Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 217: The choice that must be made

The Na'vi are very smart. The special life system on Pandora has given great advantages to the development of intelligent races.

Interconnected neural units can help the Na'vi understand each other and even share some knowledge. The mental connection they call Sahelu has the potential to bring the Na'vi race to the universe. Moreover, their lifespan is not short. Each Na'vi can live for more than a hundred years.

Imagine that a smart Na'vi came up with a new basic scientific theory. He only needs to find a few companions to connect with each other and then pass on the idea. Then everyone will master this technology. It may take time, but it is much more efficient than humans teaching through simple oral narration.

The Na'vi have now developed gunpowder weapons with the help of those traitor scientists. If the Na'vi can make cars, aircraft, or artillery tanks in a short time, they will have to send troops to suppress them, or...

This hidden fear of a race that has more potential than themselves. If they have the opportunity, they will definitely kill the Na'vi when they are weak, just like the ancestors of Homo sapiens killed other humans living on Earth.

There used to be more than just Homo sapiens on Earth. They have met countless times in the long river of history, but now there is only Homo sapiens on Earth.

While emotional scholars feel lonely, they are also looking for the reasons for the extinction of other humans.

The famous Homo sapiens extinction hypothesis was proposed by scholars when they were studying the development of ancient humans. They took out various side information to point out that Homo sapiens was the murderer of the extinction of Neanderthals.

No one dares to make a conclusion because such speculation is too shocking.

But no one absolutely denies this speculation because Homo sapiens may indeed do so.

When they feel that another ethnic group similar to themselves threatens their own survival and development, the sense of crisis and humiliation will force them to make decisions to hurt others to save themselves.

Just like when ordinary people see friends who once lagged behind them suddenly achieve amazing achievements, the humiliation and unwillingness hidden under the smile will be multiplied. People with darker hearts will even try every means to embarrass their friends, or even plan more cruel revenge plans.

"Na'vi, how to deal with them?"

Parker had similar thoughts about the Na'vi. Seeing those Na'vi wrapped in animal skins suddenly use gunpowder weapons, his chest was mixed with many complex emotions.

There was anger at seeing the traitors teach aliens to attack humans, surprise at the speed of the Na'vi's acceptance of civilization and development, and concern about the racial potential of the Na'vi.

Some arrogant people might think that the technology that humans have developed for thousands of years cannot be surpassed by a primitive and barbaric race in a short period of time... but he is not that kind of person.

Duncan waved his hand and looked at the photo of the Na'vi on the holographic screen, and asked instead: "How do you think we should deal with it?"

"Well, I think we should catch those traitors and give the Na'vi some warnings..." Parker said his thoughts.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Catching and executing the traitor scientists who ran over from the Hell Gate Base can greatly slow down the development of those Na'vi. Whether it is threats and intimidation or the implementation of genocide policies, this is beneficial.

Only by making the enemy not understand themselves can they be afraid. Keeping those traitors there always makes people feel uncomfortable.

This matter is not a small matter. After thinking for a while, Duncan decided to adopt Parker's idea, and this matter can be handed over to the super soldier unit that Colonel Quach is about to form.

After talking about the arrangements for the Na'vi, he talked about the operation of the City of Angels and the work report was over.

Duncan took Alice to the Pandora Research Institute, which was moved out of the Hell Gate Base. This institute was built by Umbrella to study everything on Pandora. There are currently 130,000 people in the institute, most of whom are scholars in the world of Resident Evil.

This is a semi-educational institute with a large area. Some parts are under construction, and the completed parts are very lively every day.

These hard-working scientists contribute themselves and work hard every day to understand Pandora.

NZT-48 drugs are the most common basic supplies here. When studying something on Pandora, teachers and students always take drugs in large quantities.

There are many key research projects being carried out in the Pandora Research Institute: clear classification of superconducting minerals, factors that form Yinwa's consciousness, the replicability of the mind connection of Pandora's life, and the development of remote consciousness connection...

The superconducting minerals on Pandora come from meteorite impacts billions of years ago. The source is the same as the Wakanda Vibranium on Marvel Earth, but the reserves of superconducting minerals are more than Vibranium. If they are not used indiscriminately, they should be able to support the Umbrella Corporation to find a substitute or synthesize superconducting minerals.

Superconducting minerals do not simply refer to a type of mineral, but a general term for a type of mineral. The classification of minerals is a must for mining and use.

The research on Yinwa is to crack the mystery of the spirit and explore the reasons for the formation of the spirit.

The two technologies of mind connection and consciousness connection are also very important to humans. At least for the education industry and disabled people with congenital deformities, the consciousness connection technology can run and jump with the body of a clone like ordinary people. This technology related to the spirit is also an important way for humans to explore the spiritual field.

After inspecting the underground research institute, the research progress was not very encouraging. Despite the help of some of the scientists' knowledge from the Hell Gate Base, the consciousness connection technology was still like an impenetrable black box.

Each step can be broken down to know what it does, but why it can allow a person to control another body hundreds of kilometers away while lying in a cabin is completely incomprehensible.

Just like a child who knows how a TV works but cannot fully understand it, even an Avatar scientist who participated in the development of consciousness connection technology can only say that the emergence of this technology is full of accidents.

Before the scientists of the Umbrella Company came, they believed that consciousness connection was related to the special magnetic field of the Pandora world, but after the drug-addicted scientists of the Umbrella Company came, they used instruments to test mental power to scan the mental state of the main body and the connected object. They overturned this theory, leaving the consciousness connection technology with only engineers who can make it, but no scientists who can understand it.

Now they are still looking for the reason for the consciousness connection effect, and there is no way to bring this technology to the practical application field for the time being.

After visiting the Pandora Research Institute, Duncan and Alice stayed here temporarily.

In addition to being a scientific research city, Angel City is also a production city of multiple resources. In addition to superconducting ores, other common ores, wood, and animal carcasses are transformed into various commodities...

Adding up all the projects, the four million people in Angel City and several surrounding mining towns are actually not enough.

To fully develop Pandora, at least hundreds of millions of people are needed. In this way, the problem of the Na'vi needs to be faced directly.

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