Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 191: Demonic Worm

After the sound like tearing open spicy crispy chicken, the forest did not return to peace. Instead, the parasitic zombies from the nearby town caused a commotion in the woods. There were shadowy figures behind the bushes and roars that kept approaching.

Most of them were just ordinary parasite injuries. Another special operations soldier had already raised his rifle and shot at the approaching parasite zombies.

The miraculous marksmanship surprised the family, who had a good understanding of firearms and shooting. Most people on the battlefield would shoot indiscriminately in the direction of the sound, and some would hold the gun high above the bunker to shoot with faith.

This kind of scene of standing still and shooting each other usually only appears in movies.

"We are going to evacuate, let the children go first. The medical soldiers are not too concerned about the approaching zombies, because they have full confidence in their own combat effectiveness.

The family of five finally chose to trust the few people in front of them under the threat of zombies approaching Chi Chi, and brought their children to the flying hospital bed.

"Okay, don't worry, we need to check the body first." The medical soldier was still not in a hurry. He opened the medical box and scanned the bodies of the three children with a variety of dazzling portable instruments.

A blue light was applied to the girl's body to scan, and the scan results were transmitted to the inside of the helmet. After confirming that there were no foreign objects in the little girl's body and no obvious signs of disease, she was carried to the hospital bed with one hand.

"Just sit here and don't move!"

The little girl carefully looked at the special operations soldiers who were tearing apart zombies with their hands and ruthlessly harvesting the lives of parasitic zombies. She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Husbands and wives should take the initiative to help prevent those damn parasites from harming their children when they check up on their children!

The medics began to examine the boys. There was nothing wrong with the first boy, but a wriggling foreign body was found in the body of the oldest of the three children.

"A parasite entered your body?"

The temperature of the geographical environment in a cold zone climate is not as cold as the words spoken by the medical soldier at this time.

The already pale face of the boy who was about thirteen years old turned even paler after hearing these words, his body began to tremble, and his lips were trembling and he could not speak.

Unknowingly, the couple were still shooting at the parasitic zombies, and the sound of the gunfire was too loud to drown out the words of the medic.

Only the mother who was more concerned about her child noticed her eldest son's instantly pale complexion and helpless look. She retreated to the floating hospital bed and asked nervously: "Are you okay? Jack? Why do you look so bad? Doctor?" "

Another medical soldier had finished collecting parasites, and took off the large medical box behind his back, and took out a whole-body freezing device from inside.

The medical soldier who examined the three children said bluntly to the panicked mother: "Parasites were found in his body..."

"No...this is not true, is it? Anderson! Doctor, you can save him, right?"

When she heard that her child had parasites, the mother almost fell to the ground. Her face became as pale as the child. In panic, she could only cry out to her husband and medical soldiers.

"Calm down, we will provide him with treatment, but there is no guarantee that he can be cured." The medical soldier had a business-like attitude and did not want to say more about it. He and another medical soldier injected the boy with the medicine they brought, and finally injected him with the medicine he brought. A fully sealed human-shaped bag was zipped around the boy's body, resembling a body bag.

After starting the injection of chemical reagents, the sealed bag instantly inflated like an inflated balloon, and finally the anesthetized boy was placed on the suspended hospital bed.

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