing a full isolation chemical protection suit pushed several large boxes into the isolation room, transferred the samples collected by the exploration team into more professional containers one by one, and performed simple full-body disinfection for the seven people.

The seven people cooperated very well. They were also very afraid of the endless viruses in that world. They didn't dare to get hurt there, and they didn't even dare to eat the normal food in that world. The water had to be boiled several times before they dared to drink it.

After leaving the isolation room and taking off the armor, Duncan underwent another round of rapid testing to confirm that he was not infected by any strange virus, and then he left with peace of mind.

With the data of the new world, he went to Tony's laboratory.

In these ten days, Tony, who has become a model worker, has not been idle for a moment. Through the analysis of the atomic arrangement of vibranium and the study of Wakanda technology, he has produced a new battery technology, which Tony named the high-energy particle battery.

The update of battery technology has created more powerful weapons.

During the period after the research of the high-energy particle battery, Tony has been exporting new technologies. His brain alone is equivalent to, or even stronger than, ten scientists who have taken NZT-48 drugs.

The project Tony is currently in charge of is to produce a mobile manufacturing station that can be adjusted at any time and complete complex production work. It is a bit like a mobile production base. As long as the basic raw materials are invested, the base vehicle can be in place in one step and produce the required products in a short time.

This idea actually originated from the first gem transfer incident.

After the exploration team set off for the new world, Tony brought the hydrogen bomb and the gem into the Marvel Earth, and set up a plan to try to seduce Thanos to the location of the gem, detonate the hydrogen bomb and send Thanos on the road.

It's a pity that Thanos didn't wait, but waited for the overwhelming battleships.

Tony was taught a lesson by the human wave tactics for the first time. That day, more people died in the war than in every day before, so he also had to improve productivity and teach the aliens a good lesson.

In the end, the hydrogen bomb only killed a general in Thanos's army, Black Dwarf, and a large group of miscellaneous soldiers. The human side also fired hundreds of nuclear bombs into the sky as air defense weapons to clear out a large number of enemies.

Here I would like to mention a little knowledge point. The United States once tried to use nuclear bombs as air defense weapons. The nuclear bomb exploded at an altitude of 5,000 meters, and there were five people standing below 5,000 meters. The nuclear bomb exploded, but the five people below were not hurt. American military experts used such experiments to prove that nuclear bomb air defense is very reliable.

There is no pollution problem with nuclear bombs, because they explode at high altitudes, and the radiation will dissipate in a short time.

Tony's laboratory is located in the new block of the Meimen Industrial Park, where the first fusion reactor using helium 3 as raw material in the world of Resident Evil was built. Tony works here on weekdays.

When Duncan found Tony, he was directing the third-generation industrial robots to build all kinds of dazzling equipment on a giant crawler chassis.

His arrival did not affect the industrial robots that were working in an orderly manner. Tony, who was staying in the control room, did not notice his arrival. His eyes were still fixed on the design drawings on the holographic screen, constantly deleting and revising.

There is also a quantum computer in the basement here, which was made in a hurry to cooperate with Tony in various scientific research.


Duncan swiped on the tablet and directly covered the data of the new world on the holographic screen in front of him, forcibly interrupting his experiment, "The team is back, they have been in hell for ten days."

"What are you doing!" Tony did not look at the information at the first time, turned his head and glared at him, complaining that Duncan interrupted his concentration on this matter, "Do you know how difficult it is for me to concentrate on studying this matter?"

Facing Tony's accusation, Duncan seemed very indifferent, but urged him: "Look at the information first."

Tony rolled his eyes, and then the more he looked at the information on the screen, the deeper his brows frowned.

In the end, he opened his mouth wide, completely shocked by everything in the new world, and deeply understood the word "hell" that Duncan said.

As many as 100 kinds of highly contagious diseases with a mortality rate of over 10%, multiple zombie viruses with a mortality rate of over 95%, and parasites with extremely strong reproductive ability, a planet that nurtures life has completely become a terrifying hell.

"Are these all true?"

Because it was too scary, after being shocked, Tony even doubted the authenticity of the information.

"You can go and see it with your own eyes."

The best response to doubts is to let him witness it with his own eyes.

"Okay..." Tony took a deep breath and sighed: "I may not have so much energy to help another world now, sorry."

Although it is indeed pitiful for the people in that world to be in hell, the external war of Marvel Earth is still going on. Recently, the offensive of the Thanos Legion has become stronger, and more and more strange interstellar war weapons have made humans exhausted. He still has his own world to save.

Tony didn't even want Duncan to allocate Umbrella Corporation's resources to support another world, because it would put more pressure on Marvel Earth...

Selfishness is an instinct engraved in genes.

"NZT-48!" Duncan said the name of a drug, and after Tony turned to look at it, he took out the bottle from his pocket, "The laboratory just eliminated the side effects of this drug yesterday, at the cost of weakening the effect by 8%. The smarter People, the effect will be greater after eating it, do you want to try it?”

Science is the primary productive force, and NZT-48 is like a buff that increases scientific research speed by 100% to 1000%.

Duncan has already taken this drug, and the feeling of becoming smarter is irresistible to anyone. According to his analysis, after Tony takes this drug, the enhanced effect may reach 8 times. The current problem will be was resolved within a short period of time.

When the production base opens into the world of Avatar and Killer, resources will be produced in batches, and Tony will also have extra time to research a new idea that came to him after taking drugs.

Henry Jonathan Pym's Pym particles, the study of the microscopic world, are an important way to advance basic science.


Even though he has become smarter, Duncan does not think he will be able to participate in cutting-edge scientific research in a short time.

But he has a flexible mind, and among the various memories in his mind, he has found a path that can lead to the ultimate future.

There are three ways to achieve the goal, but there is only one goal, to complete the "ascension" of life and spiritual eternity.

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